Does Anybody Believe George Sexually Abused Casey? POLL ADDED

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Have you Changed your mind about ICA being Molested?

  • Yes, I now believe she was molested

    Votes: 26 2.7%
  • No, I never thought she was molested and still don't

    Votes: 744 77.9%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards believing it now

    Votes: 25 2.6%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards not believing it now

    Votes: 28 2.9%
  • No Idea Either Way...Who Can tell with this family?

    Votes: 132 13.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I am so sorry for all of you who are victims of sexual abuse. I have never been a victim of any kind of abuse, so I hope that this question is okay.

Do sexual abuse victims typically talk to their boyfriends of less than two months about being the victim of sexual abuse especially if it was this deep, dark hidden family secret that included incest?

I do think that Casey was fishing for the perfect male partner that would commit the ultimate crime for her. I think Casey was well on her way to being a serial killer.

Lola no it is not at all typical. In fact from myself and most of the friends from SA group it takes a very, very long time to open up about this. I have been with my DH for 28 1/2 years and can say it was so long before he knew. Trust is huge for us SA survivors!
I don't agree with much of what you say because I think our boundaries are our own and we shouldn't impose them on others.

I see George as being the male stand in for Casey, she had no boyfriend or husband and both grandparents were there supporting her through the ordeal.
I suspect they stood at the head of the bed holding her hands and coaching her through it. So I don't get this salacious angle, childbirth isn't in anyway sexual. I commend them in a way for always being there for their daughter even if it became over indulgence in the end.

Right now, with his testimony, he sat and watched his daughter give birth,and I find that very,very, intruding and inappropriate. A male figure showed up at the hospital that day, Jesse, and George said it did not go well. Its messed up, especially after all the mega denial, and the mega denial shows a pattern with Casey.

I am so sorry for all of you who are victims of sexual abuse. I have never been a victim of any kind of abuse, so I hope that this question is okay.

Do sexual abuse victims typically talk to their boyfriends of less than two months about being the victim of sexual abuse especially if it was this deep, dark hidden family secret that included incest?

I do think that Casey was fishing for the perfect male partner that would commit the ultimate crime for her. I think Casey was well on her way to being a serial killer.

Let me preface this answer by saying up front that I have not finished reading this thread from today.

Having said that - I was raped at the age of 13. I was violently physically abused by my alcoholic father until I was old enough to fight back, which I did until he got the message and left me alone. My mother was also an alcoholic and the abuse included her occasionally.

I never told a single solitary person about any of the abuse until after my father passed away, the day before my Sr. of High School. My mother got sober, via an ultimatum from me. She and I took a road trip for 2 weeks and talked through the entire ugly mess. From that point on we were very close and remain so today.

My situation is not a standard I don't think. Even when my elder sisters, who were living away from home and who believed every word out of my mother's mouth, blamed me for the unrest in our home and verbally abused me over it - I kept my mouth shut. My eldest sister even went so far as to remove me from my parent's care, took legal custody of me, and used me as house staff for her home for 3 years, I kept my mouth shut. You see, I knew that no one would believe the horrors that were going on inside our home. But I also always knew it was their fault, not mine.

I never discussed this with anyone until I met and married my first husband and I did tell him a limited amount of the history. I did not fully open up to anyone until I married my second husband, 3 years ago. My mother did finally own up to my sisters because their ugly treatment of me had to be stopped. You see, my parents used me as the scapegoat throughout the time of the alcohol abuse and physical abuse - so if one of the sisters called home, and heard a fight going on in the background, or couldn't get through because the phone had been ripped out of the wall, they were told it was me acting out, running away etc etc.

In working with other professional women who I have learned were also abused either sexually or physically, I have found much the same behavior. We don't trust easily, are less likely to form many friendships, however, the ones we do form tend to be very strong and we tend to be intensely loyal in them.

I do not believe that Casey was abused by either Lee or George. Lee very well may have tried to express some sexual urges with his sister when he was in puberty, but I doubt seriously that it ever amounted to much at all.

I do believe that Casey is a full blown sociopath, that she has no sense of right or wrong, and that she was born that way.

My 2 cents for what it's worth.:rocker:
So JB asks TL what the "shared secret" is and isn't it that GA sexually abused ICA.

TL says No - it was LA

So the proffered testimony today, the testimony that JB believed for all his worth would support his theory, takes the wind out of the sails of the DT.

ICA told TL that her brother 'tried to feel her up' and that it 'wasn't successful'

Now whether or not this will ever be heard by the jury is above my pay grade - our esteemed attorneys will need to comment on this.

