Do you think the parents were involved?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Do you think the parents are involved in Madeliene's vanishing?

  • Yes, I have always thought that from the start.

    Votes: 121 52.2%
  • No, not for a minute do I think the parents are involved.

    Votes: 41 17.7%
  • Yes, but just Kate the Mom was involved.

    Votes: 8 3.4%
  • Yes, but just Gerrythe Dad was involved.

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • I think the entire dinner party for that night including the parents know what happened.

    Votes: 37 15.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 32 13.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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They did initially deny sedating their children, but then Gerry admitted that they did sedated the children, but investigation as to what is being kept under wraps.

Perhaps the lie about not medicating their children is what might have caused LE to suspect the McCanns, i.e., if they only admitted sedating them after being confronted with positive test results.

Perhaps the lie about not medicating their children is what might have caused LE to suspect the McCanns, i.e., if they only admitted sedating them after being confronted with positive test results.

To tell you the truth haypaula I dont know what made Gerry McCann admit to sedating his children, as far as I know there were no tests done on the twins, but there were syringes found in their room.
Everyone is so focused on the night she was reported missing, thinking things through, this may have been mentioned, but I'm wondering if something happened BEFORE the dinner party, she was already dead and moved...then dinner (alibi maybe) and return, she's gone!

I wondering exactly the same thing. Perhaps the parents had already "done something" to Madeleine well before dinner, and maybe dinner and the whole "checking on the kids every 15 minutes" thing was just a ruse.
I wonder if they so diligently checked on their children every 15 minutes during the previous evenings they spent at the restaurant, or was it only this one night for the benefit of any potential witnesses.

To tell you the truth haypaula I dont know what made Gerry McCann admit to sedating his children, as far as I know there were no tests done on the twins, but there were syringes found in their room.

Thanks for your reply, Shazza!

The McCanns are doctors, so I don't think finding syringes in their room would be as questionable/odd if they weren't physicians. Something caused Gerry to admit to sedating the children or he would have admitted it from the start. The more I think about it, the more reasonable it seems that LE confronted them with proof the children had been sedated. I suspect that a urine analysis would detect the presence of the medication used.

Thanks for your reply, Shazza!

The McCanns are doctors, so I don't think finding syringes in their room would be as questionable/odd if they weren't physicians. Something caused Gerry to admit to sedating the children or he would have admitted it from the start. The more I think about it, the more reasonable it seems that LE confronted them with proof the children had been sedated. I suspect that a urine analysis would detect the presence of the medication used.

The LE are not telling the media or the public anything, we are hearing a lot from the relatives of the McCanns or from newspapers, so until the P LE have a press conference or relate their information to the public, we just have to wait and see, but they obviously have some news and reports on the DNA tests. We will all find out in good time.
I had to vote 'other', as I'm honestly still undecided at this time. There seem to be various facts that could point one way or the other at this time. I did not realize there were so many other friends or fellow doctors on vacation with them. Interesting.
Everyone is so focused on the night she was reported missing, thinking things through, this may have been mentioned, but I'm wondering if something happened BEFORE the dinner party, she was already dead and moved...then dinner (alibi maybe) and return, she's gone!
I've thought this as well.
I've thought this as well.

Yes, there's about a two hour window from when she was picked up from the creche and had supper, and when the McCanns showed up at the restaurant.

There's about a one hour window where no one is checking on her, from Gerry's last visit to Kate's. Less, if you allow for the time Jane Tanner is reportedly checking on her children in the same vicinity.

None of the other parents actually checking on children could testify they saw Maddie--I believe O'Brien saw the twins but wasn't sure about Maddie, and Oldfield only listened at the door and heard nothing. (reportedly, again.)
I think they were both involved b/c I think her death stemmed from the neglect that night. I do not think they intended for her to die or even get hurt that night, I think they regret it , but not enough to come forward.
Me too. I immediately thought of Scott telling Sharon, "Laci's missing."

Interesting point. Perhaps the dead give-away is the opening sentence. Maybe we should go back and check a few more convicted killers and see what they first said.
Poll results are amazing with so many people saying they suspected it from the start!
All along I have been suspicios of Maddies parents. I really believe that Maddie was harmed by them in some way but, I do not believe that the act itself it was intentional but, I do believe that they made a conscious effort to cover it up . I have had these feelings from the very beginning. That being said though something about this has really hit me as I sit here this evening reading through these threads. I pray with all my heart that they are not involved. I look at pictures of a beautiful smiling Maddie and I can't imagine anyone harming her , especially her parents. Anyone who has small children or who has been around small children know how loving and trusting they are. Yes they can be a handful at times. The adults in their lives though are their world. Daddy is their hero. Mommy is a princess. They love them unconditionally even when they make mistakes. A parent can never be loved and trusted as much as they are by a little child. When I think of this and, I think of what may have happened to Maddie it saddens me deep in my heart. I wonder to my self did Maddie know? Did she look up before she died (if that is the case) and see either Kate or Gerry and think but "your my mommy", "your my daddy." My heart is aching.
All along I have been suspicios of Maddies parents. I really believe that Maddie was harmed by them in some way but, I do not believe that the act itself it was intentional but, I do believe that they made a conscious effort to cover it up . I have had these feelings from the very beginning. That being said though something about this has really hit me as I sit here this evening reading through these threads. I pray with all my heart that they are not involved. I look at pictures of a beautiful smiling Maddie and I can't imagine anyone harming her , especially her parents. Anyone who has small children or who has been around small children know how loving and trusting they are. Yes they can be a handful at times. The adults in their lives though are their world. Daddy is their hero. Mommy is a princess. They love them unconditionally even when they make mistakes. A parent can never be loved and trusted as much as they are by a little child. When I think of this and, I think of what may have happened to Maddie it saddens me deep in my heart. I wonder to my self did Maddie know? Did she look up before she died (if that is the case) and see either Kate or Gerry and think but "your my mommy", "your my daddy." My heart is aching.

