DNA From JonBenet's Clothes Given to FBI

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The ABC news has given us a heads up, there has been new developments in the JON'Benet ramansy case. For anyone in Atlanta ,this will air at 11:00 pm news.I will post as soon as I can , may be old news about DNA ,will view with a open mine & take notes,be back after 11:00
My, My..... How timely your "press release" is Mr. Wood.
Not only the anniversary of JonBenet's death - but also coinciding with your yet another - silly lawsuit against FOX News ( trying again to silence anyone who questions the Ramseys innocence)

This is all hogwash. The blood in JonBenet's panties is HERS.
Not the perps - which I think this current PR move attempts to imply.

Ask yourself a fundemental question: WHY would a simple test being conducted even BE news????
If they had a RESULT from a new test - now that would be news.
This is not.
Big deal! They are testing some DNA again. So what?
Give us some REAL news. Like a result.

This is much ado about nothing other than another step in Wood's strategy to get the public to rethink their opinion on the Ramseys from a negative one to a positive. Any thinking person who looks closely at what has occured - and what has not - since Wood started his campaign - will see that it's been nothing but window dressing.
There is no new investigation other than a cursory paper shuffle here and there to satisfy Wood and avoid that looming lawsuit he dangles over Keenan and Boulder.
It's all about PR. Period.

And I find it absolutely hysterical that all of a sudden the FBI are good guys and experts worthy of trust in testing evidence in this case. That's great news! I am assuming now that the Ramseys will finally submit to the FBI's polygraph!!
When hell freezes over........

So inconsistent.
Oh sweet angel loved your post,
The talking head was all of 30 seconds, the lead ins were longer than the news blurp !
(1 st lead in was (And now after 7 years their is a break in the J B Ransey case) ,(they showed Jackie ,Oh I mean Patsy in her Jackie O costume the black widow one crying as she left the church .
(2nd) lead in the talking head said ( Plus a new clue could help to crack the J B Ramsey case (showed the ranson note & then J B in the dress with the blue ribbon tied a round her neck )
Body of news blurp was (the FBI have been given samples of male DNA ,now there are new ways to identfy the markers, she finished with now the Ramseys are liveing in Md. so much for news !
I said I was going to view with a open mind I didn 't say I was going to lose my mind,:D
The Ramseys now live in Charlevoix, Michigan. But why?

Why would the Ramseys up and leave the place they loved and where their children are buried -- Atlanta?

Is there a story behind the story of their moving to Michigan?

Their Michigan house is modest. Was the move financially motivated?

What has 16-year-old Burke been up to lately? Were the Ramseys fleeing from something?

Is something about to break in the case that would necessitate a move out of state?

Just my opinion.

Wasn't there talk that Burke plans to go to college in Michigan? If that's true I could understand moving there a year or so ahead of time so he can make some local friends, feel like this new house is home, etc.
I do wonder if the Ramseys and the Stines are still as friendly.

Following the death of JBR, the Ramseys were vulnerable and likely found themselves shunned by some of their friends. It is common for parents who lose a child to find themselves shunned - mainly because people don't know what to say or how to handle the grief. Couple that with the fact that the Ramseys were 'under the umbrella' and bear in mind that their 'friends' were High Society and business types who would not want to be associated with a messy child murder case.

So the Stines were there and Susan presented herself as a pillar of strength to Patsy. Patsy gratefully accepted the support and Susan Stine organised much of the Ramsey affairs for some time. However, we now know that Susan Stine had an odd interest in the case and that she was impersonating the Chief of Police in e-mails in an attempt to obtain information from certain individuals. There are also those who believe that Susan Stine was involved in the strange case of the Patricia Letters.

Did the Ramseys know of Stine's activities? Or were they a shock to them? Could it be that a distance grew between the Ramseys and the Stines - perhaps a growing distrust of the woman who earned the nickname "Patsy Ramsey's pitbull". The woman who described the Ramseys as "the nicest people I have ever met". The woman whose husband gave up his job tso that they could move with the Ramseys to Atlanta where a business venture with John Ramseys subsequently failed.

Could it be that Patsy Ramsey became a teensy bit uncomfortable with Stine's cloying adoration and secret weirdo activities?

Maybe Michigan was an escape?
That old jokester, Susan, also presented herself as Beckner, and from what I know, hasn't had to pay any price for misrepresenting herself as an officer of the law. Wonder if she donned a cop uniform while she typed.
Originally posted by Nehemiah
Living in Maryland? Did you mean Michigan?

Reply , I know they live in Michigan, BUT what was reported was they now live in Md. I included that because that is what they said , to show that they can't get there facts straight.
The local ABC news ,last night at 11:00 pm .Wood must of not given them all the information ,& she had to wing it ,it was the very last statement the talking head made & her voice trailed off as she made it , her very last word was Md.
Yes, the Ramsey move to Michigan could have been motivated by their close relationship to the Stines.

As you know, my theory of this crime is that a fifth person was in the Ramsey house on the night of the murder, and that person was likely a close friend of a Ramsey. Among the possible suspects as that fifth person are 10-year-old Doug Stine and Doug's teenage college student live-in caregiver, Nathan Inouye.

If the apparent improved DNA analyses from the blood spots on the panties can now be tied to either of these males then the Ramseys would probably want to distance themselves further from the Stines.

Just my opinion.

I see none of you have changed your opinion since my last post long ago. Sure hope you changed your underware since then,.
Lance... I can't speak for everyone here, but I'm pretty sure I've changed my undies since then. Thank you for caring. :p
I think the blood found in JonBenet's panties belong to her. If it is HER blood, then how are they going to link it to the perp?
If the DNA in question is real and not the result of the DNA amplification procedure, it was likely already on the panties when JonBenet's blood dripped there. If that's the case, the DNA was probably transferred there via a sneeze or cough of one of the workers in the undergarment factory where the panties were made.

Lin Wood likes to claim that the panties DNA is co-mingled with JonBenet's blood. If it's co-mingled, that's because her blood was in liquid form when it dripped into her panties and onto the sneezed DNA. Odd thing is, the "foreign" DNA in the panties doesn't match the "foreign" DNA found under JonBenet's fingernails.
DNA is very important in sexual assault cases because it is usually semen from the rapist. JBR was not penetrated by a penis, nor was there semen found anywhere on or near her body. The closest semen found was on JAR's blanket in the suitcase.

Why would a trace of foreign DNA be very telling, then? DNA is everywhere. Even if this DNA were deposited by the perp's fingers, there's no way to know if it was his own DNA or some random trace he picked up elsewhere.

I think that's why Dr. Lee and the former police chief said this isn't a DNA case. Without semen and without other evidence tying the donor of the DNA to the crime, it amounts to a big nothing.

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