Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #12

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Great points. And that's the trouble with almost every one of these so-called interviews. The reporter doesn't have the guts to ask the real questions. It's all just fluff. They don't challenge the person's answers. But, I guess if they did, none of these people would agree to an interview.

:seeya: Hello ... and :welcome: Newbsleuth !


Of course we marvel at the dedication of Juan Martinez and Detective Flores , especially how he continued to trial even after the death of his boy. I have no words to describe the respect I have for these two American heroes except to call them that.

The jurors are in a class by themselves. They are that special. I am so grateful for everything they did. Showing up in Travis blue on judgement day for Jodi Arias was the loudest "Burn in Hell....." ever! Without a single word spoken they told her EXACTLY what they think of her and her lies!!!

There are others to thank too, Katie Cool Lady comes to mind. Out of memory of what she went through when her sister was murdered she felt empathy for this family she had never met and decided to start attending trial just to be there to show them someone cares. She was only one but she represented the hearts of so many. She got the donations started that enabled the family to attend this perpetual nightmare. There are so many like her that helped and we will never even know their names. I want to thank HLN and all the others who kept Travis' truth ALIVE. It humbles me to imagine where this case would have been without people getting to know the real Travis Alexander. Did you know that folks like Katie Wick were so inspired they decided to go to law school and spend their lives fighting for justice? WOW.
There are so many reporters that night after night for years told Travis Alexander's truth and invited on his friends. There are bloggers and reporters from all over the world who followed this case. Random strangers came to stand with the Alexander family and folks who did not live near by prayed for justice in thier homes with their families every night. This video is for all of you. God bless you , each and every one! katy 2.jpganadrdrew.jpgCCcnsktUwAAlSsc1.jpgCCmtPX0XIAMJMsu.jpg
I don't get it. What is a PI supposed to do for her...what benefit is it to have one?

First, he talks as if he's going to be involved in determining complicated legal appeal issues, such as ineffective counsel. He's snowing someone b/c we know a PI isn't qualified to do any appeal work like that at all. Second, whoever is hired to handle her appeal will already have investigators on staff that they'll use if for some reason they need that, but I'd think their work basically involves studying the records, not beating the pavement, LOL! IIRC, he was hired by JA who used $ donated by her fans to hire him. I think he's just taking her money and using her name to get his name out there. Doesn't bother me a bit either, the idea that the donated $ is going to just another con artist seems entirely appropriate to me.

Carl Toersbijns @carltoersbijns · 10h 10 hours ago
She can only receive money from peeps on visit list and yes, attorneys can funnel money too but it will be monitored and kept tight Im sure
Don't think this is correct. They do limit Securepak donations and phone calls to visit lists, but anyone (inside the US, IIRC) can send money via EFT. I think the DOC site even has links and instructions on it. I've seen a few other things he's said that are not correct, but it could just be that things have changed since he worked there and he's just not up on the changes.
I saw this posted on Twittter, and I can't give credit because I have no idea who said it. But IF CMJA had been honest from the get go would your opinion of her be different.

It is an unanswerable question because if Jodi was not who Jodi is, there would not have been the lies, there would not have been the stalking or the murder. Jodi was a liar long before the murder. It was pretty much the way she lived her life, so the question if she hadn't lied would you feel differently about her can't be answered because if she hadn't lied to Travis so much he wouldn't have gotten so angry, their relationship would have been totally different. And we could go back through Jodi's life connecting the dots of her lies and how they led to the circumstances she found herself in. Lies and Jodi go hand in hand. There just is no way separating the 2.
I saw this posted on Twittter, and I can't give credit because I have no idea who said it. But IF CMJA had been honest from the get go would your opinion of her be different.

My opinion of her would have been different, yes. But only of her as a person, not as a murderer. If all aspects of the crime remained the same it wouldn't call for a lesser penalty because the murder was so cruel and planned out so far in advance, then covered up at great length.