Ohhhhh Sleuthin4fun :blowkiss:

I know..... makes my heart hurt. I'm with you and hoping against hope that all the things I have written will turn out to be wrong and I will have to eat that crow pie. :( :( :(

All along I have been suspicios of Maddies parents. I really believe that Maddie was harmed by them in some way but, I do not believe that the act itself it was intentional but, I do believe that they made a conscious effort to cover it up . I have had these feelings from the very beginning. That being said though something about this has really hit me as I sit here this evening reading through these threads. I pray with all my heart that they are not involved. I look at pictures of a beautiful smiling Maddie and I can't imagine anyone harming her , especially her parents. Anyone who has small children or who has been around small children know how loving and trusting they are. Yes they can be a handful at times. The adults in their lives though are their world. Daddy is their hero. Mommy is a princess. They love them unconditionally even when they make mistakes. A parent can never be loved and trusted as much as they are by a little child. When I think of this and, I think of what may have happened to Maddie it saddens me deep in my heart. I wonder to my self did Maddie know? Did she look up before she died (if that is the case) and see either Kate or Gerry and think but "your my mommy", "your my daddy." My heart is aching.

Well said sleuthin4fun.You summed up the way I feel very well.
Now I am off to find more tissues.
All along I have been suspicios of Maddies parents. I really believe that Maddie was harmed by them in some way but, I do not believe that the act itself it was intentional but, I do believe that they made a conscious effort to cover it up . I have had these feelings from the very beginning. That being said though something about this has really hit me as I sit here this evening reading through these threads. I pray with all my heart that they are not involved. I look at pictures of a beautiful smiling Maddie and I can't imagine anyone harming her , especially her parents. Anyone who has small children or who has been around small children know how loving and trusting they are. Yes they can be a handful at times. The adults in their lives though are their world. Daddy is their hero. Mommy is a princess. They love them unconditionally even when they make mistakes. A parent can never be loved and trusted as much as they are by a little child. When I think of this and, I think of what may have happened to Maddie it saddens me deep in my heart. I wonder to my self did Maddie know? Did she look up before she died (if that is the case) and see either Kate or Gerry and think but "your my mommy", "your my daddy." My heart is aching.

Such a heart rending post. Oh God it makes me so sad to think what this little girl suffered, I hope that she didn't know anything & that soon she can be given a Christian burial.
I don't want to sound harsh but better this little girl at peace than with filthy paedophiles
I don't know WHAT happend to Maddie but I do know WHO was responsible. Her parents are the direct cause of whatever happened to Madeline. If I hear her Dad say, "luvly madlin" again, I'm going to scream! He's like a broken record! There's too much control of their emotions, too much manipulation of the media, too much arrogance from the McCanns. They are playing the media thinking they can outsmart everyone (they're both doctors and this type of arrogance almost a gold standard as a personality trait). The parents are responsible for the death of Madeline McCann. It is only a matter of time that the world is "shocked" to discover the syndrome of abuse that stems from parents who spend their lives developing their own lives and allow their children to be raised by nannies. It will be another "shocker" of our modern life. The poor McCanns, they were pursuing the dream of career AND family. They only wanted a holiday! (And then convice me that it was OK to spend only one hour a day with their three children and then drug them to sleep so that they could go our with nine friends and enjoy 14 bottles of wine whilst Madeline disappeared.) This is just an example of people who have children which are then raised by non-family caretakers whilst the parents pursue their careers. There's a lack of emotional attachment, motherly love, parental involvement with the McCann children that has lead to Maddie's death.
Such a heart rending post. Oh God it makes me so sad to think what this little girl suffered, I hope that she didn't know anything & that soon she can be given a Christian burial.
I don't want to sound harsh but better this little girl at peace than with filthy paedophiles

I am glad there are others who understand what I am saying. This is just gut wrenchingly awful!!!!!! I would really love to be wrong in this honestly I would. If that is the case I myself will write an apology to the McCanns. I just don't think there will be the need to do that.
With regards to your last sentence it is by far better that Maddie be dancing in heaven that be harmed by the hands of a paedophile. That is the only thing that gives me peace in this situation.
I don't know WHAT happend to Maddie but I do know WHO was responsible. Her parents are the direct cause of whatever happened to Madeline. If I hear her Dad say, "luvly madlin" again, I'm going to scream! He's like a broken record! There's too much control of their emotions, too much manipulation of the media, too much arrogance from the McCanns. They are playing the media thinking they can outsmart everyone (they're both doctors and this type of arrogance almost a gold standard as a personality trait). The parents are responsible for the death of Madeline McCann. It is only a matter of time that the world is "shocked" to discover the syndrome of abuse that stems from parents who spend their lives developing their own lives and allow their children to be raised by nannies. It will be another "shocker" of our modern life. The poor McCanns, they were pursuing the dream of career AND family. They only wanted a holiday! (And then convice me that it was OK to spend only one hour a day with their three children and then drug them to sleep so that they could go our with nine friends and enjoy 14 bottles of wine whilst Madeline disappeared.) This is just an example of people who have children which are then raised by non-family caretakers whilst the parents pursue their careers. There's a lack of emotional attachment, motherly love, parental involvement with the McCann children that has lead to Maddie's death.

OH how I agree with you. I have so much more that I could add to what you have said but won't. You are right on!!!!!
They showed an interview done with the McCanns on tv here last night and neither parent could look directly at the camera.....they had hold of a twin each and it looked like they were using the twins as a shield and something to hide behind.
Gerry also had to read from a piece of paper as he described how much they loved their missing daughter.......this little bit of footage has convinced me that they are guilty.
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