Does the flu shot really work?

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Did you get a flu shot this season?

  • Yes

    Votes: 408 56.7%
  • No, I don't think they work

    Votes: 143 19.9%
  • No, they are not safe

    Votes: 93 12.9%
  • No, I have a health issue that doesn't allow it

    Votes: 21 2.9%
  • Other: please explain

    Votes: 55 7.6%

  • Total voters
It has been an extremely tough year in Utah for the flu. Soooo many people I know have come down with the flu and have been extremely sick; missing work for weeks, not days. I do not have statistics, but I swear it has been worse so far this year than other years.
I've never received a flu shot and have never had the flu so I'm unsure.....

But of course now that I've mentioned it and bragged ........ Lol
Flu changes its make up constantly so you can never cover every mutation. Flu vaccinations won't stop you getting the flu, they minimise the severity and effect if you do catch it which is why it's highly recommended for vulnerable people and their Carers in the UK (can't speak for America obviously!)


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Government Vaccine Court Records Show Injuries and Deaths from Flu Shot as 2016 Flu Season Begins

As government medical officials make plans to take away vaccine exemptions for children and seek to make vaccines mandatory in the United States, vital information about the safety of vaccines is either ignored or censored. The American public is largely unaware that there is a vaccine court known as the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). This program was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies total legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines. If you or a family member is injured or dies from vaccines, you must now sue the federal government in this special vaccine court. Many cases are litigated for years before a settlement is reached. Once every 3 months the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines meets, and the Department of Justice issues a report of cases settled for vaccine injuries and deaths. As far as I know, Health Impact News is the only media source that publishes these reports each quarter. The most recent report was just issued on September 20, 2016 which covered the period from 5/16/16 to 8/15/16. 233 cases were adjudicated. 113 of them were listed in the report, specifying the vaccine, the injury or death, and the amount of time the case was pending before settlement. 89 of the 113 cases settled were for injuries and deaths due to the flu vaccine, making the flu vaccine the most dangerous vaccine in the U.S., harming and killing more people than all the other vaccines combined. How many people in the United States, including doctors and nurses who give flu shots, are made aware of these statistics prior to receiving a flu shot, or allowing one to be given to their children and loved ones?

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Vaccine Court Stats on Injuries and Deaths Betray Government’s Position on Vaccine Safety

Every day, people in the United States are being injured and killed by vaccines. This is a fact that is not in dispute, as the Department of Justice's quarterly report on vaccine injuries and deaths clearly demonstrates. And yet, the government's official public statement about vaccines is that they are safe and effective, and should be mandated for all people. Any opinion or presentation of facts to contradict their position is vigorously suppressed and censored all in the name of "public health" for the "greater good." The American public is largely unaware that there is a vaccine court known as the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). This program was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies total legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines. If you or a family member is injured or dies from vaccines, you must now sue the Federal Government in this special vaccine court. Many cases are litigated for years before a settlement is reached. Once every 3 months the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines meets, and the Department of Justice issues a report of cases settled for vaccine injuries and deaths. As far as I know, Health Impact News is the only media source that publishes these reports each quarter. The most recent report is from March 3, 2016. Every quarter for the past couple of years, it has been increasingly difficult for Health Impact News to obtain this report, which used to be routinely published on the Health Resources and Services Administration (HSRA) government website. Health Impact News just now received the report from March, and in a couple of weeks the next report will be due at the June meeting. The report for March 3, 2016 which covered the period from 11/16/15 to 2/15/16 had 199 cases adjudicated. 108 of them were listed in the report, specifying the vaccine, the injury or death, and the amount of time the case was pending before settlement. There were three deaths: two related to the flu vaccine, and one related to the TDaP (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) combo vaccine. 88 of the 108 cases settled were for injuries and deaths due to the flu vaccine, making the flu vaccine the most dangerous vaccine in the U.S., harming and killing more people than all the other vaccines put together. Here is the report the government would prefer you not see.

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Flu Shot Remains Most Dangerous Vaccine Based on Injuries and Deaths Compensated by Government

The Department of Justice issues a report on vaccine injuries and deaths every quarter to the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines. There are 211 cases for vaccine injuries and deaths for the period 5/16/2015 through 8/15/2015. 86 of the settlements were listed in this report, giving the name of the vaccines, the injury, and the amount of time the case was pending before settlement. Three of those settlements were for deaths linked to vaccines, with two deaths related to the flu shot, and one death for the HPV shot. 65 of the 86 settlements were for injuries and deaths due to the flu shot, and the majority of flu shot injuries were for Guillain-Barré Syndrome. These quarterly reports on vaccine injuries and death settlements from the U.S. vaccine court are seldom, if ever, reported in the mainstream media. We report them here at Health Impact News. Here is the latest report from September 3, 2015.

