Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #7

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Does anyone know if it is true that Juror #17 is being interviewed on Sunday at 10pm or is this a rumor? My friend sent me a text saying she saw a blurb for it? I'm on my phone can't find anything to confirm yet.

ETA: Supposedly with Azcentral 12News?

ETA: I just saw an earlier post about this so I suppose it is true. Sorry I missed that!
My apologies. But several posters seemed to confuse the two as (evidently) did I.

So how, under WS TOS, are we able to "assume" a judicial asst. named "Janet" is to blame for the inflammatory remarks?

I'm watching that again .. https://youtu.be/v4Dc7F9-kws?t=1h2m57s << starts around here, reference to conduct by the 'judicial assistant' which is how JSS refers to her, she also says 'she assumes it's THIS COURT'S judicial assistant'. I'm rewatching it now to see if she is named at all during this discussion, and yes this was during the FIRST trial. It does sound too shaky for JSS to act on, I don't see how on earth she could do anything based on double heresay. Juan just started, he names the source as JP .. the judicial assistant is never named, but is referred to as 'she'.
Jen's Trial Diaries &#8207;@TrialDiariesJ 1h1 hour ago

@DrCherylllP Hey she's speaking on channel 12 tomorrow
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jazzijenni &#8207;@Jazzijenni06 1h1 hour ago

@TrialDiariesJ @DrCherylllP Really , Juror 17 ??
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Jen's Trial Diaries &#8207;@TrialDiariesJ 59m59 minutes ago

@Jazzijenni06 @DrCherylllP That's what I hear
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Ssh! I'm a juror &#8207;@sneakyjuror 42m42 minutes ago

@TrialDiariesJ @Jazzijenni06 @DrCherylllP Last time someone said 17 was talking they were referring to Tara. For sure it's the correct 17?
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Jen's Trial Diaries &#8207;@TrialDiariesJ 38m38 minutes ago

@sneakyjuror @Jazzijenni06 @DrCherylllP Yes it's this current one
Jen's Trial Diaries &#8207;@TrialDiariesJ 1h1 hour ago

@DrCherylllP Hey she's speaking on channel 12 tomorrow
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jazzijenni &#8207;@Jazzijenni06 1h1 hour ago

@TrialDiariesJ @DrCherylllP Really , Juror 17 ??
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Jen's Trial Diaries &#8207;@TrialDiariesJ 59m59 minutes ago

@Jazzijenni06 @DrCherylllP That's what I hear
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Ssh! I'm a juror &#8207;@sneakyjuror 42m42 minutes ago

@TrialDiariesJ @Jazzijenni06 @DrCherylllP Last time someone said 17 was talking they were referring to Tara. For sure it's the correct 17?
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Jen's Trial Diaries &#8207;@TrialDiariesJ 38m38 minutes ago

@sneakyjuror @Jazzijenni06 @DrCherylllP Yes it's this current one

I'll have to remember to miss this.
I'll have to remember to miss this.

I know what you mean. I wonder how much MDLR coached her for this interview? I don't trust anything she may say as she has already proven herself to be a liar. Also very sneaky. She sent her note to JSS and didn't share with her co jurors, yet they shared what they were telling JSS about her. Nope, just don't trust her.
Why does this article say this??

"Now that death is no longer an option, Arias will get those appeals anyway. Who knows? She might even get a new trial."

That columunist is a little misguided I think. He even writes:

"Jodi Arias is the guilty one here, not Juror 17, whose name and address were cruelly released after the trial."

He must have overlooked or omitted that the jaii site posted all of the jurors names ( incl. many with their middle names, as well a two member's FB accounts) with the exception of juror17. Thier names were posted Immediately after the verdict/trial.

Is he just an op/ed columnist ?
I think #17 stayed away from socializing with rest of jury because she was afraid she might slip and say too much about herself and extended family, she had plenty to hide. imo

Another outstanding observation out of so many made by so many of you. There have been some major excellent discussions on Juror 17. Out of this as well to which some of you have either stated or inferred, the husband of Juror 17 is probably playing a huge part in all of this.

