Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #6

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I have to say when Jodi gets to the Big House and if she is exposed to harsh and cruel I would not be surprised if she doesn't off herself. I dont feel she will cope well with any type of sensory deprivation long term either. I do believe she will find a method "that doesn't hurt too much"!!!!!!IMO

No way would she want to give her "haters" and the Alexander family the satisfaction IMO. She is motivated by the "haters" to continue her games just to piss them off. She is always brainstorming new ways to do that.

So, does she disclose the trust fund or does she perjure herself, again? Will there be any repercussions for her perjury? :thinking:
I think they have been very careful to get ja through the legal process. Now that they are down to sentencing, party over.
And frankly, I kind of like the timing. She's going to really, really be angry every waking moment for the next 42 days. She'll probably act out again.. Fine. Sheriff Joe will be happy to add more pages to the report for Perryville.

Cmja...unfortunately HAS been treated special due to the high profile nature. She's prone to throwing tantrums and i do believe sheriff Joe thought preserving her trial was more important. With sheriff joes jail ALREADY under scrutiny for human rights violations the last thing they needed was for her to say they violated due process and get out on a technicality far more so until the last hung jury. The conviction wasn't completed until sentencing is imposed. Believe me I'm sure it literally killed him he HAD to treat her special. However I'm almost certain he will more than return the favor of making her life hell In the future.
I really hope she continues her acting out because all that will do is prolong her death row style living which is kind of the best of both worlds as I see it. She lives on Death Row basically but has no attention or appeals that being on actual Death Row would give her. This is the sentence I hope for the most.

I agree 100%. Plus LWOP robbed her of dozens of years of hope she'll get out on appeal, plus she doesn't get to play DP victim. It's ALL good. I'm delighted how this is playing out.
Does this mean no tweets from her too?

I think I have died and gone to heaven.

She can still write and receive mail.

Mummy dearest, would you please tweet the following pre-coded message on my Twitter ....
I want to see Jodi misbehaving. When will the video be available? Prisons usually keep those kinds of records to defend themselves against civil litigation. Like with Betty Broderick. Different State, but same situation.

Wow, good point. I remember that BB video, or at least the Meredith Baxter Birney interpretation of it. lol
Nah, I don't think so. Others will investigate her finances for her. :D She's not going to be able to evade that scrutiny. As I understand it, what she declined was the opportunity to allocute to JSS, basically. I'd like to believe that's because she knew better than to try.

Here's a link on preparing a presentence report in AZ. I can see why she didn't bother if it includes statements from the victim's family. I think it's just a way to try to get a sentence that will include probation at some point?

No way would she want to give her "haters" and the Alexander family the satisfaction IMO. She is motivated by the "haters" to continue her games just to piss them off. She is always brainstorming new ways to do that.


I agree but I do wonder way down the road as everyone moves on including her minions what she may do? Meaning years down the road. Once her manipulations are turned upon her and she is finally getting that she has little to no control? Little fish/big pond.
Nah, I don't think so. Others will investigate her finances for her. :D She's not going to be able to evade that scrutiny. As I understand it, what she declined was the opportunity to allocute to JSS, basically. I'd like to believe that's because she knew better than to try.

Naw she waived it because anything said re:remorse would be on court record and would hurt her innocent appeal. The same reason she couldn't allocute. She CAN'T. She really believes She'll be spending Christmas a free woman
I agree 100%. Plus LWOP robbed her of dozens of years of hope she'll get out on appeal, plus she doesn't get to play DP victim. It's ALL good. I'm delighted how this is playing out.

I'm with you. It's very heartening to see the karma unfold in real time. Same with our case, yeah one got off Death Row BUT those German speaking brothers had lived nearly two decades with cells close enough to talk thru the vents on Death Row. The brother was moved to a completely different TOWN much less prison. They will never see or speak to each other again, which to me, is satisfying. Unless Michael is executed of course and invites his brother. WHich will likely never happen, either.

Careful what you ask for.
Nah, I don't think so. Others will investigate her finances for her. :D She's not going to be able to evade that scrutiny. As I understand it, what she declined was the opportunity to allocute to JSS, basically. I'd like to believe that's because she knew better than to try.

I'm no AZL, but I think JA declined the pre-sentencing report (psych state; ability to adjust to prison; etc.) ... JA still retains the right to get up in front of the judge at sentencing and plead her 'case' for LWP. That's my understanding, at least. AZL commented on it at the time, but I don't have time to find her post.

I know Paul Sanders said differently in his interview with Trish; IMO, he got this wrong.
No doubt she's been throwing candy and treats around all the other inmates buying friends and favours along the way.

She's been paving her way to Perryville with treats for other inmates headed to the prison. Just like BK and others have said.......
Remember a couple weeks ago when some posters were worried about what we would do once the trial was over?

Here we are folks! :D
I personally believe that Jodi may try and harm herself, successfully or not is left to be seen.
I'm not being lighthearted or joking around either.
What Arpio just did will pretty much be the equivalent to her being in a Death Row lockdown situation.
23 hour lockdown with no privileges.

She has 30 days to go before sentencing.........that's a long time for her to go without being the Belle of the Ball.

She brought all of this attention on herself though. She behaved herself pretty well up until the mistrial verdict came down, probably due to Nurmi's advice, and then she felt free to have a jailhouse party with everyone invited.

It should be interesting to see what she looks like on April 13th......may be a few grey hairs growing in by then.

:seeya: Good points !

:hilarious: "Belle of the Ball" ... LOL !

No more "field trips" ... No more of Jen and Maria's 'hand-me-downs' and dry cleaned clothes for Princess ... No more of a lot of things !

She is going to have a really rude awakening ! Oh well !
I know there are lots of questions as to WHY Sheriff Joe is just reporting on the inmate's :jail: behavior.

But below are Sheriff Joe's tweets the day the hung jury was announced, and the day after:

Joe Arpaio @RealSheriffJoe · Mar 5

I am denying all interviews with convicted killer #jodiarias while she remains in my custody.

Joe Arpaio @RealSheriffJoe · Mar 6

Trying to put a stop to #jodiarias social media antics which she conducts from jail.

May hit legal road block.

---I am wondering IF the "legal road block" was because JA had not been sentenced ?
---JA was found GUILTY in May 2013, and after 2 hung juries, her sentencing will now be by the judge ... and now, Joe can let it all out ?

Thoughts ?

Road block was because. Sheriff Joe had to jump through all the hoops with the discipline committee first. Looks like they agreed with him, in other words did not buy her lies!
Does anyone else see a hunger strike coming?

Well, someone could starve to death, couldn't they? Wouldn't that be just a terrible shame. Actually, I would rather she do herself in than put it on someone else's soul to do it. When people talk about something horrible like that happening in Perryville at the hands of someone else, I cringe a bit because nobody else should have to pay any kind of price for CMJA. imo
Here's a link on preparing a presentence report in AZ. I can see why she didn't bother if it includes statements from the victim's family. I think it's just a way to try to get a sentence that will include probation at some point?


Substitute "MDLR" for "probation officer," and that might have been the process. There's nothing in my quick read that says she is supposed to express remorse in the report. It's all factual stuff which JSS knows about all too well. Except for the financial. Which is completely self-reported, responding to questions by MDLR, theoretically. Can't see that as a reason for her to avoid doing a report.
@ericksonvision: Wanna a copy of the #JodiArias trial?
A Court $cam and Why I’m As Mad as Hell | #Life: Stories From The Third Row http://t.co/L8Sj1arAoC

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Jodi must be fuming that everything has been taken away from her......a taste of things to come for her

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