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New Flu Vaccine Made from Insect Cells Approved Early for Upcoming Flu Season

The Pharmacy Times has reported that the FDA has approved a new influenza vaccine formulation for the 2015-2016 flu season: "Flubok is made using cultured insect cells and can be produced much more rapidly than traditional egg-based flu vaccines. It also contains 3 times more active ingredients than traditional flu vaccines, according to the manufacturer, Protein Sciences Corp. For the upcoming flu season, there were 2 strain changes." The new flu vaccine made using cultured insect cells is expected to be available in retail pharmacies like Target by mid-August. The annual flu vaccine kills and injures more people than any other vaccine, with no close seconds. In fact, according to the U.S. Government Department of Justice reports on vaccine injuries and deaths submitted each quarter, more awards are issued as compensation for flu vaccine injuries and deaths than all the other vaccines on the market combined. During last year's flu season, the CDC admitted that the flu vaccine was not a good match for the influenza strains that were making people sick. People who had received the flu vaccine were still getting the flu. Some of them died, even though they received the flu shot. Nevertheless, the flu vaccine will be recommended to ALL Americans, including the most susceptible members of our society, the very young (even while still in womb as pregnant mothers will be encouraged to get the flu shot), and the very old, many of them in medical care facilities.

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Healthy People Who Were Vaccinated for the Flu Continue to Die

More deaths among otherwise healthy people are being reported all across the United States among children and adults who received this year's flu vaccination. Here are a couple of the latest deaths being reported in local media stations. Do you know of other flu deaths this season among people who received the flu vaccine? If so, please share in the comments, so we can develop a list of reported flu deaths among those vaccinated.

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Could the Ineffective Flu Shot be Causing More Severe Flu Outbreaks, Including Deaths?

The CDC has already admitted that this year's influenza strain is not a good match for the current flu vaccine. And yet, as in previous years, the universal message given to the public from the government and mainstream media is to "get the flu shot anyway." But what if the flu shot itself is part of the problem? Is it possible that the financial investment in stockpiling flu vaccines each year creates a conflict of interest in this public health message encouraging everyone to get their flu shots, even when it is not a good match for the strains of flu currently making people sick? Could the flu shot itself be making people sick, and even causing deaths? Fox 4 News in Kansas City recently reported the story of a local woman who died from flu complications just after her 37th birthday. Her family reports that she was healthy, and that she was required to receive the flu shot because she was a nursing student.

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Flu changes its make up constantly so you can never cover every mutation. Flu vaccinations won't stop you getting the flu, they minimise the severity and effect if you do catch it which is why it's highly recommended for vulnerable people and their Carers in the UK (can't speak for America obviously!)

Same recommendations here too, Lovinnen. Thank goodness for vaccines. I shudder to think of the toll the flu would have on an annual basis to those most vulnerable among us. I've had patients tell me that they never used to get flu shots and then they got the flu. They didn't make that mistake again! :) We tell people who ask what the difference is between a cold and the flu, the difference is, the flu can make you think you're going to die, and sometimes you feel so horrible you wish you would! Really, for most people it's simply a horrible but relatively short lived experience of a couple of weeks. But for some, it's sadly deadly. Get your vaccines, people! :)
My chart is marked "no flu shot." I got the shot twice & got sick both times. I have an immune system as big as all outdoors -- I just seldom am sick. My doctor agreed it was too much of a coincidence.
A beloved, healthy 36 year old business owner in our community died of the flu over the weekend. It's like Russian Roulette...
Apr 3 2017, 1:03 pm ET

Most Kids Who Died of Flu Weren’t Vaccinated, Study Finds

by Maggie Fox

Most children who have died of flu in recent years were not vaccinated against the virus, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention researchers reported Monday.

They found that at least three-quarters of kids who died from influenza between 2010 and 2014 had not been vaccinated in the months before they got sick.

And while kids with asthma, developmental disorders and other conditions are at especially high risk, fully half the kids who died were considered healthy before they became infected, the researchers found...
I don't screw around. I have asthma. Caught a "mild cold" a couple weeks ago which led to about three days of annoyance for everyone else who got it. For me? Going on day 14. Urgent care, breathing treatment, steroids. Missed a ton of work to my detriment. Had to hack my way noisily through a trial on Friday. The flu? That would likely kill me at this stage of the game (north side of 45 and I don't bounce back like I used to).
So I get every damn flu shot, pneumonia shots, whooping cough, whatever they will give me whenever they will give it to me. "Toxins"? I'll tell ya what's toxic- ilness, hospitalization, death. The substances they inject into us are far less harmful for most than the tidal wave of pesticides, perservatives and pollutants we ingest and breathe in daily, for our whole lives. IMO. And I'm a supplement/natural girl as much as l can be - cinnamon to control sugar, turmeric for pain and inflammation, L-theonine and 5-HTP for anxiety, a certain diet for atopic dermatitis, etc., etc. But I also realize some things in medicine are for our benefit. To me, vaccines are one of those, although I think it's up to each of us to make our own choices about health care.

