Does Anybody Believe George Sexually Abused Casey? POLL ADDED

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Have you Changed your mind about ICA being Molested?

  • Yes, I now believe she was molested

    Votes: 26 2.7%
  • No, I never thought she was molested and still don't

    Votes: 744 77.9%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards believing it now

    Votes: 25 2.6%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards not believing it now

    Votes: 28 2.9%
  • No Idea Either Way...Who Can tell with this family?

    Votes: 132 13.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Having exp. with survivors is NOT the same as being one....
This is not directed at you Jana but to everyone who disbelieves...I am gonna put this in CAP LOCKS, I am not yelling...just wanna make this heard and read, and I feel if I dont put in cap locks it'll be looked over:
Well I just don't get it.....

IMO, that shows that she either:
1) Just didn't care about the risk to Caylee in general ie: she did nothing to attempt to stop the cycle of abuse.

2) She has had no personal experience with SA that would cause her to be hyper-vigilant about protecting her daughter.

I am not saying there's no possibility that it's true, just that I personally don't believe it.

I do see the grey areas here. It's not black and white. Nothing ever is.

I have personal experience of SA. I was pimped out by my grandmother , who had also pimped out her own children.

My mother let my grandmother babysit me and even take me on a holiday , but her abuser was long gone, so she thought I was safe. Had he still been around my mum would NEVER have left me alone with him.

She just didn't realize how many abusers there are out there....And she certainly didn't know the holiday was a ruse to serve me up on a platter to my uncle.(who was later convicted of abusing scores of children. boys. girls. his own children. his nieces...pretty much every young child he came in contact with).

The above is the very reason I am so hyper-vigilant about the safety of my children..... and why I CHOSE to stop the cycle of abuse. It's also why I don't just keep them away from known abusers, and view everyone as a potential abuser.

I think the DT should have gone with emotional abuse/ learned behaviours from a dysfunctional family. Ie: lying and money 'issues' learned from GA, and denial learned from CA, especially since there's plenty of evidence to support that.

Hmmmm GA can get extremely agitated over "GAS CAN QUESTIONS" but while questioned about abusing his daughter he keeps his calm, LOOKS DOWN, and says simply "no" he never did that.
I hope that CA gets herself together. I hope she sees the light. IF SHE DOESN'T there is a huge train coming. She set the dynamics for this ultra-weird family; I hope she's prepared for her "come-to-jz" moment.

She and she alone has brought them on this path and it's her time now to sink or swim.

There is some scientific data that suggests a certain percentage of the population is born with the inability to tell right from wrong, who do not have and cannot form what we term a conscience. Those people do end up in the higher end of percentages of being diagnosed later on with sociopath tendencies, diagnosed psychopaths. I'll do my best to try and find the study again - it's been a year or so since I read it - and if I recall correctly it was in an UK Journal. Here is the link:

But your point is well taken.

There is also a ton of information here in North America. Google Dr. Robert Hare who has specialized in the study of psychopaths for the last 30 years, which will also lead you to the works of many respected American psychologists.

It is fascinating material.
IMO, that shows that she either:
1) Just didn't care about the risk to Caylee in general ie: she did nothing to attempt to stop the cycle of abuse.

2) She has had no personal experience with SA that would cause her to be hyper-vigilant about protecting her daughter.

I am not saying there's no possibility that it's true, just that I personally don't believe it.

I do see the grey areas here. It's not black and white. Nothing ever is.

I have personal experience of SA. I was pimped out by my grandmother , who had also pimped out her own children.

My mother let my grandmother babysit me and even take me on a holiday , but her abuser was long gone, so she thought I was safe. Had he still been around my mum would NEVER have left me alone with him.

She just didn't realize how many abusers there are out there....And she certainly didn't know the holiday was a ruse to serve me up on a platter to my uncle.(who was later convicted of abusing scores of children. boys. girls. his own children. his nieces...pretty much every young child he came in contact with).

The above is the very reason I am so hyper-vigilant about the safety of my children..... and why I CHOSE to stop the cycle of abuse. It's also why I don't just keep them away from known abusers, and view everyone as a potential abuser.

I think the DT should have gone with emotional abuse/ learned behaviours from a dysfunctional family. Ie: lying and money 'issues' learned from GA, and denial learned from CA, especially since there's plenty of evidence to support that.


