Does Anybody Believe George Sexually Abused Casey? POLL ADDED

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Have you Changed your mind about ICA being Molested?

  • Yes, I now believe she was molested

    Votes: 26 2.7%
  • No, I never thought she was molested and still don't

    Votes: 744 77.9%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards believing it now

    Votes: 25 2.6%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards not believing it now

    Votes: 28 2.9%
  • No Idea Either Way...Who Can tell with this family?

    Votes: 132 13.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Cindy is a registered nurse. Nurses are taught from day 1 about the signs of neglect and abuse of children and the elderly especially, as they are legally bound to report any and all signs of abuse or neglect to the appropriate agency, and contact LE if overt injury is present.
I think this is a desperate attempt to throw George and possibly Cindy and Lee under the Casey bus. I don't think Casey's psycho-pathology can be explained by incest, because I don't think she would have covered for her abuser until after Kaylee was dead.
I do think her entire core family lacks values and respect for themselves and others.

Casey could not even be honest about being pregnant until almost the third trimester. George is pretty nonchalant about who the father is. He wants you to believe he didn't ask till later, and when he got the news it was a joyus occasion, even though we know he was confronted by Cindys brother about their daughters most obvious condition and it resulted in bad words.

Then after all this, all the fear and lying Casey did about something so obvious and major, showing she has a history of not being able to handle tings well, after all this, her father is watching her pushing out a child. How old was she? That has got to be the weirdest thing I have ever heard. That is pretty intimate, even between spouses, there is something really weird going on here. The only way my dad is delivering any babies of mine is because we are trapped somewhere and he would be the only person to help, and that would still be weird.
I too am an adult sexual abuse survivor. I in NO way think that KC was ever sexually abused by her father. I do think they were a dysfunctional family and their dysfunction formed a sociopaths mind in their daughter.
While I do understand that every person deals with trauma in different ways. I will share with you what happened almost 3 years ago. My husband and I were raising our then 2 year old granddaughter and a 3 month old grandson. On June 31st 2008 I woke at 6 AM to the baby crying wanting his early morning bottle and diaper change. I changed him, fed him and rocked him back to sleep. I put him back in his crib like every morning. Instead of staying up and starting my day I went and lay back down as the 2 year old was not up and running yet. I jolted awake around 9 AM startled. I went and checked on the little 3 month old sweet baby boy he was lifeless. I pulled him up out of his crib. Started CPR. In between giving breaths I screamed for my husband. My husband ran to my side. I handed him the baby and told him breaths. (Alerting him that I had just done chest compressions and it was time to do breaths into the baby's mouth) I went to the phone and CALLED 911! It took everything inside me to focus my words and not sound like a mad woman screeching and jibbering that could not be understood.
Now.... THIS was the SINGLE most traumatic thing that had or will ever happen to me in my life! My thoughts were on TRYING EVERYTHING I could to save this beloved child's
life! NEVER EVER ever did I think OMG I need to lie and cover this up! IT was a tragic sad horrid thing!!! SIDS stole our sweet boy !
NOTHING about the horrid dirty things that happened to me as a child EVER clouded my mind for one moment! Therefore I DO NOT BUY for one second that KC was abused sexually.
IT TICKS me OFF that the defense is using this PLOY! What about the thousands of honest to goodness victims of abuse that DO have a type of PTSD and commit crimes because of what horror they lived through? Ploys like this, crying wolf sure dirties the water for the rest of the actual abuse survivors.
As so many in this thread, I am also a survivor.
F U Casey. What you are trying to do is disgusting and not fair, and I hope to God for your sake no one in the Jury has ever been in that place...
Don't know what else to say...
He11 no. IMO he doesn't display even the vaguest hint of an overly enmeshed incestuous relationship with KC. IMO, GA would have been a lot more involved to the point of having to be beaten back with a big stick for the last three years if he had that kind of relationship with KC. He would be grossly over-involved and controlling in her life, in general.

GA has been too "detached" emotionally in certain ways that tell me in my gut that there was no sexual abuse relationship between him and his daughter.
So JB asks TL what the "shared secret" is and isn't it that GA sexually abused ICA.

TL says No - it was LA

So the proffered testimony today, the testimony that JB believed for all his worth would support his theory, takes the wind out of the sails of the DT.

ICA told TL that her brother 'tried to feel her up' and that it 'wasn't successful'

Now whether or not this will ever be heard by the jury is above my pay grade - our esteemed attorneys will need to comment on this.

However, from my humble couch, I think I just saw JB deflate. I also thought I saw ICA mouth the words "I thought you said this would work" after these off jury actions were finished. Waiting to find the video to look at it again - but the cat is out of the bag and JB cannot put it back inside.

Attorneys - can you tell us when or if the jury will ever hear this?
I just started following this case again, and there is so much hatred for Casey that I feel shes not going to get any sympathy even if she was molested. I really cant believe that some people wont even look at the weird facts surrounding her pregnancy, and this girl could not even talk about something her parents should have known, but they knew imo, and just thought if they don't talk about it, its not really happening. Casey was not born a evil person, if she has any issues its because of the environment she was raised in.

