Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #2

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Are we sure that when JSS told juror 17 to stay back, go into chambers with defense and JA, that Juan and Alexander family was not also in chambers?
As a matter of fact it was. "Aside the opportunity to do some ridiculous wailing" However they are called the "Addams Family" there. It was also said that the family got what they deserved.

Anyone who can say that after the picture proof of how Travis was annihilated, has got a screw or two loose, for sure.
Went and looked on the JA site. All I can say is what a bunch of classy people. Not.

You are one brave soul to venture over there. I haven't been since the guilt phase and won't ever go back.

Might I suggest a shower? You might feel better :shame:
Just imagine: all Jodi's manipulative BS about how she was not voluntarily giving up her right to address the jury has gone out the window. Bwahahaha! What could she appeal? It wouldn't have made any difference.

And THAT is the best thing to come of this. No round of automatic appeals or DP victim fanclub. My candle specifically said "The best decision" and I do believe LWOP is it. JSS needs to deliver 4/13/2015.
The Tweet I saw by the JA supporters calling the 11 jurors pedo huggers listed only those 11 names and NOT JUROR 17. Instead, to the right of Juror 17 it says: the one who saved Jodi's life.
Honestly, I am not indicting Juan Martinez for this. However, from what is being reported this stealth juror wasn't particularly stealthy. she admitted she knew about the case, she admitted she watched the movie. Why didn't he use a strike to pass on her. I don't get it.

She did most of it during deliberations. Dig deeper.
You'd make her very happy, IMO. You might want to rethink that.

She's not allowed to have photos of her victim, and IIRC what limited photos she does have must be G-rated. AZ Prison rule.
The Tweet I saw by the JA supporters calling the 11 jurors pedo huggers listed only those 11 names and NOT JUROR 17. Instead, to the right of Juror 17 it says: the one who saved Jodi's life.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot????????
With all respect if this Judge does the right thing now it will only be to save her own skin! She has been so bias toward Jodi, what ever Jodi wanted Jodi got, it has been as plain as the nose on her face! I can't wait until all the secret transcripts make their way to the public! But at least Jodi did not get her conviction overturned yet!! But if Judge Sherry could do that you can believe she would!

I disagree..the bias she showed toward the DT and Jodi wasn't because she sympathizes with her or feels she's innocent, but because she feared any appellate issues. She ruled by fear.... fear that the conviction and/or sentence would be overturned on appeal. It was her first DP trial and her inexperienced showed.
I can feel the torment and anquish Juror #4 is going through.

This will affect all 11 of them for the rest of their lives.

I do agree with Nancy and that is a surprise. JSS had all legal rights to remove this juror for jury misconduct and she failed to do so and by doing nothing she failed Travis and his family. And the justice system too.

God bless them.
The Tweet I saw by the JA supporters calling the 11 jurors pedo huggers listed only those 11 names and NOT JUROR 17. Instead, to the right of Juror 17 it says: the one who saved Jodi's life.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot????????

That came from the JAII site. Or at least it is on the JAII site, word for word. So either the person who tweeted that belongs to/owns the JAII site, stole it from the JAII site, or the JAII site stole it from them.
I disagree..the bias she showed toward the DT and Jodi wasn't because she sympathizes with her or feels she's innocent, but because she feared any appellate issues. She ruled by fear.... fear that the conviction and/or sentence would be overturned on appeal. It was her first DP trial and her inexperienced showed.

And that cowardly fear screwed Travis and his family out of a just punishment for the one who slaughtered him.

Like other DP Judges have said when the DT starts adding appellate issue into the main trial guilt or sentencing phase 'that is for another day and another court.....move along.' Being her first DP is no excuse for what she has done.
Why do I remembering hearing that juror 17 herself wanted off of the jury? Am I wrong?
only the court has it and the legal teams would have access. No way did an attorney do that. But her, yeah, I can see it. She really needs to be fired. Her actions are not the acts of a mitigation specialist. Tweeting for the murderer-please.
She needs to be reported and stopped. She is acting completely unprofessional and is taunting the victim's family, which I am sure is not one of her roles as the killer's mitigation specialist. This is as bad as ALV approaching Travis' sister during court! I'm sure she has violated some clause in her contract against unethical use of social media and the Internet while employed by Maricopa County. :tantrum:
If JSS doesn't sentence Jodi to life without parole, then her career is over. The voters in Arizona are just as outraged about this as everybody in this forum.

