Dr Phil w/ George and Cindy Anthony (Show airs 9.13.2011)

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Tweeting part 2-I can't believe it gets worse-but it does!!! :maddening:

CFNews13CaseyCasey Anthony News

Dr Phil -- Cindy: I think something is seriously wrong with my daughter. #caseyanthony -Longo.

4 minutes ago

CFNews13CaseyCasey Anthony News13

Dr Phil: Cindy: Justice for Caylee is when Casey Walked." #caseyanthony -Longo.

4 minutes ago

CFNews13CaseyCasey Anthony News13

Dr Phil -- Cindy: I dont care what people think. I prayed I would get closure. When the verdict came I got my answer. #caseyanthony -Longo.


Wow. Hope she understands that people will displace their anger at her for as long as Casey makes herself invisible.
I know many dislike George as much as Cindy. But I gotta say from his interview it really sounds like George is going to come out of this a stronger man than he was before. It seems he has acquired introspection, finally. And is able to understand how he failed as a parent with Casey and more importantly why. He understands, and understands that between Cindy and Casey throwing his misgivings into his face that it made him parent poorly.

And finally he can see and openly admit what his daughter is, rightly or wrongly.

I'm rarely against divorce, but George's final step toward recovery needs to start with him filing for divorce. Cindy is as toxic as Casey.

I agree with you, but as long as he's with CA, it's going to be guilt by association for a lot of people. Some want him to outright accuse Casey of murder as the public does, but it's very hard for a father to do that, even for this relationship.
Casey Anthony: ‘I blame her for Caylee not being here,’ George tells ‘Dr. Phil’
George Anthony bemoaned a smear campaign against him to help win his daughter’s acquittal. “If someone believed I was involved in this, why was I never brought up on charges?” George asked.

He said he had guilt about not doing enough to find out what happened to Caylee. “I lost Caylee three years ago, and I believe I lost Casey at the same time. I believe that. She’s responsible,” George said.

George Anthony blamed Casey for the child’s death. “I blame her for Caylee not being here,” George told McGraw.

He added that be believed that Casey buried Caylee and that someone helped her. “She deceived us, she lied to us,” he said.

Cindy said she believed Caylee drowned in accident, but George said, “I can’t go in that direction.”

i also blame casey for caylee not being here.
GA keeps mentioning someone else was involved. FOR GOD'S SAKE, WHO GA? Why is it so unbelievable that Casey couldn't have done this by herself? GRRRRRRR.

she has a whole circle of imaginary friends to help out.
O.K. Loaded up on my BP medicine and clicked on the Purpose button as you mentioned. VERY ODD INDEED, mentions Caylee's mother, her grandparents, uncle, her birth, death, the TRIAL resulting in the NG verdict. NOTHING about CAYLEE HERSELF. WHAT SHE LIKED TO DO, HER favorite foods, TV shows, movies, music, NOTHING ABOUT CAYLEE!!! THESE PEOPLE KILL ME!! I cannot look there any more right now.


Sorry NSM - I just can't stand this...

Grandparent of the Month

Highlighted grandparent(s)
affected by the lack of help
in the FL statutory system.

So they want to teach others how to get around the law and HIGHLIGHT the ones who learn the fastest or what? This sounds like something the people who nominated a baby killer for MOTY and an unemployed slacker for Employee of the Month would come up with...
It seems GA came across better than CA in the interview. GA is really good at playing the 'poor pitiful me' act. He lied for FCA for years. He put money in her commissary account but neglected to pay the mortgage. He wrote a letter to the public about being under a microscope. If he didn't want media attention he wouldn't have chased after it.

I have no idea if he had an affair with RC. The are both scammers but he sent her a text message saying he needed her in his life. That is a bit intimate for a married man but that's not the point. The point is while he was pretending to search for Caylee he was hanging out at her place for part of the time.

The only time he turned on FCA was when she targeted him as a pedophile. He can forgive her and defend her for killing Caylee but how dare her accuse him of a crime. He drew the line there. For George, it's really not about Caylee, it's protecting his image, foundation, and how much money he can scam off of people. He kept saying very early on in the case that they were members of some exclusive club (paraphrasing). He was supposed to be the spokesperson for Kid Finders until he figured out it was much more lucrative to make up his own charity. He wanted to make easy money and still does.

Exploiting Caylee's death has become the family business.


I think we need to give the Anthony's some slack for putting money into their daughters account. I don't begrudge the Anthonys for still loving their daughter, even though she killed Caylee.

But what I don't agree with is that Cindy never wanted Casey to pay for murdering Caylee.

And again I'm not going to judge George based on any alleged infidelity. The only one who has a right to do that is Cindy. If it was true, then if George was my husband he wouldn't be for long. I don't agree with any sort of infidelity but IMO that aspect of his personal life holds no relevance in this case. It should have never been brought up in Casey's murder trial.

I'm also not implying that George is a Saint and that he has done everything perfectly in this case, clearly he has not.

