Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

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That is NUTS. Whose answer would not be "I didn't do it. I swear I didn't do it." I am beyond baffled that he did this interview. He comes off horrific.

Ah come on, he almost shed a tear when talking about his dead mum.
No! He did not just say this is not about a childs murder it's about the injustice done to him! No. Just no. Despicable would be a compliment.
That is NUTS. Whose answer would not be "I didn't do it. I swear I didn't do it." I am beyond baffled that he did this interview. He comes off horrific.

When I started watching the interviews, I tried my hardest to put aside any assumptions I might have about his body language and judge by the evidence.

And the evidence started building up, and now watching BR is like :notgood:
Ah come on, he almost shed a tear when talking about his dead mum.

I know you're joking, but it's not even that I need him up there sobbing about his losses. Just to act like he's had some losses that he understands are horrific.

As for Dr Phil, all he cares about is his ratings so this is probably HUGE for him.
I noticed they limited the br footage...same ol same ol ...no evidence , witch hunt etc...I miss my mommy stuff to make him sympathetic...call spitz whatever you like, but Henry Lee isn't arguing...it's pretty easy to figure out that flashlight hit her in the head...the one they have never seen before...wonder where the flashlight Jr used to take br to bed is?

Get your stories straight Ramseys!
IMHO all those interviews did was piss off a lot of people who want nothing but justice for JonBenet. Hell look at all the posting under her thread just on this site alone. Sure makes it seem like over these 20 years people like us who did not even know this little girl are trying to solve this case so justice can finally be served. I can't say that for her family. They are more concerned about making this case all about them! If I was JR and my daughter was murdered believe you me I would talk to anyone who would listen, I would allow interview after interview no matter how many years later if it would keep the case in the forefront with hope someday it would be solved. Swallow your pride and do right by your daugher!
Did anyone else hear John Ramsey say the story wasn't that his daughter died horrifically but the injustice done against him, Patsy, and Burke? Wow, I saw that as him basically incriminating himself.
Okay so 9 months after JB's murder a NINJA ran through the house of another little 6 year old victim in Boulder and the cops refused to compare that case to the JB murder, so Dr Phil thinks this NINJA did it? Well how did this Ninja know about the 118K Xmas bonus when writing a 3 page randsom note?
Has there ever been any mention of a death-bed confession or admission of her role in JonBenet's death by Patsy Ramsey? Her diagnosis was grim, and I know that Patsy spent her final days in her father's home in Atlanta. Perhaps she was sedated and not lucid enough to speak about the death of JonBenet, but I've wondered if she might have said something to her dad, John, or even Burke is he was there with her.
Has there ever been any mention of a death-bed confession or admission of her role in JonBenet's death by Patsy Ramsey? Her diagnosis was grim, and I know that Patsy spent her final days in her father's home in Atlanta. Perhaps she was sedated and not lucid enough to speak about the death of JonBenet, but I've wondered if she might have said something to her dad, John, or even Burke is he was there with her.

I highly doubt if she did make any statements that we would ever be privy to that info.

I wish someone would dig up all the public videos the Ramsey's made over the years, I would like to watch them and see how many inconsistancies I find. Recently I saw one video where they claim Patsy opened JB's door after waking up then found the note in another video I swear she said she went downstairs first found the note then went to her room, so which is it ?
I don't know why JR is so indignant that BPD focused on the family, rather than an intruder. It usually is family and that has to be ruled out by LE before they start running around looking for other suspects. If he and PR had helped LE by allowing themselves to be interviewed immediately, that could have changed the course of the investigation....that is, IF they had nothing to do with JBR's murder. They did everything possible to interfere with the investigation from the moment they invited friends over. They brought the "witch hunt" on themselves. For JR to say that it's not about JBR's murder, but about how his family was treated is totally narcissistic. And IMO narcissism is at the root of the coverup. Their image as a loving family was more important than being honest and getting Burke help, if he was responsible. If they had done that, few people would have known about it and the case would have long been forgotten. How totally ironic!
The real story was not that YOUR DAUGHTER was murdered John? And instead the "unjust" system?? WTF?!

I knew I should have never watched that last episode. So JR thinks the "real story" is that he and his family have been hounded by the media all these years. Really? The grisley death of your six year old daughter isn't the story, hmm? Wow, just wow. So BR doesn't want to talk to police but he will go on national television and talk to Dr Phil WHO SO HAPPENS TO SHARE THE SAME LAWYER. Uh huh. Right, nothing hinky about that now is there.

I just lost whatever respect I ever had for Dr. Phil and Candice along with him.

WOW! JR just said the real story is not about a child being murdered, but about what the police did to us (paraphrase).


Did John Ramsey just say the real story is not that a little girl was murdered but that he/they were wrongly accused? REALLY?!? Your daughter was murdered, and you don't think THAT is the story? You think the real story is just what happened to you?

No! He did not just say this is not about a childs murder it's about the injustice done to him! No. Just no. Despicable would be a compliment.

Did anyone else hear John Ramsey say the story wasn't that his daughter died horrifically but the injustice done against him, Patsy, and Burke? Wow, I saw that as him basically incriminating himself.


My jaw hit the floor.
"The real story here is not that a child was murdered the real story here is what was done to us by an INJUST system." OMG if it were my child, the murder of her trumps any treatment I could get by any person on this earth and I think the correct word is UNJUST ... Bizarre statement, or a selfish statement IMO
I had a pair of hiking boots, don't know the brand, but they had compasses on the shoe laces.

"what would you say to people who believe that you left that boot print in the mold in the WC?" (DP) "It was my house, I was always in the basement, playing. It proves nothing." (BR)

"What do you say to those who think you killed your sister?" (DP) "Where's the evidence?" (BR)

"They have said that a 9 year old could not have done this, so . . ." (BR)

Great job highlighting BR's key statements. His smugness comes through even here.

Lin Wood said no one in the Ramsey house owned Hi-Tek boots. I thought BR did have a pair?
How do we find out how much the two of these remaining Ramsey's were paid for their interviews? I know we did find out George and Cindy Anthony were paid a hefty 600K which was suppose to be used for their charity to help children, all but 100K went to administrative costs cause you know it cost alot to help kids LOl, so i really would like to know how much Dr Phil shared with them on this highly rated event...
Has there ever been any mention of a death-bed confession or admission of her role in JonBenet's death by Patsy Ramsey? Her diagnosis was grim, and I know that Patsy spent her final days in her father's home in Atlanta. Perhaps she was sedated and not lucid enough to speak about the death of JonBenet, but I've wondered if she might have said something to her dad, John, or even Burke is he was there with her.

I bet there was no need for death bed confessions because I bet those with her when she died already knew what went down. If Burke did it and the family covered it up, I am guessing they told their closest family members so they knew to keep their traps shut.
Does anyone know where DP interview took place? It was mentioned several times here it was in THE same house. But JR said they never set foot there again.

Thank you if someone can clear this up.
DP asked BR if he ever considered devoting a big portion of his life to finding the killer of JBR and BR said, in so many words, "well, I would but there are other people doing it, so I just wish they would focus on finding the real killer and not focus on us".

This whole show was nothing but damage control. BUT, they were some screw ups. One such screw up was LW stating emphatically that NONE of the Rs ever owned HiTech boots and BR then saying he owned hiking boots with a little compass on them but didn't know which brand they were, 'but I was always in the basement, playing, so what does that prove?" HiTech hiking boots had those little compasses on them. Really, BR? You PLAYED in the cold, damp wine cellar filled with junk? BS.
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