Do you think the parents were involved?

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DNA Solves

Do you think the parents are involved in Madeliene's vanishing?

  • Yes, I have always thought that from the start.

    Votes: 121 52.2%
  • No, not for a minute do I think the parents are involved.

    Votes: 41 17.7%
  • Yes, but just Kate the Mom was involved.

    Votes: 8 3.4%
  • Yes, but just Gerrythe Dad was involved.

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • I think the entire dinner party for that night including the parents know what happened.

    Votes: 37 15.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 32 13.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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The suitcase may not have held Maddie, but may have held other evidence--maybe blankets, clothes, etc. Things that could be explained away, if someone should search the suitcase ("We were planning to have a picnic on the beach, so we needed a blanket") And I could see bringing extra clothes as well to the beach.

Maybe they knew that there would be more searches of the apartment--what better way to "hide" evidence than to keep it with you? And then dispose of it at your own pace...
I have been thinking something along those same lines Texana.I do not believe they killed her on purpose.Maybe that is wishful thinking on my part.
What you say about trying to salvage their lives and making the most of Maddies death makes sense to me.Also some of the things they have done,like the balloon release for example,seem like more of a memorial or tribute for Madeleine.
If the McCanns were involved in the disappearance of Madelaine and the balloon release was a tribute or memorial then they are very disturbed and self absorbed people.
If the McCanns were involved in the disappearance of Madelaine and the balloon release was a tribute or memorial then they are very disturbed and self absorbed people.

Hi Shazza!!

I think the same about meeting the Pope. Even if they are found not to be involved, I have never agreed with them meeting the Pope. There are many terminally ill children & adults in this world who would love nothing more than to meet the Pope before their ending, I would rather have seen that than the McCanns hog the limelight yet again!
Hi Shazza!!

I think the same about meeting the Pope. Even if they are found not to be involved, I have never agreed with them meeting the Pope. There are many terminally ill children & adults in this world who would love nothing more than to meet the Pope before their ending, I would rather have seen that than the McCanns hog the limelight yet again!

Thats for sure Lizzie, whole heartedly agree.
I'm a little fuzzy on the Pope details. Did the McCanns ask to meet with the Pope, or were they invited by the Vatican? To me, there's a huge difference. I mean, if they are involved in Maddie's death, and then asked to be blessed by the Pope, that is evil beyond anything. But if they were invited, how on earth could they say no? First off, no Catholic would pass up that opportunity, and second, how would they explain THAT in the media? "We're too busy to meet with the Pope?"

So who initiated the meeting, I guess I want to know...
The one thing that is suspicious to me, is this: on the one occasion when the parents leave their child unattended, with a window of opportunity of a couple hours, what is the statistical likelihood that a predator of some sort would just happen to come along, see the opportunity and take the child? How does this predator/kidnapper know the children are alone?
If the McCann's killed Madeleline either by accident or it was planned.. I don't buy into the friends being involved. Both of the McCanns are doctors who take an oath to protect life as such. For them to kill their own child goes against that oath. Possible? Yes... But it would mean they are both psychopaths with no concience. If the friends or even one of them is involved they too would have to be a psychopath. I don't buy into that. I can however accept that one of the parents did it without the other knowning. That is possible and to me the most plausiable explanation.
Kate saying (if she really said it) that she got the cadaver smell on her because of work.. well I thought she was a genaral prationeer that worked one day a week? I sort of doubt she would get the death smell on her and keep it on her for dogs to sniff out.
The LE think Kate did it. Most here have thought Gerry was the culprit becuase he comes across like a jerk with a temper and Kate comes across like an abused wife. What IF she did do it and Gerry did not know? Or if he knew he was in denial? A husband or wife can cheat on their spouse and the other can 'pretend' not to know so as to hold things together. Just my rambling thoughts...
On greta last night they stated the blood in the room was not maddies. will have to check the transcripts to see exactly what they said. just an fyi.
If they hurt or killed their beautiful precious little girl then they are evil beyond anything. As for the meeting with the pope if they wasted his time because they already know what happened to Maddie then they are just idiots who shouldnt of wasted his time. He is the pope he is not God..just a man & I could tell you right now I would not of went one second out of Portugal to meet anyone if my baby girl was missing & I would tell the media just that.

I'm a little fuzzy on the Pope details. Did the McCanns ask to meet with the Pope, or were they invited by the Vatican? To me, there's a huge difference. I mean, if they are involved in Maddie's death, and then asked to be blessed by the Pope, that is evil beyond anything. But if they were invited, how on earth could they say no? First off, no Catholic would pass up that opportunity, and second, how would they explain THAT in the media? "We're too busy to meet with the Pope?"