But I do believe that he dearly loved his granddaughter and her murder has been emotionally difficult for him to deal with. And he has gone through phases throughout the past 3 years and during some of those phases he was less than graceful during the process.

I can just never put him the same category as Cindy. George isn't toxic, Casey and Cindy are as toxic as you can get. Lee I'm still undecided about, but I tend to think he's much more like his mother than his father.
My kids were screaming at the end and I missed it...There is a part 3 where they cover the trial? When is that? I thought tomorrow was Ted Williams.
Gee, Wonder where is the felon these days. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I hope the one positive thing to come out of these interviews is that she'll remain hiding for a very long time.
Did anyone else catch where CA states that Casey didn't expect Caylee's body to be found where it was, that it wasn't where she had put it? Or something to that effect...

I want to watch a repeat and catch that again...
I wonder if GA regrets his speech at Caylees memorial about giving FCA support and letters. He should.
I think GA is as big a liar as his daughter. He looked straight at Dr Phil & said he did not have an affair with River Cruise and I believe he is lying, why did Dr Phil let it slide? What else is GA lying about. Quite a lot in my opinion. Cindy A. is in total denial about both her daughter & her husband's lies.
I hope the one positive thing to come out of these interviews is that she'll remain hiding for a very long time.

At first I thought so too, but I think that would be too good for Casey. I think Casey needs to deal with reality and the reality that most know she's a cold blooded killer. I don't want her to remove herself from society I would prefer that she be osterized by her fellow society. I don't want Casey to feel like she's still in control like she always has been.

Most importantly I pray to God that he doesn't allow her to have any more children. Or be around anyone vulnerable enough that she could easily kill.
I wonder if GA regrets his speech at Caylees memorial about giving FCA support and letters. He should.

I would wager that there's a lot GA regrets.
Did anyone else catch where CA states that Casey didn't expect Caylee's body to be found where it was, that it wasn't where she had put it? Or something to that effect...

I want to watch a repeat and catch that again...

I caught that too. Something about Caylee's body eventually being found somewhere other than where Casey had put it and that was why she couldn't come forward earlier with the accidental drowning story because LE would want to know where the body was.

I just watched the exact opposite (of the bolded statement above) come out of GA's mouth..And I believe he was speaking the truth.

He is getting paid for this interview. Nothing wipes out years of lying for a baby killer. He is mad at her because she called him a pedophile.

George believes Caylee was given drugs so OCA could do her own thing & was given too much=overdose/death..IOW! He does NOT believe the "drowning" story but CA does without any doubt..George is appalled & sickened that Caylee was left (to rot, my words) in the woods but while CA feels it was "wrong" her belief is it wasn't really Caylee..Her soul had already left her body..There's so much more these 2 don't agree on & it's painfully clear CA is a very disturbed woman..If GA is going to save his own sanity he needs to get as far away from his 'wife' as he can & as soon as possible. imho
Is there a point when we stop giving credence to Cindy's bizarre take on things as a grieving mother and grandmother? I think her "denial" has to do with the fact that she and her big ego can't accept that she could spawn a psycopath. I think that is slightly different that not being able to accept that your daughter killed her child.Dr. Phil's interview was shallow IMO, beuase he accpeted their version that this was a normal home and chilldhood.Casey was showing signs of deceitful behavior way before her "post partnum schizoid attack(lol). Dr. P never addresses the enourmous anger in this family and if Casey was such a good mom, why all that anger toward her from Cindy. I would love a real family therapist, not a Dr. P, to anaylize the dynamics in the family.
IMO, Cindy is as manipulative as they come.
If Dr. Phil had a pair he would have asked Cindy why she called her own daughter a sociopath!
I think we need to give the Anthony's some slack for putting money into their daughters account. I don't begrudge the Anthonys for still loving their daughter, even though she killed Caylee.

But what I don't agree with is that Cindy never wanted Casey to pay for murdering Caylee.

And again I'm not going to judge George based on any alleged infidelity. The only one who has a right to do that is Cindy. If it was true, then if George was my husband he wouldn't be for long. I don't agree with any sort of infidelity but IMO that aspect of his personal life holds no relevance in this case. It should have never been brought up in Casey's murder trial.

I'm also not implying that George is a Saint and that he has done everything perfectly in this case, clearly he has not.

But I do believe that he dearly loved his granddaughter and her murder has been emotionally difficult for him to deal with. And he has gone through phases throughout the past 3 years and during some of those phases he was less than graceful during the process.

I can just never put him the same category as Cindy. George isn't toxic, Casey and Cindy are as toxic as you can get. Lee I'm still undecided about, but I tend to think he's much more like his mother than his father.

As I stated in my post, it's not about whether or not he had an affair. HIS granddaughter was missing and thousands of people were looking for her. He decided to hide out at RC's place.

If FCA kills one of your loved ones, you'll feel differently about people who lie for a killer.

My heart is breaking for George right now . I know that had to be hard, but hes finally admitting he blames Casey .
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