Dr. Teresa Sievers - Motives and Theories (Including MS speculation)

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From the moment I first met MS, he spoke about money in every single conversation. I call that an obsession. If someone talked about the St. Louis Cardinals in every single conversation, I would call it an obsession with the St. Louis Cardinals. There were many other indicators about his obsession with money, but that was the most obvious.

If I may also add a little more content from my understanding of MS....it doesn't all have to be from a money perspective IF you have a grandiose image of yourself. My family has not had the more "personal" conversations with MS that AR has, but can say that after living in close proximity for almost 10 years, he is very much about himself. I am simply trying to allow insight to what others see and by no means am saying this makes someone a murderer. How would you feel if you had been a long term resident and someone new came and built a home quite a bit larger than any other working class home on the street...ok, no problem, we'll just wave, chat & hope to establish a good "new" neighbor relationship...afterall, I can see my block from afar now thanks to all of the spotlights on this new large home. Hey, I think I'll run out and grab some groceries...now what, I can't drive down Jarvis; there are orange cones blocking the road. Ah, okay buddy, it's alright to set up a little stand for your children to sell their items, but seriously, you're going to block traffic from going through and force each vehicle to stop? Or, do you ever have neighbors who set off large fireworks all year round? It startles sleeping babies, keeps your dogs barking...it's not even near the 4th of July. Well, thanks MS for all the debris that has fallen in everyone's yard around here and on our roofs. Btw, these cannot be legal fireworks; I don't think they sell anything like this for the public in the state of FL. And let's not forget one of the favorite playground locations...up above...not saying it. It's (to me) extremely grandiose behavior...you don't have to agree. I'm simply trying to offer insight. It's I am "above" you...it's constantly confessing so much love to others for your wife and family to suggest I have such a wonderfully perfect life. What an appealing self image I have made for myself. So much more that I could add, but can't due to my own family, but THIS IS MS!! Should someone threaten to take this power, control, money, family & image ... what does he have left?? I can absolutely see how...with his persona, he felt he could pull this off and keep all the things that meant the most to him. He thought he had the perfect plan and could really pull this off. My guess, he did do quite a thorough job, or he'd be arrested by now. BUT...as SMS stated, not good enough!! I'm not looking to argue any points...this is just my opinion and I'm just trying to help some of you get a clearer picture of who MS is to people who have dealt with him. He is a fake with a very big ego of himself!! J M O!!!!!
So he might have offended his long time friend, possibly. Just wondering if he talked money because that's all he knew being an office manager and working from home. Or something else like ego. That's why it was asked. Thanks it helps understand more.

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If I may also add a little more content from my understanding of MS....it doesn't all have to be from a money perspective IF you have a grandiose image of yourself. My family has not had the more "personal" conversations with MS that AR has, but can say that after living in close proximity for almost 10 years, he is very much about himself. I am simply trying to allow insight to what others see and by no means am saying this makes someone a murderer. How would you feel if you had been a long term resident and someone new came and built a home quite a bit larger than any other working class home on the street...ok, no problem, we'll just wave, chat & hope to establish a good "new" neighbor relationship...afterall, I can see my block from afar now thanks to all of the spotlights on this new large home. Hey, I think I'll run out and grab some groceries...now what, I can't drive down Jarvis; there are orange cones blocking the road. Ah, okay buddy, it's alright to set up a little stand for your children to sell their items, but seriously, you're going to block traffic from going through and force each vehicle to stop? Or, do you ever have neighbors who set off large fireworks all year round? It startles sleeping babies, keeps your dogs barking...it's not even near the 4th of July. Well, thanks MS for all the debris that has fallen in everyone's yard around here and on our roofs. Btw, these cannot be legal fireworks; I don't think they sell anything like this for the public in the state of FL. And let's not forget one of the favorite playground locations...up above...not saying it. It's (to me) extremely grandiose behavior...you don't have to agree. I'm simply trying to offer insight. It's I am "above" you...it's constantly confessing so much love to others for your wife and family to suggest I have such a wonderfully perfect life. What an appealing self image I have made for myself. So much more that I could add, but can't due to my own family, but THIS IS MS!! Should someone threaten to take this power, control, money, family & image ... what does he have left?? I can absolutely see how...with his persona, he felt he could pull this off and keep all the things that meant the most to him. He thought he had the perfect plan and could really pull this off. My guess, he did do quite a thorough job, or he'd be arrested by now. BUT...as SMS stated, not good enough!! I'm not looking to argue any points...this is just my opinion and I'm just trying to help some of you get a clearer picture of who MS is to people who have dealt with him. He is a fake with a very big ego of himself!! J M O!!!!!
No argument here, and thanks for your input. I don't know what is true about his personality, or, what is not, the thin slices of exposure we have are really few since he has not spoken publicly and not too many people are willing to talk about him at his stage in the play. And rightly so, he would be judged in the media without fair representation if he did. So, I do appreciate your giving us a perspective of what it is like to live near him and the family.
And it does fit with what others on here have said. I believe that this is how it appears from someone who lives nearby. I get the same vibe and am leaning that way.
I think it is interesting that in addition to his silence, no one has spoken up about him and their relationship with him even as a friend.
GB while at one time thought of CWW like a brother and had very close relationship pretty much summed it up that he did not know MS that well. More like knew of him, but not him. And yet CWW was MS's BFF. I know my best friends close friends, they may not be my best friend or someone that I know well, but I know of them. I think there is more to that, not in a negative way to GB but I think there is a reason why they never became close. Some people don't fit that's all. I sensed he did not really want to comment on MS.
I re listened to all of the videos I could find from the initial days following the murder and no one really ever mentions him, in a good way or a bad way outside of here (except the move which he was not alone in). TS's Nurse and "partner" never mention MS other than in a tactical sense of what happened who called who, etc.

