Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #8

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BBM--Hi Daisy, that is the understand of the year. Seriously, you'd have to see it to believe it.

I posted in the Retrial Video thread that MF is far worse than ALV. It was unbelievable that JSS allowed MF behave the way she did--she was obnoxious, disrespectful, and just plain out of control. I will tell you this, it was blatantly obvious that MF and the DT controlled the manner and direction of her testimony to such a degree that Juan was extremely lucky to do any true cross examination--I would guess that only about 25% of what she was asked was actually answered. One has only to watch this farce of a cross examination to know without a doubt that Juan was asked to fight a battle without any weapons at all.

I haven't seen the video, but I am sure it would make me piping mad. This part of the trial seemed to be about attacking Juan. Plain and simple. And imo, JSS allowed it, from not permanently removing her assistant to refusing to rein in DT and hostile witnesses. Orchestrated by JA, and JSS allowed the manipulation. I really can't wait till JA goes to Perryville.

MindMatters, could you try to explain why it is so important for JA to control the people around her. It seems this is core to her personality. What could have been the childhood triggers...is it environment or heredity? It it psychopathy or what?

On the video posted above, Troy talks about what lead up to him getting an interview with Jodi. Jodi sent a message to Troy that she wanted to speak with him through a person that talks to her frequently. Troy had a one on one with her and she claimed the reason she wanted to meet him was because she wanted him not to publish a story he was working on about her fund raising efforts. Troy did not know what she was talking about because he was not working on a story.

IMO it was only an excuse to get to know him, and now she has continued to engage him by sending him letters and voicemessages.....yuck. Poor Troy...LOL.

Thank you for the link!
It is now being reported that MDLR has deleted her twitter account (the @faith...). The Arias Dynasty is crumbling as we speak.
So I had to go out of town yesterday for a dr. consult. I couldn't keep up with WS on my iphone but was checking FB off & on all day. I don't know why I am kinda shocked at all the BS that seems to be happening daily-Considering what the Killer & co. has been like for the past 7 yrs. But seriously, this is over the top! Never has a killer been involved in so much, with so many people!
Let me know if I missed anything, as I'm catching up this morn.
-J17- interviewed in the shadows, stretched out for drama over 3 edited videos. Reporters not asking the real questions & she's still not giving her reasons for voting for Life.
-the killer may or may not be taken to medical facility for a 'breakdown'
-boys & girls club in HI have posted a video of support for the killer, that was posted on a killer's support site & also shown to the killer during a video chat. the leader is FB friends with all the killer support sites & Aunt Sue. She's been fired.
-MLDR's twitter does not exist that 'faithwillsaveyou' one.

Anything else in less than 24hrs? thanks friends.
It is now being reported that MDLR has deleted her twitter account (the @faith...). The Arias Dynasty is crumbling as we speak.

Just like the moles in my garden, she will go underground for a while then surface somewhere else.....
I can think of a few situations where making a video would be appropriate, but yeah, the director should have double checked. Lots of membership applications/registration forms for kid activities (school, sports, camp, etc.) mention somewhere that the kids may be photographed and the photos might be published. It's usually an opt-out kind of thing these days.

The subject is this video in particular. About loving and supporting Jodi Arias. That's my beef. The ignorance of the director as well as the manipulation of minors. Using minors with parental notice, let alone permission.

Always a bad idea.

ETA: should read withOUT parental notice - I'm sorry. And I want to clarify that my use of the word 'ignorance' regarding the director - I don't mean the director wasn't aware of the subject, but is ignorant because they knew and allowed it to be made.
... and a view of the killing rage of June 4th.

JA hides it well and keeps things bottled up inside until she finally explodes into wild hateful rage.

Just a theory I have had for quite some time of anger control issues. The main evidence is how she violently killed Travis. That scene paints a picture of someone exploding into a violent fit of rage.

