Donna Brock

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
good choice, me thinks. (I'm trying to be dignified and not lol.) you do know some characters, Levi. occupational hazard, I suspect. :angel:

I think Donna would have talked to anyone here if they got in contact with her. She is a talker.

I wonder if she got invites from the national media? It took me all of 5 mins to find info on Donna Brock and get in touch with her after the road rage incident.
Did she feel the need to "get back" at Tim because of the letter releasing her from being associated with TES which was made public?

Just to expand, I think they both got dirt on each other. When Miller and Steph Watts came on my show, I got a call from Donna literally balling afraid at what Miller and Steph were going to report. She ended up being barely mentioned. She called me back all happy and told me how great a show I have.
Just to expand, I think they both got dirt on each other. When Miller and Steph Watts came on my show, I got a call from Donna literally balling afraid at what Miller and Steph were going to report. She ended up being barely mentioned. She called me back all happy and told me how great a show I have.

Dirt on each other?

Lawd. What a sad commentary.
Donna tried to get me to report some dirt on Tim Miller. It was outlandish stuff. Whether ya like the man or not, I don't think he needs to be smeard in the public. I told her point blank I wasn't going to do it, because it doesn't help the search for Haleigh and that the last thing I want to do is get Mark NeJame on my butt.

Good for you, Levi- I have mad respect for that and IMO you made the right choice! It's obvious Tim has some issues (he's doing better than I'd be doing if my child were murdered, I'll tell ya that much!) but IMO they are none of our business.
I think Donna would have talked to anyone here if they got in contact with her. She is a talker.

I wonder if she got invites from the national media? It took me all of 5 mins to find info on Donna Brock and get in touch with her after the road rage incident.

levi, now don't sell yourself short. You saw her, (Donna) your hair went up, (instinct), you thought she might talk (gut), you called her (cajohnes), and you convinced her to confide in you (charm).

National media is selling Haleigh's story short. imo. this one's a blockbuster. I'm kinda glad the wolves are otherwise occupied. For Haleigh's sake.
levi, now don't sell yourself short. You saw her, your hair went up, (instinct), you thought she might talk (gut), you called her (cajohnes), and you convinced her to confide in you (charm).

National media is selling Haleigh's story short. imo. this one's a blockbuster. I'm kinda glad the wolves are otherwise occupied. For Haleigh's sake.

Ha, I wish.

This woman was talking to LE, Art Harris, Steph Watts at one point. The woman Steph inteviewed today. the woman wasn't even familar with the case, yet Donna Brock was giving her all of this info. Who all knows who else she contacted?
Ha, I wish.

This woman was talking to LE, Art Harris, Steph Watts at one point. The woman Steph inteviewed today. the woman wasn't even familar with the case, yet Donna Brock was giving her all of this info. Who all knows who else she contacted?

I was talking about Donna, not Jacque. sorry it wasn't clear. my bad. actually we should edit and not say "the woman".
I was talking about Donna, not Jacque. sorry it wasn't clear. my bad.

I know what you meant. My point was Donna was or has spoken to this case to me, Steph Watts, Art Harris, and Jacque. I doubt we're the only people. She is a talker. I bet there are more people she confided in about this case.
I know what you meant. My point was Donna was or has spoken to this case to me, Steph Watts, Art Harris, and Jacque. I doubt we're the only people. She is a talker. I bet there are more people she confided in about this case.

I am soooooo confused about DB and her intentions. Seemed to be for truth at the onset? Then, after TES separated themselves from her, it went south. I don't understand how she got involved to the point of totally wrecking her life and ending up in jail.
DB must have simply been a dope addict and/or wanted to get on making some money.
DB must have simply been a dope addict and/or wanted to get on making some money.

I guess it's possible that she started doing drugs to get closer to Misty and make MC trust her. Than as it usually does with drugs she got hooked and deeper into the mud with the Satsuma bunch. answer your question about was during the Scott Peterson Trial.
I don't know if anyone else has posted this or not but just in case. Yesterday late afternoon, Donna B asked for a public defender.

Just wanted to let people know.
I know what you meant. My point was Donna was or has spoken to this case to me, Steph Watts, Art Harris, and Jacque. I doubt we're the only people. She is a talker. I bet there are more people she confided in about this case.

I have no doubt she'd talk to LE to get her sentence lowered. The question is, does she have any info that's enough to help herself out here?
I have no doubt she'd talk to LE to get her sentence lowered. The question is, does she have any info that's enough to help herself out here?

Could she have anything that would hold up in a trial anyway? Unless Misty showed her the body or something, anything she knows would be just hearsay, her word against Misty's.
Could she have anything that would hold up in a trial anyway? Unless Misty showed her the body or something, anything she knows would be just hearsay, her word against Misty's.

I don't know if it needs to be something that would hold up in a trial, though. Donna's basically got nothing to lose by talking about anything she knows. She has no life if she stays quiet. And doesn't she have children? Even if they're not young children, it might give her some incentive to want to be out and be in their lives. I would say husband too, but I've heard so little of him, that I'm not sure they'd even be together at this point.
I know what you meant. My point was Donna was or has spoken to this case to me, Steph Watts, Art Harris, and Jacque. I doubt we're the only people. She is a talker. I bet there are more people she confided in about this case.

Not doubting you, Levi, just reassuring me -

How would you recognize DonnaB's voice or otherwise confirm it was her? I'm not sure I have ever heard her speak.

Not doubting you, Levi, just reassuring me -

How would you recognize DonnaB's voice or otherwise confirm it was her? I'm not sure I have ever heard her speak.


She has a slight southern accent, and I don't think she has ever spoke in public before...

I know that the person was Donna Brock, because while I was talking with her, I also talked with Misty and everyone knows Misty's voice.

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