Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #9

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From what I can gather, the letter was taken down out of respect for the Alexander family.

BK had the pedo letter but said she didn't want to put it online. Same reason.
How could CMJA afford all those out of state trips to IL, OH, NY, OK, TX, CO, NM, UT etc. Plane fairs are not cheap, neither is car hire or hotel accommodation and food. Even if they split the cost in half, it would still cost her about $700-$1000 per trip. Add to that her rent, gas, food, other expenses. She was either out of work or waitressing, wasn't she? I make a fairly decent wage and cannot afford to travel as much as she did. Did she get into CC debt, turn tricks on the side? I mean none of it makes sense to me.

I believe TA paid for most of those trips, at least until they split up and he started feeling the financial crunch. No way this part time waitress could afford those trips. Remember her saying before moving to Desert Palms that she had saved 12,000 dollars? Where did she get $12,000. not from waitress tips that is for sure. Just a few months before that her friend Patty's dad had to buy her dress for Patty's wedding because JA couldn't afford to buy one. She forgets all these conflicting facts while she spins her lies.:jail:
OMG... hope he stays there. :D

Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer
· Mar 24
Somewhere in Italy in the journalist protection program. Here they never heard of Jodi Arias, just Amanda Knox.

Hahahaha! So he's over there for the Knox decision but still talking & advocating for arias to the locals! Trying to get supporters over there, what a turd! LOL Maybe he gets a commission from MLDR on how many supporters he can find! LOL
I had "toys" in the attic which is why I never let you up there to clean. Even after I said I was done I didn't get rid of them right away because I thought what if? What if I might need them again? I finally donated them

I dont know what type of toys this is supposed to be but I have never heard of anyone DONATING sex toys? WTF? totally insane.

This is weird but the first thing I thought of is the Aerosmith song & that phase is something I still use. "Toys in the attic" means someone is insane!
Lyrics definitely describe the killer - https://www.google.com/search?sourc...A#q=toys+in+the+attic+lyrics&revid=1018851963
I had "toys" in the attic which is why I never let you up there to clean. Even after I said I was done I didn't get rid of them right away because I thought what if? What if I might need them again? I finally donated them

I dont know what type of toys this is supposed to be but I have never heard of anyone DONATING sex toys? WTF? totally insane.

Or clean the attic??? In Arizona???
Not to mention how comfortable she was with THOSE grand canyon photos... I'm no prude, but um, oh yeah, well maybe I am.

ROFL...ya, I thought I was wild in my heyday....but, well....I am now thinking...not so much. LOL.
The wackadoodles over at #WeWillBeVictorious now believe this forged pedo letter will prove the killer should be set free with time served. Another minion suggests the gun shot may have been self-inflicted. :eek:
I'm dying to see what evidence Juan presented to keep this letter out as a forgery. Wasn't it said he reported in a motion once that there were drafts of the letter found in her trash can in her cell, showing she was practicing the letter?
I'm dying to see what evidence Juan presented to keep this letter out as a forgery. Wasn't it said he reported in a motion once that there were drafts of the letter found in her trash can in her cell, showing she was practicing the letter?
yes, I think so, at the time where her cell was tossed & they found pens & other things she wasn't supposed to have.
The main point was about admitting the letters, was that they needed the 'originals" to authenticate which were no where to be found. What they got was a photocopy of an email that was sent to Nurms.
The wackadoodles over at #WeWillBeVictorious now believe this forged pedo letter will prove the killer should be set free with time served. Another minion suggests the gun shot may have been self-inflicted. :eek:

JMO-And yet, every day we get one step closer to April 13th. The party will be permanently over soon.
Just finished reading the 'manifesto' - well skimmed most of the second half as she just goes on and on like the Everready bunny doesn't she. And she is so full of it - how if she had the time back she would be 'valiant' - well in her ninja story she was anything but - just ran and never looked back. And then she has the nerve to say it's essentially the same story she told the police - yes, after endless denials and finally being confronted with evidence that proved she was there - and even then she kept denying for as long as she could. And how she's a 'photographer' who has taken thousands of photos - from what I've seen the majority are of herself and the others show as much talent as her art does. I could keep going on but I'd run the risk of being like her, but she is just a totally detestable person IMO. I just hope that deep down she knows that by the time the relationship with TA finished, he detested her too.
Transcribed Forged Pedo Letter.



