Do you feel bad for Casey because of how she was brought up?

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i haven't read most of this thread because i am kind of on casey anthony overload right now, but i think this is the best place to post this question. if it has already been asked please say so, lol.

what is your opinion on what made casey anthony who she is? why all of the lying? why the no emotion? it surely cannot be that she is simply "evil"
I have an endless amount of sympathy, for Caylee of course, God bless her, and for Cindy and George and Lee and Shirley and Jesse. Her great grandpa I am praying is unaware

I think they were good parents and grandparents, and provided (financially mostly Cindy imo) a loving home for their daughter and grand daughter
i haven't read most of this thread because i am kind of on casey anthony overload right now, but i think this is the best place to post this question. if it has already been asked please say so, lol.

what is your opinion on what made casey anthony who she is? why all of the lying? why the no emotion? it surely cannot be that she is simply "evil"

JMO I believe in evil.

I believe some people have indifference. To all forms of life.

I believe some people are incapable or unwilling to care or love or bond.

I believe some people manipulate others for their own gain as easy as they walk upright

I believe some people are pathological liars. Not as a result of mental illness, but for sport, for fun, personal gain, or to cover horrible things they have done
i haven't read most of this thread because i am kind of on casey anthony overload right now, but i think this is the best place to post this question. if it has already been asked please say so, lol.

what is your opinion on what made casey anthony who she is? why all of the lying? why the no emotion? it surely cannot be that she is simply "evil"

I believe that the parents have personality disorders. George's were pretty evident all this time, and now Cindy has proved hers, but they gave her a good enough homelife, and ability to get away to start her own life. Casey probably inherited disorders and their disorders contributed to her lying, toxic thinking, low self esteem and one upmanship that's been reported. IMO, that's where it ends though. The decision to steal for a living and then take part in Caylee's demise has no excuse. Somewhere, people with a bad life and disorders make a decision to step over the line and just be evil. People with really good parents and lives do the same thing.
I lived in a family of great dysfunction. My parents stayed togehter as husband and wife, however many arguments, secrets from each other but us the children knew and were expected to stay silent. There were affairs, there were cover ups for teen minor issues. There was total disregard from my father having a say so in major decisions. I was abused verbally by family member in the home.. I had no where to turn.

It has effected my adult life after years.. I am depresed and on dr order that I can not function in a work place... many insecurities, many issues with trust, not feeling worthy of a good decent man..
my family was a middle class family with a stay at home mom who did the world for us but mentally I have issues with her. My father worked and had very decent high respected job and income...
what happened to me..after adult life.. i came to terms with the cards I was dealt.. 20 yeras after the fact.. the scars remain. The one thing I have done is have 3 amazing kids that i teach morals, honesty, I protect them when right and when wrong I do not take their side.. that is what it is all about being a mom through thick and thin.. sacrafices i have made to give them all i have. I have gone without and that is the way a true mother acts and does.. I would never ever in a million years let the though even enter my mind that my children do not come first...

I can not understand why. Her home ife does not define her decision making to take a child life.. that is cold blooded and total disregard for an innocent child..sickening.
Nope, not one bit. I know people who grew up in much worse environments and turned out to be highly functioning adults. If ICA didn't like her home life, she should have finished her education, got a job and moved out on her own.
Nope, not one bit. I know people who grew up in much worse environments and turned out to be highly functioning adults. If ICA didn't like her home life, she should have finished her education, got a job and moved out on her own.
Well put. Short and to the point. Thanks.
IMO there certainly is dysfunction in the whole family. No doubt.

Casey appears a narcissistic BDL PD to me, with sociopathic tendencies.

Her inappropriate affect and totally off-the-mark emotional responses in situations raise those flags for me. She'd be interesting to do an assessment on for sure.

Regarding "can a person just be "evil" : there is a reasonable body of coherent evidence that sociopaths have a dysfunction of the frontal brain. Why and when this dysfunction appears is totally unknown, thus far.

