Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

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I do not understand why Burke has decided to stick his head above the parapet at all, he has been able to build a life away from the John Benet story and live a relatively private life, the media does not need Burke telling his story to keep rehashing the case, it was a murder that will forever remain high profile, I think if I was in his situation people would read me as odd, he is unused to the cameras or being interviewed, Dr Phil is an unusual character and could be said to be intimidating,

I think he appeared very socially awkward, and this maybe his usual affect, unless we know him when he is at home within private settings it is difficult to know how out of the norm his behaviour may have been,

I don't think he had anything to do with his sisters murder, and I think he will come to regret giving this interview,
No my grandfather wasn't murdered but died in surgery.

My friend however died in d under suspicious circumstances and it was never solved. I never got over it. I still refer to him in present tense and cannot stop myself from crying when I talk about him.

Which is normal imo

I would love to know what the repercussions were when he hit her in the head with a golf club. If nothing much was done maybe he felt like he could do it again with no repercussions as he had gottten away with it the first time. If you don't have boundaries then children will do what they want.
I noticed he had the same weird grin as he was walking away from the funeral very quirky

I just posted that a little while ago and when I went to edit my post it disappeared. I noticed that too! He looked so happy! Gave me the chills.
Ok after sleeping some, I have a few observations/questions to throw out there.
I agree with what someone said earlier regarding PR plan. This was definitely Plan C.
I don't think it was a crime of hate whether BR did it or PR. I think if BR did it, even if they were bratty brother and sister or he was jealous or they did sexually inappropriate things, I still feel if he did it, it was an accident. If PR did it, it happened out of exhaustion, frustration, and happened quickly.
I DO think BR is creepy and potentially the killer or witness. I think the real reason he was hidden away was because he would've made it obvious something was off with him. Reporters would have been on it like flies to poop. They shielded him to shield the family pride. He has issues whether it is a spectrum issue or just deviant behavior, that needed professional help.
I think this whole BR interview thing started off as DP thinking it was a good ratings booster and something that would seal his role in the industry.
After getting all of the videos of him as a 9 yr old, DP saw this as a WOAH moment. Maybe before he thought he might be innocent, but after seeing the videos and meeting him, DP knew he was looking at the killer or witness.
He knew it was a story that the viewers could draw the truth out of the whole story. He knew what he was looking at.
All he had to do was ask the questions and BR would seal it for him.
That smile. You can tell DP is kind of creeped out and in awe of it at the same time. Like "does he know he is giving himself away??? Am I seeing what I think I am seeing????"
I will never get behind the IDI theory simply because of the Ransom note. It was obviously her handwriting. They never ruled her out. They had 2 1/2 pages to look at, not just a few sentences. The more she wrote the deeper she dug her hole.
Besides creepy pedos falsely fessing up to it for 15 min of fame, none of the potential suspects in my opinion, fit the crime.
More evidence, much more, point to it being an inside job. I don't believe anyone framed JR out of jealousy. If they did, they did a horrible job. I think the only person who tried to frame JR..... was PR.
The glass on top of the suitcase shows that the suitcase was under the window when it was broken. It was not out of place, it was placed there as a staging effect and the window was open then broken. JR stated several times he broke that window months before. Why say this then say that the suitcase was out of place?
No one tried to put her in the suitcase (an intruder) in my opinion. Maybe Patsy TRIED to put her in it to move her body, then realized the difficulty, and staged the scene to look like an intruder. Glass on top of the suitcase.
It all points to someone thinking of how they would stage a scene if they were writing a broadway play. But the small details give it away. The things she didn't clearly think of as dead giveaways.
Trying to make it look like an IDI is actually what made them look more guilty.
Had they not wrote the RN, the over kill, the lies about small unimportant details, people might have bought the intruder theory.
What makes me sad is there will never be justice for JonBenet. Even if BR admits it, nothing will happen. Heartbreaking.

If the FBI could prove PR wrote the cover-up ransom note why wasn't she questioned then charged? I think the LE/FBI fumbled up a case that was pretty clear cut from Day one.
I thought maybe I'd heard it wrong. I thought the interviewer asked him what kind of snacks JonBenet liked without qualifying "before bed" and BR answered very automatically "We aren't allowed to have snacks before bed time". I could have heard it wrong, and sorry if this has been answered. Trying like heck to catch up here!

Hence way they took a flashlight and snuck down stairs. What kid doesn't like midnight snacks esp. on Xmas Eve? Spy on Santa? Peek at toys. This is natural and usually a lot of harmless fun for kids.
Burke interview left me clueless. On one hand his body language and attitude could be due to how he copes with it all, on the other it could be a mask. I would crack by now if I had committed murder. So confusing!