So who initiated the meeting, I guess I want to know...
The one thing that is suspicious to me, is this: on the one occasion when the parents leave their child unattended, with a window of opportunity of a couple hours, what is the statistical likelihood that a predator of some sort would just happen to come along, see the opportunity and take the child? How does this predator/kidnapper know the children are alone?

I don't know who's right, but this article says A LOT OF MADELINE'S DNA in a car rented 3 weeks after she disappeared.,,2005320001-2007411048,00.html
A source close to the investigation said yesterday: “Police told Kate they have found a lot of Madeleine’s DNA in the car that they hired about three weeks after the disappearance.

“They are saying they have a lot of hair, body fluids and fibres belonging to Maddie in the car. They said that the sniffer dogs smelt death on Kate — which was amazing at it was three months after Madeleine vanished that she was sniffed.
I'm a little fuzzy on the Pope details. Did the McCanns ask to meet with the Pope, or were they invited by the Vatican? To me, there's a huge difference. I mean, if they are involved in Maddie's death, and then asked to be blessed by the Pope, that is evil beyond anything. But if they were invited, how on earth could they say no? First off, no Catholic would pass up that opportunity, and second, how would they explain THAT in the media? "We're too busy to meet with the Pope?"

So who initiated the meeting, I guess I want to know...

It's never been said. I wanted to know the same thing. I feel certain it was arranged by the people they hired as part of the PR/media campaign--the same way that David Beckham and J.K. Rowling were involved with the reward fund and public appeals.
If the McCann's killed Madeleline either by accident or it was planned.. I don't buy into the friends being involved. Both of the McCanns are doctors who take an oath to protect life as such. For them to kill their own child goes against that oath. Possible? Yes... But it would mean they are both psychopaths with no concience. If the friends or even one of them is involved they too would have to be a psychopath. I don't buy into that. I can however accept that one of the parents did it without the other knowning. That is possible and to me the most plausiable explanation.
Kate saying (if she really said it) that she got the cadaver smell on her because of work.. well I thought she was a genaral prationeer that worked one day a week? I sort of doubt she would get the death smell on her and keep it on her for dogs to sniff out.
The LE think Kate did it. Most here have thought Gerry was the culprit becuase he comes across like a jerk with a temper and Kate comes across like an abused wife. What IF she did do it and Gerry did not know? Or if he knew he was in denial? A husband or wife can cheat on their spouse and the other can 'pretend' not to know so as to hold things together. Just my rambling thoughts...

If they are involved, I don't believe they purposefully meant to do it in any way. I believe it was an accident either from a medication given to help the child sleep (that she then had a reaction to or aspirated in the night, etc.) or an accidental death resulting from not being supervised. I suppose it is all possible that one of the parents struck the child in such a way that she then died as well, but that's less possible to me.

Remember as doctors they are also used to making decisions and judgements that result in patients' deaths. Certainly not on purpose, but just as a result of making decisions in the real world with real patients--who have unknown allergies, undiagnosed other conditions, tolerances, interactions, etc. Any doctor who can't live with that as a possible result of their daily decisions doesn't practice very long.

The fact that they are both doctors is more evidence that they could handle the results of a decision they made to give Maddie a sedative or to leave her alone sedated or presumably sleeping than not, because they are trained by profession to think much more objectively that way than the rest of us.

If I gave my child an accidental overdose or medicine that she then reacted to and died, I wouldn't lose my professional certification in another field. But a doctor most certainly would face that as a very real consequence.

So to the McCanns, it wouldn't just be losing Maddie. It meant losing "everything" including their other children and their livelihoods.
I see this as another JonBenet ... and I think the mother is guilty in both cases, even if it was misplaced anger than led to an accident.
I see this as another JonBenet ... and I think the mother is guilty in both cases, even if it was misplaced anger than led to an accident.

I agree Prayers. I believe it was Kate and it was a tussle, possibly over the cuddle cat. There has been discussion that cuddle cat was actually a birthday present for Maddie. Maybe Maddie found it early and Kate tried to take it away from her, causing Maddie to have a "melt down" and Kate mis-handled the situation in any number of ways.

Several things that lead me to believe this include: Kate saying very early on that "she hated the media." This was at a time when the the media was very important in getting the word out.

There were also a couple of interviews, when the host asked Kate what she would like to say to Maddie. Each time, Kate hesitated, started to speak, and then finally said "Madeleine knows I love her." Never a direct appeal to the abductor nor a personal comment to Maddie - no we are looking for you, hang in there, we love you, etc. Just "Madeleine knows I love her."