Quoting from some studies:

Robert Hare, PhD., says that the personality of a sociopath (psychopath) is essentially set in stone, so to speak, by adulthood, and incredibly hard to change.

Hard to change, not impossible.

Recent research on the disparities of brain function in psychopaths/sociopaths yielded some startling results:

Structural and functional hippocampal abnormalities have been previously reported in institutionalized psychopathic and aggressive populations. This study assessed whether prior findings of a right greater than left (R > L) functional asymmetry in caught violent offenders generalize to the structural domain in unsuccessful, caught psychopaths.


Left and right hippocampal volumes were assessed using structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in 23 control subjects, 16 unsuccessful psychopaths, and 12 successful (uncaught) community psychopaths and transformed into standardized space.


Unsuccessful psychopaths showed an exaggerated structural hippocampal asymmetry (R > L) relative both to successful psychopaths and control subjects (p < .007) that was localized to the anterior region. This effect could not be explained by environmental and diagnostic confounds and constitutes the first brain imaging analysis of successful and unsuccessful psychopaths.


Atypical anterior hippocampal asymmetries in unsuccessful psychopaths may reflect an underlying neurodevelopmental abnormality that disrupts hippocampal-prefrontal circuitry, resulting in affect dysregulation, poor contextual fear conditioning, and insensitivity to cues predicting capture.


"Research with animals has shown that the right orbitofrontal cortex is involved in fear conditioning. For instance, when a rat is punished with an electrical shock every time a light blinks in its cage, it develops a fear association between the stimulus and the punishment. Normal humans learn very early in life to avoid antisocial behavior because they are punished for it and because they have the brain circuits to associate fear of punishment (feeling emotion) to behavior suppression. This seems to be a key element in the development of personality. When there is no punishment, or when the person is unable to be conditioned by fear, due to a lesion in the orbitofrontal cortex, for example, or due to lowered neural activity in this area, then it develops an antisocial personality.

We have now a direct way of visualizing brain function, which has lead to a remarkable explosion in our knowledge about the inner workings of the psychopath's brain in the last two to three years:
Images of Violence
Functional images of the brain, such as those provided by PET (positron emission tomography) have been used to corroborate the existence of neurological deficits in the frontal lobe in sociopaths. PET shows computer reconstructed transversal sections of the brain, showing in vivid color the level of metabolic activity of neurons. This is achieved by injecting radioactivity-marked glucose molecules into the patient's blood flow and seeing how much of it is incorporated into living brain cells. The more active the cells are (when they are processing information, for example), more intense will be the image at that point (see my article "PET: A New Window Into the Brain", in the first issue of Brain & Mind Magazine, to understand better how this technique works).

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanner obtains sectional images of the living brain, using color to depict degree of activity. Crump Institute for Biological Imaging, University of California at Los Angeles.

Using the PET technique, American medical researchers Adrian Raine and colleagues have been studying murderers, with startling results. They found that 41 murderers have a much decreased level of brain functioning in the prefrontal cortex than normal persons, indicating a deficit related to violence. In other words, even when no visible pathological alteration was present, frontal damage was apparent by a abnormal lower activity of the brain in that area. "Damage to this brain region," Raine noted, "can result in impulsivity, loss of self-control, immaturity, altered emotionality, and the inability to modify behavior, which can all in turn facilitate aggressive acts."

Other abnormalities observed by the PET study of the murderers' brain included reduced neural metabolism in the superior parietal gyrus, left angular gyrus, and the corpus callosum, and abnormal asymmetries of activity in the amygdala, thalamus, and medial temporal lobe. It is probable that these effects are related to violence and criminality; because some of these structures are part of the so-called limbic brain, which processes emotions and emotional behavior (please see "Limbic System: The Center of Emotions" in Brain & Mind Magazine)"
Just curious if anyone feels bad for KC because how Cindy treated her growing up? The reason I am asking this is because I have been sitting here wondering if Cindy was abusive physically towards KC because of that whole choking her bit for stealing the checks.

