Does Anybody Believe George Sexually Abused Casey? POLL ADDED

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Have you Changed your mind about ICA being Molested?

  • Yes, I now believe she was molested

    Votes: 26 2.7%
  • No, I never thought she was molested and still don't

    Votes: 744 77.9%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards believing it now

    Votes: 25 2.6%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards not believing it now

    Votes: 28 2.9%
  • No Idea Either Way...Who Can tell with this family?

    Votes: 132 13.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I would be interested to know the results as of those who believe vs who doesn't, and more importantly those who feel safe enough to vote either way, but who never feel ok commenting....
Some ppl can believe either way but not feel comfortable posting....but if there is an anonymous poll I believe ppl would at least cast a vote.
I think George should take a lie detector test. Even if KC was abused it doesn't explain why she lied about working for two years.

Many survivors of incest lie repeatedly. That's a fairly common trait I believe and founded upon PTSS or learning to lie to retain a public personnae of being okay. Hiding the truth is very common which takes lying to do so, and before you know it, lies are the everyday way of life.

caveat: I'm sure not everyone does who has been a person who survived this horrible crime, but i know some who did lie often.

Bottom line is people are individuals and react to emotional trauma differently, not all the same way.
Many survivors of incest lie repeatedly. That's a fairly common trait I believe and founded upon PTSS or learning to lie to retain a public personnae of being okay. Hiding the truth is very common which takes lying to do so, and before you know it, lies are the everyday way of life.

caveat: I'm sure not everyone does who has been a person who survived this horrible crime, but i know some who did lie often.

Bottom line is people are individuals and react to emotional trauma differently, not all the same way.

This may be true, but just because someone is a liar doesn't automatically mean they were sexually abused, just like being sexually abused doesn't automatically make you a pathological liar. I've heard alot of cable talking heads say that since lying is a symptom of sexual abuse then it must be true that Casey was sexually abused, like that explains everything. It's annoying.
Do you have some incontrivertable proof that "Most NORMAL caring dads wait in the waiting room..." because I have worked as a L&D nurse in a midwife practice and I can say unequivocally I have seen fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, children, friends...Birth is not TABOO and I get SICK when people imply that there is something perverted about childbirth! It is a natural act and in most countries, save this country which is odd about birth AND breastfeeding, it is not a big deal. So to imply GA is a creep because he was there to witness his granddaughters birth is garbage. She was a single mom, THIS WAS HER SUPPORT SYSTEM!

IMO it did not matter whether GA wanted to be there for Caylee's birth. It did not matter if ICA wanted him there for Caylee's birth. What mattered was if Cindy wanted him there. That would be the deciding factor.
I do not think it is true. Will we ever know the real truth?
Who would ever know???? Member the lil boy who cried "wolf". Hello!!!

After jb got up and said so the first day---they both better hope he did molester her---cuz this will be a bigger mess for them if he didn't
JMO.....I always felt they each had "dirt" on each other. Manipulation.

Casey was spoiled with "things, cash and freedom"

Casey describes "Zanny" as looking like George's girlfriend.
(I wonder if she lived at the Bella Vita gated community?)

Cindy controlled the household.
Lee "believes everything his sister has told him."

Right now, with his testimony, he sat and watched his daughter give birth,and I find that very,very, intruding and inappropriate. A male figure showed up at the hospital that day, Jesse, and George said it did not go well. Its messed up, especially after all the mega denial, and the mega denial shows a pattern with Casey.


Casey had the right to ask him to leave. Some of this responsibility beleongs to her although she has never apparently taken any responsibility for anything.
JMO.....I always felt they each had "dirt" on each other. Manipulation.

Casey was spoiled with "things, cash and freedom"

Casey describes "Zanny" as looking like George's girlfriend.
(I wonder if she lived at the Bella Vita gated community?)

Cindy controlled the household.
Lee "believes everything his sister has told him."

