Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

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Ca seems to have a whole deck of cards ready to use...The God card, My grandaughter is missing card, I've lost my grandaughter card, I'm a grieving grandmother card and on and on she goes. She pulls these cards out when she needs an out. The day the verdict was read CA was assisted into the court room. She seemed fragile and very ill. Once the verdict was read she seemed to recover quite well and quite fast. I was amazed at how her body recovered instantly. This whole family draws the emotion from their loss and takes advantage of those who are caring people when in reality..IMO..it's an act to achieve a goal and it worked for them.
When I get lost in all the mess, I go back to the beginning. I remember how much she enjoyed the media attention. I believe she thought the felon was hiding Caylee from her. When the media and LE started to figure out what was going on, CA went from a victim to an accomplice.
People have said things like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. What they might be saying is we see a pattern emerging, a connection between mother, father and daughter. We actually see from what is said by the parents, where the felon could have "learned" some of her behavior. When they say sociopath they could just be saying the felons behavior isn't normal. Not all of us are educated in the field of LE or psychology but we can draw conclusions based on our experiences in life.


B R A V O!:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

and, I think, in the smallest of compensation, this example has in the very smallest sense, offered us insight on how to NOT conduct our lives.
It really amazes me when I think back when everyone was looking for Caylee. Neither GA nor CA ever put on a pair of boots and went looking. Instead they found a way to posture themselves to appear like they were doing something constructive when actually they were sitting on their bums at tents, driving billboards around ,selling tee shirts and flying to NY for interviews. The felon wanted released from jail to help look for her daughter but then spent her days counting media trucks and playing house with JB at his office. They have had a nice , new shiny boat for how long but have yet to get it wet. River had her own scam in the works but said while at the tent with GA, she overheard the conversation between GA & CA. GA was yelling at CA because she didn't get the money before she did the interview. Now I didn't believe half of what this woman said but it seemed a stupid thing to make up which made me question if it wasn't true. When LE interviewed her she claimed that GA had given her a sob story about not having any money to eat so she gave him money. TM entered the picture and instead of welcoming the help GA says..where this clown from texas I'm suppose to meet and CA leaves a nasty message for him. Instead they join forces with an organization with a questionable reputation and now have added 2 of these people to their foundation. You wonder how so much evidence exists that leads you to believe that these peoples character are in question but still they are on TV spewing more lies.
They somehow maneuvered themselves into Caylees Law which wasn't even their idea, started a foundation for missing children but Caylee was never missing and another foundation for Grandparents rights but neglect to behave like grandparents.
There should be no question why some can't just let go and move on.
It really amazes me when I think back when everyone was looking for Caylee. Neither GA nor CA ever put on a pair of boots and went looking. Instead they found a way to posture themselves to appear like they were doing something constructive when actually they were sitting on their bums at tents, driving billboards around ,selling tee shirts and flying to NY for interviews. The felon wanted released from jail to help look for her daughter but then spent her days counting media trucks and playing house with JB at his office. They have had a nice , new shiny boat for how long but have yet to get it wet. River had her own scam in the works but said while at the tent with GA, she overheard the conversation between GA & CA. GA was yelling at CA because she didn't get the money before she did the interview. Now I didn't believe half of what this woman said but it seemed a stupid thing to make up which made me question if it wasn't true. When LE interviewed her she claimed that GA had given her a sob story about not having any money to eat so she gave him money. TM entered the picture and instead of welcoming the help GA says..where this clown from texas I'm suppose to meet and CA leaves a nasty message for him. Instead they join forces with an organization with a questionable reputation and now have added 2 of these people to their foundation. You wonder how so much evidence exists that leads you to believe that these peoples character are in question but still they are on TV spewing more lies.
They somehow maneuvered themselves into Caylees Law which wasn't even their idea, started a foundation for missing children but Caylee was never missing and another foundation for Grandparents rights but neglect to behave like grandparents.
There should be no question why some can't just let go and move on.

I TOTALLY agree with you. You have put my thoughts into words in a way I could not -- especially in regards to their "foundation." I hope the authorities keep an eye on where all the money they raise goes. Of course, I pray that no one donates any money to it.
Just chiming in. Of course JMO.

I think Cindy did love Caylee, probably as much as is possible for someone with the personality traits she has.

Cindy has made it through the stages of loss. She is in the acceptance phase and has accepted the fact that Caylee is gone forever and FCA is still alive. She's lost one child and doesn't want to lose two, especially since she is co-Dependant on FICA.

I think she rationally knows FCA doesn't deserve the loyalty she is showing her, and so she compensates by trivializing the death of Caylee. (Just a "shell", "justice" when she walked).

