Dr. Phil Show Nov.14th / 15th.

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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In the last text Rebecca sent to her sister, she said, "I need to be strong for Jonah". That was the true frame of mind of RZ that night, IMO. I still feel such sorrow for Rebecca and her family. I still believe she was murdered.
Mary doesn't believe that the deleted phone call to RZ's voicemail was made.
Dr. Wecht: "The autopsy was thorough. It's the findings that puzzle me..."

He agrees with the cause of death (asphyxiation) but not the manner of death...

Questioning the 4 subgaleal injuries to RZ's head

Neck injuries: no fractures of the cervical vertebrae
Lost my connection for a few minutes grrrr!

Dr. Wecht: questioning the bindings & the adhesive markings on her calves. Questions how RZ would have known how to tie the knots.

Can't recall a similar case.

He believes there was a rush to judgment.
Dr. Wecht leans very strongly toward a homicide and against a suicide.
Apologies for not being able to provide more details - I'm a slow typist, and it's difficult for me to listen & type @ the same time. I'm trying to post the pertinent gist of the statements that stand out to me.
Dr. Wecht: The manner of death needs to be changed to undetermined.

He says the case should be left open - an undetermined manner of death.

Dr. Wecht confirms that he leans toward homicide, not suicide.
Mary wants the case to be reopened & to be independently investigated. She has no trust in the SDCSD (paraphrasing). AB & PC agree.
I didn't realize that her family didn't receive the news of Dr. Wecht's findings until taping the show. My heart so goes out to them. :hug: Such a senseless and tragic loss. Rebecca was a young, beautiful and vibrant woman, who had her whole life before her.

With Dr. Wecht's revelations today on the Dr. Phil show, I hope that a new and independent investigation will be undertaken.
Apologies for not being able to provide more details - I'm a slow typist, and it's difficult for me to listen & type @ the same time. I'm trying to post the pertinent gist of the statements that stand out to me.

You're doing great, sorrell skye! Thank you!! :)

AND thanks to Bonepile, too!!
I want to comment on the fingernail clippings.

I wondered awhile ago whether or not fingernail scrapings or clippings were collected. Based on Anne Bremner's statement on the Dr. Phil show, it appears that this procedure was performed @ some point, either by Dr. Lucas (1st autopsy) or by Dr. Wecht (2nd autopsy). If it was performed by Dr. Lucas during the 1st autopsy, that information wasn't included, for whatever reason, in the AR that was released to the public. I'm wondering if the mixed DNA from the fingernail clippings was found during the 1st autopsy or during the 2nd.

The mixed DNA beneath RZ's fingernails is concerning. The SDCSD claims there were no signs of a struggle. IMO, if there is mixed DNA (or any DNA besides RZ's, for that matter) beneath her fingernails, that is a sign of a possible struggle.

I wonder if the SDCSD examined JS, AS, DR, or NR for scratches in the immediate days following Rebecca's death? Based upon the other aspects of this case that weren't investigated, I'm inclined to believe they didn't.
Apologies for not being able to provide more details - I'm a slow typist, and it's difficult for me to listen & type @ the same time. I'm trying to post the pertinent gist of the statements that stand out to me.

sorrell skye, Thank You SO much for providng the info!!! Great job!

I was able to watch yesterday, but today something came up.

Thanks again! :yourock:

I hope DW's work will be enough to get the ball rolling and open the investigation!

There is no way I believe she hung herself.
I want to comment on the fingernail clippings.

I wondered awhile ago whether or not the ME took fingernail scrapings or clippings during the autopsy. Based on Anne Bremner's statement on the Dr. Phil show, it appears that this procedure was performed. For whatever reason, it wasn't included in the AR that was released to the public.

The mixed DNA beneath RZ's fingernails is concerning. The SDCSD claims there were no signs of a struggle. IMO, if there is mixed DNA (or any DNA besides RZ's, for that matter) beneath her fingernails, that is a sign of a possible struggle. If what Anne Bremner says is true about the mixed DNA in the fingernail clippings, it begs the question of how many people were directly involved in Rebecca's death.

I wonder if the SDCSD examined JS, AS, DR, or NR for scratches in the immediate days following Rebecca's death? Based upon the other aspects of this case that weren't investigated, I'm inclined to believe they didn't.

Thank you for all the updates Sorrel.