She cant tell her Dad shes had sex to make a baby, and 3 months later hes in the delivery room watching his daughter in a very private intimate situation, pushing a baby from her womb!!!! I think that in itself is abuse.
I just started following this case again, and there is so much hatred for Casey that I feel shes not going to get any sympathy even if she was molested. I really cant believe that some people wont even look at the weird facts surrounding her pregnancy, and this girl could not even talk about something her parents should have known, but they knew imo, and just thought if they don't talk about it, its not really happening. Casey was not born a evil person, if she has any issues its because of the environment she was raised in.

She cant tell her Dad shes had sex to make a baby, and 3 months later hes in the delivery room watching his daughter in a very private intimate situation, pushing a baby from her womb!!!! I think that in itself is abuse.

I have no empathy for this vile creature...but...the Delivery room issues are inapproproate boundaries and there is no way in he77 my abuser would ever see me in a vulnerable position...more or less disrobed and delivering my child.

I do not think all her issues are down to enviornment and you do not get to murder your babygirl for any mitigation for babykilling!

The anger is prob down to ICA trying to make herself the victim...instead of this precious baby,
I am so sorry for all of you who are victims of sexual abuse. I have never been a victim of any kind of abuse, so I hope that this question is okay.

Do sexual abuse victims typically talk to their boyfriends of less than two months about being the victim of sexual abuse especially if it was this deep, dark hidden family secret that included incest?

I do think that Casey was fishing for the perfect male partner that would commit the ultimate crime for her. I think Casey was well on her way to being a serial killer.
No. I do not believe GA sexually abused ICA!!!
I am so sorry for all of you who are victims of sexual abuse. I have never been a victim of any kind of abuse, so I hope that this question is okay.

Do sexual abuse victims typically talk to their boyfriends of less than two months about being the victim of sexual abuse especially if it was this deep, dark hidden family secret that included incest?

I do think that Casey was fishing for the perfect male partner that would commit the ultimate crime for her. I think Casey was well on her way to being a serial killer.

In my case...NO...there was no talking about the shameful subject. When I met my husband...I told him everything up front quickly because I was tired of losing a relationship after investing so much time...I told him before our second date as calmly and emotionless as possible what my life had been and if he could not handle that..there is the door. I am humbly greatful 28 years later we are still together and I love him so. He's hot too...and there is victory after being a victim!!!

That is why I am so very angry with this ploy...abuse and PTSD do not make you murder your babies!
Here's the thing, when sexual abuse victims normally disclose the sexual abuse -they tell what happened --maybe not in detail, but it is a consistent story. Here, KC told different things to different people about the alleged sexual abuse by LA and GA. It didn't happen, just my 2 cents.
I am not a child abuse survivor, but I have experience with the issues they face as part of my career.

I have NEVER known of a sexually abused mother who would leave her own young child with her abuser. NEVER!!

To me, Casey is a narcissistic sociopath and a pathological liar.
THOSE psychological defects obscure any truth to her new allegations that her defense team is cooking up.. I do not think she was sexually abused as a child by either her father or her brother. If she had been, she wouldn't leave her child in the same household. Cindy and George seem to have been Kaylee's parents more than Casey ever wanted to be.
As so many in this thread, I am also a survivor.
F U Casey. What you are trying to do is disgusting and not fair, and I hope to God for your sake no one in the Jury has ever been in that place...
Don't know what else to say...

so sorry for your experience. your reaction is what I've expected from those unfortunates who had really undergone abuse.

you are right to be disgusted by the outrageous dt lies.

Here's the thing, when sexual abuse victims normally disclose the sexual abuse -they tell what happened --maybe not in detail, but it is a consistent story. Here, KC told different things to different people about the alleged sexual abuse by LA and GA. It didn't happen, just my 2 cents.

Yeah and it doesn't come back to you in a dream as if it happened to someone else.:maddening:
Casey could not even be honest about being pregnant until almost the third trimester. George is pretty nonchalant about who the father is. He wants you to believe he didn't ask till later, and when he got the news it was a joyus occasion, even though we know he was confronted by Cindys brother about their daughters most obvious condition and it resulted in bad words.

Then after all this, all the fear and lying Casey did about something so obvious and major, showing she has a history of not being able to handle tings well, after all this, her father is watching her pushing out a child. How old was she? That has got to be the weirdest thing I have ever heard. That is pretty intimate, even between spouses, there is something really weird going on here. The only way my dad is delivering any babies of mine is because we are trapped somewhere and he would be the only person to help, and that would still be weird.

I don't agree with much of what you say because I think our boundaries are our own and we shouldn't impose them on others.

