Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #6

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This trial has taken over two years to finish. Many posters are relieved it is finally over with. Now that it is over many posters just want to vent. Please do not tell other posters how to post. What they are doing is venting from the frustration of what they have been through for the past two years. Some posters have taken this very personal and they need that space to wind down. It's just talk. If what the poster is saying bothers you then scroll by and go to the next post. Given a little more time they will get back to normal. That is what happens in these high profile cases. If something is really disturbing then alert and let a MOD decide.

Thanks, Lambchop
You can get "society's use of the death penalty is a form of revenge", but that would be from a text that's fairly philosophical (and therefore complex). It would belong in the realm of social justice or a discussion of the Old Testament or René Girard's Violence and the Sacred. From what I can tell, J17 would not be up to wading through this kind of material. Trust me, it's very difficult: there aren't a whole lot of people who can casually dip into Girard and come away with a glimpse of understanding. I imagine J17 was coached about what to say or what to believe, and that someone gave her the vocabulary.

17 seems to have been a genuine victim of DV, and I doubt very much that either of her felon husbands treated/treat her as a smells good goddess.

The mitigator she seemed most sympathetic to was the one 17 might have interpreted as saying JA was all messed up because she was in a bad relationship and put an absolute end to it.

Maybe she projected her own feelings onto JA and her statements about the DP being revenge were an unconscious way of saying....hey, don't judge ME.
I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, but earlier on Tricia's radio show Beth Karas said she would try and get the transcript for the pre-trial hearing with Matt McCartney, you know the one with the forged pedophile letters, yes .. the one where Juan told him if he ever stepped foot in Arizona again he'd be slapped with a perjury charge :) I hope she can get that!
I am writing you today to kindly ask you to DELAY the sentencing for say, 12 days so that Sheriff Joe can enjoy the full benefit of his repremand upon the killer. If you need an excuse - perhaps your blood sugar is low because you have been eating too many Tobleron and strawberry frap's ....... you see, as we learned from the defense - any excuse will work. But please, I implore you to delay the hearing the additional 12 days!

Okay, got that off my chest now back to reading!

Sheriff Joe must have come up with the 42 days for a reason. Maybe it's to cover even the chance that Jodi will be delayed at Estrella after sentencing until the bus hauls her off to P'ville?

I not only want Jodi to have to appear for sentencing in stripes. I also want her in cuffs, shackles, and a waist chain.
Nah, you're not bad, just honest. CMJA can say her own prayers if she wants, mine are reserved for the truly needy and innocents of the world.... she is neither IMO.

Venting: I AGREE. My prayers are reserved for the victims not the perpetrators -- if that makes me cold or something, then so be it.
Rant off.

Will Sheriff Joe's rejection of the media request follow the felon to PV?
Bravo!! EXCELLENT!!! I always love your explanations of what's going on... Thank you!!

Hi All,

I got to thinking about this Juror 17 possible misconduct/stealth/whatever issue and this is an analogy that I came up with.

First off, they had one clear and simple decision--do the aggravators in this trial outweigh the mitigators (or vice versa)? I know not really simple but they weren't there to decide the merits of the death penalty, if Jodi Arias deserved to die, etc. They were to weigh those factors side by side and say which side outweighs the other. It the mitigator list did not outweigh the aggravator list, the sentence they were to render was Death. Plain and simple. This juror, from all I've put together, seems to have refused to do that task. She went on "feelings", what Jodi Arias looked like, "revenge" and other unrelated issues from the task at hand.

She was also not to consider whether Travis Alexander was a bad person and deserved to die. That was on neither list although what the defense primarily based their case on throughout hoping to get an errant juror to sway from their duty. And they did (unless there was something else nefarious going on which I'm entirely suspicious of personally--time will tell).

It's like they were handed two bushels--one was apples, the other oranges. They were to make one decision only--which of these baskets has the freshest fruit. That would require going through each of the pieces of apples and oranges and determining their degree of freshness. Let's take it a step further and say the oranges were just picked, juicy, fragrant and full of their orangey goodness. The apple bushel contained many which were bruised, rotting and full of worms although a few fresh ones were sprinkled in.

