Do you think the parents were involved?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Do you think the parents are involved in Madeliene's vanishing?

  • Yes, I have always thought that from the start.

    Votes: 121 52.2%
  • No, not for a minute do I think the parents are involved.

    Votes: 41 17.7%
  • Yes, but just Kate the Mom was involved.

    Votes: 8 3.4%
  • Yes, but just Gerrythe Dad was involved.

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • I think the entire dinner party for that night including the parents know what happened.

    Votes: 37 15.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 32 13.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Why did they stay there so long, if they are guilty of hurting her?
Why did they stay there so long, if they are guilty of hurting her?

Maybe for a reverse psysicology type of thing.If you were guilty try and think what would an innocent person say and do??They both are well educated people and I see Gerry could think that way very easily.
Why did they stay there so long, if they are guilty of hurting her?

Maybe they were caught up too quickly in something that blew up into a huge international event, or maybe they thought by staying they could direct or stay ahead of the investigation. Maybe they truly felt that by leaving too soon they were not making the most of the opportunity to "help other children" by making Madeleine the focus of international attention.

I truly believe that if Madeleine is dead and they are involved, it was the result of an accident followed by stupid and arrogant thinking, that then rationalized that the best thing would be to salvage their lives for the sake of the other children--and make the most of Maddie's death by making her the poster child for missing children. Enact a European "Amber Alert," change laws, etc.

I always thought it odder that they stayed, rather than leaving.
I think they stayed to keep abreast the investigation as it might look like they were running away and make people suspicious as to why they left before finding out what happened to their daughter. I dont think they thought it would get this much attention, so they have tried to cover their harse by lying.
What really hurts me the most is, if they are involved in Madelaines disappearance how could they have carried on the way they have knowing they are responisible, the jetsetting, the fund to help other missing children, they are hypocrites as well as bad parents and maybe murderers.

It sickens me so much that I feel physically sick to the core.
I think they stayed to keep abreast the investigation as it might look like they were running away and make people suspicious as to why they left before finding out what happened to their daughter. I dont think they thought it would get this much attention, so they have tried to cover their harse by lying.
What really hurts me the most is, if they are involved in Madelaines disappearance how could they have carried on the way they have knowing they are responisible, the jetsetting, the fund to help other missing children, they are hypocrites as well as bad parents and maybe murderers.

It sickens me so much that I feel physically sick to the core.

Because they are bad people. Just a simple explanation for it all. Maddie was the good people in this case but was overrun by the bad. Maddie will look over and guide from here on and we will find justice for her. Keep the faith, Shazza as the good will outnumber the bad.
Because they are bad people. Just a simple explanation for it all. Maddie was the good people in this case but was overrun by the bad. Maddie will look over and guide from here on and we will find justice for her. Keep the faith, Shazza as the good will outnumber the bad.
I am a very positive person and will not allow this to test my faith, if Madelaine is passed she is in the hands of god and will suffer no more, but I do worry for the twins, hopefully they will be put in the care of family or someone who can truly love and nurture them.
I remember reading about a little British girl missing from Portugal about a week after her disappearance, and by late May I was hearing all sorts of weird stuff about the parents- the lies they were telling to cover their butts, starting the fund and eventually their visit to the Pope. Something told me right then that it wasn't normal. The more I read the more suspicious I became.

I am so thankful for Websleuths. I have been reading several different forums about Madeleine since early summer, and aside from Aussie Mike's, this is the only one that you don't have to worry about being ganged up on for going against the status quo- "The parents are the victims" mentality that has invaded the others. I am also very thankful for several posters on this thread (and they know who they are) who have stuck by me trying to get to the bottom of the investigation.

We just want the truth about a sweet, little 3-year-old girl who will never grow up. She deserves her story to be told and the perps to receive the harshest justice possible.
I really don't know what to make of this case. I did not suspect the parents at first; I just found it very odd that they would go to dinner and leave the children sleeping in their hotel room. In the rare occasion we go somewhere without our kids, they still prefer to go to Grandma's while we're gone for the evening.

I remember reading about a little British girl missing from Portugal about a week after her disappearance, and by late May I was hearing all sorts of weird stuff about the parents- the lies they were telling to cover their butts, starting the fund and eventually their visit to the Pope. Something told me right then that it wasn't normal. The more I read the more suspicious I became.

I am so thankful for Websleuths. I have been reading several different forums about Madeleine since early summer, and aside from Aussie Mike's, this is the only one that you don't have to worry about being ganged up on for going against the status quo- "The parents are the victims" mentality that has invaded the others. I am also very thankful for several posters on this thread (and they know who they are) who have stuck by me trying to get to the bottom of the investigation.

We just want the truth about a sweet, little 3-year-old girl who will never grow up. She deserves her story to be told and the perps to receive the harshest justice possible.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
While I never understood how parents could leave three small children alone while they dined, I haven't yet formed a definite opinion re their involvement. If Portugal's investigations are anything like those of Aruba, then I don't put much faith in them.

I'd like to know what kind of evidence they have which caused them to name Maddie's parents as suspects.
While I never understood how parents could leave three small children alone while they dined, I haven't yet formed a definite opinion re their involvement. If Portugal's investigations are anything like those of Aruba, then I don't put much faith in them.

