Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #3

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Now I am wondering if JA didn't allocate because they knew juror 17's intention. It didn't make sense at the time, but now it does. No reason to give a fake apology in public. I thought I would feel better when this all ended, but the way this went down is not a relief at all.

I really don't think that's the case. Even if there was any collusion between Arias, et al, and a juror, they weren't guaranteed said juror would be in on the deliberations - remember, two were lotteried as alternates after closing statements were given.
I really don't think that's the case. Even if there was any collusion between Arias, et al, and a juror, they weren't guaranteed said juror would be in on the deliberations - remember, two were lotteried as alternates after closing statements were given.

True, there was no guarantee J17 would be selected to be on the jury. Was it just a fluke that she ended up on the jury? It's so strange how this happened especially if she was the only one with an agenda.
I think JA will eventually team up with Marrissa DeVault and whatever "crew" she's put together from jail acquaintances who went there before her. I think JA has already been working that angle. No idea if Angela Simpson would be part of that or would be a rival.


I think they will become fast friends, Samantha being a cop and Angela's hatred of those she likes to call "pigs" will without a doubt form an instant bond between them. They have both slaughtered a man so they do have a lot in common.
I think they will become fast friends, Samantha being a cop and Angela's hatred of those she likes to call "pigs" will without a doubt form an instant bond between them. They have both slaughtered a man so they do have a lot in common.

No way. Totally disagree. IMO Angela or other women in like her will want to shank jodi within a few minutes of meeting her. Jodi has no street cred. She butchered her lover in a vunerable way, blamed it on ninjas then made up crazy stories about travis.Theres honor amongst thieves amazingly and they don't like liars. Most of these women also have sons and brothers. Jodi will not be well received by women such as angela. They will not be impressed
The complete May 26th text is now summarized. Make of it what you will.

(corrected link. Text is on page 9).


This was excellent!! If you have not yet, take the time to read via the link provided. I am so hoping more and more secret evidence (and other secret stuff such as Sidebars) will begin to get released. There are still so many mysteries I wonder about. Thank you so much.
I can't tell if there are any legal repercussions if it turns out Juror 17 lied herself onto that jury. I do know, if she were to be charged with anything, her defence lawyer would say, 'my client suffers with PTSD and BPD, and the trauma of being called up for such a high profile trial scrambled her brain.'

'And of course she didn't remember Jaun Martinez because The Fog' :dunno:
Now I am wondering if JA didn't allocate because they knew juror 17's intention. It didn't make sense at the time, but now it does. No reason to give a fake apology in public. I thought I would feel better when this all ended, but the way this went down is not a relief at all.
I think JA did not allocate was because of her possible appeal. She mentioned something about "the same reason I gave in chambers" regarding her fear of testifying in open court.
No way. Totally disagree. IMO Angela or other women in like her will want to shank jodi within a few minutes of meeting her. Jodi has no street cred. She butchered her lover in a vunerable way, blamed it on ninjas then made up crazy stories about travis.Theres honor amongst thieves amazingly and they don't like liars. Most of these women also have sons and brothers. Jodi will not be well received by women such as angela. They will not be impressed

You have no idea how much I hope you are right. Hadn't thought of it that way but it sure makes sense to me.
It won't change anything on this case. I don't think anything will happen to her. I think that most likely they are going to say that it was up to the prosecution to discover. I think this is a done deal.
If that proves to be the case then I don't see why Marcopia County would ever prosecute another crime of theft ever again. If it doesn't matter if one woman is found to have lied during voir dire, effectively robbing the tax payers in upwards of three million dollars in their pursuit of justice, then why bother with someone who steals a thousand, or ten? If we're going to be apathetic then lets not be halfway. They might as well make perjury legal and get on with it.
LOL.....it took me about a year on here before I could even figure out how to post. I went ahead and took pics of the pages with my cell phone but then somebody on here threw out the "don't want to get subpoenaed" thing so I will just end up deleting them. Should learn how to do the screen shot thing anyway though.....
I took screenshots of the jaii pages with the juror's names. On an iPad, you simply press the home button at the same time with the off button, in case you have an iPad and didn't know how to that.
A lot of misguided people in here seem to believe that once Jodi is sentenced to Life in Prison, that will be the last we see or hear from her.