We have other examples and 1 very recent one.
-We now have heard reports that she may have had a tantrum over this past weekend.
-The other past episode with the reporter where JA threw a fit.
-The slashing of Travis tires on 2 different occasions
-When she went storming over to that other girls house that she did not even know
-The episode where she confronted the girl in the bathroom.
-And of course the most violent one where she killed Travis with knife and gun

There could be others. The wrist brace Ive always suspected she may have went into a rage in her cell and punched a wall maybe.

I really think she hides her anger issues inside until she explodes. She is real sneaky in that way. She hides it until she cant help herself.

If so, we will hear of more stories in prison where JA will not be able to control herself.
Its guaranteed to happen again.
BBM--Hi Daisy, that is the understand of the year. Seriously, you'd have to see it to believe it.

I posted in the Retrial Video thread that MF is far worse than ALV. It was unbelievable that JSS allowed MF behave the way she did--she was obnoxious, disrespectful, and just plain out of control. I will tell you this, it was blatantly obvious that MF and the DT controlled the manner and direction of her testimony to such a degree that Juan was extremely lucky to do any true cross examination--I would guess that only about 25% of what she was asked was actually answered. One has only to watch this farce of a cross examination to know without a doubt that Juan was asked to fight a battle without any weapons at all.

Honestly, it was infuriating and heartbreaking all at the same time to watch an officer of the court try to seek justice only to be hamstrung by the very entity that asks him to seek justice.

The jurors, in the post-trial press conference, were 100% wise to her antics. The DT thought they were controlling something, but they weren't. IMO (and I realize we don't agree, and that's fine—you know I respect your opinion) JSS was smart to let her continue to be a total jerk on the stand. Dr. M-F looked to the jury exactly as she looks to us: an unprofessional and weird bully.

"Objection: mischaracterization."
"You're mischaracterizing, Mr. Marrrrrrrtinez!!!111!!!"

But you know what—the jury had the evidence in front of them. Dr. M-F could have been a perfect, respectful witness and she'd still have had no credibility once the jury looked at the complete emails, text messages, letters and journals.
Juror 17 Interviews. I don't know why these videos are coming out in bits and pieces.


17 says 4 Drs diag the murderer with PTSD

Not true

17 says BiPolar was mentioned

wow so no test results needed to prove it.

She imo is one messed up individual.

17 talks about MF and Gaffner

So she didn't hear what Dr Demarte said

17 says she doesn't know if she would want death if her son was murdered.

I really feel sorry for the 11 that had to deal with her, honestly I couldn't have done it

Thankfully she wasn't on 1st trial, no doubt in my mind there would not be a murder1 conviction.


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Thank you for the link!

oceanblueeyes originally posted it....but it does give great insight as to HOW JA hooks people. One crack of the door....and she jumps through.

As much as she is trying to control Troy, it's funny how he is well aware of her attempts to control people. This is where JA gets her self-esteem IMO. Control. And now that she does not have people to boss around and manipulate...I am sure she is in rage mode. Armchair analysis here. :)
I haven't seen the video, but I am sure it would make me piping mad. This part of the trial seemed to be about attacking Juan. Plain and simple. And imo, JSS allowed it, from not permanently removing her assistant to refusing to rein in DT and hostile witnesses. Orchestrated by JA, and JSS allowed the manipulation. I really can't wait till JA goes to Perryville.

MindMatters, could you try to explain why it is so important for JA to control the people around her. It seems this is core to her personality. What could have been the childhood triggers...is it environment or heredity? It it psychopathy or what?

BBM- yes, this is THE great question that me, being so naïve about manipulators would also like to know. Also, to that "Why can the Killer so successfully get so many people to fall for her control with such a vengeance?" It's like a David Koresh (sp) thing or something? Hypnotize the masses? Thanks
Here is the problem I have, if she didn't remember JM why not mention BOTH times that her exhusband got in trouble with the law? This is the perfect situation for someone who says they are "careful to be the best at whatever they do", to "be the best and honest you"!

