Dna -Merged-

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Mitochrondrial DNA is not a full DNA analysis. That is a hair from the mother or something that could be less than perfect.Full DNA can be established if blood found or semen found on JonBenet than it is slam dunk.
concernedperson said:
Mitochrondrial DNA is not a full DNA analysis. That is a hair from the mother or something that could be less than perfect.Full DNA can be established if blood found or semen found on JonBenet than it is slam dunk.
Mitochondrial can be completed in one day and would tell them if they were on the right track.--that's what I said
No, Buzz. The blood left on her was HERS. And everyone agrees there was no semen. I don't know what you're reading.
They didn't say what it was on her. Just that it contained human genetic material. I believe they did say no semen.
Called my deputy sheriff son tonight and he affirmed that fingerprints would indeed be in the online data base from the CA arrest, but with an arrest on possessing child *advertiser censored*, a misdemeanor, LE would not have collected DNA from him.

Seems dorky that our LE can collect DNA from convicted sex perpetrators, since they are locked up already, but not from arrested ones.

Seems like we have to get a whole lot smarter before we finally get the proper laws on deck. At the cost of little children and innocents our law makers have fallen asleep at the switch too often.

We are hearing all sorts of sloppy reports on TV etc., but did read somewhere today that John MK's brother Nate had worked for Ramsey, duh, huh, er? True or False?

Seems dorky that our LE can collect DNA from convicted sex perpetrators, since they are locked up already, but not from arrested ones.

Seems like we have to get a whole lot smarter before we finally get the proper laws on deck. At the cost of little children and innocents our law makers have fallen asleep at the switch too often.
I'd have to agree with you on that. I think all 50 states should have laws mandating DNA testing be done upon arrest in sex crime cases, and if the person is then found not guilty, destroy the sample, reports and info from the database. As far as I can tell, the only thing that stops these laws from being enacted is the civil rights element... "what right does LE have to test my DNA if I'm found not guilty at the end of it all?" There are already plenty of circumstances where a defendant's DNA test was forced on them and when they were found not guilty after trial, the sample, reports and info in the database are then destroyed. Why can't they enact laws with that same civil rights safeguard of destroying the info if the person is found not guilty?

This is North Carolina's rules and procedures for the destroying of DNA evidence once a person is found not guilty or charges are dismissed...

§ 15A‑146. Expunction of records when charges are dismissed or there are findings of not guilty.

(b1) Any person entitled to expungement under this section may also apply to the court for an order expunging DNA records when the person's case has been dismissed by the trial court and the person's DNA record or profile has been included in the State DNA Database and the person's DNA sample is stored in the State DNA Databank. A copy of the application for expungement of the DNA record or DNA sample shall be served on the district attorney for the judicial district in which the felony charges were brought not less than 20 days prior to the date of the hearing on the application. If the application for expungement is granted, a certified copy of the trial court's order dismissing the charges shall be attached to an order of expungement. The order of expungement shall include the name and address of the defendant and the defendant's attorney and shall direct the SBI to send a letter documenting expungement as required by subsection (b2) of this section.

(b2) Upon receiving an order of expungement entered pursuant to subsection (b1) of this section, the SBI shall purge the DNA record and all other identifying information from the State DNA Database and the DNA sample stored in the State DNA Databank covered by the order, except that the order shall not apply to other offenses committed by the individual that qualify for inclusion in the State DNA Database and the State DNA Databank. A letter documenting expungement of the DNA record and destruction of the DNA sample shall be sent by the SBI to the defendant and the defendant's attorney at the address specified by the court in the order of expungement.

(c) The Clerk of Superior Court in each county in North Carolina shall, as soon as practicable after each term of court in his county, file with the Administrative Office of the Courts, the names of those persons granted an expungement under the provisions of this section and the Administrative Office of the Courts shall maintain a confidential file containing the names of persons granted such expungement. The information contained in such files shall be disclosed only to judges of the General Court of Justice of North Carolina for the purpose of ascertaining whether any person charged with an offense has been previously granted an expungement. (1979, c. 61; 1985, c. 636, ss. 1‑7; 1991, c. 326, s. 1; 1997‑138, s. 1; 1999‑406, s. 9; 2001‑108, s. 2; 2001‑282, s. 1; 2002‑126, s. 29A.5(c); 2005‑452, s. 1.)

Seems to me they could enact laws that make it manditory for people arrested for sex crimes with these kinds of safeguards worked into them.

Fingerprints are manditory for anyone who is arrested for anything... I'm not seeing what the huge difference would be between fingerprint collection and DNA collection.
PagingDrDetect said:
snipped for space.

Fingerprints are manditory for anyone who is arrested for anything... I'm not seeing what the huge difference would be between fingerprint collection and DNA collection.
Do they fingerprint teachers? My fingerprints are on file from when I got my Real Estate license.
JBean said:
Do they fingerprint teachers? My fingerprints are on file from when I got my Real Estate license.
Soon they will be able to take DNA from fingerprints so it will be a moot point. A Canadian company had the technology; I don't knoiw if they are still leading the field.
PagingDrDetect said:
...Apparently, he was very careful of email corresponding with Tracey by going through a server nowhere near his physical location, .....

Hmmm. If he is a crackpot publicity hound who was contacting Tracey to take false credit for the crime, would he have been so careful?

I guess he could have been enjoying the process of stringing Tracey along; when it came down to it, he didn't really want to go to jail. But, when he did get arrested, he decided to confess for the "fun" of it, knowing he wouldn't be convicted?

My head is spinning.
JBean said:
Do they fingerprint teachers? My fingerprints are on file from when I got my Real Estate license.
They do fingerprints here in Maryland and a child clearence for abuse ect.
Buzzm1 said:
Soon they will be able to take DNA from fingerprints so it will be a moot point. A Canadian company had the technology; I don't knoiw if they are still leading the field.
Nobody is getting my DNA from my prints. No sir it's not gonna happen.
I just learned that DNA is a chemical, while watching Forensic files tonight. I never thought of it like that.

Dr. Henry Lee keeps talking about the blood spot in her underwear that is male DNA. Is he wrong?
Originally Posted by pinto
Hmmm. If he is a crackpot publicity hound who was contacting Tracey to take false credit for the crime, would he have been so careful?
Considering that he was on the lam for that *advertiser censored* charge against him, yeah, I think he'd be careful. Depending on what he was saying to Tracey, he could also later be at risk for who knows what criminal charges.

But, this guy is such a nutty fruitcake it's really pretty hard to determine what in the world he's been thinking.
What we need are double data bases.

One for fingerprint and dna on sexual arrests INVOLVING children, where the arrested is found not guilty.

It appears to me on occasion that judges will often turn guys loose because the child does not appear to be too credible, but???

Keep the current data base for arrests and convictions for sexual perps, who LATER are released into society again.

This would create an extra data base TOOL to be used by LE as an aid for them, rather than tying their hands at every turn in trying to solve crimes.

IF IF IF we called sex crimes against children BLUE NILE FLU, everyone would be jumping up and down and wanting HELP, because of the very numbers of incidences!!

Shelayne said:
Dr. Henry Lee keeps talking about the blood spot in her underwear that is male DNA. Is he wrong?

No, that's what he's been saying all along. He's just not saying everything.
JBean said:
Do they fingerprint teachers? My fingerprints are on file from when I got my Real Estate license.

JBean, to the best of my knowledge teachers are fingerprinted at least here in New York they are. I would assume all states fingerprint teachers.

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