It is hard not to hate Jodi Arias, even for people who find it hard to hate in general. She is a hateful person with, really, not even one redeeming quality. The main reason for seeing her in that light goes beyond the actual crime in my eyes. She became that with her trial tactics and obvious intent to hurt those who loved Travis. And to keep on hurting them, up until the minute of sentencing. And I am not so blind that I cannot see that she will continue to do so at every opportunity. THAT is what makes her so hateful. THAT is what puts her redeeming qualities at a big fat ZERO. Had she not done any of that I would certainly have a better opinion of her. But actually from this point there is nowhere to go but up.
I saw this posted on Twittter, and I can't give credit because I have no idea who said it. But IF CMJA had been honest from the get go would your opinion of her be different.

IMO-Of course public opinion of her would be different!
It would no way negate her being guilty of murder. I can say, what beginning?
If she told the truth from the beginning -the day she murdered Travis, there would never have been an 'intruder story' on TV or a letter to the family talking about the 'intruders killed him'. No media stories from her saying 'no jury will convict me'. All the cover up after the murder wouldn't have happened. There would have been no trip to Ryan's. So that whole mess of lies wouldn't have been.

Or is the beginning, you refer to at the time she was arrested & questioned? At that time, it would still show premeditation & cover up, & she would've confessed to being guilty, right? So, there still wouldn't have been TV interviews about the 'intruders', no letter to the family, etc.

If she pled guilty, there would have been no trial! We would not have heard so much about her & her lies & this wouldn't have taken 7 years. Public opinion would certainly have been different. Just one way to look at it.

Nah, we'll move on when we're ready, friend.

It's human nature to be curious about things and those are some good questions and there are a lot more that could use answers.

Forgive me, I should not have said that. Of course you may discuss and decipher until if as and when you choose not to. Please forgive me. Please. Every once in awhile I get told in my family ....."Too many chiefs and so damn few Indians"..... that is polite for zip it Zoey!

Of course we marvel at the dedication of Juan Martinez and Detective Flores , especially how he continued to trial even after the death of his boy. I have no words to describe the respect I have for these two American heroes except to call them that.

The jurors are in a class by themselves. They are that special. I am so grateful for everything they did. Showing up in Travis blue on judgement day for Jodi Arias was the loudest "Burn in Hell....." ever! Without a single word spoken they told her EXACTLY what they think of her and her lies!!!

There are others to thank too, Katie Cool Lady comes to mind. Out of memory of what she went through when her sister was murdered she felt empathy for this family she had never met and decided to start attending trial just to be there to show them someone cares. She was only one but she represented the hearts of so many. She got the donations started that enabled the family to attend this perpetual nightmare. There are so many like her that helped and we will never even know their names. I want to thank HLN and all the others who kept Travis' truth ALIVE. It humbles me to imagine where this case would have been without people getting to know the real Travis Alexander. Did you know that folks like Katie Wick were so inspired they decided to go to law school and spend their lives fighting for justice? WOW.
There are so many reporters that night after night for years told Travis Alexander's truth and invited on his friends. There are bloggers and reporters from all over the world who followed this case. Random strangers came to stand with the Alexander family and folks who did not live near by prayed for justice in thier homes with their families every night. This video is for all of you. God bless you , each and every one! View attachment 73209View attachment 73210View attachment 73211View attachment 73212

Absolutely beautiful Zoey! You have such an incredible talent in your writing- I hope it's your job, or that you continue. You are an amazing friend to Travis, he was very lucky to call you that, it says a lot about his character, as well. I hope you continue on in this capacity, you have an innate ability to inspire- a true gift that you and Travis shared. I'll be keeping my eye out for you~ Frigga
I wonder if there's any possibility we'll get to see CMJA in her new digs
Absolutely beautiful Zoey! You have such an incredible talent in your writing- I hope it's your job, or that you continue. You are an amazing friend to Travis, he was very lucky to call you that, it says a lot about his character, as well. I hope you continue on in this capacity, you have an innate ability to inspire- a true gift that you and Travis shared. I'll be keeping my eye out for you~ Frigga

This and other posts by ZoeyW are the epitome of treasured friendships that last beyond a lifetime. Zoey, you have been able to say so eloquently what a lot of us would like to be able to put into words, but just don't have the skills you possess. Thank you for all the time, "coverage", and shared words you gave us. I, too, will be watching for you.

