Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #8

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On the JAII site the owner, SJ, has written a post and copied the email he sent to Troy Hayden re this Boys and Girls Club in Hawaii, claiming that it was never posted on their website and asking him to provide a screenshot as proof. Last night when it was mentioned here that they were celebrating it over there I went to have a look but couldn't see the video or any comments on it. Ah well, since SJ refers to Hayden as their favourite term of abuse if I were Mr Hayden I'd just hit the delete button. And re that term they love to throw around, if TA was what they and the killer claim, what does that make her for doing nothing about it. If 'we' are 'huggers', she was an enabler. But it's all BS anyway. BTW, there has also been no mention there about JA's supposed breakdown - they are all too busy edifying J17.
BBM- ok, now isn't that an easy comment to make. It really bothers me when someone says, "Look maybe what I did was wrong...but heck, those other guys were wrong, too." I've heard kids use that as an excuse for their bad behavior so many times over the years. Oh, and guess what...those other folks turned out to be more truthful in the end, IMO, and they were tossed. Seems to me, she wasn't truthful and by default (again, IMO) got seated on the jury.

It's an observation I made when I watched video of the jury pool being questioned by JSS, and it's a valid question to wonder why the same standard isn't being applied to all the jurors in the pool, since none of the ones in the J17 pool raised their hands, and raising of hands when the question of knowing any of the players was specifically cited as evidence of lying several times.

Personally I don't think anyone did wrong by claiming they didn't know any of the players because...as far as anyone can determine right now, the jurors only knew the case players by seeing them in the media and J17 said she didn't remember JM from husband's case.
AZlawyer, it's good to see you back!

Guys, I've been reading and reading to keep up with all the issues that have arisen since the non-sentence.

As for my most humble opinion, :moo: JA will get natural life. She missed the DP by one vote this time. Whether or not investigation of and action against all parties rumored to have put sticks in the wheels of the prosecution, the fact is, it's over for Jodi. She will know her exact fate on April 13.

If, indeed, she mounted a couple of monumental temper-tantrums due to the presence of Troy Hayden and the clamping down on rules by Sheriff Arpaio, it's nothing new for her. I noted that Troy stated that the guards were not happy about her temper tantrum, as they would have to deal with it for the rest of the day.

Just remember the testimony for the defense that she scored low on aggression! A temper tantrum is a major form of aggression. It certainly doesn't show a little wimp who sits silently and takes "abuse" by apologizing to the abuser.

All JA has accomplished by her behavior is to add reams of paper to the report the Sheriff's Office will send to Perryville. You can be sure the staff there are used to handling such behavior! To be forewarned is to be forearmed, as the old saying goes.

The question for me is, will JA be able to control herself once she suffers the indignities of Perryville? Has she curried enough favor with former Estrella inmates now at Perryville to have a support system? Where will she end up in the pecking order without hundreds of dollars worth of "goodies" to spread around to get other inmates to do her bidding?
@jeffgoldesq: Thanks to @troyhaydenfox10 Exposé and your reaction, Boys & Girls Club fired child exploiting #JodiArias supporter http://t.co/omUZDb5ClL

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I hadn't realized JSS provided more information about juror #17 in this minute entry: http://www.courtminutes.maricopa.gov/docs/Criminal/032015/m6734039.pdf. I assume you all have discussed this already while I was out of the country last week, but I thought it was interesting that the foreman and another juror said juror #17 did start deliberating after the modified impasse instruction was given. (The judge didn't question the other jurors, no doubt because a dismissal of juror #17 for failure to deliberate would never have held up on appeal if anyone thought she was genuinely deliberating.)

this juror 17 situation really has to be evaluated in light of watching the selection process...the juror did not raise hand during voir dire when asked about knowing the attorneys etc. I guess it could be argued that she just did not remember or see him enough to remember...(very questionable)...but on individual questioning of 138 she clearly outline abuse, started crying and at bench JM clearly wanted her off and anyone seeing this would agree with him but not JSS!! More questioning and JSS refused to agree with JM and she was kept. That is the only direct questioning I could find on her. On Oct. 8th afternoon they did their final strikes (each had 10) JM clearly did not use one on her...obviously a big mistake. My guess from listening to other interviews with jurors they had many anti dp that he had to strike and used the 10 on them? I am furious that I watched this entire jury selection and then right at the moment of the final selection they turned off the cameras purposely and could not personally see the strikes!!! Anyone know why that is? I guess the bottom line is JM chose not to strike her....given all of her comments about ex and current husbands being prosecuted in Maricopa County I do not understand them not checking this out...he could have used a strike and I don't even think there needs to be a public reason but this did not happen. Then during the deliberations again it was clear which juror this was about and JM moved to have her removed but at this point it could have been an appeal that probably would have been upheld.

Also it is obvious as you watch the retrail that this blond assistant Janet is still working in the courtroom...very close to all parties and I don't understand this after the things that have come out about her. Apparently the court did not believe the person that said these things.

Another thing that is so obvious in listening to side bars and the proceedings I have never seen lawyers have so much distain for the state and they take every opportunity to name call and JSS seems to not be a judge but a referee in family court as you listen. Can anyone believe that willmott is trying a cp case and cannot stay for jury selection because her child care situation has changed and she has to leave at 5pm...she tells this to JSS as she sort of stomps in front of bench!! I could not believe I was hearing this...she can't get child care????????? It was a delay tactic and these games were played constantly. JSS almost started laughing and did not back down and they ended up coming back for the final strikes.
'Mental breakdown' in this case is the politically correct term for the temper tantrum of a spoiled, entitled brat who just stopped getting her way due to her own abuse of the generous privileges she had and could have continued to have had she behaved according to the rules.

... and a view of the killing rage of June 4th.

Huevos divorciados
TrialDiariesJen re-Tweeted this early this morning:

@TrialDiariesJ Jen, the teacher at the Boys and Girls Club has been TERMINATED and parents of the children notified. http://t.co/Km36bjR687
3/17/15, 3:09 AM

Hell hath no fury when kids are exploited. What a dodo head that woman was.
Tweet from Hayden:

Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 · 7m7 minutes ago

Maui Boys and Girls Club worker fired after #fox10phoenix report.
Children supporting #JodiArias in anti-DV video.


:great::great::great: Thank goodness she was FIRED !

I've transcribed the last segment of the 10/06/14 Pre-Trial Hearing.

I hope it may be helpful at some point in our discussions.

I can't type another minute, so am calling it a night. Ciao y'all.

Jodi Arias Pre-Trial Hearing

:seeya: :tyou::tyou::tyou: for this transcription !

I just can't watch it now ... so this is great !

Again, :tyou:
Troy says the Director of the Boys and Girls KNEW that these videos were shot but didn't know they were put on social media. So the director was fine with the teacher influencing her kids to support a murderer until he found out it was put on the internet and there was a public outcry?
Troy Hayden said they were teenagers. But SOME of them surely were not. A few of the first ones showed sound like they are very YOUNG children.

Thanks to Troy for exposing this! IMOP the Director should be fired too.
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