Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #8

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So you don't think that a person claiming to try and be the best she could be at whatever she does(with apparently a great memory, as per the foreman of the jury), would have some memory of who the prosecutor was that made the plea agreement and was basically responsible for her soon to be husband(and iirc the father of her children) being released into her custody(thus saddling her with babysitting a grown man, I bet he didn't like that...)?

I would be very surprised if she didn't have documents, call cards, etc, if only because she must have had to sign something to agree to this man(who she wasn't yet even married to) being forced to live with her. Would she not have had to meet with the State to set that up and therefore would need all the paperwork in order to expedite matters?

Also, since the records show that she did give statements at least twice regarding her first hb, do you think that just maybe she had been interviewed regarding the drive by shooting and theft, if only to clear herself from any involvement with the crime before her home(and her specifically) was designated to be the one this man was being released to? Anyway, I'm done with trying to show my viewpoint on this, if someone doesn't want to see that there is just cause for suspicion, then I guess they won't.


10:55 a.m. State is represented by Juan M. Martinez

"The Defendant is released subject to the supervision of the
Pretrial Services Agency of the Superior Court.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED defendant shall reside with

Didn't she also say that she filled out the questionnaire with more information than they asked for? But neglected to mention anything about hubby #1's first offenses and time in jail? Was she trying to deflect?

I'd like to hear just one piece of evidence that she heard in the trial to support DV that didn't come from JA's lying mouth. There isn't one. Just tell us what made her believe JA? She couldn't tell the other jurors. Did she try to come up with something in this 12 News interview?

What are the odds?

from the minutes:

With regard to “liking” something on Facebook, she stated she was pretty sure she liked “The Secret” because it had motivational
quotes. That occurred before the trial started. The information she has about “The Secret” and the Law of Attraction was learned before she became a juror.

(R. T. March 3, 2015, pages 15 -27)

Oh, no, no coincidences here. *snort*
What are the odds?

from the minutes:

With regard to “liking” something on Facebook, she stated she was pretty sure she liked “The Secret” because it had motivational
quotes. That occurred before the trial started. The information she has about “The Secret” and the Law of Attraction was learned before she became a juror.

(R. T. March 3, 2015, pages 15 -27)

Oh, no, no coincidences here. *snort*

But what about the Daily Share. So much to explain away. ..

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Telling the other jurors that voting for the DP was same as revenge should have been the end of her on the jury. Actually, Juan should have been allowed to strike her at the beginning. But, Nurmi whined and JW used her baby voice so Sherry folded like a cheap suit....typical behavior throughout the years of the Jodi circus.
What are the odds?

from the minutes:

With regard to “liking” something on Facebook, she stated she was pretty sure she liked “The Secret” because it had motivational
quotes. That occurred before the trial started. The information she has about “The Secret” and the Law of Attraction was learned before she became a juror.

(R. T. March 3, 2015, pages 15 -27)

Oh, no, no coincidences here. *snort*

Yeah, she learned about both of those things at the same time the rest of us did, DURING THE ORIGINAL TRIAL, which I'm sure she followed religiously. As well as HLN and their 24 hr news coverage of it. Why would she even use the term "sucked in" as in she didn't want to get "sucked in" to this trial? Only a trial watcher who has been "sucked in" to a trial would even think of this. Pretty sure the average person living in AZ who saw news coverage on their local news station each night didn't consider that they were being "sucked in" to the trial?

Also, what was she "going through" in 2013?

What was her level of intelligence? I didn't know an IQ test was a prerequisite.

Good question!! I'm not sure what her exact IQ is. I was just responding to a post from another member who felt that it wasn't very high (however, objectively considering her manner of speech and vocabulary it doesn't sound like she is very well educated).

This member was toying with the idea of that being the reason that J17 didn't understand the jury instructions, etc... Being able to put personal beliefs aside in order to consider all the facts in order to weigh mitigating vs agrivating factors.

But that's a great idea, IQ tests would be able to weed out a lot of people who didn't understand the commitment, and duty of being a juror!!
Yes she did. So she recognized him from TV, according to what she said. And at least 30 other people also recognized JM and other court players from TV in her same jury pool voir dire session, but not one of them raised their hands when asked if they knew any of the people introduced. Then it came up that these other people had seen too much in the media and could not disregard that.

But that lack of raising her hand was cited as proof that J17 lied. What about the others who also didn't raise their hands either? Wouldn't the same standard apply to them too? Didn't they also lie by not raising their hands? And this still doesn't provide circumstantial proof that she recognized JM because of the ex-husband's conviction many years before.

