Does Anybody Believe George Sexually Abused Casey? POLL ADDED

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Have you Changed your mind about ICA being Molested?

  • Yes, I now believe she was molested

    Votes: 26 2.7%
  • No, I never thought she was molested and still don't

    Votes: 744 77.9%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards believing it now

    Votes: 25 2.6%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards not believing it now

    Votes: 28 2.9%
  • No Idea Either Way...Who Can tell with this family?

    Votes: 132 13.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
However it happened, she let that child die. Nobody made her do it. If any patterns of abuse actually happened to KC, it came from years & years of loving parental care. Too much of everything without the limit setting.

Respectfully snipped by me

I completely agree 100%, iCA's behavior was at least partially due to permissive parenting. She wasn't held accountable often. Her lies didn't catch up with her. I'm sure she has been surprised so far when they do.

Can I admit without criticism here that when I follow through with my discipline in the times when I am tired, or it is hard, the reason that I do it is because if iCA in a jumpsuit- I believe with all of my heart that permissive parenting = at risk behavior.
KC is a MASTER manipulator and most likely a sociopath. Top it off with an over-bearing, manipulative mother and spineless father, unplanned pregnancy and we see the makings of a time bomb ready to go off. I will never believe that she was molested by her father or brother. She simply does not behave in a manner consistent with the type of chronic sexual abuse she now conveniently alleges.

What I see is that GA was & is completely dictated by CA. The only issue that the DT has been right about is that something was wrong in the way this family dealt with each other---- and I believe it was Cindy who emphatically made George and Lee not question KC about her job or pregnancy and ultimately to ignore the smell of death in their car. With that said, KC is completely responsible for the death of her child and should be held accountable.
I don't know. I do know that the number of women who I have known in my life who were sexually abused by someone in their family is astounding. It is much more common than we realize. That being said non of the victims of sexual abuse I know killed their child.

I think ICA's hatred for her dad is more from the fact that he probably dished out the only discipline she ever received and she resents him for that. She is all about revenge and what better way to get back at him than accuse him of sexual abuse. JMHO
I don't know. I do know that the number of women who I have known in my life who were sexually abused by someone in their family is astounding. It is much more common than we realize. That being said non of the victims of sexual abuse I know killed their child.

I think ICA's hatred for her dad is more from the fact that he probably dished out the only discipline she ever received and she resents him for that. She is all about revenge and what better way to get back at him than accuse him of sexual abuse. JMHO

However, there is not a huge pile of evidence that shows she on purpose killed her child. There are people in this world who are very weird. Are we supposed to believe that no one is capable of not handling things properly and staging something else to hide their error? Casey could not even be honest about a growing baby in her obviously pregnant body, her parents looked the other way and basically hoped she had a tumor or massive weight gain, something is MENTALLY off with this girl, and this whole thing seems like exploiting a mentally ill person, not a cold blooded diabolical killer.

I do think George did sexually abuse Casey, but I don't think that had anything to do with the actual drowing, I think Caylee died because Casey took a nap and let her child do whatever. jmo
I believe she was abused in some sort of way mentally, physically, or sexually. But that is no excuse for murder!
When George was asked, his answer did not convince me. He said he never WOULD...not that he NEVER HAS.

Also, I think when he lies, he follows with that smirky, creepy grin.

IMO, KC is 100% guilty, but I still think some hinky stuff went on in that family.
Without ? George sexually abused Casey! He is the one w/crocidile tears yesterday! I have HDTV and replayed him a 1000x's, no tears, just fake sobbing! What a creep!
George is a liar to the core, that baby drowned, he covered it up and told Casey to keep her mouth shut! I did follow the duct tape and leads right to his grimy fingers!
George is a liar to the core, that baby drowned, he covered it up and told Casey to keep her mouth shut! I did follow the duct tape and leads right to his grimy fingers!

Since there's been no evidence or proof of how Caylee actually died....
Can I ask you:

Why do you think Casey would remain silent and "keep her mouth shut" while she sat in jail for approximately 3 years...and while she's being tried in a court of law, and facing a death sentence?

Casey doing this: Remaining silent, and keeping her mouth shut: If her daugher drowned, makes no sense to me.
I almost feel like JB suggested it - as in "I heard that you had a dream that your dad molested you in one of your jail letters" and ICA in her head thought "if I had a dream it might be repressed and true" and the DT rolled with it.:dunno:
I never did believe her "stories" about molestation. How could anyone?
George is the only credible person in that family, imo. I think both Lee and Cindy have committed perjury on the stand, but I believe George. His emotions are appropriate for what he is being accused of and is being asked on the stand.

A vehement NO. I doubt her inability to tell the truth was caused by "abuse", IMO it was caused by her family enabling her by never holding her accountable for her lies.
I have always leaned against it. I think that George would most likely prefer a woman his own age to have a physical relationship with. As bad as it is, an affair with "Trouble in River City" is at least a bit more "normal" than child molestation (if he indeed did have that affair). In the jailhouse phone call, Casey told her parents that no one could have better parents or grandparents. I'm sure it could happen, but what are the odds of both Lee and George inappropriately touching her? Does she perhaps perceive herself so irresistible that she thought up such an idea? IMO she blames her parents for making the initial call to LE. In her mind, she thinks she would not be in this mess if they had just shut up and not gotten so bent out of shape. So now all that love and loyalty to them and their "good parenting and grandparenting" flies out the window and she hates them with a white-hot hate for outing her and their missing granddaughter.
I think ultimately some people want to believe that what makes a murderer is from past abuse, sexual or physical, etc. Some serial killers have been noted as being abused. However, there are some people that just kill without any prior abuse. Sociopathic personalities just kill. They have no radar for empathy - and ultimately I hope the juror see that and convicts Casey for the rest of her life.
It could be true. Her promiscuity might be a result of that. Or not. I doubt any of us will ever know for sure. I hope it's not the case.
Sociopaths are also prone to promiscuity, grandiosity, excessive shopping and spending, the whole nine yards! IMHO her story of sexual abuse is just that. Another of her positively, big huge whopper of a lie.
When LKB comes on the TV, I try to change the channel. I really wished I had tonight. Vinnie P was going over the DTs opening statement/accusations with her tonight, and when he came to the allegations of sexual abuse, Ms. LKB gave a smile and said (paraphrasing) right - it can't be proved. But the jury won't forget it was said.

With a smirk! I resent spending any time agonizing over whether this was true or false, and I'm not a juror. I can't say any more without breaking TOS, so :maddening:
Can someone please answer this question? Tony Lazzaro was about to answer a question during this trial when the prosecution's objection was sustained. The question was pertaining to a "secret" Casey had shared with him about her father IIRC. He said, yes, a secret had been shared with him. Did this come up at all in police interviews? Did LE hear from Tony that Casey had told him that? I realize that if this is the case, Casey could be lying, but I'm curious about this. I was shocked when I heard him starting to respond.

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