Please give me a chance to explain what you saw. I know it looks bad and honestly it is. You're probably the only person on the planet who has the capacity to understand and the compassion to even try. This goes back years. I have desires I can't explain. What is worse is I've acted on those desires. I have hurt children because of urges I can't control. I can't help it. I know it's pure evil but I can't stop. I've prayed about it repeatedly, I've gotten a blessing, but nothing helps. I have gone to my bishop but I cannot tell him directly about it for obvious reasons. I had "toys" in the attic which is why I never let you up there to clean. Even after I said I was done I didn't get rid of them right away because I thought what if? What if I might need them again? I finally donated them. Enough is enough. I want to stop and at times I think I can. Other times it feels like I'll never be able to. I can only imagine that it's like a drug problem. I worry about getting married. I worry that my wife won't suffice. I worry about having kids. What if I have to adopt? If they are not my seed will it be too easy? I'm scared to be alone with a boy. I get unwanted thoughts and I don't want to act on them. It's true, kids can get annoying but the truth is I'm scared to be alone with them. I worry about going to the Hughes in the future because Ryell is getting close to that age. It would be so easy. I know you think this is sick. I am sick. I've had sex with boys and I don't know if they'll ever get past what I've done. The truth is I ****ing hate myself! I want to kill myself! I want to blow my ****ing head off! Sometimes I can't stand being alive. I'm sorry you had to see what you saw. Honestly you've helped me on several occasions without even knowing it. You've been an outlet for frustrations via the fantasy enactments. It's one of the reasons I like anal sex so much. It's the reason for the boys underwear. Don't get me wrong I'm not gay. I'm not a *advertiser censored*. I've just had this inside me. And when I'm getting it from girls I desire boys less. I know this is evil. But this is not who I am nor who I am becoming. Jodi I don't want to be labeled a pedophile or a child molester. Do you understand what I am saying? Please just call me. I need to know that I can trust you. I know I can trust you. I'll tell you everything. Just call me. You have never judged me before. Please do not judge me now. Just call me when your done reading this.



Notice in the letter how the writer praises JA. She is so compassionate and understanding. Only person on the planet. Not judgmental, trustworthy. PLEASE it is obvious who the author of this letter was. Also notice how she digs the Hughes with the threat that TA might hurt their son. this is the letter that Nurmi sent to them. She also gets in the boys underwear that according to the date of the letter she never received yet.

Reason he liked anal sex so much too. This letter is off the charts of being a forgery. But if I remember correctly, it wasn't JSS who refused to allow in evidence, it was another judge.

Also the NE not printing these letters just goes to show how much they didn't appear to be the real deal. The mother was supposedly crying when she talked to NE reporter, saying, "my daughter wanted me to give these to you so the public would know". My hat is off to the NE for refusing to print this travesty. I wonder what letters she gave them, she said she had two more to give them if they printed the first ones. Letters were from 11/06 to 3/08.

JA authored the contents and MM did the computer work on them. Remember she stole TA's journals and had lots to work with. I think after JM saw this bit of EVIL he was determined to see this woman on DR. He knew how really bad she was and so did KN and JW
Thanks DD, but shouldn't there be another one about messing up the pedo letter? LOL But this coded message reminds me, in her manifesto she mentions being a photographer and being behind the camera but in order to get her truth out she'd do an interview and be uncomfortable - the reporter who first interviewed her in Yreka mentioned how excited she was to do the interview, and as we've seen since she loves being in front of the camera. Girl just simply cannot tell the truth, no matter what.

And driving with the mirror so she can see her own face instead of the cars behind you? Wow.