She is despicable.

But to me she has abandoned Caylee. I can understand Cindy still loving Casey ( although I dont have a clue why) but to trivialize the death of a child she supposed loved dearly seem quite bizarre. She doesn't have to abandon Caylee to still love Casey and to me that is what she has done.

It really amazes me when I think back when everyone was looking for Caylee. Neither GA nor CA ever put on a pair of boots and went looking. Instead they found a way to posture themselves to appear like they were doing something constructive when actually they were sitting on their bums at tents, driving billboards around ,selling tee shirts and flying to NY for interviews. The felon wanted released from jail to help look for her daughter but then spent her days counting media trucks and playing house with JB at his office. They have had a nice , new shiny boat for how long but have yet to get it wet. River had her own scam in the works but said while at the tent with GA, she overheard the conversation between GA & CA. GA was yelling at CA because she didn't get the money before she did the interview. Now I didn't believe half of what this woman said but it seemed a stupid thing to make up which made me question if it wasn't true. When LE interviewed her she claimed that GA had given her a sob story about not having any money to eat so she gave him money. TM entered the picture and instead of welcoming the help GA says..where this clown from texas I'm suppose to meet and CA leaves a nasty message for him. Instead they join forces with an organization with a questionable reputation and now have added 2 of these people to their foundation. You wonder how so much evidence exists that leads you to believe that these peoples character are in question but still they are on TV spewing more lies.
They somehow maneuvered themselves into Caylees Law which wasn't even their idea, started a foundation for missing children but Caylee was never missing and another foundation for Grandparents rights but neglect to behave like grandparents.
There should be no question why some can't just let go and move on.

BBM I have so often vacillated between dumb and conniving or just plain manipulative, I'm just, for now, gonna settle on delusional and exploitative (lol) - or maybe on just exploitative, but that didn't work out so well - not that it ever did ...
I think the A's drew the circle around them so tight that none of them had any sense of what the real world would condone or condemn. Who in their right minds would engage the media like CA? Their tactical mistakes were legion - and sicker because, well, dead baby, and all that...

But, let's not dwell upon all that! It's showtime!
But to me she has abandoned Caylee. I can understand Cindy still loving Casey ( although I dont have a clue why) but to trivialize the death of a child she supposed loved dearly seem quite bizarre. She doesn't have to abandon Caylee to still love Casey and to me that is what she has done.


I agree. IMHO, Cindy must have one or more personality disorders. She is not acting like a healthy person. Her relationship with her daughter is abnormal, as is her relationships with her husband and son. Just be glad our families are not like the Anthony family.
I honestly wonder how deep Cindy's love really was for Caylee and if she loved her was it only because she belonged to her chosen child? Would she have been so attentive and supportive if Caylee had belonged to Lee? Something tells me she would not. Oh she would 'love' the child of Lee's because Cindy does what makes her look better but so much of her actions show deep down now that Caylee is gone its back to being all about Casey and she is very dismissive of Caylee now.

But was it more about Caylee being an extension of Casey and she sees Casey as an extension of herself?

Even though Cindy has always acted quite strange imo the more she talks the more I see her trivialize Caylee's death. How could she dare do that to Caylee and reflect so little or no emotions when doing so.

Could she have deeply loved her like she tries to pretend yet talk so callously about her remains being thrown away and it seems to be nothing to her? Doesn't seem to bother her at all that her granddaughter's remains were just 15 houses away in a swamp decomposing each day. Wouldn't that thought just break the heart of any loving grandparent? I know it would me and I could never forget it or get over it. Yet, Cindy.........she doesn't seem bothered by that at all. How can a grandmother forsake their little deceased granddaughter and that is what she has done in order to make a gazillion excuses for the inexcusable one.

So I am now not so sure how deep her love really ever was but am now wondering if it was more about pleasing Casey and being the 'perfect" (in Cindy's mind) grandmother for Casey's child.


The depth of CA's love for Caylee is evident in how she's responded to Caylee's death and all the circumstances around it.

It's not hard to put together, a person doesn't need a crystal ball or a degree in psychotherapy to make a very informed guess.

People with CA's (and KC's) character disorder see other people as "objects" that exist to serve their needs. Caylee did not exist in her own right, to the Anthony's. If she did, their response to her loss would have been very different.

I think this explains our fascination with the Anthony family. Beneath the surface, the Anthony's are bizarre and frightening.