ETA: I am talking about separate from Caylee's death bc there is NO EXCUSE what so ever for KC killing Caylee and I agree her up bringing had nothing to do with that. I agree with all those that answered the question that how you are treated growing up doesn't make you a murderer.

Are you kidding me? Compared to my parents George and Cindy are Ozzie and Harriet. I haven't killed any of my kids.
Yeah you guys are right. I agree with you. The reason I was thinking about it was the whole Cindy choking her bit on July 15 I guess I kind of just felt bad that Cindy did that. There are ways to handle things without getting physical with your child. I don't at all blame her upbringing on Caylee's death because there is no excuse for it and the fact that she just sits there shows no emotion is sickening. One thing that I have wondered and am curious if any of you have is did she kill Caylee maybe to keep her away from Cindy? I've been wondering if that was a motive there.

Not condoning physical violence at all but if one of my kids stole money from their grandparents I could see wanting to put hands on them. Just like anything that happened to Casey doesn't excuse what she did to Caylee, nothing that Casey did excuses that kind of behavior. All I am saying is that Casey was obviously a troubled person and it would take a saint not to want to strike out at her. Obviously, Cindy is no saint.
IMO there certainly is dysfunction in the whole family. No doubt.

Casey appears a narcissistic BDL PD to me, with sociopathic tendencies.

Her inappropriate affect and totally off-the-mark emotional responses in situations raise those flags for me. She'd be interesting to do an assessment on for sure.

Regarding "can a person just be "evil" : there is a reasonable body of coherent evidence that sociopaths have a dysfunction of the frontal brain. Why and when this dysfunction appears is totally unknown, thus far.

Quoting from some studies:

Robert Hare, PhD., says that the personality of a sociopath (psychopath) is essentially set in stone, so to speak, by adulthood, and incredibly hard to change.

Hard to change, not impossible.

Recent research on the disparities of brain function in psychopaths/sociopaths yielded some startling results:

Structural and functional hippocampal abnormalities have been previously reported in institutionalized psychopathic and aggressive populations. This study assessed whether prior findings of a right greater than left (R > L) functional asymmetry in caught violent offenders generalize to the structural domain in unsuccessful, caught psychopaths.


Left and right hippocampal volumes were assessed using structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in 23 control subjects, 16 unsuccessful psychopaths, and 12 successful (uncaught) community psychopaths and transformed into standardized space.


Unsuccessful psychopaths showed an exaggerated structural hippocampal asymmetry (R > L) relative both to successful psychopaths and control subjects (p < .007) that was localized to the anterior region. This effect could not be explained by environmental and diagnostic confounds and constitutes the first brain imaging analysis of successful and unsuccessful psychopaths.


Atypical anterior hippocampal asymmetries in unsuccessful psychopaths may reflect an underlying neurodevelopmental abnormality that disrupts hippocampal-prefrontal circuitry, resulting in affect dysregulation, poor contextual fear conditioning, and insensitivity to cues predicting capture.


"Research with animals has shown that the right orbitofrontal cortex is involved in fear conditioning. For instance, when a rat is punished with an electrical shock every time a light blinks in its cage, it develops a fear association between the stimulus and the punishment. Normal humans learn very early in life to avoid antisocial behavior because they are punished for it and because they have the brain circuits to associate fear of punishment (feeling emotion) to behavior suppression. This seems to be a key element in the development of personality. When there is no punishment, or when the person is unable to be conditioned by fear, due to a lesion in the orbitofrontal cortex, for example, or due to lowered neural activity in this area, then it develops an antisocial personality.

We have now a direct way of visualizing brain function, which has lead to a remarkable explosion in our knowledge about the inner workings of the psychopath's brain in the last two to three years:
Images of Violence
Functional images of the brain, such as those provided by PET (positron emission tomography) have been used to corroborate the existence of neurological deficits in the frontal lobe in sociopaths. PET shows computer reconstructed transversal sections of the brain, showing in vivid color the level of metabolic activity of neurons. This is achieved by injecting radioactivity-marked glucose molecules into the patient's blood flow and seeing how much of it is incorporated into living brain cells. The more active the cells are (when they are processing information, for example), more intense will be the image at that point (see my article "PET: A New Window Into the Brain", in the first issue of Brain & Mind Magazine, to understand better how this technique works).