BBM- ok, now isn't that an easy comment to make. It really bothers me when someone says, "Look maybe what I did was wrong...but heck, those other guys were wrong, too." I've heard kids use that as an excuse for their bad behavior so many times over the years. Oh, and guess what...those other folks turned out to be more truthful in the end, IMO, and they were tossed. Seems to me, she wasn't truthful and by default (again, IMO) got seated on the jury.
What are the odds?

from the minutes:

With regard to “liking” something on Facebook, she stated she was pretty sure she liked “The Secret” because it had motivational
quotes. That occurred before the trial started. The information she has about “The Secret” and the Law of Attraction was learned before she became a juror.

(R. T. March 3, 2015, pages 15 -27)

Oh, no, no coincidences here. *snort*

She probably thinks that "The Secret" finally brought her and Jodi together... Kindred spirits forever!!! Hahaha!! :hilarious:
I was just reading Paul Sanders March 14, 2015 "Letters from Wreckage" Jodi Arias Verdict

Regarding his statement about Juror 17. Does anyone here have any insight to offer as to why she, the one holdout and possibly stealth juror, would be crying and 'hysterical with grief'?


"The most vocal of the top row crying was Juror Number Seventeen. Her face was red and she almost looked as if she were hysterical in grief."
What was her level of intelligence?
I didn't know an IQ test was a prerequisite.

1st BBM: Obviously, she is not very intelligent, IMO, when you look at her choices in life:

- #17 married her 1st husband the day before he was to be sentenced for felony crimes...

-#17 married her 2nd husband knowing that he had been convicted of crimes ...

Again not very intelligent, IMO, and having 2 ex-husbands who are convicted felons, she should have been immediately dismissed from jury duty.

But wait -- #17 LIED -- and lied by OMISSION ...

Birds of a feather ...

I was just reading Paul Sanders March 14, 2015 "Letters from Wreckage" Jodi Arias Verdict

Regarding his statement about Juror 17. Does anyone here have any insight to offer as to why she, the one holdout and possibly stealth juror, would be crying and 'hysterical with grief'?


During deliberations, I had a hunch that there was one holdout who just couldn't find it in his/her heart to render a death sentence. Then I learned more about J17 and suspected her intimacy with criminals and perhaps disdain for LE/PT had influenced her vote. Or maybe she was simply a stubborn person who wasn't going to let anyone tell her what to do. Now I wonder if my original thought is correct: she may have tried to convince herself that she is DP qualified because she was so desperate and excited about being on this jury and then realized that she just couldn't do it. From her interviews, she doesn't seem to have much depth, but maybe she was crying because she knew JA DESERVED the DP, but she couldn't support it.

Interesting that Tara Kelley from the original trial tweeted a question as to why J17 was crying.
During deliberations, I had a hunch that there was one holdout who just couldn't find it in his/her heart to render a death sentence. Then I learned more about J17 and suspected her intimacy with criminals and perhaps distain for LE/PT had influenced her vote. Or maybe she was simply a stubborn person who wasn't going to let anyone tell her what to do. Now I wonder if my original thought is correct: she may have tried to convince herself that she is DP qualified because she was so excited about being on this jury and then realized that she just couldn't do it. From her interviews, she doesn't seem to have much depth, but maybe she was crying because she knew JA DESERVED the DP, but she couldn't support it.

Interesting that Tara Kelley from the original trial tweeted a question about why J17 was crying.

What did Tara Kelley say?
Maybe so. If we are going to gauge intelligence on manner of speech and vocabulary then it could be said the other 11 weren't very bright. After all one juror had difficulty reading a prepared speech.

I'll agree with you on this. None of their grammar, nor speech, was very correct. However, in J17's interviews, she is also lacking content.
I apologize that I don't have a link, but she asked WHY was juror 17 crying, and this was after all of the information about J17 broke loose.

Just thought I'd share a quote that seems appropriate in light of the discussions regarding Juror 17...

"Coincidence is the word we use when we can't see the levers and pulleys." --Emma Bull
It wasn't.

Maybe it should be.

Nah, level of intelligence has nothing to do with being able to do what's right(witness ms einstein), although it might make it easier for said individual to get snowed by underhanded tactics. When it comes right down to it, unless you've been trained in it, the court system and the law is pretty much gobbly gook to even the most "intelligent" person and without a good antenna for deceit, they wouldn't do any better than the most innocent and naive among us, as long as the attorneys are allowed to use less than honest and straight forward arguments.:moo:
I'll agree with you on this. None of their grammar, nor speech, was very correct. However, in J17's interviews, she is also lacking content.

I'm much more concerned about her lack of character and inability to see evil than her speech or IQ. I believe many people with a low IQ or a lack of education would still be able to see through JA's lies and manipulation, but apparently J#17 was totally taken in by her and unwilling to acknowledge her own past connections or feelings about the DP.
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