I know the fact that she didn't mention it is not "evidence", but to me it is not truthful and it's wrong.

Even if her only motive for wanting to get on this jury was for gaining "validation and recognition" and not some other more serious conspiracy theory motive, I believe that she should still have consequences for not being 100% truthful.

It is still wrong no matter "what" or how serious her motive was.

As JM pointed out to Dr. G, to know whether an answer is a lie we must know what the question was. For example, the questionnaire might have said "other than juvenile offenses,..."

So you don't think that a person claiming to try and be the best she could be at whatever she does(with apparently a great memory, as per the foreman of the jury), would have some memory of who the prosecutor was that made the plea agreement and was basically responsible for her soon to be husband(and iirc the father of her children) being released into her custody(thus saddling her with babysitting a grown man, I bet he didn't like that...)?

I would be very surprised if she didn't have documents, call cards, etc, if only because she must have had to sign something to agree to this man(who she wasn't yet even married to) being forced to live with her. Would she not have had to meet with the State to set that up and therefore would need all the paperwork in order to expedite matters?

Also, since the records show that she did give statements at least twice regarding her first hb, do you think that just maybe she had been interviewed regarding the drive by shooting and theft, if only to clear herself from any involvement with the crime before her home(and her specifically) was designated to be the one this man was being released to? Anyway, I'm done with trying to show my viewpoint on this, if someone doesn't want to see that there is just cause for suspicion, then I guess they won't.


10:55 a.m. State is represented by Juan M. Martinez

"The Defendant is released subject to the supervision of the
Pretrial Services Agency of the Superior Court.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED defendant shall reside with

I'm sure he was already living with her. It would be pretty typical for an existing living arrangement to be confirmed in probation conditions. Normally there would be no investigation of the person beyond a standard background check.

1st BBM: Obviously, she is not very intelligent, IMO, when you look at her choices in life:

- #17 married her 1st husband the day before he was to be sentenced for felony crimes...

-#17 married her 2nd husband knowing that he had been convicted of crimes ...

Again not very intelligent, IMO, and having 2 ex-husbands who are convicted felons, she should have been immediately dismissed from jury duty.

But wait -- #17 LIED -- and lied by OMISSION ...

Birds of a feather ...


You just can't dismiss a juror for having felonious exes (Felonious Exes would be a good name for a band...).

During deliberations, I had a hunch that there was one holdout who just couldn't find it in his/her heart to render a death sentence. Then I learned more about J17 and suspected her intimacy with criminals and perhaps disdain for LE/PT had influenced her vote. Or maybe she was simply a stubborn person who wasn't going to let anyone tell her what to do. Now I wonder if my original thought is correct: she may have tried to convince herself that she is DP qualified because she was so desperate and excited about being on this jury and then realized that she just couldn't do it. From her interviews, she doesn't seem to have much depth, but maybe she was crying because she knew JA DESERVED the DP, but she couldn't support it.

Interesting that Tara Kelley from the original trial tweeted a question as to why J17 was crying.

I do think it is quite likely that juror 17 wanted to be on this jury and minimized or even lied about how closely she had followed it for that reason. I just can't buy the theory that she's a big anti-DP activist. From her interview, I doubt she's thought much about the DP or anything other than getting through life and dealing with her man problems. You may be right that the first time she REALLY thought about it was during deliberations.

this juror 17 situation really has to be evaluated in light of watching the selection process...the juror did not raise hand during voir dire when asked about knowing the attorneys etc. I guess it could be argued that she just did not remember or see him enough to remember...(very questionable)...but on individual questioning of 138 she clearly outline abuse, started crying and at bench JM clearly wanted her off and anyone seeing this would agree with him but not JSS!! More questioning and JSS refused to agree with JM and she was kept. That is the only direct questioning I could find on her. On Oct. 8th afternoon they did their final strikes (each had 10) JM clearly did not use one on her...obviously a big mistake. My guess from listening to other interviews with jurors they had many anti dp that he had to strike and used the 10 on them? I am furious that I watched this entire jury selection and then right at the moment of the final selection they turned off the cameras purposely and could not personally see the strikes!!! Anyone know why that is? I guess the bottom line is JM chose not to strike her....given all of her comments about ex and current husbands being prosecuted in Maricopa County I do not understand them not checking this out...he could have used a strike and I don't even think there needs to be a public reason but this did not happen. Then during the deliberations again it was clear which juror this was about and JM moved to have her removed but at this point it could have been an appeal that probably would have been upheld.

