Do you feel bad for Casey because of how she was brought up?

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I don't have any personal experiences in my life exactly like this to draw on.Dropping out of HS happens. My dad did it and my brother did it. They both were working when they did and had successful careers and became great fathers.That's a world away from the stealing slug that's Casey Anthony. Did she deserve to be spoken to that way? Maybe. If she didn't like it she was free to leave. Caylee would have been better off if she had.

bbm, ita, if she had left alone and not with Caylee. JMO
I don't feel sorry for anyone who grows up in a dysfunctional home when they themselves are the root cause of most of that dysfunction.

CA and GA may be far from June and Ward Cleaver, but there is absolutely no proof that they exposed Casey to the kind of abuse that might render her as damaged as the DT would like us to believe.
Not just no, but h.e.double hocky sticks no.

No matter how we are all raised, we are all given free choice. She choose her actions no matter how you look at it. She choose to steal, that has been proven, she choose to lie, that has also been proven, and imnsho she choose to kill. Even IF little Caylees death was an accident, her mom CHOOSE to throw her away. Choice. She had choices. For her to blame her parents in the least little bit (regardless how the parents have acted) is the act of a coward and yet another example of how are society is/has turned into a blame everything/else society for the things others do wrong.

I could go on about this for a while, personal responsibility is an issue with me. I hate that we have become a country where personal responsibility is no longer done and as a society we have just accepted that.
I don't see why anyone would think she had a bad childhood/life etc. At all. JMO
Should have added, of course none of us lived with them (as far as I know) so it is all merely opinion. I don't see it. I do think many can come up with theories and I understand, but no proof JMO
That's absurd imo. There were no signs of abuse or neglect that I am aware of, and no way would anyone know she would murder her baby. Armchair quarterback talking heads can all comment now after the fact. JMO

Flossie, do you recall that CA was seeing a therapist before Casey took off with Caylee?

That therapist told her that she should immediately file for custody of Caylee. Seems there were indications that Casey was not a fit parent.
I don't think BM was suggesting that anyone knew she would murder her own child, but there were obviously troubling signs.
Just curious if anyone feels bad for KC because how Cindy treated her growing up? The reason I am asking this is because I have been sitting here wondering if Cindy was abusive physically towards KC because of that whole choking her bit for stealing the checks.

ETA: I am talking about separate from Caylee's death bc there is NO EXCUSE what so ever for KC killing Caylee and I agree her up bringing had nothing to do with that. I agree with all those that answered the question that how you are treated growing up doesn't make you a murderer.

I don't feel bad for KC, exactly, but I can certainly see that growing up with Cindy must have been something of a nightmare. I don't see Cindy as being physically abusive on a regular basis, the alleged choking was a moment of extreme emotion, but I do see her as narcissistic and over-controlling in many ways. Cindy is also extremely concerned with presenting a good image and capable of a pathological level of denial. I would consider that emotional abuse, but obviously no excuse for what I believe KC did.
No, I feel bad that Caylee wasn't allowed to grow up.
The title of this thread alone angered me. I have a very strong opinion in regards to adults blaming or excusing their behaviour because of their childhoods. We have all had problems, just a question of levels of how bad it was. We can't excuse our behaviours nor make ourselves victims of our circumstances, when as adults we have choices that we didn't have as children. When we do things as adults, we do not have a parent/parents holding our hands and dragging us, nor choosing for us who is in our lives, how we behave in our lives nor do they have to deal with the consequences that come with those decisions.

As a matter of fact, the harder we had it, the more motivated we should be to overcome those challenges knowing that being forever in victim mode doesn't bring happiness into our own lives. We are responsible for our own choices, decisions and actions. Yes it is sad when awful things happen, not that I believe she was sexually molested but there was obviously alot of disfunction in this family. Yes, it does create alot of challenges for us and hard hurdles to overcome when these problems exist in our childhood and yes we want to be lazy or throw in the towel and say "I am this way because of..." My opinion is NO I don't feel bad, I would have felt some empathy for her if this case never existed, if she was attempting to better herself and I had met her under normal circumstances but this shows that she chose the "dark side" and excused her actions and tried to gain pity by passing the blame on her childhood, she is immature, unevolved and spiteful.
No. I think she did pretty well as far as her upbringing goes, compared with many

She was provided a comfortable home, the opportunity to gain education. She was clothed and obviously provided toothpaste and toothbrushes. Her parents have remained together throughout her childhood. She was raised in a Western nation, which means she in amongst the top 8% in the world, as far as privilege and quality of life is concerned

She didn't have to split firewood or milk the cows or feed the horses before breakfast. She didn't have to walk to school barefoot in the snow. She wasn't one of fifteen children, all struggling for attention and resources. She wasn't put to work by age ten. She didn't have to fight rats and fleas for a share of a room
She wasn't placed in an orphanage or workhouse
She wasn't beaten by a drunken stepfather

Look around. Read biographies, autobiographies. Peruse history and learn about the harsh beginnings so many who nevertheless went on not only to lead exemplary lives but also serve society

No. I don't feel sympathy for the way KC was raised. Nor do I believe it played much role in the creature she became
Flossie, do you recall that CA was seeing a therapist before Casey took off with Caylee?

