Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #5

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I hope the Alexanders get the suit going and have their lawyer drag it out forever. This way, Jodi's gonna rack up attorney fees and zero her accounts before she even gets to a guilt-phase appeal. She doesn't have an "indigent" attorney for a civil suit, right? She'd have to pay someone out of pocket?

She could very well default and not even respond to a civil complaint. I saw that happen in another case in my area. The TA family would then win their civil suit automatically. Although, it's not required that a respondent even use an attorney. They can respond to a civil complaint themselves. Either way, she'll lose as she was already convicted of first degree murder at a criminal trial that had a greater level of burden to prove than what is required in a civil case.
I hope the Alexanders get the suit going and have their lawyer drag it out forever. This way, Jodi's gonna rack up attorney fees and zero her accounts before she even gets to a guilt-phase appeal. She doesn't have an "indigent" attorney for a civil suit, right? She'd have to pay someone out of pocket?

Except she'd just represent herself and demand doing deposition on all the siblings at the jail and ask every crude question she could muster. I hope they sue her and go after that illegally set up trust
I really, really love that your referrals to ja's "keepers". Every time I read that word in one of your posts I laugh. It's the perfect term!

I think of the zoo when she types it... too funny!!!
I found the actual dates.

Jury selection started on Sept 29, 2014

Trial Penalty Phase Opening Statements started on Oct 20, 2014

With her original number being 138 she wouldn't have been one of the first interviewed. Maybe several days in. At what point are jurors admonished about the case? During voir dire? After? When impaneled?
Something tells me those prison guards in Perryville are gonna break Jodi like a wild mustang.

I don't know how they're gonna do it, I don't care how they do it.........but they're gonna do it.

I think 2 or 3 years in almost complete isolation would be a good start.

All of these psycho groupies of hers will will fall away one by one when there is no further word from her, and they will be forced to concentrate on other things and deal with their own pathetic lives.

I agree Steelman, prison is a structured setting in which all inmates must comply in order for the (bare minimum number of) guards to maintain order, ensure the prison staff is safe, as well as keep the public safe. With JA it will be a nightmare for the Perryville staff. They must maintain order and keep themselves from becoming the next victim of her manipulation, while balancing the edict to ensure the "rights" of the murder, a very tall order given JA's persistence and sense of entitlement. I see tasers and pepper spray in her future TBH.
:seeya: I have an idea - how about someone read it out loud and download it to youtube! Maybe the felon(s) would like it too! LMAO :jail:

Hey, someone could gift it to the MCSO library. I wonder if they would accept a couple of copies?
Please excuse me quoting my own message, but if their is anyone who would like to read this book, but is unable to afford it, I will be happy to purchase a copy for you. Guess I 'd have to limit this to the first 5 people who respond...if it is okay with the
mods that is.

I bought and read that book on my Kindle. Have to say I felt NO sympathy for the author or for her goals. For example, one chapter was devoted to telling readers that prisoners love to receive mail, and how to go about becoming pen pals with a convict.

The book is intended to make readers feel sorry for women prisoners and how they're treated. Personally, that isn't a message I feel like hearing about any time soon.
In reply to Caylee Advocate~

Send it to Sheriff Joe and ask him to give it to her as a parting gift!!! Make sure the quoted part below is highlighted! Oh, and maybe leave a name in the book - something like "Perryvilles'" to show OWNERSHIP!
In reply to Caylee Advocate~

Send it to Sheriff Joe and ask him to give it to her as a parting gift!!! Make sure the quoted part below is highlighted! Oh, and maybe leave a name in the book - something like "Perryvilles'" to show OWNERSHIP!

Great idea A N J..... *too lazy to type it fully out* LMAO.
I think she'll be sentenced with LWOP but I'm also very curious how she'll appear on sentencing day. Glasses or no glasses? Make up or no make up? Humble or provocative?

I think she'll beg for mercy and show remorse like Judge Stephen told her to and she didn't. It won't work. Judge Stephens has seen it all, more than we have. The lying, the games, the slander, the vindictiveness that she shows for the Alexanders and those that don't play that game. She's had Jodi play the game of wanting to act pro se and then wanting back out. No, I think she'll want her to be locked away fro the public. What happens to Jodi in prison will be karma, killings happen in prison all the time. Remember Jeffery Dahmer? He was diagnosed by psychiatrists as suffering from a BPD but found sane. I think he lasted about two years before he was murdered. Jodi is, has and will always be a trouble maker. It will always be someone else fault. It might not take long before her star status is over and the dog top wants the glory of sending her to hell. It'll be the *advertiser censored* was shived by a shank. I loved the first jury question asking her if she knew what a *advertiser censored* was.
FWIW....I was hoping we'd get to read Sheriff Joe's report... transcriptions of all her calls, copies of all her incoming and outgoing "correspondence," etc.

No such luck. What will be available, upon request: visitor logs, her disciplinary record, and a list of her canteen purchases. Oh well.
Ambien alert (remember, it makes me sappy ... or something):

So, reflecting on today ... when I think about the Alexanders getting the news from Sheriff Joe, today has to be the first day they have felt a deep 'happy'. Jodi's playdates are coming to an end. Her actual penalty will now be dealt.

For two years, she entertained herself pushing Travis' buttons and manipulating him, watching him in his naiveté jump through her hoops. He could not comprehend that her yo-yo games were sadistic. He came from a good, wholesome family and he did not have the tools to deal with her.

She has entertained herself since the murder pushing our buttons, the media's buttons, and especially the family's buttons.

It's over. It's really over. NO MORE PLAYDATES. It's not a game. You're finally being sent to time-out, Jodi.

There's some real satisfaction in that.
I bought and read that book on my Kindle. Have to say I felt NO sympathy for the author or for her goals. For her example, one chapter was devoted to telling readers that prisoners love to receive mail, and how to go about becoming pen pals with a convict.

The book is intended to make readers feel sorry for women prisoners and how they're treated. Personally, that isn't a message I feel like hearing about any time soon.

The passages I read on Amazon's "Look Inside" made the author seem as though she oozed with self-pity. I felt quite sleazed up after just a few minutes. All of it was "poor me" and several segments sounded as much BS-ish as JA's stuff.
Juicy gossip alert !! ... B.E. (CMJA's cohort in deceit) was arrested in February in his BMW after a hit skip and OVI charge. He is the overseer of her art and fake charity donations.
The passages I read on Amazon's "Look Inside" made the author seem as though she oozed with self-pity. I felt quite sleazed up after just a few minutes. All of it was "poor me" and several segments sounded as much BS-ish as JA's stuff.

Ummm ...ok...now I'm not so sure I want to read it ...
Oh he is a big attention seeker. His jails are according to him the toughest. He has also faced many lawsuits for inmates deaths in his jails. And here he is allowing Jodi Arias 27 calls in one day. Tut tut sheriff Joe.
He should have put a stop to her nonsense years ago does anyone believe she only started breaking the rules this week. I give this man no respect for putting a stop to something now just because it makes him look bad.

She been caught with contraband several times, and has several fights. All in self defense. It's not her first time, and won't be her last.
With her original number being 138 she wouldn't have been one of the first interviewed. Maybe several days in. At what point are jurors admonished about the case? During voir dire? After? When impaneled?

No idea. I've never watched a voir dire before and have never been called for jury duty (and I vote & am registered and drive!)
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