However, from my humble couch, I think I just saw JB deflate. I also thought I saw ICA mouth the words "I thought you said this would work" after these off jury actions were finished. Waiting to find the video to look at it again - but the cat is out of the bag and JB cannot put it back inside.

Attorneys - can you tell us when or if the jury will ever hear this?

Woo hoo? really?
Let me just say as a SA survivor I was a good 3-4 yrs OLDER than Casey when I was finally able to stop being ashamed enough to admit what happened...and even when my mom so recklessly brought it out in front of my best friend...I thought my BF of many, many yrs would not believe me b/c she had previously disclosed abuse before...and myself being too ashamed never mentioned it happened to me as now all of a sudden I am bringing it up??? Is her mind not thinking "well you never said this when I told you what happened about me..."
Before I ever told anyone as an adult I tried to tell my 9th grade Best bud ( a diff. girl), I will never forget we were sitting in pre-algebra class and I tried to tell her what happened though greatly diminishing it down to just "touching."
Her response (we were passing notes back and forth) was "so?"
I knew right then and there at 14 or at least I thought, maybe this is how everyone is gonna look at
So maybe Casey brought up the thing about Lee because it was way less that what GA did...just to get a see what ppl thought of THAT before she felt like going further.....
Feel like we should link to this thread:
I'm just going to simply say NO, this is the defense spin, it's all they have. They have been working on it for a long time and George has known it, thus the letter in March of 2010.
No Way, I just am not buying it.
Let me preface this answer by saying up front that I have not finished reading this thread from today.

Having said that - I was raped at the age of 13. I was violently physically abused by my alcoholic father until I was old enough to fight back, which I did until he got the message and left me alone. My mother was also an alcoholic and the abuse included her occasionally.

I never told a single solitary person about any of the abuse until after my father passed away, the day before my Sr. of High School. My mother got sober, via an ultimatum from me. She and I took a road trip for 2 weeks and talked through the entire ugly mess. From that point on we were very close and remain so today.

My situation is not a standard I don't think. Even when my elder sisters, who were living away from home and who believed every word out of my mother's mouth, blamed me for the unrest in our home and verbally abused me over it - I kept my mouth shut. My eldest sister even went so far as to remove me from my parent's care, took legal custody of me, and used me as house staff for her home for 3 years, I kept my mouth shut. You see, I knew that no one would believe the horrors that were going on inside our home. But I also always knew it was their fault, not mine.

I never discussed this with anyone until I met and married my first husband and I did tell him a limited amount of the history. I didn't not fully open up to anyone until I married my second husband, 3 years ago. My mother did finally own up to my sisters because their ugly treatment of me had to be stopped. You see, my parents used me as the scapegoat throughout the time of the alcohol abuse and physical abuse - so if one of the sisters called home, and heard a fight going on in the background, or couldn't get through because the phone had been ripped out of the wall, they were told it was me acting out, running away etc etc.

In working with other professional women who I have learned were also abused either sexually or physically, I have found much the same behavior. We don't trust easily, are less likely to form many friendships, however, the ones we do form tend to be very strong and we tend to be intensely loyal in them.

I do not believe that Casey was abused by either Lee or George. Lee very well may have tried to express some sexual urges with his sister when he was in puberty, but I doubt seriously that it ever amounted to much at all.

I do believe that Casey is a full blown sociopath, that she has no sense of right or wrong, and that she was born that way.

My 2 cents for what it's worth.:rocker:

FIrst of all, let me say I am so so sorry for what you had to endure. I have no doubt that even with this you still knew right from wrong and would not harm a child and then try to cover it up, etc.

Regarding your statement of Casey being a sociopath and being born that way: Do you feel Casey has a physiological illness/brain damage of some sort from birth?

As far as I know, sociopathy is a behavior, and behaviors are learned, not something one is born with. While I do believe a person could learn these behaviors from a very early age, I do not see how one could be born with a behavior disorder.
In a! It's just a figment of JB's and KC's imagination designed to make sure the murderer walks free. It also disrespects every real sexual abuse victim.

I am not a child abuse survivor, but I have experience with the issues they face as part of my career.

I have NEVER known of a sexually abused mother who would leave her own young child with her abuser. NEVER!!

To me, Casey is a narcissistic sociopath and a pathological liar.
THOSE psychological defects obscure any truth to her new allegations that her defense team is cooking up.. I do not think she was sexually abused as a child by either her father or her brother. If she had been, she wouldn't leave her child in the same household. Cindy and George seem to have been Kaylee's parents more than Casey ever wanted to be.