Wrong !! This is Jodi, remember ?

She will constantly be filing lawsuits against the prison staff and the Dept. of Corrections.

Her mattress is too thin, her breakfast was too cold, some prison guard pushed her, her phone calls are being cut short, she isn't being allowed access to her BFF Maria DelaRosa ( referred to by then as "her Agent"), yada, yada, yada, yada............

Every time she has to appear in a courtroom, she will get a little vacation away from the prison. She relishes the attention she craves, positive or negative attention makes no difference. She will file suit after suit against other inmates and the staff, regardless if there is any merit in it.

And the worst part of it, she will always find a slime bucket like Nurmi to file all the paperwork on her behalf.

The only way to really rid ourselves of this cancer was to lock her in a concrete cell 23 hours a day, and eventually stick a needle in her arm and fill her up with poisonous chemicals.

Juror 17 took that option away from all of us. She lied and hung the jury deliberately, probably with urging from outside sources.

Now we'll have to watch and listen to her antics for the next 30 years as she does to the court system exactly the same thing she did to Travis........toy with it and butcher it for her enjoyment.

She's a friggin' psycopath, and there's no way to rehabilitate her. She's just gonna get worse as she grows older and uglier.
While the talk has shifted to JA being sent behind bars, I'm wondering what will happen to the DT.

Since much of the *advertiser censored* testimony in the penalty phase was, IIRC, establishing grounds for the DT to appeal the guilty verdict, will KN press on?
Could this happen in the thirty days before the sentencing "deadline" of April 13?

If KN wins this, will JA be walking around free while waiting for the retrial of the original sentence?
Will the trial that never ends have yet another phase?

The convolutions of this trial could easily form the plotline of a soap opera titled (with apologies to Carol Burnett) As The Stomach Churns.
That appeal would end up in the trash bin quicker than a jailhouse roach could escape being JA's next victim. The essence of it would be "We didn't trash Travis enough! We weren't finished!
She will constantly be filing lawsuits against the prison staff and the Dept. of Corrections.

Every time she has to appear in a courtroom, she will get a little vacation away from the prison. She relishes the attention she craves, positive or negative attention makes no difference. She will file suit after suit against other inmates and the staff, regardless if there is any merit in it.

None of those potential/imagined lawsuits will have her appearing anywhere--it's just paperwork. And that's even if she does what you say she will, which at this point is not real. Even her appeal of her life sentence won't have her in court, only her appellate lawyer will appear, and that's only if the 3 judge panel wants oral arguments in addition to the required brief that gets filed (they might not).

Now we'll have to watch and listen to her antics for the next 30 years as she does to the court system exactly the same thing she did to Travis........toy with it and butcher it for her enjoyment.

Nobody outside the system has to watch or listen to her, and relatively few inside a system comprised of thousands will have to deal with her. Just like the millions of people in the world who have no clue who she is and millions more who just don't care, it is possible to go on living without seeing, hearing or thinking about Arias. It's a choice.
A lot of misguided people in here seem to believe that once Jodi is sentenced to Life in Prison, that will be the last we see or hear from her.

Wrong !! This is Jodi, remember ?

She will constantly be filing lawsuits against the prison staff and the Dept. of Corrections.

Her mattress is too thin, her breakfast was too cold, some prison guard pushed her, her phone calls are being cut short, she isn't being allowed access to her BFF Maria DelaRosa ( referred to by then as "her Agent"), yada, yada, yada, yada............

Every time she has to appear in a courtroom, she will get a little vacation away from the prison. She relishes the attention she craves, positive or negative attention makes no difference. She will file suit after suit against other inmates and the staff, regardless if there is any merit in it.

And the worst part of it, she will always find a slime bucket like Nurmi to file all the paperwork on her behalf.

The only way to really rid ourselves of this cancer was to lock her in a concrete cell 23 hours a day, and eventually stick a needle in her arm and fill her up with poisonous chemicals.