That therapist told her that she should immediately file for custody of Caylee. Seems there were indications that Casey was not a fit parent.
I don't think BM was suggesting that anyone knew she would murder her own child, but there were obviously troubling signs.

I do remember that, yes, thank you for posting. I am not sure what the reason was though. Could have been as simple as her mooching stealing etc and wanting then to sit all the time. Maybe not. But we just don't know what was said. At first I think it was said that she should kick both out, and Cindy would not do that to Caylee. I could be wrong, but I think it was about tough love for Casey, and Cindy couldn't because of Caylee, and the discussion morphed from there. JMO and I may be wrong.

I totally believe part of the fight about stealing from Grandpa also included a threat to take custody of Caylee. JMO. I also believe that was motive. JMO
Oh yeah, poor thing. Had a car handed to her at 16 (I never got a car from parents, had to buy my own at 19), lived rent free, got a graduation party even though she didnt graduate, got shopping sprees on mom's credit cards... Poor little Orphan Annie, how did she survive?
I have empathy for her because I believe she was born a sociopath and she was born into an environment that encouraged her sociopathy to grow to an extreme. Don't get me wrong, I believe she is an evil monster and she should've been put away for life but I do feel some empathy for her.

I can see how you feel that way, I don't agree, but absolutely respect your opinion.
No, not at all.. loads of productive citizens have contended with a lot more severe deprivations than her. However I feel beyond "bad" for the way Caylee never got to grow up!
I do remember that, yes, thank you for posting. I am not sure what the reason was though. Could have been as simple as her mooching stealing etc and wanting then to sit all the time. Maybe not. But we just don't know what was said. At first I think it was said that she should kick both out, and Cindy would not do that to Caylee. I could be wrong, but I think it was about tough love for Casey, and Cindy couldn't because of Caylee, and the discussion morphed from there. JMO and I may be wrong.

I totally believe part of the fight about stealing from Grandpa also included a threat to take custody of Caylee. JMO. I also believe that was motive. JMO

I have a friend who's husband's grand daughter is living with them. "Sally" had a baby and my friend and her husband have been taking care of both. They have tried to help Sally get her high school diploma so she can plan on how to support herself and her baby, but Sally had stopped her schooling and is going out drinking with her friends at night and coming home when she wants. Thank God my friend and her husband have been watching the baby. Child and Family Services stepped in and would have removed the baby if my friend and her husband had not taken guardianship. Now they call the shots with the baby and will do so until Sally shows she can be responsible for her.

IMO, I am sure that CA had grounds to apply for guardianship or custody of Caylee -- and I am sure CA had voiced her concerns about where ICA was leaving the baby. CA must have known there was no Zanny, but probably did not realize what ICA was REALLY doing with Caylee.
I don't feel bad for KC because of how she was brought up, but I do feel very bad because of how she wasn't brought down.
Here is a question....what do we KNOW as fact about her childhood? I really haven't heard a whole lot about it until she was 17/18. Are we all guessing at what her childhood was like or are there facts out there in the public knowledge domain?
Oh yeah, poor thing. Had a car handed to her at 16 (I never got a car from parents, had to buy my own at 19), lived rent free, got a graduation party even though she didnt graduate, got shopping sprees on mom's credit cards... Poor little Orphan Annie, how did she survive?

Oh the humanity! :crazy:
I have a friend who's husband's grand daughter is living with them. "Sally" had a baby and my friend and her husband have been taking care of both. They have tried to help Sally get her high school diploma so she can plan on how to support herself and her baby, but Sally had stopped her schooling and is going out drinking with her friends at night and coming home when she wants. Thank God my friend and her husband have been watching the baby. Child and Family Services stepped in and would have removed the baby if my friend and her husband had not taken guardianship. Now they call the shots with the baby and will do so until Sally shows she can be responsible for her.

IMO, I am sure that CA had grounds to apply for guardianship or custody of Caylee -- and I am sure CA had voiced her concerns about where ICA was leaving the baby. CA must have known there was no Zanny, but probably did not realize what ICA was REALLY doing with Caylee.

I would really like to know what ICA was doing with Caylee when she was supposed to be working. Although I don't want to in some ways, kwim? I like to think she was hiding out till parents gone and just hanging back at the house.

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