Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #9

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Is there a document somewhere with Travis' writing? It'd be interesting to see if she even tried to copy his writing, or if she lazily threw together that chicken scratch.

JA....never fails to show what a disgusting person she is on the inside. The letter to the family, the manifesto, and this. She deserved the death penalty.


And it's also almost word for word the same as the letter to TA's family!! I think she thinks she really did an excellent job writing all this BS and wanted to share it with as many people as she could so she decided why not turn it into a letter to the Alexanders!!!

She is wacked!!

I'm curious as to who first labelled this a 'manifesto'. Manifesto = declaration of policy. This is more of a press release by the celebrity that she believes herself to be. I love love love the way she herself refers to it as a 'composition'. Compose = to create. Nuf said!
I hope we will get to see the court transcripts from the times she was representing herself.

Now that I've actually seen the letter, I'm amazed that she could continue to assert its authenticity. It's so badly done, every bit of it. I probably shouldn't be surprised--she stuck with that dumb ninja story for years.


Thanks DD, but shouldn't there be another one about messing up the pedo letter? LOL But this coded message reminds me, in her manifesto she mentions being a photographer and being behind the camera but in order to get her truth out she'd do an interview and be uncomfortable - the reporter who first interviewed her in Yreka mentioned how excited she was to do the interview, and as we've seen since she loves being in front of the camera. Girl just simply cannot tell the truth, no matter what.
Hey Arias

Pg 31. You effed up
Pg 7. You put Jan 21 2007
Pg 53. You either became "official" with a guy you knew to be a pedophile Feb 2, 2007 and
Pg 14. You didn't have the spidey underwear he allegedly sent you Feb 14 2007 so...
Pg 84. You made up the entire effing thing to hurt a man who tried to help you

I think that's the coded message I was looking for. lmao
I must be confused, I thought she supposedly saw this in Jan. of '08 (not '07 as the letter is dated)? She saw this before they 'officially' started dating? They had 'fantasy enactments' before dating? The Spiderman underwear came before Valentine's Day?

She was cleaning his house in January 07? Not according to her later accounts.
Been busy lately and I come back to that letter--I can't even...she is detestable beyond any words I can summon up. She is nothing more or nothing less than wasted space, the level of malice in her intent and her complete victimization of Travis screams for her to know suffering and pain equal to that which she inflicted on others.

I do not know how the Alexander family maintained any kind of composure and patience knowing what they knew about this forged letter. No wonder Steven is so angry, and that Tanisha was deeply anguished when the hung jury was announced, I cannot imagine how they kept it all together knowing that this monster, after brutally murdering Travis, was vengefully using (and sometimes successfully) a court of law (where truth is supposed to be sacred) to destroy/murder their brother more fully and completely, as well as attempting to destroy those Travis loved.

I believe that death by lethal injection would have been too good for her. There is a special kind of justice waiting for her and I hope it comes swiftly and with the same level of evil vengence that she displayed toward her victim and his family.
Hmm, an handwritten letter by Travis. Travis was blowing up her phone, texting her begging her to just listen to what he had to say? and he going to sit down and write her a letter.

And we heard Travis being put out and begging a ride to FHE because Jodi was using his car. Other than that there was nothing noteworthy that day.

... and as he had no car, how did he supposedly deliver this letter to her (apparently 'meditating' in a church sanctuary at the time). Carrier pigeon?
Even though she put the wrong date on the letter, some of her fans are rationalizing it away.

I agree with those who think she exploited the situation with the Freeman family tragedy, especially because she borrowed the suicide idea and the manner of suicide. She also included a reference about what he was to become, and this was a concern of the Freeman lad. Even more egregious is that she brought the Hughes into this, as well as Travis' family, with her comparing urges to drug addiction. Given Travis' family history with with drugs, I seriously doubt that he would have made this link.

My thought is that she wrote the series of letters with the intention of blackmailing her way to a plea deal. I suspect that other letters may expose other individuals as well. These letters came to the attention of the prosecution in early June 2010. Records indicate there was an attempt towards settlement in December 2010 and in 2011 there was what I like to call her blackmail motion.

Someone commented on the excessive use of I in the letter. Another thing to note is the absence of expressing emotion, which is consistent with Arias, but very unlike Travis, who did express his feelings in blogs, journals and texts.

It astounds me that the defense was allowed to push some of this stuff for as long and as hard as they did, especially when things contradict each other and make no sense when viewed as a whole.
Her use of "what if" three times in the forged pedo letter caught my eye. She's used those exact words and same placement within the sentence structure several times verbally in interviews and Flores interrogation videos. jmo.
Hi! Once again I missed it all last night, not being online at the right time. Anyway, thank you Caylee Advocate for posting the transcribed letter for those who weren't online at the time it was posted, at least we'd be able to read it. By the time I get here this morning, I see it was deleted from courtchatter.
I see postings as to the handwriting, but since the letter is gone now, is there anyway to see the handwritten letter? Do we know what happened for them to remove it?
This whole trial was secrecy & still now.
Hi! Once again I missed it all last night, not being online at the right time. Anyway, thank you Caylee Advocate for posting the transcribed letter for those who weren't online at the time it was posted, at least we'd be able to read it. By the time I get here this morning, I see it was deleted from courtchatter.
I see postings as to the handwriting, but since the letter is gone now, is there anyway to see the handwritten letter? Do we know what happened for them to remove it?
This whole trial was secrecy & still now.

From what I can gather, the letter was taken down out of respect for the Alexander family.
I had "toys" in the attic which is why I never let you up there to clean. Even after I said I was done I didn't get rid of them right away because I thought what if? What if I might need them again? I finally donated them

I dont know what type of toys this is supposed to be but I have never heard of anyone DONATING sex toys? WTF? totally insane.
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