How 'bout we change the question to: Would your opinion be different if everything happened the same, but she called Flores a week later, turned herself in, and confessed the entire thing and explained how and why she did everything from the first moment of the plan? In other words, the interrogation would have been a complete "come clean" of real facts after realizing she was toast. No more stories or fabrications or alternate reasons for the evidence.
There were at least 2 jurors that were removed from the first trial. If that had merit, they could have tried to overturn the original M1 conviction, right? IIRC one lady was removed just for making a comment about the uncomfortable chairs. That seems lame compared to surfing facebook and watching the movie and refusing to deliberate and having felons as husbands and being a DV victim and having prior connection with the prosecutor....

If it was DT that insisted on a juror being removed, they cannot come back later and file an appeal about a juror being removed affecting the guilty verdict. IMO.

Well, they can...but they would not win.
I will continue to follow CMJA #281129 until we get all the info from the trial that we haven't gotten yet, like side bars, and closed hearings and all the things they kept out of this trial. I want to know those things.

I am also following the Shayna Hubers case. She is the Kentucky woman (21yo) who shot her on again off again boyfriend Ryan Poston (29yo) She shot him six times. Once in the face. Said she gave him the nose job he always wanted because he was so vain. This is another CMJA, prettier and younger but just as narcissist. Claiming self defense I will try to post a link to the basis elements of the case.
I am sure this case won't take as long. This is the fourth day of trial
How 'bout we change the question to: Would your opinion be different if everything happened the same, but she called Flores a week later, turned herself in, and confessed the entire thing and explained how and why she did everything from the first moment of the plan? In other words, the interrogation would have been a complete "come clean" of real acts after realizing she was toast. No more stories or fabrications or alternate reasons for the evidence.

Or, how about all things being the same including the cover-up, but no trashing of the victim. No false accusations of DV or pedophilia. No manufactured evidence. No, "I need to testify in secret."

There are many things she could have done differently that would have changed many persons' opinion of her. Not of her crime, of course--but of her personally. IMO
Forgive me, I should not have said that. Of course you may discuss and decipher until if as and when you choose not to. Please forgive me. Please. Every once in awhile I get told in my family ....."Too many chiefs and so damn few Indians"..... that is polite for zip it Zoey!

Sometimes things don't come out exactly how we mean them. :/

No worries and don't zip it, your posts are wonderful - it was just that one thing that hit me, lol!

I believe if CMJA were an honest person, she never would have murdered Travis.
Did anybody ever figure out what happened with juanstie?

Sent from my SCH-S960L using Tapatalk 2

Seems juanstie2 was an imposter(?), or maybe muanstie1 was the fake. I found a website for juanstie.com, and a twitter for Juan Martinez's Tie that may be the original JuansTie. Maybe you could try those.

Might need to do some back-reading on these to figure out which is the real Juan's Tie? :thinking:
I forced myself to watch JW interview but this is my opinion on Sandy Arias statement to the judge & the courthouse steps interview.
I can give my opinion as others have that Mom is in denial & has no prob lying for the murderer daughter.
On her courthouse steps interview, she stated that she 'saw bruises on Jodi & her half sister did as well'. Jodi said in the interview with Troy after the guilty verdict that 'her mother & sister saw the bruises'.
However, Willmont said "we have no knowledge of family members who saw the bruises". , so that's why no family members testified to it. She says that Jodi told her about a guy who saw them but, couldn't find him to testify.
I forced myself to watch JW interview but this is my opinion on Sandy Arias statement to the judge & the courthouse steps interview.
I can give my opinion as others have that Mom is in denial & has no prob lying for the murderer daughter.
On her courthouse steps interview, she stated that she 'saw bruises on Jodi & her half sister did as well'. Jodi said in the interview with Troy after the guilty verdict that 'her mother & sister saw the bruises'.
However, Willmont said "we have no knowledge of family members who saw the bruises". , so that's why no family members testified to it. She says that Jodi told her about a guy who saw them but, couldn't find him to testify.

And didn't Sandy say something to the effect to JSS "we didn't see the signs."
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