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanner obtains sectional images of the living brain, using color to depict degree of activity. Crump Institute for Biological Imaging, University of California at Los Angeles.

Using the PET technique, American medical researchers Adrian Raine and colleagues have been studying murderers, with startling results. They found that 41 murderers have a much decreased level of brain functioning in the prefrontal cortex than normal persons, indicating a deficit related to violence. In other words, even when no visible pathological alteration was present, frontal damage was apparent by a abnormal lower activity of the brain in that area. "Damage to this brain region," Raine noted, "can result in impulsivity, loss of self-control, immaturity, altered emotionality, and the inability to modify behavior, which can all in turn facilitate aggressive acts."

Other abnormalities observed by the PET study of the murderers' brain included reduced neural metabolism in the superior parietal gyrus, left angular gyrus, and the corpus callosum, and abnormal asymmetries of activity in the amygdala, thalamus, and medial temporal lobe. It is probable that these effects are related to violence and criminality; because some of these structures are part of the so-called limbic brain, which processes emotions and emotional behavior (please see "Limbic System: The Center of Emotions" in Brain & Mind Magazine)"

Ok. After all that you posted, please tell us how this relates to this case.
thank you very much for the info above.....

I have not posted on this case but I have no doubt that this girl was spoilt rotten and is a sociopath.

My stepdaughter is a chronic liar and steals from everyone, just like Casey.........she was punished, lost friends BUT still did it for years and years.........none of us could understand how she could keep doing it.

I thought I was a very strong and worldy person and told her one that that even I after the things that had been said to her, the repercussions, loss of friends etc would never dare steal again, would be too scared and her answer to me was that nothing scared her.

The above explains it so well to me, that lack of fear. My stepdaughter also has a rare disease that does affect her neurologically. Now I feel sad that maybe this part of her brain was not functioning due to her disease.

Anyhow, after reading about the stealing, Casey Anthony definitely does not have that fear that the majority of us have re being caught out lying and stealing.
People grow up in abusive, dysfunctional families all the time but they don't murder their children and throw them in swamps. I don't think she was raised in a perfect environment but she made her own choices.
Ok. After all that you posted, please tell us how this relates to this case

The part on sociopathic brain function was in response to Askfornina, who asked if people could just be evil.

i haven't read most of this thread because i am kind of on casey anthony overload right now, but i think this is the best place to post this question. if it has already been asked please say so, lol.

what is your opinion on what made casey anthony who she is? why all of the lying? why the no emotion? it surely cannot be that she is simply "evil"
I can't say my parents are Ozzie and Harriet or even Roseanne and Dan, but like you my kids are alive and well. They wonder why we don't have a close relationship with grandparents and they do miss that but I know I always wanted to do better than my parents had, and I believe my parents wanted to do better than THEIR parents had...

I never felt I was soooo special that I was entitled to any more than that.

Are you kidding me? Compared to my parents George and Cindy are Ozzie and Harriet. I haven't killed any of my kids.
I haven't even read one response yet, but I can without hesitation say NOPE! I am sure I am not in the minority. There are people who have truly horrific childhoods, suffer abuse, poverty, unspeakable things, yet only a handful grow up and become serial liars and murderers.
Oh please come on now. Why do we continue to try find excuses for what Casey Marie Anthony did? Let's just face the facts that she is a cold blooded killer and just because a jury of 12 completely ignored the facts/evidence doesn't mean it isn't so. I still can't believe in 2011 we can still let things like this happen.
No. If her life was that bad, she would have left the moment she could. Why do that when mommy and daddy watch your kid while you party?

I don't feel bad for her at all. Actually, I can say with 100% certainty that I hate the woman.
No, if it were that bad she would have got a job & moved out.
Or she would have married Jesse just to get out.

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