I would just lay odds that Juror 17 and 2nd hubby had many, many discussions about the ongoing trial every single day beginning when she transitioned from #138 to #17. This husband has his own felony issues which may well affect his having an agenda (not counting the $$$ angle). There is no way this husband would have allowed her to keep quiet about the trial. She, yes, had to be ever so careful in order to remain in contention to be one of the 12. She would have been well prepped for "deliberations". "They" then had the 3 day weekend after the Thursday situations. It is absolutely mind boggling to say the very least.

I have been forever behind in reading and playing catch up, so I have missed out on not being able to make comments now and then (basically I am too shy to state my opinions). And I am not as articulate nor as astute an observer as so many of you are. This is so like reading a mystery novel and waiting for the next chapter, staying up to wee hours of the morning, etc. I have been amazed at the continuation of your "deliberations" after this trial in essence is over. But I will think Wow after reading a truly good post. The hard part has always been I want to know the rest of the story. There is more to the story as there always is.

I am completely satisfied at the future LWOP outcome. JMO
Tara Kelley &#8207;@tarakelley320 Mar 8

One question I would ask #juror17 is why were u crying when walking back into the juror room after u hung the jury??!!!
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Elizabeth Erwin &#8207;@elizabetherwin Mar 10

The debate about #JodiArias #Juror17 heats up! What I've learned from just released court documents at six on @abc15

No doubt it's hanging right smack in the middle of a Van Gogh and a Picasso...and you can mark Jodi's words on that. :smile:

They probably took a Rembrandt down to make way for it! Seriously though I think her 'artwork' exposes more about her than that she is an average, at best, drawer. It also shows how hollow and unimaginative she is. All those women's faces look like shop dummies, idealised Stepford types with no inner life to them whatsoever so I think it's telling that she draws so many in that style. Her other stuff is either cliched (hands praying etc) or just plain amateurish - the boat at sunset for example.

As for her photos, I saw some on her 'art' site the other day and none of them are anything special at all and yet she whacks a $25 price tag on them. I fancy myself as something of a good amateur photographer and like to post the best ones on a blog but would never call myself 'a photographer' foremost or think to try and sell them. Then again I don't need a lawyer, touch wood. Besides, with the digital cameras of today anyone can take a decent pic. The only good photo of hers I ever saw was that landscape one of California wine country which IIRC turned out to actually have been taken in China and she had just nicked it and claimed it as her own! So yes her 'artworks' speak to me for sure, but all they say is 'look, I am a shallow, hollow, plagiaristic fraud'.
Does anyone know if it is true that Juror #17 is being interviewed on Sunday at 10pm or is this a rumor? My friend sent me a text saying she saw a blurb for it? I'm on my phone can't find anything to confirm yet.

ETA: Supposedly with Azcentral 12News?

ETA: I just saw an earlier post about this so I suppose it is true. Sorry I missed that!

Ironically the 2 Facebook news sites she posted comments on back in November 2014 during the trial. AZ Central and 12 News. Although it was not on stories about the trial.
So Juror 17 will be on the news tonight. I'm prepared to hear how all of the other jurors bullied her, how she's been threatened and feels unsafe at home and how she didn't understand what "know" meant in regards to "Do you know any of the players here?". I'm interested to see if she will say she didn't even know Juan was her ex husband's prosecutor. In other words, I'm interested to see if she lies. Nothing she can say will make me believe she didn't know the connection between Juan and her ex husband.

Robert Durst was arrested in New Orleans on a warrant out of Los Angeles county
....The only good photo of hers I ever saw was that landscape one of California wine country which IIRC turned out to actually have been taken in China and she had just nicked it and claimed it as her own! So yes her 'artworks' speak to me for sure, but all they say is 'look, I am a shallow, hollow, plagiaristic fraud'.

Really? Why am I not surprised.
What have I missed? I know she's had all her commissary etc taken away. Anything new on juror 17?

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Robert Durst was arrested in New Orleans last night. Warrant out of Los Angeles county


Will An HBO Documentary Finally Nail Bobby Durst?


Bobby Durst&#8217;s closest confidant at the time of Kathie&#8217;s disappearance was one Susan Berman, a bright, complicated journalist best known for her memoir, Easy Street, about growing up as mob daughter. (Her father, Davie Berman, was Bugsy Siegal&#8217;s partner in Vegas.) Pirro had her investigators call Susan and set up a meeting in Los Angeles, where she lived. Before they got there, she was dead. Two days before Christmas, she&#8217;d been murdered, a single bullet to the back of her head
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