Does Anybody Believe George Sexually Abused Casey? POLL ADDED

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Have you Changed your mind about ICA being Molested?

  • Yes, I now believe she was molested

    Votes: 26 2.7%
  • No, I never thought she was molested and still don't

    Votes: 744 77.9%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards believing it now

    Votes: 25 2.6%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards not believing it now

    Votes: 28 2.9%
  • No Idea Either Way...Who Can tell with this family?

    Votes: 132 13.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
EXSCUSE ME I AM A SURVIVOR.....I don't just "SAY" I am....
And I also taught them from the very time they could speak that NO ONE, not even trusted ppl like their grandpa's, grandma's, mom, dad NO ONE was to touch their privates, etc...and i was so damned afraid someone would hurt them that I questioned them at least once a week...have eased up now but not much. Anytime I saw my kids looking sad in anyway that would be the first thing that hit my damned mind, that someone hurt them....
but the fact is some ppl who have been abused simply do NOT care if it happens to their kids and I think Casey was one of those ppl.
for the record for the 100th time althought i believe GA abused Casey I DO NOT BELIEVE HE KNEW ABOUT OT COVERED UP THE DEATH OF CAYLEE.

Sorry, I did not mean to imply you are not a survivor. When I said you say you are I was not meaning you were lying and I am sorry if it seemed that way.

The things you just described are the very reasons I do not believe her accusations. Among others. But we will probably never have proof either way.
its worth a lot. it should be read in open court to ICA and Jb the day she is sentenced. God Bless You and All that were true victims.

What is sad is that I suppose the dt will find a psychologist or other nut job hired hand doctor who will, for a price, say ICA's actions were a result of the supposed abuse. there is no way around it, given the country we live in and the legal system we have, but, in the end, everybody with common sense will know its all a lie.

abuse didn't create ICA.

Thank you so much for sharing that with us.

Let me preface this answer by saying up front that I have not finished reading this thread from today.

Having said that - I was raped at the age of 13. I was violently physically abused by my alcoholic father until I was old enough to fight back, which I did until he got the message and left me alone. My mother was also an alcoholic and the abuse included her occasionally.

I never told a single solitary person about any of the abuse until after my father passed away, the day before my Sr. of High School. My mother got sober, via an ultimatum from me. She and I took a road trip for 2 weeks and talked through the entire ugly mess. From that point on we were very close and remain so today.

My situation is not a standard I don't think. Even when my elder sisters, who were living away from home and who believed every word out of my mother's mouth, blamed me for the unrest in our home and verbally abused me over it - I kept my mouth shut. My eldest sister even went so far as to remove me from my parent's care, took legal custody of me, and used me as house staff for her home for 3 years, I kept my mouth shut. You see, I knew that no one would believe the horrors that were going on inside our home. But I also always knew it was their fault, not mine.

I never discussed this with anyone until I met and married my first husband and I did tell him a limited amount of the history. I did not fully open up to anyone until I married my second husband, 3 years ago. My mother did finally own up to my sisters because their ugly treatment of me had to be stopped. You see, my parents used me as the scapegoat throughout the time of the alcohol abuse and physical abuse - so if one of the sisters called home, and heard a fight going on in the background, or couldn't get through because the phone had been ripped out of the wall, they were told it was me acting out, running away etc etc.

In working with other professional women who I have learned were also abused either sexually or physically, I have found much the same behavior. We don't trust easily, are less likely to form many friendships, however, the ones we do form tend to be very strong and we tend to be intensely loyal in them.

I do not believe that Casey was abused by either Lee or George. Lee very well may have tried to express some sexual urges with his sister when he was in puberty, but I doubt seriously that it ever amounted to much at all.

I do believe that Casey is a full blown sociopath, that she has no sense of right or wrong, and that she was born that way.

My 2 cents for what it's worth.:rocker:
I just get a "vibe." A creepy-crawly feeling when I look at him...I might not be right, but its what I feel, and I am an entitled to my opinion as is anyone else.
Please don't tell me you haven't ever saw (maybe met, maybe not) someone who gave you the creeps?

I think it is kind of unfair to assume someone is guilty of raping a child because
of a creepy crawly feeling. He had an affair and a gambling habit. Maybe that is what the icky feeling is?
One more post...gotta be up in 5 hours..