That might not mean anything in and of itself, but take the Amanda Blackburn case, people were talking about her and her husband, as individuals and as a couple.
And, not to rehash in depth the silence from MS again, but I do think he was told to keep it zipped for now during the investigation. Though, I do think he was involved. And to your point with great examples of his display of largess, its either love or money, or both. I think its money and loss of love.

On another point, I think it is interesting that some feel the Sievers were living a modest life (from and expenditure point of view). I think the house size for the neighborhood as you express is not "modest". 2 Cars is a luxury for the baseline median income and one of those is most likely in the $60K range. That is not modest, IMO. That type of expenditure for monthly payment in addition to the newer van when you have a lot of debt is probably not a good idea. A much less expensive Honda CRV (just and example) and a commuter car to cover both their transportation needs would be more prudent. And it seems they did travel a bit, and so did MS to MO often to visit his buddy. And he made big gestures paying for a friends son's wedding, etc. Again judging, yes I am from the outside in.

Bottom line whether this is modest or not, depends where you are coming from, they were most likely living way beyond their means. It's a spiral when you get behind and its hard to catch up unless you know how to assess, severely cut back, stop the bleeding, sell off assets and re frame your living standards. I wonder if MS had ever gone bankrupt before?

From your perspective do you have the same impression when it comes to TS regarding money? I know we have heard from AR on this that she was not about money and the show of it, etc. What is your impression? When TS was still alive did you see them both that way as a couple or was it just MS?
"I think it is interesting that in addition to his silence, no one has spoken up about him and their relationship with him even as a friend."

Responding to this snippet from Russian Blue's post, Skinner came on WS to defend his friend MS after CWW was arrested FWIW. But I agree that it's strange that in the early days, no one even spoke about how sad they were for their good friend. Maybe he didn't have anyone except CWW, who couldn't risk speaking to MSM. Or perhaps other friends were wary about aligning themselves with MS. The only person to speak about MS did so anonymously on WS. We really have no clear idea how close Skinner and MS are or why Skinner didn't speak to MSM earlier.

Lilibet, MS sounds like a narcissist and narcisists often have trouble making or keeping friends cause their relationships are slwzy about them.
Mckazpm you just described a full blown textbook narcissist!

There is so much more that I could add, but can't because of the children. And, no, I have no knowledge of any problems with TS, but then, it's not like there were block parties where they would congregate with neighbors. TS would walk the dogs & kindly remove waste from a yard if the dog chose to do his duty there. Other kids used to congregate next door & play basketball & now the silence is stifling...no one is near that house anymore. It's consuming to be a neighbor and not have answers, as well as watching someone you believe to have had a hand in an unspeakable act come & go freely each day. My heart goes out to such a loss. There was "one" friend(?) seen unpacking the box truck of office equipment at the house...other than that you see no one there but MS & the girls. To me, there does not seem to be groups of support around him. I hope that if/when we don't have to eat our mouse or keyboards...the beautiful girls that TS mothered can experience being a child! Free to play in a neighborhood with other children without MS standing over their every move. It's weird.
Mckazpm you just described a full blown textbook narcissist!


Lilibet, MS sounds like a narcissist and narcisists often have trouble making or keeping friends cause their relationships are slwzy about them.

Yes, that's what I was figuring. So I'm glad you came right out and said it. :) Skinner had known him for a long time, but who knows how close they really are? That whole episode remains a mystery to me.