The Anthony's behave, in my opinion, as if they lost a very valuable OBJECT. Like an heirloom, maybe. A precious possession. Even Jeffrey Dahmer treasured the contents of his refrigerator. There weren't PEOPLE in his refrigerator, they were HIS little things, they meant whatever bizarre and evil meanings to him, but had no value other than what he gave them, to meet HIS needs.

To me, the same thought process shows in the Anthony's, in a much less gruesome way. Caylee was a beautiful doll that existed to please them. I have no doubt Lee and KC were regarded in just the same way. Now she is gone and they feel entitled to exploit the public's sympathy (and money, please). I just want to throw up.

CA couldn't love Caylee, and is only behaving "naturally" according to her character. And Casey (imo) killed her because of the same dynamic. George (imo) has capitulated, surrendered, given up and lost himself a thousand years ago because it was "easier" to disappear, so he ain't much better in the integrity department.

This is just "my" gospel . . . but I believe the Anthony's illustrate human evil. Oblivious to reality outside of their own heads, disregard and blindness to what exists outside what they WANT to exist.

I don't think the Anthony's are in a stand alone category, this is how people end up dead all over the world. They don't "exist" to the person(s) responsible for their deaths. And the person(s) responsible are constitutionally incapable of behaving or relating in any other way than they do.
Not to mention - why, why, WHY are they setting up anything related to grandparents' rights?? According to them, FCA was a great, awesome, amazing mom. According to them they would have had no reason to utilize any rights to adopt Caylee.

Even more evidence that I or anyone can use to fit the puzzle pieces together . . . if you dare.

Regular boring old "human evil" makes no sense. It masquerades as something that it is most definitely NOT.

I suppose if you fall for the lie, refusing to judge makes sense too :banghead:
Maybe, she is a narcissistic mother. Casey is her golden child, Caylee was just a part of the golden child, while either George or Lee are probably her scapegoat. I have never heard her speek of LA. JMHO...
I TOTALLY agree with you. You have put my thoughts into words in a way I could not -- especially in regards to their "foundation." I hope the authorities keep an eye on where all the money they raise goes. Of course, I pray that no one donates any money to it.

Unfortunately, I think it will be up to the public to police this charity as it is with any charity. It is written up that they may pay out reasonable compensation for services rendered. The IRS only cares about that. What's reasonable? I know someone who runs a charity taking $40,000 a year. Now multiply that times two. $80,000? Of course the charity has to show that they are diligently working on their purpose. How? They can set up in a mall and gather signatures on petitions. These are just examples, but what they are doing is setting themselves up with jobs. Of course, the donations have to be enough to pay out the compensation. And in this area, I believe they will meet with a lot of resistance. They certainly aren't the poster people for "Grandparents Rights" IMO
The worst thing I heard CA say during Dr. P interview...Justice for Caylee was when her mother walked free....My heart dropped into my stomach, I couldn't believe I had actually heard this come out of her mouth. I have no doubt this family has felt the loss of Caylee but I do think there was a pivotal point where they made a decision to defend the felon and I feel like Caylee was left in that swamp alone forever. I find myself wondering what this little girls thoughts were when we see videos like the time she was put on CA's fathers lap. She laid her head on his shoulder and it almost looked like she was afraid to move. At the A's cook out when CA kept guiding her to the creepy guy singing. You could tell Caylee wasn't too keen on this guy. When I saw inside Caylees room and there was a whole basket of sunglasses. I think some posts have mentioned how it seemed so many pictures with Caylee and the felon were posed, she was used as an accessory. The videos where the felon was running the camera but not a sound from her, how could you not talk to that cute little baby. I noticed in some of the videos how aggressive Caylee was towards the felon. Kicking her in the face and grabbing her bottom jaw and pulling down. I know some kids are just naturally like that but you have to wonder with the power struggle going on between CA and the felon , the jealousy felt by her own mother, how confusing it could have been for Caylee. Kids are so smart and honest at that age.

msmacguyver-i so agree w/ you., i almost vomited when cindy said justice for caylee is when her mother walked free,she prayed to god for answer about her/fca's guilt and he answered it b/c of the not guilty verdict/ ( horsepoop. IMO the not guilty was because of 12 jurors who dont want to do their job, again JMO) and thanks for reminding me of the videos of caylee being aggressive towards fca, kicking, ect, very telling imo. thanks again for reminding me of those videos. pity i cant hit the thanks button more than once.
..the ONE thing that really makes me sick about CA & GA ( and it's kinda hard to pick..) regarding their "antics" over the last 3 years, giving LE the run-around, blatantly lying on the stand, and now these interviews-------and their latest cash-grab "caylee's fund".