If JB was given this information when he began representing ICA... why, why, why, would he have let his client sit in jail and repeatedly attempt to delay this trial?

Why wouldn't any defense atty, regardless of experience, not allow his client to speak with LE so they could investigate this matter further? Maybe because this "story" is something that has evolved over time... maybe ICA told him the first story, he called "BS" she came up with 2.0 and that did not fly, so they have taken nearly three years to find some way to defend her with this new story... which was revealed during the opening statement by JB..

IMO, this is a creation that has come along with the proding of a desperate defense...gotta give them something to build on..
Finally un-lurking :seeya: Hello all.

Having worked for years with both victims of sex crimes as well as sex offenders, though knowing the Anthony's only via observing video and written reports etc, I am inclined to say GA has not perpetrated the crimes he has been accused of. The deviant behaviors that ICA has been presenting can be connected with many personality disorders and DSM diagnoses and are certainly not exclusive to sexual abuse survivors.

Should the DT provides testimony and witnesses toward GA having possibly committed these grave crimes, I will re-think my opinion. When Psychiatrists and Psychologists that have evaluated ICA provide us their expert opinions, when ICA personally takes the stand and testifies to this, I will reconsider my gut feelings and his guilt.

Until then, however, I have seen how false accusations of these crimes have forever destroyed lives. As such, to me, faced with a life-destroying accusation such as this, GA as well is entitled to Innocence Until Proven Guilty.

I mean no disrespect to sex crime survivors. None. They deserve all the justice and love and healing the world can provide. However. The accusations of crimes of this nature are second only to accusations of physical murder, in my book. Never to be taken lightly and CERTAINLY not to be judged until a case has been made to substantiate them!!!
Survivors of Incestous relationships in a close family proximity, do not all "act out" in the same way.

She may be far more prone to a dissociative disorder then perhaps you or I would have been.
Everyone reacts differntly.

We can't say that because we didn't harm our own child that "There but for the grace of God go I" or at least that is how I look at it.

But I speak for myself, and not others when I say I would prefer giving her the benefit of the doubt when it comes to sexual abuse by family members (father or brother) and that she has become very adversely affected mentally and emotionally by it over time, which then indeed led to the taking of her own child's life in a "revenge" mode of a sick mind, never treated or diagnosed.

I think her family did her a great disservice for covering up for her when the State's Atty's office originally may have "cut a deal" for the "accident" and they should have gotten her mental health help on day one.

They knew she had serious problems for a long time, but wanted to cover up.

I think Casey A. however, did do this deed, and took the child's life, but I'm opened to hearing what her defense has as evidence to prove otherwise.
(just imo)

I hear you. I guess I would rather give the benefit of the doubt to her father and her brother than to her, because I do not believe her accusations. Shouldn't they be innocent until proven guilty as well?

I have concrete reasons for my doubts. Her jailhouse letter is a big red flag. There is no way she can go from 'having a vague feeling, but not knowing anything for sure' to the specific vile incidents that Baez listed. I think the state will bring those letters into evidence to refute these claims.

The story that the DT laid out is ridiculous. Imo, it taints the accusations as well. How can they bring Kronk into this with a straight face? Just doing that brings their entire scenario into question, imo/
I just get a "vibe." A creepy-crawly feeling when I look at him...I might not be right, but its what I feel, and I am an entitled to my opinion as is anyone else.
Please don't tell me you haven't ever saw (maybe met, maybe not) someone who gave you the creeps?

yeah. ica in court today when her x boyfriend/lover/sex partner of two weeks was in court testifying. man, that was creepy, watching her react.
Survivors of Incestous relationships in a close family proximity, do not all "act out" in the same way.

She may be far more prone to a dissociative disorder then perhaps you or I would have been.
Everyone reacts differntly.

We can't say that because we didn't harm our own child that "There but for the grace of God go I" or at least that is how I look at it.

But I speak for myself, and not others when I say I would prefer giving her the benefit of the doubt when it comes to sexual abuse by family members (father or brother) and that she has become very adversely affected mentally and emotionally by it over time, which then indeed led to the taking of her own child's life in a "revenge" mode of a sick mind, never treated or diagnosed.

I think her family did her a great disservice for covering up for her when the State's Atty's office originally may have "cut a deal" for the "accident" and they should have gotten her mental health help on day one.

They knew she had serious problems for a long time, but wanted to cover up.