.I said in a previous post that while I believe GA DID SA Casey that I just really dont think she gave a ***** if it happened to Caylee or not.
I do believe GA did this but that does NOT exscuse what I believe CA did....
I think alot of ppl on this thread who have admitted to being abused are percieved to be thinking CA was abused and therefore innocent...and I dont think most of us believe that AT all!
I fully believe GA did sexually abuse Casey, but all the same I think she is guilty and he never KNEW OR PARTICIPATED in Caylee's death!
KC said "I will cheat. I will steal. I will lie. I will do whatever I have to do..." Well, I think this may be one of the few times she was telling the truth.

The accusations against GA are totally false IMO.
I'm still of the mind that there MAY have been some sexual abuse. Again, as I've said before, it doesn't discount anything from the prosecution, and it doesn't support JB's explanation for what happened to Caylee.

A lot of people are saying that it couldn't be true because KC would never allow Caylee to be alone with an abuser!!! Really?

She lied about having a job (for what? like 2 yrs?), she lied about having a nanny, she lied about her dad having a mini stroke & her parents wanting to leave her the house, she stole from her friends, stole from her mother, let Caylee sleep with her in the beds of various young men, we call her a sociopath, we call her a murderer . . . . yet we DRAW THE LINE at leaving her daughter alone with an abuser?? She's bad in ALL those ways except for that ONE?? Why does she get a clear pass on that one issue?

Sorry, I just don't understand why everyone is convinced that GA isn't capable. I'm not saying he's truly an abuser, but he doesn't have a clean history throughout this saga. Far from it. Again, why does HE get a clear pass on this one issue? Because he "said" he didn't do it?

Carp. Here I go again. I freakin' adore all you people, and yet here I go disagreeing with almost everyone. I'm worried I'm going to get voted off the island! :crazy:

If it is true, then ICA is going to need to get up on the stand and give some evidence, because all there is so far is Baez's opening statement, and that isn't considered evidence the jury can consider.

There are no shrinks coming in until the penalty phase to give their opinions as Florida does not allow diminished mental capacity as a defense. So ICA's guilt will be decided before even opinions are heard. If there is no evidence presented in the phase we are in, the guilt phase, HHJP can tell the jury to disregard all references to sexual abuse before going to deliberate.

But by then I personally don't think it will matter. We have yet to hear the SA present their very strong circumstantial evidence. All we've heard is a few days of early foundation.

I'm still of the mind that there MAY have been some sexual abuse. Again, as I've said before, it doesn't discount anything from the prosecution, and it doesn't support JB's explanation for what happened to Caylee.

A lot of people are saying that it couldn't be true because KC would never allow Caylee to be alone with an abuser!!! Really?

She lied about having a job (for what? like 2 yrs?), she lied about having a nanny, she lied about her dad having a mini stroke & her parents wanting to leave her the house, she stole from her friends, stole from her mother, let Caylee sleep with her in the beds of various young men, we call her a sociopath, we call her a murderer . . . . yet we DRAW THE LINE at leaving her daughter alone with an abuser?? She's bad in ALL those ways except for that ONE?? Why does she get a clear pass on that one issue?

Sorry, I just don't understand why everyone is convinced that GA isn't capable. I'm not saying he's truly an abuser, but he doesn't have a clean history throughout this saga. Far from it. Again, why does HE get a clear pass on this one issue? Because he "said" he didn't do it?

Carp. Here I go again. I freakin' adore all you people, and yet here I go disagreeing with almost everyone. I'm worried I'm going to get voted off the island! :crazy:

exactly...did ppl REALLY expect GA to admit to this crap? And risk going to jail himself? Like he is gonna get on the stand and say "yes I SEXUALLY ABUSED Casey?"
And before everyone JUMPS down my throat let me say I DO NOT BELIEVE he had anything to do with a caylee-death-cover-up, and while I DO BELIEVE he sexually abused CASEY that has NOTHING TO DO WITH Casey harming her in anyway which I do believe Casey did.
Speaking of evidence... one has to wonder if the SA's have now subpoenaed all of ICA's records from her pediatrician, sports physicals, school physicals, etc... etc... The Safe Touch program has been around since ICA was in grade school, so I would venture to guess somewhere out there in her records are notes of those discussions with some doctor somewhere. The defense opened the can of worms, so I would imagine they are on it.
Note to Casey: If It Didn't Happen, SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!!

I think the reason KC turned and cried yesterday when JB accused her father of molesting her was that she was horrified to hear this lie out loud. Not because it happened, maybe just an overwhelming sense of guilt. Maybe.
KC said "I will cheat. I will steal. I will lie. I will do whatever I have to do..." Well, I think this may be one of the few times she was telling the truth.