The group decides to take all the fruit out and line it up and look at each piece and see, overall, which 'weighs out" as the freshest overall. They count, they turn them around in their hand, they smell them, they take the time to be clear on their determination even though at the outset it might seem obvious.

Then there is Juror 17 who refuses to look at any of the pieces of fruit with them. She stands back by herself saying she likes apples. She thinks apples get a bad rap generally so she's on the side of apples. And she thinks the oranges get it too easy so apples, in any condition, are better than oranges. The rest of the group asks her to come and look at all the apples, show them why she thinks they are "better" or "more fresh" , convince them that the apple bushel is the freshest. They even beg her to make her case to them so they can understand her affinity for those apples.

She refuses to participate in this and says they are "attacking her" over her deep love and preference for apples. She feels that they are the freshest so in her mind, they will the bushel she votes for no matter what. She won't even look at the oranges much less pick one up and smell it. In fact, she kind of resents the oranges for wanting to 'win" as she feels pity for the apples thinking someone should champion for them so that's what she's going to do no matter what. Besides her brother once fell out of an orange tree and broke his arm so she's never cared much for oranges since he had to go to the hospital over that.

She hangs up the entire judging firmly refusing to look at the fruit but determining based on her predetermined preferences that this is the way she's going to vote.

Then she goes home, reaches in to her own fruit bowl and takes a smiling bite of a ripe juicy apple, looks back at it and sees the back end of a wiggling worm right in the center, chomped in half by her own teeth. She doesn't even spit it out, because she thinks that somehow, some way she can still make a case for that apple while she prepares her law$uit against the worm.

The End.
This trial has taken over two years to finish. Many posters are relieved it is finally over with. Now that it is over many posters just want to vent. Please do not tell other posters how to post. What they are doing is venting from the frustration of what they have been through for the past two years. Some posters have taken this very personal and they need that space to wind down. It's just talk. If what the poster is saying bothers you then scroll by and go to the next post. Given a little more time they will get back to normal. That is what happens in these high profile cases. If something is really disturbing then alert and let a MOD decide.

Thanks, Lambchop

I just eat a snickers and it works for me. Back to myself with the first bite.:facepalm:
I would have to add sour grapes into the apple and orange analogy. With that said I do understand the frustration of the 11 jurors. It is clear that Juror 17 did participate at some point in the deliberations at least by admission of two jurors.
Venting: I AGREE. My prayers are reserved for the victims not the perpetrators -- if that makes me cold or something, then so be it.
Rant off.

Will Sheriff Joe's rejection of the media request follow the felon to PV?

Perryville doesn't allow media requests of any kind.
Tonight I volunteered at my kids' talent show (no one sang "O Holy Night" thank God). We had pizza, popcorn, and sodas. My big kid was great in the show, my little one enjoyed the heck out of it. I adored their smiles. I tucked them both in at home. I'm now enjoying a glass of wine and watching Grey's Anatomy while lying in my comfy bed with fine linens (ok, they are from target) and four pillows propping me up with my laptop open to Websleuths.

Jodi Arias...no matter her "privilege status" will EVER have ANY of this. And this is just a normal night for me. So long, farewell JA.
Venting: I AGREE. My prayers are reserved for the victims not the perpetrators -- if that makes me cold or something, then so be it.
Rant off.

Will Sheriff Joe's rejection of the media request follow the felon to PV?

If I am not mistaken Perryville does not allow interviews with the inmates. Yes, I reserve my prayers for those who truly deserve them.
Sheriff Joe must have come up with the 42 days for a reason. Maybe it's to cover even the chance that Jodi will be delayed at Estrella after sentencing until the bus hauls her off to P'ville?

I not only want Jodi to have to appear for sentencing in stripes. I also want her in cuffs, shackles, and a waist chain.

