Dr G Medical Examiner

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This is what I have been saying from the moment the defense made this statement. NO WAY GA calls 911 about missing gas cans and stays silent about his grand daughter drowing in the pool. NO WAY. He loved Caylee and he would have done everything in his power to save her. I dont buy it for a minute. :maddening:

I think so too. George loved Caylee. He would never had ignore her 'drowning'. It's such a stoopid theory, imo.
For me, I found it fortunate that the instruction was given to the jury today regarding expert testimony, and that basically, these persons are qualified experts. While the jury must recognize that fact, they can choose to believe all, some, or none of what any of the experts says.

I'm hoping that the jurors really think about that statement. Basically, if they believe that Dr. G. is credible, and I certainly think she came off that way, they may view this statement as giving them permission to accept her professional opinion that this was a homicide. The two questions in this trial are: 1) Was there a homicide and 2) Did ICA commit it? I personally think that all of the jury deliberation will be on the first point. I think if they believe this was a homicide, there is no reasonable doubt left that anyone but ICA committed this crime.
One of the most amazing parts of JG's testimony today that hasn't been talked about here is the fact that JG shot the biggest hole in the RK DT theory- that the remains would have been skeletonized in August (a door that was opened by CM, BTW). This proves that the bones would have already would have been starting to be scattered at this time, per the gruesome animal testimony of the anthropology guy today (sorry I forget his name). She has now proven that RK couldn't have gathered all the scattered remains and hid them in August.
I heard this on IS today and it just blows me away how much their opinions of the case has chenged with each SA witness. :)
I agree. I think it might be time for CM to hang up his briefs. He missed a golden opportunity to discredit her "100%" statement. He could have emphasized that Caylee was also one of the cases in her morgue, and since she couldn't rule out an accidental drowning, then it casts doubt on the accuracy of her statement that 100% of accidental drownings are reported since she can't possibly know this figure for sure due to the fact that her morgue sees many "undetermined" deaths could have been accidental drownings. Instead he bumbled on, rephrasing her answers as if she said Caylee's death couldn't be an accident in an effort to get her to admit that it could be. He failed miserably, and she was too smart to let him get her. I don't see any evidence of CM being this highly skilled and experienced lawyer that everyone makes him out to be. Instead, I see a man with an old bag of tricks and gimmicks that he keeps trying to play over and over again even though everybody is on to them.


Great post! I got the sense during Dr. G's testimony, that she saw CM and his cross from a mile away. She was able to go further than he would have liked or planned, because she was ready for him. LOL Not much better than Baez, IMO. Plus, every time he speaks, I keep harking back to his statements about this case before he signed on to the DT. (Sorry, can't remember who has that great line in their sig)
CM really needs to retire, he is making a complete fool of himself. His passive aggressive "senior citizen" routine had gotten old while they were still in jury selection!
Bill Sheaffer said it best -
Mason opened the door and Dr G drove a truck straight through it....!

Great post! I got the sense during Dr. G's testimony, that she saw CM and his cross from a mile away. She was able to go further than he would have liked or planned, because she was ready for him. LOL Not much better than Baez, IMO. Plus, every time he speaks, I keep harking back to his statements about this case before he signed on to the DT. (Sorry, can't remember who has that great line in their sig)

Me too... specially the part where he predicts a trial will be a circus....
So, guess who's playing the part of the Clowns ?
Prosecutors then called Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia to the stand.

Dr. G, as she is known, said in 2008 that Caylee's cause of death was homicide by undetermined means.

Garavaglia told defense attorney Cheney Mason that in her experience, 100 percent of accidental drownings were reported to 911.

Garavaglia said her experience led her to believe that Caylee's death was a homicide.

The defense argued that Garavaglia's testimony was simply opinion and did not carry any scientific weight.

In a deposition, Garavaglia agreed with defense attorneys that there is no scientific evidence, but argued that it is well within her right to consider the circumstances of the duct tape near Caylee's mouth and the fact that the body was dumped.
Read more: http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/28200918/detail.html#ixzz1Oy16oE2s

Thank you Dr. G for telling the real story about Caylee's death. It appears ICA didn't have any respect for Caylee's body...which is why I beleive she appears to look shameful as the experts discuss precious Caylee's bones and the scattering and chewing on by the critters that inhabit that swamp...that alone should anger everyone...

No way this could be seen as accidental with that demonic duct tape anywhere on Caylee's face...it's common sense and I only hope this jury uses common sense and who is more credible. I believe the DT lost all credibility with their outrageous OS...it will come back and bite ICA, big time...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I agree. I think it might be time for CM to hang up his briefs. He missed a golden opportunity to discredit her "100%" statement. He could have emphasized that Caylee was also one of the cases in her morgue, and since she couldn't rule out an accidental drowning, then it casts doubt on the accuracy of her statement that 100% of accidental drownings are reported since she can't possibly know this figure for sure due to the fact that her morgue sees many "undetermined" deaths could have been accidental drownings. Instead he bumbled on, rephrasing her answers as if she said Caylee's death couldn't be an accident in an effort to get her to admit that it could be. He failed miserably, and she was too smart to let him get her. I don't see any evidence of CM being this highly skilled and experienced lawyer that everyone makes him out to be. Instead, I see a man with an old bag of tricks and gimmicks that he keeps trying to play over and over again even though everybody is on to them.