I see George as being the male stand in for Casey, she had no boyfriend or husband and both grandparents were there supporting her through the ordeal.
I suspect they stood at the head of the bed holding her hands and coaching her through it. So I don't get this salacious angle, childbirth isn't in anyway sexual. I commend them in a way for always being there for their daughter even if it became over indulgence in the end.
As so many in this thread, I am also a survivor.
F U Casey. What you are trying to do is disgusting and not fair, and I hope to God for your sake no one in the Jury has ever been in that place...
Don't know what else to say...

Alice...I share your pain and your F U to ICA. I hope there is a survivor there on the jury...they will fry her.
Here's the thing, when sexual abuse victims normally disclose the sexual abuse -they tell what happened --maybe not in detail, but it is a consistent story. Here, KC told different things to different people about the alleged sexual abuse by LA and GA. It didn't happen, just my 2 cents.

are you saying you doubt the word of inmate anthony?

wow. in fact, I do to. wonder if I have trust issues?

or what?
I don't agree with much of what you say because I think our boundaries are our own and we shouldn't impose them on others.

I see George as being the male stand in for Casey, she had no boyfriend or husband and both grandparents were there supporting her through the ordeal.
I suspect they stood at the head of the bed holding her hands and coaching her through it. So I don't get this salacious angle, childbirth isn't in anyway sexual. I commend them in a way for always being there for their daughter even if it became over indulgence in the end.

Thank you! I've been trying to think of an appropriate way to respond to these previous posts and I totally agree with you!

For what it's worth, my sister was a 19 year old single, pregnant girl and didn't tell any of us until she was in her late 6th month. She was ashamed, and I would venture to guess ICA was as well. We were shocked at first, and then after a day or two to let the shock settle in we became fully supportive! Asking who the father was didn't happen until she was ready to talk about it. For all we knew, she could have been raped! We didn't press her until she was assured that there was no judgement, only support. As for the Anthony's, we don't know exactly when the daddy questions started, or if they did that ICA ever told the truth.

As for giving birth... I have had my husband, my mother, my sister, my best friend, and yes... my dad in the room with me. There is nothing shameful about giving birth. It is a beautiful, joyous occasion and if a woman wants to share it, that is her right. I've also had friends do home births with extended friends and family involved. IMO it's not up to anyone to put a what's normal and not normal stamp on how one choses to give birth. MOO
Cindy is a registered nurse. Nurses are taught from day 1 about the signs of neglect and abuse of children and the elderly especially, as they are legally bound to report any and all signs of abuse or neglect to the appropriate agency, and contact LE if overt injury is present.
I think this is a desperate attempt to throw George and possibly Cindy and Lee under the Casey bus. I don't think Casey's psycho-pathology can be explained by incest, because I don't think she would have covered for her abuser until after Kaylee was dead.
I do think her entire core family lacks values and respect for themselves and others.

Cindy may be able to tell if there were PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS....
Emotional symptoms are far easier to hide, IMO....
I too am an adult sexual abuse survivor. I in NO way think that KC was ever sexually abused by her father. I do think they were a dysfunctional family and their dysfunction formed a sociopaths mind in their daughter.
While I do understand that every person deals with trauma in different ways. I will share with you what happened almost 3 years ago. My husband and I were raising our then 2 year old granddaughter and a 3 month old grandson. On June 31st 2008 I woke at 6 AM to the baby crying wanting his early morning bottle and diaper change. I changed him, fed him and rocked him back to sleep. I put him back in his crib like every morning. Instead of staying up and starting my day I went and lay back down as the 2 year old was not up and running yet. I jolted awake around 9 AM startled. I went and checked on the little 3 month old sweet baby boy he was lifeless. I pulled him up out of his crib. Started CPR. In between giving breaths I screamed for my husband. My husband ran to my side. I handed him the baby and told him breaths. (Alerting him that I had just done chest compressions and it was time to do breaths into the baby's mouth) I went to the phone and CALLED 911! It took everything inside me to focus my words and not sound like a mad woman screeching and jibbering that could not be understood.
Now.... THIS was the SINGLE most traumatic thing that had or will ever happen to me in my life! My thoughts were on TRYING EVERYTHING I could to save this beloved child's
life! NEVER EVER ever did I think OMG I need to lie and cover this up! IT was a tragic sad horrid thing!!! SIDS stole our sweet boy !
NOTHING about the horrid dirty things that happened to me as a child EVER clouded my mind for one moment! Therefore I DO NOT BUY for one second that KC was abused sexually.
IT TICKS me OFF that the defense is using this PLOY! What about the thousands of honest to goodness victims of abuse that DO have a type of PTSD and commit crimes because of what horror they lived through? Ploys like this, crying wolf sure dirties the water for the rest of the actual abuse survivors.

first let me say how very, very sorry I am about your loss of your precious baby boy. I fell like you do, how dare her use this as a defense! It is an insult to woman and victims everywhere who are real survivors. I think JB has been reading here, because I recognize some of the therioes we have discussed, and I think he is using us to come up with his defense. We discussed the pool theory, GA and I think he just embellished it and we also discussed Kronk, as a hot topic. I think she killed Caylee, and went on with her life and thought up stories and lies as she went.

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