Refreshing and welcome opinion, in the sea of, "your murdering others if you don't get the flu shot"!

Btw Ginger root is also an awesome anti-inflammatory! :)

Got my shot!
gunnie pig.jpg

The influenza virus has yet to hit the Northern Hemisphere, but flu vaccine season is already in full swing, with banners outside pharmacies urging: "Get Your Flu Shot Now." What's not advertised, however, is just how lackluster the vaccine is."


They're questioning what was once received wisdom: that the vaccine fails when manufacturers, working months ahead of flu season, incorrectly guess which strains will end up spreading. And they're learning instead that the vaccine may falter even when the right strains were used to make it, perhaps because of how it is produced or quirks of individual immune systems. "It's much more complicated than we thought," Osterholm says. "I know less about influenza today than I did 10 years ago."

Other evidence suggests that repeated vaccinations can blunt the immune response to some HAs. "We don't understand enough about the effects … to make any recommendations right now," says Edward Belongia, an epidemiologist at the Marshfield Clinic Research Institute in Wisconsin, who led a recent meta-analysis. "The best strategy remains to get a vaccine every year." This is especially true for the elderly or immune-compromised people: Even if a vaccine fails to prevent infection, they may suffer less severe disease if immunized.
"The BC Centre's Skowronski says many influenza researchers are hesitant to discuss problems with the vaccine "because they're afraid of being tainted with the antivaccine brush."

"She says that's a mistake. "This immunization program has been predicated on assumptions on top of assumptions. Unless we have these discussions, we'll never have improved vaccine options. And I don't think it's antivaccine to want your vaccine program to be the best that it can be," she adds."

"For many decades, researchers believed the flu vaccine offered solid protection if it was a good match to the circulating strains; studies from the 1940s through the 1960s routinely showed an efficacy of 70% to 90%. But those studies relied on a misleading methodology." Without a simple way to detect the virus in the blood, researchers measured antibody levels, looking for a spike that occurs after infection. Then in the 1990s, sensitive polymerase chain reaction tests enabled researchers to actually measure viral levels, and they told a different story. It turned out that some people who did not have the big antibody spike after exposure—and were therefore counted as a vaccine success—actually did show a jump in viral levels, signaling infection. Earlier assessments had exaggerated vaccine efficacy. What's more, efficacy was sometimes low even when the vaccine and circulating strains appeared well matched. Something else was afoot."

"Danuta Skowronski, an epidemiologist at the BC Centre for Disease Control in Vancouver, Canada, instead blames mutations in the vaccine strain itself. The most common influenza vaccine contains an "inactivated" virus, which manufacturers grow in chicken eggs. As Skowronski's team first reported in 2014, the virus can mutate while it is growing in the eggs, resulting in a vaccine unable to block circulating strains. "

"Skowronski thinks the field must more aggressively pursue a universal influenza vaccine that would work against many strains and last for years. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland, agrees. He wants to accelerate that work by creating a new consortium of top researchers, which he hopes next year's budget can fund. "I'm going to make universal influenza vaccine my top priority over the next couple years," Fauci says. "We've got to do better."

A study published today in Vaccine suggests a strong association between receiving repeated doses of the seasonal influenza vaccine and miscarriage.

The authors said the study is an unexpected signal that calls for deeper investigation and highlights the challenges of monitoring the safety of annual vaccines.
I took it for 20 years in a row. 19 of them were fine.. #20 not so much. That January 2008, I found out I have CVID (combined variable immunodeficiency)
I was told NOT to get another FLU vaccine no pneumonia vaccine either.
They stressed that I avoid crowds from NOVEMBER to APRIL! & that my family members SHOULD get the vaccine to prevent bringing it home to me.

I get in a PANIC every flu season. I only had it twice as a child. Once at 13 and once at 17.

.I am not "Anti-Vax, I am Pro informed CHOICE and personally I question the long term consequences of manipulating the immune system year after year, for so little proven benefit. ( the average adult will contract the flu once in every twenty years).. I read a comment written by a medical professional on Quora that perfectly summarizes the dilemma:

"There is no scientific evidence or study that can conclusively prove that flu shots actually strengthen or weaken the immune system in the long run.

It is ignorance though, to think there will be no risk or consequences to your health and immune system for artificially stimulating one part of the immune system repeatedly over a lifetime. The immune system, immunity, auto-immune disease, molecular mimicry, protein codes, the human body, genes, gene succeptability, epigenetics, chemical adjuvants, inflammation, environmental exposures, live/dead viruses, dose, timing, and the environment comprises a hugely complex interplay.