He'll now argue that in closing. :waitasec: He was punch drunk and couldn't think on his feet in court.
Yesterday Dr. Garavaglia also know as Dr. G Medical Examiner came to a riveting conclusion as to the death and murder of Caylee Marie Anthony. She stated that the child was hidden, duct tape should never be found on a child dead or alive and in her jurisdiction 100% of all accidents involving children 911 is called. IMO these statements are the most logical and damaging conclusion and will challenge the defenses theory. See full testimony below.

I love how they messed up Caylee's last name. I mean really?
Dr. G. certainly put the details of how Caylee's remains were found into a perspective that I hadn't come to appreciate earlier. Her statements were so strong and profound I truly believe it's going to be extremely difficult for the DT to overcome it.
Yesterday Dr. Garavaglia also know as Dr. G medical examiner came to a riveting conclusion as to the death and murder of Caylee Marie Anderson. She stated that the child was hidden, duct tape should never be found on a child dead or alive and in her jurisdiction 100% of all accidents involving children 911 is called. IMO these statements are the most logical and damaging conclusion and will challenge the defenses theory. See full testimony below.

I think her testimony gave a huge boost to the prosecution's argument that this child was indeed murdered. She was like the voice of decency and common sense coming in after wave upon wave of tech-speak threatened to bore me to death. I know the scientific testimony was necessary, but it was so monotone. Then this woman comes along and wakes us up with her emotion and indignation and barely controlled anger, imo, and thank God she did! She refused to remain neutral and instead said what needed to be said: NO child should ever have duct tape on their face, alive or dead! Why no 911 call?? The body was hidden and not reported! .. In other words: WAKE UP PEOPLE!! THERE ARE NO EXCUSES FOR WHAT WAS DONE TO CAYLEE!! And she didn't shy away from the "H"-word (homicide), not at all, too bad Baez!
I know Dr. G. is a highly educated and experienced ME, yet her testimony showed less of her technical knowledge and more of her GOOD AND DECENT HUMANITY. No way the jurors missed that, imo.:twocents:
Yesterday Dr. Garavaglia also know as Dr. G medical examiner came to a riveting conclusion as to the death and murder of Caylee Marie Anthony. She stated that the child was hidden, duct tape should never be found on a child dead or alive and in her jurisdiction 100% of all accidents involving children 911 is called. IMO these statements are the most logical and damaging conclusion and will challenge the defenses theory. See full testimony below.

I think her testimony gave a huge boost to the prosecution's argument that this child was indeed murdered. She was like the voice of decency and common sense coming in after wave upon wave of tech-speak threatened to bore me to death. I know the scientific testimony was necessary, but it was so monotone. Then this woman comes along and wakes us up with her emotion and indignation and barely controlled anger, imo, and thank God she did! She refused to remain neutral and instead said what needed to be said: NO child should ever have duct tape on their face, alive or dead! Why no 911 call?? The body was hidden and not reported! .. In other words: WAKE UP PEOPLE!! THERE ARE NO EXCUSES FOR WHAT WAS DONE TO CAYLEE!! And she didn't shy away from the "H"-word (homicide), not at all, too bad Baez!
I know Dr. G. is a highly educated and experienced ME, yet her testimony showed less of her technical knowledge and more of her GOOD AND DECENT HUMANITY. No way the jurors missed that, imo.:twocents:

Very well said.
No, because shes basing it all on the duct tape, and if a mother panicked and staged a scene, its not homicide. Its weird and not normal, but neither is Casey and there are more than enough for instances to back that up. jmo
There is an interesting dichotomy.

Dr. Garavalia characterized a "normal parent" who would always call 911 if they found that their child had accidentally drowned. She says this is always the case. The situation with Caylee raised three red flags that pointed to homicide and that is what she concluded in spite of the cause of death being uncertain.

On the other hand, many people would characterize Casey as being an abnormal parent and quite out of the ordinary. I think many could imagine Casey finding an accidentally drowned Caylee and then not calling 911. A call to paramedics means that she loves her daughter, wants to try to save her life, and wants her around for the rest of her life. But again, many could instead imagine her packaging up Caylee with duct tape, dumping her in nearby woods and saying that an imaginary nanny has her and won't give her back. When the body is found, blame is supposed to go on the nanny who obviously applied the duct tape.
No, because shes basing it all on the duct tape, and if a mother panicked and staged a scene, its not homicide. Its weird and not normal, but neither is Casey and there are more than enough for instances to back that up. jmo

She didn't base her opinion solely on the duct tape. She based it on all of the circumstantial evidence available. The fact that the child wasn't reported for 31 days, the fact that the child was concealed in a plastic bag and dumped like garbage etc... the evidence is cumulative imo.
No, because shes basing it all on the duct tape, and if a mother panicked and staged a scene, its not homicide. Its weird and not normal, but neither is Casey and there are more than enough for instances to back that up. jmo

You mean it's not murder, right? Homicide is simply the death of a person by another person.

And if a mother panicked and staged a scene it would definitely mean it was at least a homicide IMO. If not, why stage the scene? ;}
She didn't base her opinion solely on the duct tape. She based it on all of the circumstantial evidence available. The fact that the child wasn't reported for 31 days, the fact that the child was concealed in a plastic bag and dumped like garbage etc... the evidence is cumulative imo.

Cumulative and overwhelming. IMO

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