Do you feel bad for Casey because of how she was brought up?

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No, and honestly don't understand why I should. She had a home to go to all her life and parents who were supportive no matter what. She was given opportunities and encouragement to live a decent life and made her own decision not to. It's not like she was raised impoverished, malnurished or abused. She obviously has 'daddy issues' but I don't believe they are what she tried to tell the world are. I have nieces her age who I've had to cut ties with because it became apparent they were no longer trustworthy and parasitical.

And as I was once told, "It's all about choices". Casey was given the oppoturnity and made the all the wrong ones.
He... no I don't feel sorry for Casey! Thousands of people have a hard life, done without, have been molested, raped, beaten, starved and never killed their child.Casey blames it all on her parents, like most people do. Many of us did not have the perfect childhood, but it didn't make us bad people. I told myself many years ago "GET OVER IT" and if I didn't I only had myself to blame for my unhappiness.
I have empathy for her because I believe she was born a sociopath and she was born into an environment that encouraged her sociopathy to grow to an extreme. Don't get me wrong, I believe she is an evil monster and she should've been put away for life but I do feel some empathy for her.
Hey, if your kid stole money from your elderly father's retirement home fund and you had to talk your own mother out of having her arrested, wouldn't you be tempted to strangle her? I kinda understand THAT, especially since Casey was probably not only denying it but being nasty about it as well.

Like Casey said to her Daddy "here r ur F... gas tanks.Casey killed Caylee,Casey does not deserve any dought or understanding.
No, I do not feel sorry for her AT ALL. It IS obvious that Cindy and KC use the same techniques when telling lies, and it is something that seems to have been learned by KC. However, I also believe that KC was born with a propensity toward this kind of behavior.
The sight of Cindy smiling in court moments after the verdict was read, for me, CHILLING.
Personally... chicken or egg? I think they all deserve each other. I hope the in-fighting over money tears them even further apart. I look forward to the day KC turns on Baez.. you KNOW it will happen. He will be the one on eggshells. Have fun!
I grew up in a world worse than the one Jose spoke of in his OS. I don't need anyone to feel sorry for me and I don't feel sorry for Casey. Each of us reaches a point where we must decide who we are going to be dispite our childhood. I don't beleive Casey's childhood was what she wants us to believe it was, but even if it was that doesn't excuse her adult behavior!! JMHO
I do, actually. I think CA was overbearing and controlling and enabling all at the same time.

However, it's no excuse for what she did. If she'd only confess and repent, I think she'd have a chance at redemption.

The fact that she NEEDS a man is very telling to me. I think ICA is a sociopath in every regard, but I think most sociopaths are hurting very, very deep inside.
I definitely do. All this aside, I think she was a gorgeous, intelligent, personable, young woman who had , just as Caylee had, a potentially good life ahead of her.
Like it or not, we are all products of our environment. Some of us are lucky enough to "get over it" and develop ourselves as individuals but most of us live the life we've known.
Without analyzing everything, just from what we've seen, all this girl knew was to lie and live a fantasy life. I'm sure behind closed doors she was put down and made to feel like "less than" so that CA might live HER perfect world.
Again JMOO...
ETA: I also think precious Caylee's death was an accident caused by anger. Something else ICA was taught. I'm in no way defending her. I want her to get the worst punishment, but i think some of us can not escape our dysfunctionally abusive upbringings and I kinda feel bad for her...

I think this is a good question that is on the minds of many here. I think it holds up as that regardless of who, ICA or anybody. I wonder how much influence GA and CA careers played into ICA character. I have to think a nurse and a cop had to learn to compartmentalize just to cope with their jobs so I have to believe ICA learned that from them. I don't necessarily blame them but understanding the why of it I do find interesting. Maybe if she ICA got some help in the past or in the future it would at a minimum help others in a similar situation. People are unique in that we like to share our knowledge. I think we want to know why to learn from what mistakes were made and avoid repeating them ourselves. Maybe this is a stretch but I think of Jarod Loughner and how everyone knew he needed help and got none probably that "help" would have been committing him but.... We never have the time and resources to prevent such things but we always seem to have unlimited resources and wisdom after the fact. Still it seems like they have plenty of money and caring doctors to determine her fitness to stand trial. I hear some have agreed to see her free of charge but one can only guess what motivates that new found altruism. I think we are all still sort of frantic because after years of this circus nothing has been solved or "fixed" if anything it is worse. Thanks for listening.:crazy:
Dr Bethany Marshall said her family was aware she was a PARASITE and let her continue without much interference, to the detriment of the whole family.
SHE is what made them all 'dysfunctional' otherwise they would be your average 'normal' family She said ICA has a criminal mind, a criminal brain and should NEVER have been left with Caylee...
Nopey, nopey nope.

