Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #12

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I'll be around, although I haven't had much to say lately.

There's still a lot of information soon to be released about this trial that will answer many of the unanswered questions that many people had during the trial so there should be much to discuss for those who are interested.

I saw part of Wilmott's interview, where she volunteers to answer the question "How do you sleep at night?" I found her answer less than sincere. She only said "I sleep just fine, I really do." But, the question was not a literal one, and the real question was not if she sleeps well at night, but how.

The question itself is only a symbolic way of asking "How is what you're doing right? Can you really justify attempting to damage the reputation of an already slaughtered and helpless victim and thus attempt to take away the dignity and value of his living memory when that is all his loved ones have left to treasure and cherish, because it's a job, and someone has to do it?"

"How, because it's your job, do you take the pain that evil has caused, the torture inflicted on helpless innocence, and seek to add to it to the fullest measure your mind can conceive? Is it because it's just a practical fact that only evil can defend evil? Have you convinced yourself by that fact that you are absolved of responsibility?"

I have no doubt that you, and all of those like you, do sleep well at night, but the question remains to me unanswered: How?


BBM: I'll be here also ! And I totally agree -- there's info that has not yet been released and would luv to see it, especially Sheriff Joe's report on the :jail: -- and -- videos/transcripts of the 1,000,000,000 Sidebars :judge:

:gaah: !
Wow. How utterly naive or arrogant of that twitterer - that statement could go either way.

I can only speak for myself, but I think most might feel the same. If she had been honest from the beginning and called 911 and admitted what she'd done, we'd probably have never heard of her. The exploitation of the media in ALL forms was her decision. She thought she could continue to manipulate and it did her no good.

What she did psychologically and morally to Travis during their short relationship, and finally physically to Travis was beyond words.
She killed in a sadistic and brutal manner and wanted him to know she was doing it.

What she did during the court process just added the cherry on top.

She's a disgusting human being and without her preening and boasting throughout the years while using the media, THAT doesn't change.

Aaron Hernandez is a disgusting human being, but at least he (such as they are) didn't put himself out there all over the place. See the difference? (Not a snipe at you LostOldUserName, but at the twitterer who made the statement) None. They were each judged solely on their actions regarding the murder. By and large, people do the right thing and that includes jurors. The oj fiasco was an anomaly thank goodness.

Their murderous acts speak for themselves. That's what they are ultimately judged on.

The rest is just rich, rich fodder for entertainment and ridicule, and that includes the behavior of any professionals such as the mitigation person, expert witnesses, court employees such as the bailiff or admin allegedly giving her "legal" opinion and allegedly passing confidential information to an outside person. Professional people should behave as professionals, not immature junior high school girls. ALV, MDLR and judicial assistant.

If she had been honest from the get go, my opinion of her would not be different. It's hard to separate people from their actions and all she did was reinforce what kind of person she was.

After killing him so cruelly, there is nothing she could have said or done to make me change my opinion of her.

BBM: Not taken that way. I knew there would be different opinions on this. :)
edited to add BBM.
Unfortunately, even among a group made up of narcissists, liars and drama queens, Jodi will instinctively be able to cull the weaker, needier members of the herd and get them to worship her and do her bidding. Drama is what people like Jodi live for and there will be lots of it where Jodi is going. Susan Smith managed to have sex with her prison guard and to troll Prison Babe dating sites. Karla Homolka had both a male and a female lover buying her jewels and vying for her affection. The seductiveness and charm of a sociopath able to key in on a victim's weak spots can't be overstated. In addition to the other sociopaths, prisons are full of needy and vulnerable people looking for someone to fixate upon.

However, although I do believe Jodi will adapt, learn the lingo and gather groupies, Jodi will still live in a crummy, not air conditioned cell, sleep on a hard bed and eat crummy food. And nobody else's son or grandson or brother can be hurt by Jodi. She'll probably break hearts in prison though.

Anyway, my own opinion is that Jodi's ability to do harm will be minimized because she will be locked up. But, because so many prisoners are in prison from being lured in by seductive strong personalities, prison will be a good hunting place for Jodi to find new victims. I doubt if she'll spend the rest of her days growing hair and giving Spanish lessons.
Re the killer, I bet she was the kind of person that the people she was hanging with couldn't wait until she left. Like fingernails on a chalkboard. She probably was the person that stayed too long at any party, showed up uninvited, injected herself in everyone's conversations without invitation, and
just had no social skills whatsoever.