Having exp. with survivors is NOT the same as being one....
This is not directed at you Jana but to everyone who disbelieves...I am gonna put this in CAP LOCKS, I am not yelling...just wanna make this heard and read, and I feel if I dont put in cap locks it'll be looked over:
Well I just don't get it.....
FIrst of all, let me say I am so so sorry for what you had to endure. I have no doubt that even with this you still knew right from wrong and would not harm a child and then try to cover it up, etc.

Regarding your statement of Casey being a sociopath and being born that way: Do you feel Casey has a physiological illness/brain damage of some sort from birth?

As far as I know, sociopathy is a behavior, and behaviors are learned, not something one is born with. While I do believe a person could learn these behaviors from a very early age, I do not see how one could be born with a behavior disorder.

There is some scientific data that suggests a certain percentage of the population is born with the inability to tell right from wrong, who do not have and cannot form what we term a conscience. Those people do end up in the higher end of percentages of being diagnosed later on with sociopath tendencies, diagnosed psychopaths. I'll do my best to try and find the study again - it's been a year or so since I read it - and if I recall correctly it was in an UK Journal. Here is the link:

But your point is well taken.
No, I do not think GA sexually abused KC. GA denied it and I know I it was a simple "no sir" but I believed him. KC would need to testify about this said abuse for me to take it seriously.
Does Anybody Believe George Sexually Abused Casey?

In the words of some of the witnesses...NOPE
I was SA when I was 5, it was my Next Door Neighbor; He was 12. We were playing "Mommy & Daddy"

I have no doubt he would have tried to Rape me if I didn't tell my mother; I was so scared I Didn't tell my mother what happened until we were in Georgia, (I live in Texas).

His mother left him to baby sit me, his mother didn't really keep an eye on us. (I believe he also molested his sister too).

It came out in bits and pieces.

Sexual Abusers groom you to try and earn your trust.

Just A Reminder: It is NEVER your fault even though they say it is.

He also tried to SA two of my younger friends at the time who were 2 & 3.

nothing ever really happened with my case because he was a minor at the time. When he was 23 he had relations with a 15 year old. I had until I was 13 to testify against him but I never did because I was still traumatized.
Is it possible....that George and Cindy are blaming all this defense carp on JB and the team? That ICA just has to go along?
FIrst of all, let me say I am so so sorry for what you had to endure. I have no doubt that even with this you still knew right from wrong and would not harm a child and then try to cover it up, etc.

Regarding your statement of Casey being a sociopath and being born that way: Do you feel Casey has a physiological illness/brain damage of some sort from birth?

As far as I know, sociopathy is a behavior, and behaviors are learned, not something one is born with. While I do believe a person could learn these behaviors from a very early age, I do not see how one could be born with a behavior disorder.

No one has anything bad to say about Casey for the most part. She is a product of her environment and is far from brain damaged. Shes psychologically damaged because of her father, who was a louse of a husband and father. jmo
There is some scientific data that suggests a certain percentage of the population is born with the inability to tell right from wrong, who do not have and cannot form what we term a conscience. Those people do end up in the higher end of percentages of being diagnosed later on with sociopath tendencies. I'll do my best to try and find the study again - it's been a year or so since I read it - and if I recall correctly it was in an educational journal dealing with 'problem children' in school.

But your point is well taken.

Something like this could result from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. And I am not saying Casey had that, but sometimes illnesses or disorders must meet a certain medical or psychological criteria to be officially diagnosed when in reality certain conditions can happen in varying degrees. In other words, a person can suffer from an illness or disorder and go undiagnosed because they do not show symptoms to a degree required for official dx. That is a problem as it means some people who could benefit from treatment do not get it because no one thinks to refer them or the treatment facility accepts those with official dx only, etc.

I think Casey learned her behaviors. I do not know if there were alcohol or other drug issues in that household that would have had an affect during gestation and I certainly do not want to imply anything of that nature. Without evidence of such, I can only consider Casey as having behavioral issues, which are learned not inherited. Environment plays a big part and I am almost convinced that the environment Casey grew up in was not the greatest.

On the other hand, I have known people who were just bad even though they grew up with parents and sibs who bordered on sainthood. Had it all, but chose the wrong path from very young ages. And then there are others who were born into Hell's back yard but grew into healthy happy productive adults.

In short, I am not convinced Casey is mentally ill. I think she has behavioral issues, some of which may be very severe. I do believe she knows the difference between right and wrong, though. She has covered up a lot of things in her life; if she didn't know right from wrong she would not have cared what anyone saw or heard or knew about her, IMO.
Note to Casey: If It Didn't Happen, SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!!
I believe personality disorders can be inherited, and that they are a form of mental illness and not made to be that way by parents, but make the choice to go so far as to commit murders. If some people have horrible parents and grow up to be horrible people then they could have inherited the same mental illness.

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