Also it is obvious as you watch the retrail that this blond assistant Janet is still working in the courtroom...very close to all parties and I don't understand this after the things that have come out about her. Apparently the court did not believe the person that said these things.

Another thing that is so obvious in listening to side bars and the proceedings I have never seen lawyers have so much distain for the state and they take every opportunity to name call and JSS seems to not be a judge but a referee in family court as you listen. Can anyone believe that willmott is trying a cp case and cannot stay for jury selection because her child care situation has changed and she has to leave at 5pm...she tells this to JSS as she sort of stomps in front of bench!! I could not believe I was hearing this...she can't get child care????????? It was a delay tactic and these games were played constantly. JSS almost started laughing and did not back down and they ended up coming back for the final strikes.

Anyone but an appellate attorney might agree that JSS should have stricken juror 17 for having a DV history and being upset about it. But if you start striking people because they are too similar to what the defendant pretends to be, you are going to have a problem down the road.

The final strike procedure could not really be shown on camera because it is just attorneys silently crossing out names on a piece of paper. No discussion.

I was also really shocked throughout the trial by the unprofessional behavior, and by the fact that JSS would not address it unless someone actually objected.
Sooo...MDLR has deleted her twitter account? LOL! Too late!

It is now being reported that MDLR has deleted her twitter account (the @faith...).
The Arias Dynasty is crumbling as we speak.

:seeya: Oh goodie . . . :great: !

:thinking: I wonder IF it has been deleted because they are investigating her unethical shenanigans ?

BBM: "The Arias Dynasty" :hilarious: !

:happydance: Yep they are crumbling fast and hard !

Id be one angry momma bear that my kids were filmed WITHOUT my expressed permission to be uploaded into YouTube
The subject is this video in particular. About loving and supporting Jodi Arias. That's my beef. The ignorance of the director as well as the manipulation of minors. Using minors with parental notice, let alone permission.

Always a bad idea.

Oh yeah, I totally agree! The point I was trying to make is that if the director was walking by and saw an art project (the signs) and posing for video, she would have probably assumed that whatever Jill was doing was in line with the Club's policy already. It's such a no-brainer policy! Why question the activity?
BBM--Hi Daisy, that is the understand of the year. Seriously, you'd have to see it to believe it.

I posted in the Retrial Video thread that MF is far worse than ALV. It was unbelievable that JSS allowed MF behave the way she did--she was obnoxious, disrespectful, and just plain out of control. I will tell you this, it was blatantly obvious that MF and the DT controlled the manner and direction of her testimony to such a degree that Juan was extremely lucky to do any true cross examination--I would guess that only about 25% of what she was asked was actually answered. One has only to watch this farce of a cross examination to know without a doubt that Juan was asked to fight a battle without any weapons at all.

Honestly, it was infuriating and heartbreaking all at the same time to watch an officer of the court try to seek justice only to be hamstrung by the very entity that asks him to do it.

We were told early on that when a defense witness behaves badly.....it's Juans' fault. If he doesn't say anything, Sherrys hands are tied. Really :facepalm:
Id be one angry momma bear that my kids were filmed WITHOUT my expressed permission to be uploaded into YouTube

I'd be one angry momma bear that my kids were even told some warped fiction about JA being a victim. I'd be angry if anyone at the B&GC were talking to my kids about sympathy toward ANY convicted murderer. Not even filmed or shared, just a discussion. It's nuts.
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