Why did Kate yell "they have taken her'? Her who? Kate has 2 daughters, Maddie and Emalie. Taken who? Why did everyone understand she was talking about Maddie? (I'm not sure everyone understood that, but it appears they did as no one ever seemed to ask "who").

I don't think it was intended or planned, it just happened. I do think Gerry knew and at least one of the Tapas 9 knows. I do not believe that all of the friends know. I find it impossible to believe that not one of the other 7 people would do the right thing and spill the beans. And if it is shown that all 7 knew and not one had the decentcy to speak up, it will definitely have an impact on how I look at people in general.

There was also allegedly a comment made in the Tapas bar (as reported by a waiter there) that someone in the group said, "This was not the way it was supposed to happen".

Not sure if they were discussing Madeleine or if it's even true, but it's suspect to me.
Forgive me if this has been discussed -- I am brand new to this case, but when I read that there is now suspicion that the parents may be involved, it got my attention.

Aren't both these parents doctors? Not that this means they couldn't, or wouldn't have done this, but yet, it may be the reason it's given them an 'edge' to the case thus far. They most likely understand forensics, etc., a bit better than the average person and could cover their tracks a little better than most...

I have always wondered about the fact that they left those children BY THEMSELVES when they went out to eat. Didn't like the sound of that at all...

So...does it really look as though the parents may be involved? Guess I'm still in shock...didn't see that one coming. I've only viewed just a little of one of their interviews. They seemed like truly grieving parents; if they're putting on an act, even if this was an accident, I hope they get the book thrown at them. They've been able to garner a heckuva lot of help from people who truly care about this child and incredible expense has been undertaken to try to find this little girl...

Hopefully, the truth will come out soon...
Absent parents, three kids left alone possibly sedated - why just take the oldest and biggest? Wouldn't the younger children be an easier target? That situation was a smorgasbord for an abductor. Poor precious Madeleine is missing but they should be holding those other children close to their chests. "The parents doth protest too much, methinks."
I think at times when they show grief they most definitely do feel it. However, it's the same grief a parent would feel if their child was accidentally hit by a car. Even parents whose negligence in supervising their children, allowed that to happen by default, feel and show grief.

Salem, I noticed the same thing in one of the interviews, Kate pauses and then says "Madeleine knows we love her." I thought that was odd, too. Duh, of course she should know that. What she might not know is that her parents were looking for her--or even still wanted her. On another interview that I read only in print, Kate said something more explicit about "always looking for you." But I was surprised she didn't say that repeatedly--how could she tell which tv interview her child might be lucky enough to actually view?

One more odd thing--the parents insisted early in the timeline that they knew Maddie was "safe." How the hell did they know that, and how could you say that, if you knew your child had probably been abducted by a pedophile? I can see appealing directly to a kidnapper in an appeasing kind of way, 'We know you are taking good care of her, but she belongs at home with us?"
I agree Prayers. I believe it was Kate and it was a tussle, possibly over the cuddle cat. There has been discussion that cuddle cat was actually a birthday present for Maddie. Maybe Maddie found it early and Kate tried to take it away from her, causing Maddie to have a "melt down" and Kate mis-handled the situation in any number of ways.

Several things that lead me to believe this include: Kate saying very early on that "she hated the media." This was at a time when the the media was very important in getting the word out.

There were also a couple of interviews, when the host asked Kate what she would like to say to Maddie. Each time, Kate hesitated, started to speak, and then finally said "Madeleine knows I love her." Never a direct appeal to the abductor nor a personal comment to Maddie - no we are looking for you, hang in there, we love you, etc. Just "Madeleine knows I love her."

Why did Kate yell "they have taken her'? Her who? Kate has 2 daughters, Maddie and Emalie. Taken who? Why did everyone understand she was talking about Maddie? (I'm not sure everyone understood that, but it appears they did as no one ever seemed to ask "who").

I don't think it was intended or planned, it just happened. I do think Gerry knew and at least one of the Tapas 9 knows. I do not believe that all of the friends know. I find it impossible to believe that not one of the other 7 people would do the right thing and spill the beans. And if it is shown that all 7 knew and not one had the decentcy to speak up, it will definitely have an impact on how I look at people in general.


Wow that is very interesting.... That had never occurred to me. I mean I always wondered why she would yell "They have taken her!" but didn't think about yes she had 2 daughters and how would anyone know which daughter.
My first thought would be that she had let herself out or rolled under the bed. My son has rolled under the bed on numerous occasions and has given me a big fright, but the first thing I do is search for him and wonder where he is and panic that he done something dangerous... not think someone has taken him.
Yes I have thought that they were involved from the start. Kate McCanns initial statement "They've taken her, they've taken her" was the first thing to alert me! Not a logical response!
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