That will be her only saving grace, if she wants to continue to be a judge. Otherwise, she will be voted out in 2016.

BBM: I think her career IS over :waitasec: I believe her career has been over ... MOO !

I just hope that whatever judicial oversight committee is in place in Arizona, they are currently investigating WHAT REALLY HAPPENED with respect to this "stealth juror" !

I just read the portion of the Transcript of the interview with the juror on NG -- and a note was sent by these jurors to JSS that this "stealth juror" made statements during deliberation regarding the "Lifetime Movie" etc.

My question is: WHY wasn't this juror removed for NOT revealing this info during voir dire ?

A potential juror did not make it because during voir dire, stated he watched the Lifetime Movie -- and that's fine.

BUT during DELIBERATIONS, a juror just happens to "blurt out" I saw the Lifetime Movie, it is reported to JSS, and NOTHING is done to either replace this juror for NOT revealing this during voir dire ?

Seriously ... whatever judiciary committee Arizona has needs to get those in-secret transcripts PRONTO and investigate !

All JMO and a big MOO !
LOL, one person who replied to her said they are going to send money to Angela Simpson's account to have her take care of Jodi. Crazy people!
I'm gonna get out of here and go follow up on missing persons cases...........anything to distract me from this fiasco of a trial and a rigged verdict, most likely paid for by the defense team; compliments of the Arizona taxpayers.

That stealth juror wouldn't deliberate, participate, contribute or discuss the evidence. She was planted there. She knew all the right answers to get on the jury, she was coached.

Judge Stephens knew it. She did nothing about the complaints from the other jurors. Where did she get her law degree, from a box of Cracker Jacks?

My old lady has been listening to me rant and rave about this all afternoon to the point that I am even beginning to question my own sanity. She keeps looking at me with big Doe eyes as if I'm losing it, and she even asked me if I wanted to take the dogs out for a walk, or take a ride on my quad, or maybe just drink 20 beers until I pass out. "Whatever makes you feel better, honey".

Tomorrow is another day.......still have to go on..........at least I'm not in a concrete cell.
Are you suggesting the prisoners carry out blood atonement?

Since JA clearly can not follow the rules and believes that she deserves whatever she wants, whenever she wants it, however she wants it, it will not be long before she crosses the wrong person. While she may believe that she is the "victim" always, someone else (more than one likely) is not going to agree with her. Let her try to start fights with women that know they are never getting out of prison except in a pine box. If someone kills her, so be it. Justice will have then been served.

Well I don't think I have ever been so excited to go to class. It was a much needed time out. Whew, is all I can say. It was government and I wanted to sit him down and grill him about 1st amendment rights and our justice system in general, but he only takes appointments and I knew if i brought it up in class people would look at me like I was frikkin nuts. There are just so many things that I want answered that I will just not get.

Anywho, what have I missed. Been gone about 5 hours and Stephen was giving his speech when I left. Did they ever play JA's secret testimony?

I am glad we had a place to vent today! I am thankful this forum is here!
BBM: I think her career IS over :waitasec: I believe her career has been over ... MOO !

I just hope that whatever judicial oversight committee is in place in Arizona, they are currently investigating WHAT REALLY HAPPENED with respect to this "stealth juror" !

I just read the portion of the Transcript of the interview with the juror on NG -- and a note was sent by these jurors to JSS that this "stealth juror" made statements during deliberation regarding the "Lifetime Movie" etc.

My question is: WHY wasn't this juror removed for NOT revealing this info during voir dire ?

A potential juror did not make it because during voir dire, stated he watched the Lifetime Movie -- and that's fine.

BUT during DELIBERATIONS, a juror just happens to "blurt out" I saw the Lifetime Movie, it is reported to JSS, and NOTHING is done to either replace this juror for NOT revealing this during voir dire ?

Seriously ... whatever judiciary committee Arizona has needs to get those in-secret transcripts PRONTO and investigate !

All JMO and a big MOO !

There was some concern about this Juror back in October, according to Beth Karas - she reports on the JM support page that JSS met with #-17 in chambers. It was not stated who else was there....but SOMETHING was brought to her attention.
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