Not one iota.
No. There are too many examples of folks who had many, many more deprivations growing up, who became honest and productive citizens.
Dr Bethany Marshall said her family was aware she was a PARASITE and let her continue without much interference, to the detriment of the whole family.
SHE is what made them all 'dysfunctional' otherwise they would be your average 'normal' family She said ICA has a criminal mind, a criminal brain and should NEVER have been left with Caylee...

That's absurd imo. There were no signs of abuse or neglect that I am aware of, and no way would anyone know she would murder her baby. Armchair quarterback talking heads can all comment now after the fact. JMO
I definitely do. All this aside, I think she was a gorgeous, intelligent, personable, young woman who had , just as Caylee had, a potentially good life ahead of her.
Like it or not, we are all products of our environment. Some of us are lucky enough to "get over it" and develop ourselves as individuals but most of us live the life we've known.
Without analyzing everything, just from what we've seen, all this girl knew was to lie and live a fantasy life. I'm sure behind closed doors she was put down and made to feel like "less than" so that CA might live HER perfect world.
Again JMOO...
ETA: I also think precious Caylee's death was an accident caused by anger. Something else ICA was taught. I'm in no way defending her. I want her to get the worst punishment, but i think some of us can not escape our dysfunctionally abusive upbringings and I kinda feel bad for her...

Yes, this reflects much of my own feelings. And I also think people forget something else: If Caylee had lived, she would have gotten to be a teen in the not so distant future. She may have become a liar, a thief - after all, she would have had Casey as an example. And YES, I would feel sorry for her, as I do for Casey. We do not make ourselves.
I do, actually. I think CA was overbearing and controlling and enabling all at the same time.

However, it's no excuse for what she did. If she'd only confess and repent, I think she'd have a chance at redemption.

The fact that she NEEDS a man is very telling to me. I think ICA is a sociopath in every regard, but I think most sociopaths are hurting very, very deep inside.
You said it. I do not think Casey is nearly as cocky and self-confident as she PRETENDS to be. And that is something none of us can envy.
Hell to the NAW!!! Listen I grew up in a very similar family. LIes coverups manipulations. I vowed to not be like any of them. Alas I am the lone one standing. I do believe that there is something wrong with her in the sense that she may have been wired differently and yes Ive always suspected that Cindy was a catalyst to the low self esteem and Coddling of CAsey. But we all have a dysfunction of sorts in our families. Hell, that is a "normal" family nowadays. As you grow you are supposed to learn that there are consequences to your actions, but this society we live in now is soooo afraid to hold anyone accountable for what they do in fear of violating their rights. When did this become soooooo backwards. I feel sorry for TCA (teflon casey anthony)next victim. Thats who I feel sorry for.
Borderline Personality disorder, a characterological crooked development with roots starting around 18 months of age. Several opinions, most agree detachment and lack of bonding and nurturing from a primary caregiver could be the main contributing factor.

Character disorders are extremely difficult to treat and correct. They are so engrained, and usually the person cannot regress back and rebuild and regrow, to that extent.

You can read about them in the DSM, they are an Axis II diagnosis.

That said: even with such a rotten hand dealt to you as a character disorder, you have choices and options as an adult. My clients did cooky things but not to the harmful extent Casey seems to have.

ETA: On the matter of distinguishing right or wrong: [/B]They are well able to make the distinction but lack the empathy to care.[/B]

Therein lies the problem.
No. I think she had it easy, in fact.
When she turned 18, she could of left and went on her own away from her family........
ICA CHOSE to be a parasite.
CA/GA are enablers.
ICA could of run from her so clled abusive family..........she stayed.
Nope no I do not feel sorry for ICA at all.
I feel bad for CAYLEE.........
her life started out bad and her life was taken in the worse way!

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