..is that CA and GA ( are fortunate enough ) to have parents that are still living-------do they not see what they are doing to THEM ???? apparently cindy&george are immune to humiliation---it's all good as long as they make a $.

..if they had any decency at ALL they would seriously stay home, sit down and STFU.....but no, they refuse to shut the cindy&george $how down.

..pathetic, and now to pretend to have a clue about grandparent's rights.....how on earth are they qualified to run this foundation?

..cindy said in the interview part2 that she was afraid for george ---at some point she thought it might be so much that it would kill him------what about her own mum and dad-------she's apparently fine with the effect their actions might be having on their parent's health.

..cindy will never stop choosing kc over anyone else.
The depth of CA's love for Caylee is evident in how she's responded to Caylee's death and all the circumstances around it.

It's not hard to put together, a person doesn't need a crystal ball or a degree in psychotherapy to make a very informed guess.

People with CA's (and KC's) character disorder see other people as "objects" that exist to serve their needs. Caylee did not exist in her own right, to the Anthony's. If she did, their response to her loss would have been very different.

I think this explains our fascination with the Anthony family. Beneath the surface, the Anthony's are bizarre and frightening.

The Anthony's behave, in my opinion, as if they lost a very valuable OBJECT. Like an heirloom, maybe. A precious possession. Even Jeffrey Dahmer treasured the contents of his refrigerator. There weren't PEOPLE in his refrigerator, they were HIS little things, they meant whatever bizarre and evil meanings to him, but had no value other than what he gave them, to meet HIS needs.

To me, the same thought process shows in the Anthony's, in a much less gruesome way. Caylee was a beautiful doll that existed to please them. I have no doubt Lee and KC were regarded in just the same way. Now she is gone and they feel entitled to exploit the public's sympathy (and money, please). I just want to throw up.

CA couldn't love Caylee, and is only behaving "naturally" according to her character. And Casey (imo) killed her because of the same dynamic. George (imo) has capitulated, surrendered, given up and lost himself a thousand years ago because it was "easier" to disappear, so he ain't much better in the integrity department.

This is just "my" gospel . . . but I believe the Anthony's illustrate human evil. Oblivious to reality outside of their own heads, disregard and blindness to what exists outside what they WANT to exist.

I don't think the Anthony's are in a stand alone category, this is how people end up dead all over the world. They don't "exist" to the person(s) responsible for their deaths. And the person(s) responsible are constitutionally incapable of behaving or relating in any other way than they do.

I've always felt that Cindy never really cared for Caylee. If she had, I don't see how she could have cleaned up the decomp in the trunk of Casey's car. If she had cared for Caylee she would never have thought it fine to leave her "shell" in the swampy woods. I would have fought tooth and nail to retrieve the body of one of my pets if it lay dead in a swamp.

I don't think she really cares for Casey either except where it shows a good light upon herself. Cindy always talked so sweetly to Casey, similar to how Casey talked to her friends. (Remember how Casey said, "Oh, honey, you know I love you," to her friend, Kristina, just before she said "calling you all was a waste.") In the same manner, Cindy, while in the midst of talking sweetly to Casey, she was constantly cutting her up, being passive aggressive. I got the impression, even in the letters Cindy sent Casey in jail that she was constantly telling her things she knew would hurt her.
So what have we learned from this interview?
According to KC (I assume this is KC's version-cause it was JB's OS)-George and KC were frantically looking for Caylee and George found her and got her out of the pool and screamed at KC-KC then took her and cried. What then? According to KC/JB George did something with her and then RK stole the body and hid it for months till he wanted it discovered.
According to George-he saw them leave the morning of June 16th and he doesn't know anymore than that. But, he believes 1+1=2 and KC is responsible (maybe with help).
According to CA-She believes Caylee drowned and KC put her in the woods (maybe with help) and somebody moved her cause she wasn't found where she put her and that's why KC couldn't tell LE the truth cause she couldn't produce a body!!
It's amazing that KC has been found NG and these <unusual> people still can't get their story straight and yet they would like us to "move on"!!! :banghead:
I wish it was that easy!!!:maddening:

I did not watch the interview. But what from I have read here , it was the usual, very obvious to me, standard rehearsed BS again. I also think it makes no sense trying to analyze this pair of money hungry grifters. They do not function/behave like the average more normal folks and applying human behavioral standards to these oddballs , is rather a waste of time.
I wish that would evaporate, never to be seen again. If there are any aliens reading here , please, pretty please abduct them :ufo: and do not bring them back.
I did not watch the interview. But what from I have read here , it was the usual, very obvious to me, standard rehearsed BS again. I also think it makes no sense trying to analyze this pair of money hungry grifters. They do not function/behave like the average more normal folks and applying human behavioral standards to these oddballs , is rather a waste of time.
I wish that would evaporate, never to be seen again. If there are any aliens reading here , please, pretty please abduct them :ufo: and do not bring them back.