I'd like to know what kind of evidence they have which caused them to name Maddie's parents as suspects.
Until the evidence is made public we wont know what the P LE have to go on, but by what has been happening lately it must be something they are 100% sure about that incriminates McCanns. Just another waiting game.
Why did they stay there so long, if they are guilty of hurting her?

They stayed because they wanted to be close to the investigation. How many times has Gerry said: "there is just no evidence of that..." when he was asked the hard questions. Gerry wanted to know about any evidence before it could be used against him and Kate. Gerry just never counted on the techniques used by the PLE. Different from those of the English or US LE.

I think Kate and Maddie had a tussle. I don't think it was drugs. I think Gerry talked Kate into covering the whole thing up. In one of the very first videos, it was very obvious to me that Kate and Gerry had just had a spat. It's the video where Gerry puts his head on Kate's shoulder. You can see Gerry using "body language" to tell Kate to "trust him in this." I think, initially, Kate would have spoken up, but because of the "fear" factor, she gave in to Gerry on this point and then things started rolling......

What I want to know is how and why the cadaver dog picked up a scent in that darn rental car.....:eek: :eek: :eek:

What she supposedly yelled out after not finding Maddie in her bed has always struck me as strange. "They've taken her!" is not something one yells out when their child isn't where they should be. IMO I think the more natural thing to yell out is something to the effect of "OMG Maddie isn't in the suite!"

Now I can see that if you are planning on making up a story to hide a murder, you would want to put the focus on something else right away. Hence, "They've taken her!"

I didn't always think the parents were guilty when Murat turned up, but that phrase has just bothered me from the beginning. It means even more to me now that the parents are suspects.


Translated by Ozzy at the Mirror Forums



McCann couple suspected of Madeleines death

The McCann couple were yesterday named arguido (the word means formal suspect) on the basis of suspicion that they were involved in the death of their daughter Madeleine on the night of 3rd May at the Ocean Club, Praia da Luz. Though at the close of this edition Gerry was still at the Dept. of Criminal Investigation (DIC) of the PJ, where he arrived a little after 4 pm, and soon after his wife had left, the newspaper DN has gathered that he has also been named arguido. To both, minimum legal restraints have been applied – ie. identity and confirmation of residence. (This means they have to report to the police and confirm that they are physically present and resident in the place from time to time – once a day or whatever is set).

Kate is suspected of ‘homicide by negligence and hiding the body” ( the latter constitutes a sentence of upto two years in prison). A circumstance confirmed in principle by the spokesperson Justine McGuinness who said “ the portuguese police suspect Kate of having accidently killed her child”. However, sources connected to the inquiry have revealed that Gerry has admitted to the investigators he had administed a sedative to the children on the night of May 3rd. And one of the investigation lines followed at this moment is precisely, as the DN has gathered, the hypotheis that the child was sedated with an overdose of medication.

However, sources have told the DN that the restraint measures on Kate McCann can at anytime be increased, depending on the results of new enquiries/information. According to declarations made by Philomena McCann, Kates sister in law, to Sky News, the PJ had offered a deal of two years in prison to Maddies mother through her lawyer Carlos Pinto de Abreu, if she confessed to killing her daughter and hiding the body. Despite trying to verify this, the newspaper DN has not been able to get any response from the PJ regarding this serious accusation.

Contradictions by Kate

According to sources connected with the enquiry, the PJ suspect that Madeleines mother is mentally unstable, and the crime could have occured in the apartment from which the child disappeared, as a result of an “aggression” by Kate. Another suspicion put forth by the sources is linked to the fact that Maddie had died before dinner. The same sources admit that the situation got complicated and the parents got disoriented which led them to hide the body which is yet to be found.

During the whole 15 hours of questioning carried out on Thursday evening and a major part of yesterday, Kate McCann was closely questioned by the investigators, who started off with checking the routine of the couple and their friends since their arrival at the Praia da Luz, as well as confronting them with the results of the forensic tests carried out at the Birmingham laboratory, UK, the blood samples collected at the apartment, and especially the samples in the vehicle rented by the couple 25 days after the child disappeared.

According to what the DN has gathered, Kate could not give any explanations about the blood samples in her car, insisting it doesnt belong to her child. Other questions asked by the investigators were regarding the smell of a cadaver detected by the sniffer dogs on Kates clothes. To this Kate said that weeks before she arrived in Portugal she had contact with cadavers in the health section where she worked."
What she supposedly yelled out after not finding Maddie in her bed has always struck me as strange. "They've taken her!" is not something one yells out when their child isn't where they should be. IMO I think the more natural thing to yell out is something to the effect of "OMG Maddie isn't in the suite!"

Now I can see that if you are planning on making up a story to hide a murder, you would want to put the focus on something else right away. Hence, "They've taken her!"

I didn't always think the parents were guilty when Murat turned up, but that phrase has just bothered me from the beginning. It means even more to me now that the parents are suspects.

I agree with you my dearest Taximom.
Who were they refering to as "they"?
Blackmailers, drug dealers, ect.
All of my Love and Respect to you,
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