IMO....George needs to do a polygraph test and a perternity test in order that the truth surfaces....finally.
GEorge and Cindy gave their DNA a long time ago, before Lee did so that's already been done.
Casey had the right to ask him to leave. Some of this responsibility beleongs to her although she has never apparently taken any responsibility for anything.
Exactly! There's no way I wanted my parents in the delivery room, especially my father. I only had my husband present, to me it's a private affair. Nothing they need to see! We waited until she was born to call them...
IMO it did not matter whether GA wanted to be there for Caylee's birth. It did not matter if ICA wanted him there for Caylee's birth. What mattered was if Cindy wanted him there. That would be the deciding factor.
No, that really shouldn't have been Cindy's decision, she wasn't the one giving birth! Casey had every right to decide her birth plan and whom she wanted/ didn't want to be in there!
Why hasn't ICA had her father arrested for the charge of sexual abuse? This could have been done after ICA was arrested for the murder of Caylee if ICA had been telling the truth to her attorney.

There is no time limit on arresting GA so ICA should be willing to have GA arrested since this is all so public.

But really the DT did not want and does not want GA to have due process and a resolution prior to trial.

I wish the State would question JB about ICA's willingess to have GA arrested. Now wouldn't that be interesting..

I believe that KC would have no problem whatsoever with her father being taken off in handcuffs and I believe she would enjoy it to the core.
Oprah was an sexually abused. Man she should turned out nothing like ICA
No I don't believe any sexual abuse, nor do I believe there was any physical abuse either or at least what I call physical abuse. Knowing ICA he probably swatted her butt one time.

Would be interesting to have a poll added to this thread to see how WS users numbers match up with some of the media sites polls.

In this one 14% voted yes, 73% voted no and 13% undecided.

Lots of other interesting polls about this case there also.
Yes, I believe that GA did molest KC. GA was showing very clear signs of lying on the stand. When someone is about to lie they will often break eye contact, which GA did when asked about molesting KC. Additionally, when asked a direct yes or no question about whether or not you did something a person who is being truthful will usually use contractions like, "no, I didn't," and people who are lying are more likely to say, "no, I did not." When someone is being dishonest they will also often "dance" around a direct question and attempt to avoid actually answering the question by "explaining" something.

Also, all of the people claiming KC doesn't act like someone who has been molested because she didn't leave the home with her daughter are actually wrong. I know of a case of incest where the father molested the daughter from a very young age and the daughter was SO damaged that she actually became a willing partner in a relationship with her own father. This went on until the woman was around 24 years old when a family friend found a video tape they made of them having sex with the daughter actually initiating it. The father went to prison and eventually got out and the daughter went on to have a son and daughter while her father was in prison. After he got out she moved in with him for awhile. She moved out eventually but STILL let her kids go have unsupervised sleep overs with her father. He molested his grand daughter too. This woman also shared a bed with her own son when he was 12 years old. I reported this family putting kids at risk repeatedly. It was just sickening and seemed so bizarre, but it happened. Until that video tape was found no one in the family had any idea what was going on. They were completely clueless. This woman and her father were pathological liars and hid this dirty secret for almost 20 years. The woman was so damaged and was left sort of vacant, very little emotion, almost completely without affect but also prone to sudden outbursts when angry. KC's behavior is very consistent with long term incest.

So I believe the incest accusations. GA came across as being dishonest about a lot of things, IMO. I'm not sold on the defense's drowning story, though.
it could be that she was not comfortable sharing everything in the jailhouse letters.
She never talked about it to anyone that we know of,just hinted at maybe she needed to let it out but still couldn't reveal all...I don't think we can take anything she says at face value.But she does include "half truths" in her "mistruth",so IF it is true I don't think the letters make it more believable or unbelievable...

In reading those letters I see her sharing a whole lot of personal info. I don't see anything that leads me to believe she was uncomfortable sharing.

Those 'excerpts' given by Baez were very explicit. I think they were completely made up.They do not connect in ANY WAY with her jail house writings.

As a SA survivor myself, who has attended support groups and met many other SA victims, I do not believe Casey at all. NONE of her behaviors ring true imo. I think she is a sociopath, not a sexual abuse victim. I do not believe she would have sat in jail for 3 years in silence, and then suddenly sprung this accusation on her abuser.

Nor would she allow Caylee to be bathed and tucked into bed by her abuser every single night. If she is such a 'good mother' then why did she deliver her child into this pedophiles hands?
KC has spent a considerable amount of time and money to appear as the victim -
She is still living -----

CAYLEE was abused to death ............................
No way!
The defense floated their strategy to the media from the beginning and they were all discounted. Remember they started with Roy Kronk being the murderer. They had to come up with a defense that couldn't be disproved by the facts.
It's her word against GA. George lies, but KC never tells the truth.

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