Not a psychopath with no conscience. I'm not buying he is autistic.
If the FBI could prove PR wrote the cover-up ransom note why wasn't she questioned then charged? I think the LE/FBI fumbled up a case that was pretty clear cut from Day one.
Remember though, a grand jury found enough evidence to indict them. The DA decided against it.
So average citizens said YES they need to go on trial.
Why they decided not to continue is beyond me. I think plenty of evidence was there.
I think the reason they didn't move forward is because the case was so bungled that any decent defense lawyer could fight the case.
I still think a jury would have found them guilty.
But the case was messed up from the 911 call on.
I don't blame Linda Arndt. I blame her superiors that left her alone in probably one of the most important cases of all of their careers (which was obvious from the word go..)
No backup. Etc.
the whole case stinks and JBR will never see justice. :(
He has that same dumb grin in his childhood pictures too.
Remember though, a grand jury found enough evidence to indict them. The DA decided against it.
So average citizens said YES they need to go on trial.
Why they decided not to continue is beyond me. I think plenty of evidence was there.
I think the reason they didn't move forward is because the case was so bungled that any decent defense lawyer could fight the case.
I still think a jury would have found them guilty.
But the case was messed up from the 911 call on.
I don't blame Linda Arndt. I blame her superiors that left her alone in probably one of the most important cases of all of their careers (which was obvious from the word go..)
No backup. Etc.
the whole case stinks and JBR will never see justice. :(

If BR killed her by accident I don't think B would have spent a day in jail only psychiatric care where he belonged.
Not sure why the parents would create such an elaborate cover-up. I assume fear of family pride being tarnished forever and losing yet another child.
The case would have been solved. I doubt anyone would have put the grieving parents in jail either.
The only person I feel sorry for in this case is little JonBenet. She was the only innocent one here.

I know many autistic children and functioning adults they don't beam with elation when discussing death esp. of a loved one.
I have some questions re patsy's interrogation which was shown on dr Phil. Why was Patsy taken aback by the pineapple question? What was meant by "we have prints of one of the 2 of you"? Did LE not know who's prints they were at that point?
She just said she wouldn't have done that... put the bowl there that is. she may have been the one to put it in the fridge originally... thus, her prints.

BR's are a totally different thing tho. She said he wasn't up... she has to claim not to know how his prints got there. His prints sort of prove he was up and JB was too. He likely had pineapple in his system too.
In relation to the first time Burke hit Jonbenet with the golf club. I honestly believe that was an accident, like he said. Both he and Patsy's story was similar even 20 years later. And Patsy even admitted that Jonbenet 'cried bloody murder' after that incident.
Have there ever been thoughts that PR did the head injury and BR saw and PR did the whole cover up and when JR woke and saw the ransom note he became suspicious so she led him to believe she was covering up for BR? That would really mess a kid up. Maybe he now wants to unburden himself in a way.
Have there ever been thoughts that PR did the head injury and BR saw and PR did the whole cover up and when JR woke and saw the ransom note he became suspicious so she led him to believe she was covering up for BR? That would really mess a kid up. Maybe he now wants to unburden himself in a way.

Maybe. It could really be anyone of the Ramsey's. there are more artifacts linking Burke to the basement now, including his own admission he was down in basement that night, also his baseball bat was found outdoors with basement fibers on it. So you can make a good case for BDI.

I didn't know this thread existed. I've been posting my thoughts on the other BR thread. But I think I'll copy/paste one of my more recent ones here....(And I'll have to read through this whole thread later when I get time.)

I wish the camera never left Burke's face during the DP interview.

Obviously most of the time he just seems to have the same expression plastered on his face. But once in a while, you can almost seen a hint of a genuine expression.

Around the 35 minute mark, Dr. Phil says "The observations that were leaked to the press was that it was unusual that you felt safe, that you felt little warmth toward the family..." etc. After the "little warmth" part, for a split second, Burke has a weird expression. He raises his eyebrows a bit and almost looks annoyed. I don't know if it's significant at all. But I found it interesting because it wasn't the same look he'd had throughout.

Anyone else notice that with some of the more serious questions - "Did you sexually abuse your sister?" and whatnot...he doesn't just say "no." He says, "absolutely not." I noticed "absolutely" said a lot.
By the end of the topic (MOO) you get which way DP's pendulum swings. Again it's just my opinion.

I watched it and maybe I'm dense but I didn't come away knowing which way DP's pendulum swings. He described odd affect and behaviors but he also said that anyone who has an opinion on whether BR did it or didn't do it will come away with another opinion...
Maybe. It could really be anyone of the Ramsey's. there are more artifacts linking Burke to the basement now, including his own admission he was down in basement that night, also his baseball bat was found outdoors with basement fibers on it. So you can make a good case for BDI.


Why do you think it's more logical for Burke's new toys to be down in the basement as opposed to down on the first/ground floor?
Hence way they took a flashlight and snuck down stairs. What kid doesn't like midnight snacks esp. on Xmas Eve? Spy on Santa? Peek at toys. This is natural and usually a lot of harmless fun for kids.
It wasn't Christmas eve, it was the night of the 25th going into the 26th, Santa had already come and gone, toys had already been opened that morning.
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