I also think she would have had little to no sense of humour, especially where herself was concerned. That would make her even more painful to be around. Vain, self-centred, humourless, thin-skinned behind all that make-up, thought she was better than everyone else, jealous, deceptive, a bit bitter - she would totally be someone you would avoid. No wonder she didn't seem to have any friends at all.
I'll definitely be around. I don't post much because my toddler keeps me oh so busy. But I read here at some point everyday and I enjoy it! Drives me nuts when the "move on" type of post happens. I've read several of those in the last few months. I am quite okay with any poster that chooses to move on from this case. It is an individual choice. IMO, it is more than ok to discuss this case for as long as one wants and it is also just as ok for the people who are over it to move on.
Please keep posting because this is one of my favorite places to read during my 'mommy break time.'

Elisa, I read while I breastfeed my baby! That's why I don't post much, because I have to type one-handed! I really enjoy reading everyone's brilliant posts.
Yeah me too. Then I suspect there will be another case that grabs me. Sadly. Arias I will forget as she fades away. Travis never.

These are the cases that I have begun to follow...... perhaps :seeya: on other threads

1) Noah Thomas - VA - Found in septic tank both parents being held without bond now http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?275824-VA-Noah-Terry-Thomas-5-Pulaski-22-March-2015-*Parents-Arrested*-5/page11

2) Kelly Nash - GA - Went missing in the middle of the night, was found in Lake Lanier (ID has special on it now) http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?267622-GA-Kelly-Nash-25-Buford-5-January-2015/page3

3) Erin Corwin - CA - Was having affair and her body was found in a mineshaft. Christopher Lee charged http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...entynine-Palms-28-June-2014-13-*ARREST*/page2

4) Robert Durst - LA/CA http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?116210-Robert-Durst-is-back-in-the-news/page11

5) Cooper Harris - GA Died after being left in hot car by father http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?251333-Small-Details-that-are-interesting-in-the-Cooper-Harris-case-2/page9

6) Hannah Graham - VA - College student kidnapped and murdered http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?260016-JLM-Charged-in-the-Hannah-Graham-Case/page2

7) Isabella Grogan - AZ - Youngster that was murdered while parents partying/drugging http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?256859-AZ-Isabella-Grogan-Cannella-8-Bullhead-City-2-September-2014-4-*ARREST*/page10

8) Heather Elvis - SC - Young woman that was murdered, body yet to be located. Both the man she was having an affair with and his wife are now out on bond. http://www.websleuths.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?538-SC-Heather-Elvis-20-Missing-from-Myrtle-Beach-18-Dec-2013
I will also be here. Maybe not posting all the time but I will be here.

Waiting for the Sheriffs report on JA. What's taking so long?


:thinking: Maybe it's taking a while to scan and copy all those hundreds and hundreds -- maybe thousands of pages of infractions !

:hilarious: Oh, I can't wait to read them ... I bet there are some doozies in there ... like

I just found this one: it is the "Einstein Smiley" ... lol !

Thanks, Niner, for the Smileys :loveyou: !

Einstein ...

Einstein ...

She was just spewing BS to set up the appeal....you know, the one that's gonna fail.

Off topic, but the killer has always struck me as being very masculine behind those fake *advertiser censored* and that gagalicious babydoll voice. The messy bedroom, sexual aggressiveness, the violent nature, handy with weapons, big hands and feet, strong enough to slash tires and murder. Especially the sexual aggressiveness. I wonder what her testosterone levels are.

Don't forget about those man hands! In one photo I saw, it looked as if her hand could cover her whole face.
I saw this posted on Twittter, and I can't give credit because I have no idea who said it. But IF CMJA had been honest from the get go would your opinion of her be different.

