Do you think the parents were involved?

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Do you think the parents are involved in Madeliene's vanishing?

  • Yes, I have always thought that from the start.

    Votes: 121 52.2%
  • No, not for a minute do I think the parents are involved.

    Votes: 41 17.7%
  • Yes, but just Kate the Mom was involved.

    Votes: 8 3.4%
  • Yes, but just Gerrythe Dad was involved.

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • I think the entire dinner party for that night including the parents know what happened.

    Votes: 37 15.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 32 13.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Former Member
Jun 26, 2004
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I LOVE polls and now that we have a forum for the case I think it's time to roll out a poll.
Thanks to the mods for giving this case it's own forum!
Most definitely......the parents were involved.
No question in my mind now. A couple of months ago I was suspicious but not as sure.
I do think the parents are involved.I also think that 1 0r 2 of the tapas 9 are also involved.
I do think the parents are involved.I also think that 1 0r 2 of the tapas 9 are also involved.

I would like to know more about all those at that dinner night. What makes you think that 1 or 2 are involved? Gut feeling or something in the media?
I have thought since DAY ONE that they were involved!
I have thougth so from the beginning. It doesn't make me happy that it clearly seems to be the case.
I put 'other', because I am still not sure how it played out. I will admit that I thought most of you were bat crazy at first, but then I read and read and thought.....hmmmm.......kinda fishy, actually.

I actually ALMOST defended them leaving the kiddies in the apartment, BELIEVING that they were so close that they would hear if the kids were having a conversation.....HA! Big ole dunce hat for me.

The thing that REALLY sickens me is that they supposedly made a provision in case of FIRE??? Leaving a door open or some such rubbish? Real smart, doc-holes, did you think about how a 3yr old would get 2 yr old twins out safely??

I am not entirely convinced of their guilt YET, but I hop off the fence about five thousand times a day. So little has been released and of what HAS been said is seems to be POSSIBLY explained, IMO.

It's not looking good for their innocence - that's for shoot sure.
I would like to know more about all those at that dinner night. What makes you think that 1 or 2 are involved? Gut feeling or something in the media?

My gut.Also I believe it was O'brian (sp?) who was missing from the table most of the night and the reason is his child was supposed to be sick.Now a parent whos child is sick is going to go out and have drinks anyway?
That makes no sense at all to me.So I am thinking it was a cover story for what he was actually doing.
I posted not sure because I think mom and dad were both involved, and I didn't see that option...didn't think so until the tranquilizer stuff came to light...I thought she was abducted and was blaming the parents for negligence, now, I am 99.9 sure they sedated those children so they could party and it went horribly wrong, then both parents, and maybe even friends, covered up. Sickening. If I am wrong, I am sorry to the McCanns for accusing, but I don't think I'm wrong at this time. FWIW.
I posted not sure because I think mom and dad were both involved, and I didn't see that option...didn't think so until the tranquilizer stuff came to light...I thought she was abducted and was blaming the parents for negligence, now, I am 99.9 sure they sedated those children so they could party and it went horribly wrong, then both parents, and maybe even friends, covered up. Sickening. If I am wrong, I am sorry to the McCanns for accusing, but I don't think I'm wrong at this time. FWIW.

I understand where you are coming from but there was blood on the wall. Either it was a rage type incident to cause spatter or she was having projectile vomitng. Most sedated people aspirate vs. the other scenarios.
I understand where you are coming from but there was blood on the wall. Either it was a rage type incident to cause spatter or she was having projectile vomitng. Most sedated people aspirate vs. the other scenarios.

Ahhh, good points. So you think what? Do you know where exactly the blood was found, high, low? Is it possible it is not related to her disappearance? How long were they staying in that particular room, anyone know exactly?

Thanks concerned, I always love your input. Love the vast array of knowledge everyone brings to the table, makes for a flippin fantastic team, doesn't it???

Dang, did I just go off topic, maybe I should be asking you these questions in the theory thread.....I am interested concerned in what your theory is, have you posted one yet. I posted mine here, but you may have just blown it, LOL! :slap:
My gut.Also I believe it was O'brian (sp?) who was missing from the table most of the night and the reason is his child was supposed to be sick.Now a parent whos child is sick is going to go out and have drinks anyway?
That makes no sense at all to me.So I am thinking it was a cover story for what he was actually doing.

I agree! Who would go out and have drinks with a sick child?
I had not heard this - thanks for sharing.
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