Juror 17 took that option away from all of us. She lied and hung the jury deliberately, probably with urging from outside sources.

Now we'll have to watch and listen to her antics for the next 30 years as she does to the court system exactly the same thing she did to Travis........toy with it and butcher it for her enjoyment.

She's a friggin' psycopath, and there's no way to rehabilitate her. She's just gonna get worse as she grows older and uglier.

Excellent post! I'm afraid you're right on every point.
I don't know why anyone would want to hire them for the simple reason that they've done everything they can to string out the trial and garner large paychecks for themselves. If you retained them, you'd be paying for a lot of doing nothing, getting some bogus "experts", and filing bogus motions.

Actually, because JSS only empaneled 19 jurors, the DT "stringing out" the case from late Oct.-March should have resulted in an automatic mistrial through loss of jurors. Iirc one juror didn't show up the first day, so that left 18. By early Dec. they were down to 16. It's almost a miracle imo, given the delays and unexplained "jerking around" the jurors were subjected to, that enough remained at the end to render the unmistakable anti-JA verdict at the end.
A lot of misguided people in here seem to believe that once Jodi is sentenced to Life in Prison, that will be the last we see or hear from her.

Wrong !! This is Jodi, remember ?

She will constantly be filing lawsuits against the prison staff and the Dept. of Corrections.

Her mattress is too thin, her breakfast was too cold, some prison guard pushed her, her phone calls are being cut short, she isn't being allowed access to her BFF Maria DelaRosa ( referred to by then as "her Agent"), yada, yada, yada, yada............

Every time she has to appear in a courtroom, she will get a little vacation away from the prison. She relishes the attention she craves, positive or negative attention makes no difference. She will file suit after suit against other inmates and the staff, regardless if there is any merit in it.

And the worst part of it, she will always find a slime bucket like Nurmi to file all the paperwork on her behalf.

The only way to really rid ourselves of this cancer was to lock her in a concrete cell 23 hours a day, and eventually stick a needle in her arm and fill her up with poisonous chemicals.

Juror 17 took that option away from all of us. She lied and hung the jury deliberately, probably with urging from outside sources.

Now we'll have to watch and listen to her antics for the next 30 years as she does to the court system exactly the same thing she did to Travis........toy with it and butcher it for her enjoyment.

She's a friggin' psycopath, and there's no way to rehabilitate her. She's just gonna get worse as she grows older and uglier.
She won't have Nurmi at her beck and call nor the ability to choose an equivalent. Court-appointed run of the mill all the way for her indigent highness. Also I doubt she'll be getting day passes to appear before his or her honor, all done by paperwork is much more economical to the State, her new owners. I agree, though, she'll try.
Now I am wondering if JA didn't allocate because they knew juror 17's intention. It didn't make sense at the time, but now it does. No reason to give a fake apology in public. I thought I would feel better when this all ended, but the way this went down is not a relief at all.

JA got two free days from JSS to tell her tale of woe to this jury in her "secret testimony". It included at the beginning some quasi-remorse of the "I could never, ever, ever imagine myself doing such a horrific thing in those very, very, very brief moments of my previously absolutely crime-free, unblemished by any unpleasantness by me life" variety. The "wooden spoon" and frequent school changes made an appearance. Ditto TA pursuing her at their first meeting, and her LDS conversion/baptism. IOW, that was the best JA allocation possible, given the facts and the mince-meat JM would have made of her in cross, if the COA hadn't saved her. If #17 had been questioned about her "I expected a monster (based on the movie) but only saw a young woman", she could have pointed to JA's secret testimony as the reason.
She won't have Nurmi at her beck and call nor the ability to choose an equivalent. Court-appointed run of the mill all the way for her indigent highness. Also I doubt she'll be getting day passes to appear before his or her honor, all done by paperwork is much more economical to the State, her new owners. I agree, though, she'll try.

don't think I'm "misguided" at all and as they all do she will fade into oblivion and unless she escapes prison don't expect to know what is going on with her unless you are a regular at the AZ courthouse.
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