And that stupid smirk wiped off her face.
I wanted the DP but am pleased with the potential outcome of LWOP. Still, I am taken aback when people want and dream of PPV of CMJA in her cell, etc. It's just bad. She is among the worst of the worst, and she should be punished. What startles me is when people view this as entertainment, like PPV of her being punished. It's just wrong. Lock her up and pray for her soul. If she has money on the books for whatever, so what. It's not like she is going anywhere. The dream of watching her torment in a cell is not right, no matter what she did, that doesn't make it right for you to enjoy that horror that will be her life. She did it; she earned it; I'm not saying lessen her sentence. I'm saying for someone to enjoy it and even entertain the idea of watching her 24/7 imprisoned in her cell is crazy wrong.

I think for a lot of us it's gallows humor that comes from frustration. :D

And I will continue to to have fun with it for as long as I feel like it. :gathering: :winkkiss:
I would have to add sour grapes into the apple and orange analogy. With that said I do understand the frustration of the 11 jurors. It is clear that Juror 17 did participate at some point in the deliberations at least by admission of two jurors.

Well, the foreman did state that he wasn't sure about how much he could relate about J17 to JSS, as he didn't want to be removed from the jury. J17 did participate, but whether that was meaningful on her part is up for debate. JMO.
I would have to add sour grapes into the apple and orange analogy. With that said I do understand the frustration of the 11 jurors. It is clear that Juror 17 did participate at some point in the deliberations at least by admission of two jurors.

To be honest, it sounds to me after the other jurors complained she wasn't really deliberating she came back and decided to give the impression thst she was deliberating and considering things and maybe explaining herself a little better, but not really, and without any plans on changing her mind. She didn't want to be kicked off. She was never not going to hang that jury.
Quick question. I noticed that coaxial cable was on the commissary list of items available to purchase. I would think that would be something they wouldn't allow inmates to buy. They could harm themselves, or use it as a weapon to hurt another inmate.

And, I certainly hope they aren't going to let Angela Simpson get a hold of any more TV cables!!! Isn't that what she used to strangle her victim??

Maybe it's time for them to go wireless.
Well, the foreman did state that he wasn't sure about how much he could relate about J17 to JSS, as he didn't want to be removed from the jury. J17 did participate, but whether that was meaningful on her part is up for debate. JMO.

Exactly. We can't truly know for sure but that is the impression I got from the foreman's interview with Jen Woods. I Don't think she was making a genuine effort. I also thought it was interesting how the foreman said they'd look at a piece of evidence and all agree on what it was EXCEPT for her. It was like she was looking at something else entirely and his jaw would just drop.

But what I really found interesting was how he would look pieces of evidence he'd never seen before and come to the same conclusions we have after studying it for years now. It was so astute. Like how the sex call was a part of the premeditation...YES! How she'd say "what?" To get him to repeat certain things and how phony that seemed. Double YES! How he went in thinking that Travis was emotionally abusive because of texts but after really going through and studying them realized he wasn't that guy at all and feeling misled and betrayed. Seeing how genuinely cool and remorseless Jodi was and how she was far from the shrinking violet with low self esteem the defense portrayed her as. He witnessed her non chalant attitude at the defense table coloring and giggling with Maria and leaning forward and smirking that little smirk while Demarte was on cross.
Quick question. I noticed that coaxial cable was on the commissary list of items available to purchase. I would think that would be something they wouldn't allow inmates to buy. They could harm themselves, or use it as a weapon to hurt another inmate.

And, I certainly hope they aren't going to let Angela Simpson get a hold of any more TV cables!!! Isn't that what she used to strangle her victim??

Maybe it's time for them to go wireless.

Oy!! I THINK coax is only allowed to be 6 inches long. They have to pay like $2.10 a month for utilities If They have electronics
Her victim wasn't a snitch though she just claimed he was. He was a disabled man. Judging by her prison record she'll be in solitery for a long time and won't be anywhere near Jodi.
Her victim had a family just like Travis did. I'm not throwing rocks but please have a look at what this woman did.

I'm tired of hearing people talking about this monster like she's going to be some sort of avenging angel who will make Jodi pay. With any luck Angela Simpson will spend her days locked away from all human life.

I don't know her (Angela's) history, but it must have been awful. Does anyone knoewher background?
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