Interesting about the fingernail clippings... I know of at least one murder case where they claimed there wasn't anyone else's DNA under the fingernails so now I'm curious about what they typically find and whether or not something would come of DNA analysis of Rebecca's fingernail scrapping. Of course, I think the suspect DNA profile base should have been broadened.
Dr. Wecht believed so much in this case he would only commit to the undetermined ruling rather than homicide. This speaks volumes, or, he's scared to make a ruling of homicide and playing it safe? If the latter is true, then there's nothing in the just released police case files to confirm his findings.

Here are my notes (NOT direct quotes) from the show ...

Dr. Wecht:

1; four hemorrhages would cause concussion and with that amount of force render the person unconscious.

2. No injury to back of the neck just cartilage in front throat area. Cervical vertebrae not damaged as would be seen with body falling straight down.

3. In 3,000 suicide autopsies how do you bind your hands and your feet like this. It makes no sense.

4. Adhesive residue found on the body, but no tape present at scene.

5. In all of my autopsies (some 20,000) no woman has ever done this as fully described and in the nude.

6 A rush to judgement applies here. Why the hurry?

7. How could the authorities come to the suicide decision with what was known.

8. I cannot say with evidence I have seen it was a homicide, but I lean strongly to it being a homicide. It does not seem to be a suicide.

When asked what could cause these injuries to the head ...

A round smooth surface of an object or something fallen against caused these lacerations by force pressing down on the top of the head, lines of force from a blow. These type of forces could cause unconsciousness and that would explains how the rest was done.

Dr. Wecht when asked if he saw the case being re-opened said ...

Change the manner of death to undetermined. We have that category for cases like this. They need to declare it that and then go back and work at it. I am still leaning strongly to homicide.

Mary (Becky's sister) said ... Becky is a beautiful person inside and out. She would not hurt anybody including herself. I want the case to be re-opened and re-examined by an independent agency. We have lost trust in them.
It was interesting to find out the head injuries were on the TOP of her head. I hope AB has been working for this past week in putting together a request to the AG to re-open the case. Dr. Wecht's findings and backing will signigicantly add to the strength of the request.

It is so frustrating to see so much evidence "gone" from the case because they did not leave the case open. The only person who benefited from the case being closed so quickly was JS who got to offload the crime scene.
It was interesting to find out the head injuries were on the TOP of her head. I hope AB has been working for this past week in putting together a request to the AG to re-open the case. Dr. Wecht's findings and backing will signigicantly add to the strength of the request.

It is so frustrating to see so much evidence "gone" from the case because they did not leave the case open. The only person who benefited from the case being closed so quickly was JS who got to offload the crime scene.

This whole case stinks of a cover-up. The police dropped the ball out of fear of being sued by JS, or covered it up willing. Disturbing.
This week's news proves there can easily be cover-ups involving large groups of community embers with a mutual purpose ie. fame, money or loss of reputation. (Penn State Scandal)
I would love not to be jaded but, I believe it was homicide and they covered it up.
Thank you sorrell skye and bonepile.
I could kick myself for forgetting to set my dvd to record today's Dr. Phil.

This was mentioned before and is worth mentioning again.
Why would a man who just had dinner with RZ call her "girl". I find that cold and a detachment. Why didn't he state my brother's girlfriend? Better yet, by her name, Rebecca. Red flag. And that she hung herself. How does he know that???

LE didn't want to hurt their town's big wig? I don't blame the Z family for wanting an independent investigation.

Thank goodness Rebecca never married JS.
Forgive me ,since I haven't followed this case closely ,but do authorities know where the rope came from?
I don't believe Rebecca committed suicide,but Dr. Phil said something concerning Rebecca's state of mind earlier that week ,even that day, that would indicate she was not planning to commit suicide.
Our son committed an impulsive suicide .We know this because it was New Years Eve and he was making plans for that evening and for returning to school the following Monday.
He sat on his glasses earlier that week and that morning he asked my husband to get his glasses fixed when he ran some errands,because he needed them for school.
He also gave him a list of the fireworks he wanted for that night when his cousin ,who was his best friend ,came to spend the night.
Something happened in the following hours and he was gone .We kind of know some things ,but I don't want to put any blame on anyone because it involves young people . .Everyone left behind feels guilt .We all have the "what ifs". That's what happens with suicide,but in Rebecca's case,I just don't believe she did this. I don't even think it was meant to look like a suicide. There's somebody involved who is very sick. JMO

ETA: I shouldn't even use the term "put blame on someone" .No one is to blame. There is no way a teenager could imagine their words could trigger a suicide.
Miss James, I am deeply sorry and want to express my condolences for the loss of your son.
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