The accusations against GA are totally false IMO.

GA has told quite a few lies on his own IMO.......
Hmmmm GA can get extremely agitated over "GAS CAN QUESTIONS" but while questioned about abusing his daughter he keeps his calm, LOOKS DOWN, and says simply "no" he never did that.

As to being agitated part, I think GA knew SOME of what was going to be thrust upon him before this trial started, but not to the extent he was.

He was treated very hostile on stand as the first witness afterward...why would he not get frustrated over the bizzare grilling over the gas can? JB jumps all over the place when questioning the witnesses he wants to attack, to try and slip them up for a AHAH moment for the jury to see.

Is GA a saint? Absolutely not.. but this tactic by the DT is shameful.

I think the reason KC turned and cried yesterday when JB accused her father of molesting her was that she was horrified to hear this lie out loud. Not because it happened, maybe just an overwhelming sense of guilt. Maybe.

Or maybe it really happened and she is just now facing it, and able to be strong enough to talk about it. Able to get over the shame....or maybe she was ashamed to even have it said....because it was true....
Or maybe it really happened and she is just now facing it, and able to be strong enough to talk about it. Able to get over the shame....or maybe she was ashamed to even have it said....because it was true....

But she isn't ashamed of the part she played in her daughter's death, even if was accidental and she was part of the coverup??
GA has told quite a few lies on his own IMO.......

Exactly why I think they should have gone for the 'learned behaviour in a dysfunctional family' defense instead of the SA one that is so much harder to substantiate.

As to being agitated part, I think GA knew SOME of what was going to be thrust upon him before this trial started, but not to the extent he was.

He was treated very hostile on stand as the first witness afterward...why would he not get frustrated over the bizzare grilling over the gas can? JB jumps all over the place when questioning the witnesses he wants to attack, to try and slip them up for a AHAH moment for the jury to see.

Is GA a saint? Absolutely not.. but this tactic by the DT is shameful.

I also think GA knew beforehand....
But I don't see how Baez's questions are shameful...he is doing his job as a defense attny....
Everyone is willing to nearly castrate him for accusing GA of sex abuse...well you know what if he believes what Casey told him? Is he not doing his job if he believes? Who of us can say what he believes or disbelieve's about what Casey has told him? Remember that outburst the other day where he told her she was acting like a 2 yr old? That to me sounded like a man who could hold his own and state his own opinion.
Alot of ppl believe GA did sexually abuse Casey (me) but most believe he didn't.....Everyone has their own opinion.....
Who is in JB's body that they know if he believes or not?
I sure as hell am not taking up for Casey.....while I believe she was sexually abused by GA I also do NOT believe the drowning theory...and even IF Caylee drowned I do not think GA was in on a cover-up....
I just get so aggravated at all the snarky remarks about Baez objecting or asking for sidebars or as per todays questions asking if anyone saw caylee being starved, running to casey, etc....
He is just doing his job as a defense attny.
Don't believe it for a minute...just more lies by Casey & since JB put all his faith in her, he's getting his just reward. The only reason everyone's is jumping on the defense bandwagon right now is over Jose's opening statement...except now he can't back it up. KC is only worried about KC and she'll step on anyone else to get what she wants.

How COULD JB back it up? By George admitting it and then getting arrested himself for incest and child molestation?
And Lee the same?
I don't know if Casey is being honest or not...I just know as a sexual abuse survivor myself I was alot older than her before I was able enough to get over the shame and speak out about my own abuse.
I do not, for one minute, believe that George Anthony ever sexually abused his daughter. George's denial was very strong, with no signs whatsoever of deception. He is just one more of her victims.

George has lived with this pathological liar for years. He knows what she is capable off. IMO he has been subjected to so many lies over the years, that this latest one didn't come as too big of a surprise to him.
I believed GA's denials because they were simple: no/no sir. instead of: absolutely not/100% did not do it/etc

you know, minus the usual qualifiers/adjectives that liars like to use, thinking that it makes them more believable (but instead it comes across as laying it on too thick)

So if Casey said "YES Ma'am" my father molested me, just a simple "yes" if someone asked her, would you believe her?
So if Casey said "YES Ma'am" my father molested me, just a simple "yes" if someone asked her, would you believe her?

I think I would believe her more had she not stole money from her family and friends; told another friend she's such and great liar; told lie after lie after lie to all her friends about where she worked and where her daughter was; stole from her grandparents; lied about the start.

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