If you had seen it you would know it wasn't rehearsed,imo. Pathological liars never have to rehearse. The lies just flows forth like water. No way...now how would Cindy ever agree or allow her doormat George to grow some backbone and disagree with her.

That is one of the things I enjoyed the most. Seeing Cindy's seething expressions when George wasnt in lockstep with her about a lot of things. I bet he is still paying for that as we post. If looks could kill he would have been dead.

I am afraid with DPs ratings going through the roof by having the As on ..we may see them back later on in the season for an update.:innocent:
Just chiming in. Of course JMO.

I think Cindy did love Caylee, probably as much as is possible for someone with the personality traits she has.

Cindy has made it through the stages of loss. She is in the acceptance phase and has accepted the fact that Caylee is gone forever and FCA is still alive. She's lost one child and doesn't want to lose two, especially since she is co-dependant on FCA.

I think she rationally knows FCA doesn't deserve the loyalty she is showing her, and so she compensates by trivializing the death of Caylee. (Just a "shell", "justice" when she walked).

She is despicable.

JMO,but I don't think Cindy has gone through any of the stages of loss. I just don't . I agree with your assessment ,that Cindy loved her as much as she could.
I've been wondering why I always thought CA loved Caylee. Was it because Caylee had a cute little playhouse with her own mailbox, or was it because Caylee had so many shoes, and toys, and clothes? Where's the proof CA cared about Caylee. There's so much proof CA did not care for Caylee. I believe CA has covered up for FCA before. Remember when LA said "is this like the last time" I believe if CA was truely grieving for Caylee CA would not have left Caylee in the swamp. I now believe CA did not truly love Caylee. I believe CA may have been one of those Grandma's who can not love/like a certain grandchild because of who the father/mother is of that Grandchild. I believe CA had no feelings for Caylee because of who Caylee's father is. I believe CA has always known who Caylee's father is.

Excellent points ! I totally agree !

MOO ...
It is definitely a reality. That people express their grief with deep commonalities with their personality as a whole.

Am I hearing you correctly, that you believe how a person expresses their grief is not connected to their integrity as a person? Their deep seated value system, their "world view"?

That it is not possible to judge someone by how they behave?

I'm not sure how to answer, as words like 'integrity' and 'value system' and 'world view' aren't ones I used.

I do think there are many people who judge others by their behavior after a loss, but I'm not one of them. I've seen people do things and act in ways that are very different from their pre-loss behavior and standards, and I've seen people whose behaviors don't appear to change much, if at all.
]JMO,but I don't think Cindy has gone through any of the stages of loss. I just don't . [/B]I agree with your assessment ,that Cindy loved her as much as she could.
I quite agree - I don't think she has the capagillty, truly, she lacks the "sense." I think it may be a issue - sadly - like trying to ask a blind person to describe the sky - the spirit is willing, but the flesh - well, it' not weak, but incapable...

More's the pity.

And the horror.

But we've been down this road, many, many times.

Sigh. Guess the powers that be have chosen to ignore.

Well, well, well.

Hasn't this little FIASCO backfired on them? They are SO utterly beyond *normal* they thought they could change public opinion with THOSE answers ?!? Seriously, WTF???

All they have done is made everything THAT MUCH WORSE for themselves! I was always back and forth about the depth of Cindy's *love* for Caylee. Now I know for 100% certainty that NOPE she did NOT love her. Not even in the sad, limited sense that I thought she may have.

Cindy has shown me that the felon is nothing more than her mothers daughter. The felon was soooo right when she said that she and Cindy were exactly alike. They are. The fact that Cindy is not be beside herself at the thought of what happened to Caylee in that swamp, AND ACTUALLY ADMIT IT that to Dr Phil shows me that she has the same moral code as her daughter - The Felon.

I cant even go near Cindy's statement about God setting the felon free. I would be banned.

And George almost, sorta coming clean and saying that he finds the felon responsible. He is not only staying married to but closely bonded and THICK AS THIEVES with someone who is entirely OK with Caylee being dumped in a swamp! well what can you f'ing say about that, DESPICABLE!

Yup, any lingering doubts that people may have held about them are out the window now. They are BENEATH CONTEMPT and should be pariah's just like their vile offspring.

Ugggg. They make my skin crawl.
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