I think Casey A. however, did do this deed, and took the child's life, but I'm opened to hearing what her defense has as evidence to prove otherwise.

(just imo)
For the record, she was never offered a plea deal for an accident, and until now, Casey has vehemently denied it was an accident. It would still be her decision as well as the SA's to take it. JB and her family have no say in the matter.
Finally un-lurking :seeya: Hello all.

Having worked for years with both victims of sex crimes as well as sex offenders, though knowing the Anthony's only via observing video and written reports etc, I am inclined to say GA has not perpetrated the crimes he has been accused of. The deviant behaviors that ICA has been presenting can be connected with many personality disorders and DSM diagnoses and are certainly not exclusive to sexual abuse survivors.

Should the DT provides testimony and witnesses toward GA having possibly committed these grave crimes, I will re-think my opinion. When Psychiatrists and Psychologists that have evaluated ICA provide us their expert opinions, when ICA personally takes the stand and testifies to this, I will reconsider my gut feelings and his guilt.

Until then, however, I have seen how false accusations of these crimes have forever destroyed lives. As such, to me, faced with a life-destroying accusation such as this, GA as well is entitled to Innocence Until Proven Guilty.

I mean no disrespect to sex crime survivors. None. They deserve all the justice and love and healing the world can provide. However. The accusations of crimes of this nature are second only to accusations of physical murder, in my book. Never to be taken lightly and CERTAINLY not to be judged until a case has been made to substantiate them!!!


IDK, I do know that I have felt that they were hiding something, something big, that they never wanted brought to the surface. There is a lot of speculation about Casey being Bipolar, but I have found that hard to believe. Living in a home situation with my x who IMO is a sociopath and my DD being bi-polar (diagnosed), I think Cindy would have reached out for help. From my life experience, it's unbearable. I always felt there was something more, something that they wanted hidden. Was it sexual abuse? I just don't know. :confused:

I think the "secrets" in the family were about Casey stealing from them and numerous other things we probably don't know about but not sex abuse. Cindy has been covering for Casey's crimes for years and sadly is still doing it. I don't for a second believe that George molested Casey.
WEll, she told a few people about Lee touching her breasts. And in her recent jailhpouse letters where she speaks of that, she says she MIGHT have vague feelings that her dad did something when she was very young, but she did not know for sure. That was just months ago. So how can they now make such specific, vile accusations if that was the case?

I am also an abuse survivor. And I know that my uncle was NEVER allowed access to my kids. Yet this 'good mother' was letting her abuser bathe and change and tuck in her child every night. Does that sound reasonable to you.

And you say that you are a survivor. Do you think that you would ignore the tragic death of your child and party and go clubbing, because of the child abuse you suffered? Because I wouldn't.

I did act out sexually in my teens, and went a bit wild, but it never took away my feelings or my ability to grieve loss. I do not know why people are believing JB when he says that.

The above statement in bold makes her claims of abuse even more unbelievable because Baez said in his opening statement that at 13 she performed oral sex on her father and then went to school like nothing happened. At 13 she certainly would have been old enough to remember it yet in the jail house letter she only has a "feeling" that he might have done something when she was younger. The two just don't jive IMO.
it could be that she was not comfortable sharing everything in the jailhouse letters.
She never talked about it to anyone that we know of,just hinted at maybe she needed to let it out but still couldn't reveal all...I don't think we can take anything she says at face value.But she does include "half truths" in her "mistruth",so IF it is true I don't think the letters make it more believable or unbelievable...
No, I don't believe George sexually abused Casey...not now, not on Casey's "word." If the DT has some other evidence or other corroboration, I will listen and evaluate it then, but stictly because Casey says so? Sorry. No.

Let me ask you a question: IF JB produced several childhood friends of ICA, and each of them testified that ICA had told them years ago that she was molested by GA, would you find that a justifiable reason for ICA's behaviour after Caylee "accidentally drowned" ?
Hi All, I found the actual letter George wrote to Casey on March 25, 2010. I made a thread about that if anybody wanted to discuss the letter.
While watching the local news this morning, I was surprised to see an interview with George's sister and brother-in-law who openly defended him. We haven't heard much from George's family lately and I was also surprised at the interview since Mr. Eddy has a well established business in the area and probably could have just remained silent. Interview and article at link.
Let me ask you a question: IF JB produced several childhood friends of ICA, and each of them testified that ICA had told them years ago that she was molested by GA, would you find that a justifiable reason for ICA's behaviour after Caylee "accidentally drowned" ?