She'd have to start speaking honestly before I could even venture a guess but I tend to doubt it as 1) nothing justifies the horror she visited on Travis and 2) I think the murder was even worse than we know, which is one of the reasons I believe she hasn't been honest about anything that happened that day. But, had she never tried to assassinate his character with lie upon lie, told the complete truth about every single thing and showed true remorse (or believable reasons of why she didn't feel so badly about what she did) it's possible she wouldn't have engendered the amount of disdain felt towards her. Just barely.
If she'd ever been honest would we even know half of what we do that helps to form our opinion of her? Would we know about the repeated tire slashing? Christmas tree? Whoredom email? Facebook intrusions? Had she been honest, Travis would never have been trashed in open court in front of an international audience. Had she ever been honest, she would have thrown herself upon the mercy of the court.

I'll speak just for myself too and say I don't know how I'd feel. I hate Jodi's crime. I hate that she stole a beautiful soul from this earth who was so, so loved and admired. But I hate her too. And I just can't differentiate the horror of Travis' murder from the horror she is. I've followed many trials through the years and very few murderers have inspired such a profound level of repulsion and disgust in me.

It's going to take some time to move on. So much left to think about and discuss. We also have the restitution hearing in June.

I hope our members continue to hang out here. :stay:

Hey Rose :) I agree with you. I'll be here until I'm not. I'm not even ready to remove the blue ribbon.
I know this is way off the current subject, but does anyone know what ever happened to this business about Juan Martinez' cell phone that Troy Hayden hinted about with his interview? I watched the interview and don't remember them bring that up. My guess was that he still uses a flip phone and Troy would tease him. Frankly I personally have high respect for those who shun the whole smart phone craze. True independents, not followers I say...

Your post reminded me of something. A few months ago I was going to drive to California by myself, and I wanted a car phone charger for my flip phone, LOL the kid at the store didn't know what my phone was when I showed it to him. He was very young, and it was very funny :)
Your post reminded me of something. A few months ago I was going to drive to California by myself, and I wanted a car phone charger for my flip phone, LOL the kid at the store didn't know what my phone was when I showed it to him. He was very young, and it was very funny :)

Anybody else have anything more??? It is really making me curious. Funny how it just disappeared from the conversation even though people follow Troy closely.

https://twitter.com/search?q=#jodiarias martinez cell phone&src=typd

BTW, anyone wanna buy a brand-new, in the box US Robotics 56k modem? Cheap!!!!! :D :D
Just a random observation: Amidst the celebration photos, there's a picture of Deanna holding what appears to be a skunk(?). I'm curious as to what the backstory is regarding that photo...
Are all of the celebration photos in this thread? I've seen one but where are the others?
Just a random observation: Amidst the celebration photos, there's a picture of Deanna holding what appears to be a skunk(?). I'm curious as to what the backstory is regarding that photo...


:eek: Yes, that looks like a "skunk" -- I noticed Deanna, but not the skunk !

Here's the photo:


Nah, we'll move on when we're ready, friend.

It's human nature to be curious about things and those are some good questions and there are a lot more that could use answers.

I stayed away because I needed to stay sane, but now I have so many questions. Sounds like I missed some good stuff!
I'll be around, although I haven't had much to say lately.

There's still a lot of information soon to be released about this trial that will answer many of the unanswered questions that many people had during the trial so there should be much to discuss for those who are interested.

I saw part of Wilmott's interview, where she volunteers to answer the question "How do you sleep at night?" I found her answer less than sincere. She only said "I sleep just fine, I really do." But, the question was not a literal one, and the real question was not if she sleeps well at night, but how.

The question itself is only a symbolic way of asking "How is what you're doing right? Can you really justify attempting to damage the reputation of an already slaughtered and helpless victim and thus attempt to take away the dignity and value of his living memory when that is all his loved ones have left to treasure and cherish, because it's a job, and someone has to do it?"

"How, because it's your job, do you take the pain that evil has caused, the torture inflicted on helpless innocence, and seek to add to it to the fullest measure your mind can conceive? Is it because it's just a practical fact that only evil can defend evil? Have you convinced yourself by that fact that you are absolved of responsibility?"

I have no doubt that you, and all of those like you, do sleep well at night, but the question remains to me unanswered: How?

Great points. And that's the trouble with almost every one of these so-called interviews. The reporter doesn't have the guts to ask the real questions. It's all just fluff. They don't challenge the person's answers. But, I guess if they did, none of these people would agree to an interview.
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