Her whole manifesto has parts of the truth but backwards. Just like she used the whole car mirror thing into Travis turning the mirror on her giving him oral sex....she mixes some truths with complete fiction that will favor her.
"As a photographer I am accustomed to being behind the camera, not in front of it".
What hogwash! From what I've seen of CMJA's photography, its average and amateurish at best and her composition is poor and lacks imagination. CMJA doesn't understand that being a photographer means being an image MAKER not an image TAKER! I'm an amateur photographer, I have never sold any of my photographs or had any exhibitions, therefore cannot consider myself a "photographer". Furthermore, CMJA LOVED being in front of the camera, and was always butting in left, right and center!!!:gaah: And as for the drivel in her manifesto, (what a pretentious thing to call a lying essay!:liar:) a penguin with one flipper behind his back could have come up with something better.

She wrote this so called manifesto right after getting in jail. She did it so she could remember her story, and later testify to it. But she got her mind changed when Nurmi and Samuels told her no body would believe it, so she went with the abuse excuse coached by both kn and samuels. Abuse excuse is always a good one, but JA couldn't leave it at that because she had NO PROOF, so she started adding as much garbage as she could. Daniel Freeman's brother killed himself and thought he was a pedo so JA got a new idea in her head and maybe even some of the inmates in the jail helped her with this idea.

Why did the judge not let JM enter this manifesto into evidence, too prejudicial? I can't remember why but I do remember it not being admitted.

Did anyone read the 12 page letter JA sent to JSS in Oct, 2013 about replacing Nurmi? It was a real eye opener. Apparently after JA was convicted KN didn't see JA for five months and wouldn't take any of her calls, told his secretary to hang up on her. (MDLR told her IMO) she said he refused to follow leads and didn't impeach Dr. Horn or Det Flores or Deanna R for lying. Can you imagine this person calling anyone else a liar? You need to read this 12 page letter in her own handwriting to JSS. She signed it 10/17/13 but sheriff's legal office didn't send it to JSS & KN & JM until the 22nd. LOL
In the letter she says KN told her throwing a tantrum would not get her her way, so cut it out. She told JSS she was not throwing a tantrum she was having a complete meltdown. LOL After all her accusations against KN the judge turned her down. She wanted an ex parte alone with the judge and she turned that down too. This letter is a MUST read. Also just a note, JA prints because she has horrible writing skills. Signature is unreadable.
When I first started reading the manifesto I thought CourtChatter uploaded the wrong document, it's exactly like her secret testimony transcript, in many places (although I haven't compared side by side) it sounds word for word.

Well, she did have years to memorize it. :jail:
yes, I think so, at the time where her cell was tossed & they found pens & other things she wasn't supposed to have.
The main point was about admitting the letters, was that they needed the 'originals" to authenticate which were no where to be found. What they got was a photocopy of an email that was sent to Nurms.

Yes I think the defense would have admitted them if they could but they didn't have the originals and it was improper and the judge rules against them. But I recall Juan having some documents experts on his witness list and in the retrial Jodi tried getting them in again. I'd just love to hear his arguments on the matter and the judge's reasoning the next time around, even if the judge gave the same ruling.
On the forged letters, on what planet would someone who had supposedly been seen 'you know whating' over pics of boys, go on to add to the story and tell the person EVEN MORE DETAIL and in writing .. seriously? It's laughable on it's face. Jodi is the worst liar / manipulator on the planet ..
On the forged letters, on what planet would someone who had supposedly been seen 'you know whating' over pics of boys, go on to add to the story and tell the person EVEN MORE DETAIL and in writing .. seriously? It's laughable on it's face. Jodi is the worst liar / manipulator on the planet ..

And of course making sure to date it, so it proves your story. Whoops on the year.
In her Lie-a-festo, she made a statement under 'evidence' about "if I did this, I would want to cover my tracks...like using cash to pay for gas transactions instead of my debit card". LOL That's exactly what she did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL, this is too much! It's taking me awhile to get thru this, can only take it in small doses.
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