You know, I was just hit with the sickest feeling over all of this. As I've mentioned before, I am a survivor of over 14 years of SA, extreme physical abuse - you name it. My sister as well, so I wasn't alone in my suffering, though I've wished differently because if I could have I'd have spared her from it all. Neither of us has turned out to be abusive in any way, nor are we liars - in all actuality, you could say we're honest to the point that it's brutal at times. We are not thieves or cheats, nor have we neglected our children in any way. We are protective, loving, super-vigilant. We did not seize every opportunity to party and play, though my sister gave birth to her first son at age 19. I have been far from promiscuous, and though my sister has had more relationships, we both value stability and love more than "getting a piece". I believe in every aspect we, as long term rape and abuse survivors, are a far cry from KC - and we did NOT have the catering to our every whim provided to us as KC seems to have had.

Now, as far as what is REALLY sick about this: Here we are speculating as to whether GA abused his daughter. WE, US - all of us who for YEARS have been advocates for Caylee, telling all and sundry that CAYLEE is the focus of all this. Not KC. And we've been discussing GA, as though he is the reason Caylee is dead. Point of fact, Caylee is dead because of KC. There is no evidence GA drowned Caylee, or put duct tape over her little mouth and nose, or neglected her, or did ANYTHING other than love her.

Again, I personally doubt, given my first-hand knowledge of abuse and abusers - as I had MORE THAN ONE sexual abuser as a child - that GA abused KC. I believe this known, unrepentant, self-congratulating, self-acknowledged "good liar" has deliberately used a story of abuse ONCE AGAIN in an attempt to garner sympathy. And she has no problem with destroying a man who seems to have loved his kids and grandaughter, regardless of his personal or financial failings. She's also done this to her brother. I believe these two men aren't the only ones she accused of abusing her, IIRC, either. If she can do all of this, she certainly could destroy her daughter.

Being a liar doesn't make one a murderer. Got it. Well guess what? Being abused as a child doesn't make one a murderer either.

This is about Caylee Anthony, and whether her mother Casey Anthony, murdered her. Period.
Let me ask you a question: IF JB produced several childhood friends of ICA, and each of them testified that ICA had told them years ago that she was molested by GA, would you find that a justifiable reason for ICA's behaviour after Caylee "accidentally drowned" ?

Hi Mountain Kat. Nice to "see" you here.
No. It might have an effect on me regarding the death penalty. But I can not beleive that sexual abuse alone would explain her behavior. It is just too big a leap. I realize that using the "in my expereince" concept can be shaky. But of the sexual abuse survivors I know,I have seen sexually acting out, anxiety, inability to maintain relationships and a whole host of other destructive behaviors. But never such a complete breakdown of lying, manipulation, stealing, faking emotions. IMO..she simply does not have a conscience..and I don't believe it's from sexual abuse. Also, sexual abuse survivors seem to hurt themselves by their behaviors and never others.
Lies are common indicators of someone who has been sexually abused over and over. It may indeed be a "learned" behavior one that a child learns early on in order to cope with the abuse.

Mental illnesses can be very difficult to comprehend by just looking at someone, oftentimes, one illness such as a PTSS, can lead to another.

Casey Anthony is mentally ill , imo.

We don't or should not put to death a mentally ill person anymore then the mom in Texas who drowned her 5 children.

I think they proved that the Texas mom, Andrea Yates(?) was truly psychotic and had a history of treated, but severe mental illness. She could not tell right from wrong. ICA in no way exhibits those traits. She is not psychotic. She may me a psycopath or sociopath..but that is not a mental illness in so far as the legal definition.
Intermezzo I have tried to watch the trial every single hour it is on tv but as I have a 2 yr old son it's not possible...He demands attn anytime that MAX AND RUBY ISN'T on, lol.....
So can you plz direct me to testimony of some of the witnesses who DON'T believe?

My post may have mislead you, I think.
I will clarify...some of the witnesses were answering NOPE to many of the questions when questioned by the I just answered with NOPE as well.

Not that the witnesses believed or did not believe the accusations of sexual abuse...they were not asked if they believed Casey was sexually abused by George..

Hope I make sense..LOL Haven't had my morning Espresso yet....LOL

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