Flu vaccines, like all other drugs disrupt, suppress and dis-regulate various body systems for an attempted desired outcome. In terms of health consequences there will be very different outcomes for those who continually inject multiple flu viruses and chemical adjuvants into their body, compared to those who gain natural immunity from a complete immune system response, humoral and cell-mediated, minus chemical adjuvants, to the flu.

A link is provided below to a scientific study that discusses how the flu shot can weaken the response to ‘flu viruses generally’ by ‘interfering with induction of…killer T cells’.
From the American Society of Microbiology:

‘Vaccinating children annually against influenza virus interferes with their development of cross-reactive killer T cells to flu viruses generally, according to a paper in the November Journal of Virology’

‘In unvaccinated children, the investigators found that the number of virus-specific T cells rises with age, while such an increase was absent in children vaccinated annually. In fact, vaccination appeared to interfere with induction of such killer T cells, says Bodewes’

Annual Childhood Flu Vaccines May Interfere With Development of Cross-resistance

Annual Vaccination against Influenza Virus Hampers Development of Virus-Specific CD8

Here is another science paper that discusses how the flu shot may weaken immunity response.

Annual influenza vaccination affects the development of heterosubtypic immunity.
.I am not "Anti-Vax, I am Pro informed CHOICE and personally I question the long term consequences of manipulating the immune system year after year, for so little proven benefit. ( the average adult will contract the flu once in every twenty years).. I read a comment written by a medical professional on Quora that perfectly summarizes the dilemma:

"There is no scientific evidence or study that can conclusively prove that flu shots actually strengthen or weaken the immune system in the long run.

It is ignorance though, to think there will be no risk or consequences to your health and immune system for artificially stimulating one part of the immune system repeatedly over a lifetime. The immune system, immunity, auto-immune disease, molecular mimicry, protein codes, the human body, genes, gene succeptability, epigenetics, chemical adjuvants, inflammation, environmental exposures, live/dead viruses, dose, timing, and the environment comprises a hugely complex interplay.

Flu vaccines, like all other drugs disrupt, suppress and dis-regulate various body systems for an attempted desired outcome. In terms of health consequences there will be very different outcomes for those who continually inject multiple flu viruses and chemical adjuvants into their body, compared to those who gain natural immunity from a complete immune system response, humoral and cell-mediated, minus chemical adjuvants, to the flu.

A link is provided below to a scientific study that discusses how the flu shot can weaken the response to ‘flu viruses generally’ by ‘interfering with induction of…killer T cells’.
From the American Society of Microbiology:

‘Vaccinating children annually against influenza virus interferes with their development of cross-reactive killer T cells to flu viruses generally, according to a paper in the November Journal of Virology’

‘In unvaccinated children, the investigators found that the number of virus-specific T cells rises with age, while such an increase was absent in children vaccinated annually. In fact, vaccination appeared to interfere with induction of such killer T cells, says Bodewes’

Annual Childhood Flu Vaccines May Interfere With Development of Cross-resistance

Annual Vaccination against Influenza Virus Hampers Development of Virus-Specific CD8

Here is another science paper that discusses how the flu shot may weaken immunity response.

Annual influenza vaccination affects the development of heterosubtypic immunity.

IMHO you are a typical antivaxer hiding as pro choice. The three articles that you mention are all about one (1 !) and the same paper. So much for choice. The paper calls for the development of BETTER VACCINES. So much for informed.

Meanwhile, you do NOT do not mention the source that you amply quote from: who is this Quora professor and where were his comments published?

The flu is DANGEROUS for many and they will suffer or have suffered greatly form natural immunity from a complete immune system response, humoral and cell-mediated, minus chemical adjuvants, to the flu. The apparent underlying idea that natural flu is good for you because it contains no adjuvants is ludicrous.

A natural pear contains up to 38 times more formaldehyde than a flu vaccine.
You probably aren't getting them quickly enough to have full protection, or they aren't covering the strains you came down with. The sickness you feel after the shots is not the full-on flu. I've experienced both and there is no comparison. The full-on flu is way worse, so if your immune system is compromised, you are not helping yourself by not getting protection, JMO...

Ever since I stopped getting the flu shots, I rarely ever get the flu. Some of us are just weird.

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Someone I know just got the flu shot and now is paralyzed from the waist down. There are real side effects to vaccinations. If you get the flu, your immune system will be stronger fighting it off by itself. Plus the vaccine is not very effective at all.

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I remember in the 70s the flu vaccine was linked to the development of Guillan-Barre (sp); that kind of did it for me. I do not get the flu vaccination.
I wouldn't get the flu shot ever. I got it once and then only because I was the caregiver of very ill, elderly people who could not take it and I didn't want to bring it to them.

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