There is so much more that I could add, but can't because of the children. And, no, I have no knowledge of any problems with TS, but then, it's not like there were block parties where they would congregate with neighbors. TS would walk the dogs & kindly remove waste from a yard if the dog chose to do his duty there. Other kids used to congregate next door & play basketball & now the silence is stifling...no one is near that house anymore. It's consuming to be a neighbor and not have answers, as well as watching someone you believe to have had a hand in an unspeakable act come & go freely each day. My heart goes out to such a loss. There was "one" friend(?) seen unpacking the box truck of office equipment at the house...other than that you see no one there but MS & the girls. To me, there does not seem to be groups of support around him. I hope that if/when we don't have to eat our mouse or keyboards...the beautiful girls that TS mothered can experience being a child! Free to play in a neighborhood with other children without MS standing over their every move. It's weird.

This is all SO sad for the girls. I hope what you hope for them, and yet, I have such fear for them, thanks to the actions of another narcissist, Josh Powell. I pray for their safety and for the safety of those who live nearby and have the courage to give us insight. Thanks and Hugs!

Lilibet, MS sounds like a narcissist and narcisists often have trouble making or keeping friends cause their relationships are slwzy about them.

Yes, that's what I was figuring. So I'm glad you came right out and said it. :) Skinner had known him for a long time, but who knows how close they really are? That whole episode remains a mystery to me.
BBM This is all SO sad for the girls. I hope what you hope for them, and yet, I have such fear for them, thanks to the actions of another narcissist, Josh Powell. I pray for their safety and for the safety of those who live nearby and have the courage to give us insight. Thanks and Hugs! MOO

A lot of those behaviors of MS could also be considered as Bipolar. Not defending or condemning MS so don't jump that I'm in the wrong thread, just saying that it's something to consider. It doesn't change the behavior, but could help explain the source and the reason behind the behaviors. BPD could explain a lot of his behaviors - not just the grandiosity, etc. but also the less than pleasant (cranky or rude) experience that was reported here. It could explain some of his fb posts/comments, some of which are now private or removed. It could also explain his comment (reported in MSM) to CWW's ex-wife saying that he thought CWW was Bipolar. And the comment about invisible illnesses. There are many similarities of behavior in Narcissism and Bipolar.

We know more about Skinner's relationship to CWW and MS than we do about the relationship with XYZVI, so it's best not to go there...

in my opinion, of course.
Before I divorced my husband, I removed $70,000 from our safe deposit. During the course of the brutal two year divorce proceedings, it was discovered that the X had a separate checking/savings acct without my name on it; in addition, to having another safe deposit box in which I was also unaware.

I never asked my lawyers how they obtained the banking information as I was in a state of mind where I could barely function due to PTSD. My lawyers were some of the best, in the area where I reside, that came with a high price tag. The Xs lawyer was a snake in the grass that used every opportunity to cause me emotional harm such as not showing for a scheduled hearing by claiming something as simple a sinus infection.

My best guess would be that the extra banking accounts were obtained via the Xs social security number. MS could have been hiding cash in a safe deposit box that did not include Theresa's name.

Nov 18, 2015
Life insurance of dead wife funding Frasch's criminal defense
"Dr. Adam Frasch is out of jail — and his legal fees are being paid with the insurance of the wife he's accused of killing."

  • If your loved one’s estate has been probated, you can look at the probate records to see if the life insurance policy came up as an asset.
  • Also check credit card statements for the past several years. Some policy holders will pay premiums with credit.
  • Check any safe deposit boxes.
  • Try to speak with the attorney who drafted your loved one’s will. They may have discussed life insurance during the drafting of the will.

Thank you AR for willing to provide insight from an "insider's" perspective while at the same time being very careful not to cross the line. Many of us respect and trust your input. Like you said in the beginning, we can take what you say with a grain of salt or trust your observations and suspicions. Some may question what you say because they don't want to believe MS could be responsible. Although insider input is one piece of the puzzle it does help us get a picture of family dynamics when determiing motive.
Thank you AR for willing to provide insight from an "insider's" perspective while at the same time being very careful not to cross the line. Many of us respect and trust your input. Like you said in the beginning, we can take what you say with a grain of salt or trust your observations and suspicions. Some may question what you say because they don't want to believe MS could be responsible. Although insider input is one piece of the puzzle it does help us get a picture of family dynamics when determiing motive.
Yes, thank you Amazonrain?! I've gotten so much insight from your posts. You're a true friend to TS. Much, much appreciated.
Not sure what the question was, I didn't see it. I originally came to Websleuths to see if there was something, anything about Teresa's murder that had not been published. When I read different things that I knew weren't true or I knew did not give an accurate picture of Teresa I started posting. I never intended to get verified because I think the people involved with Teresa's death are monsters and if they aren't ultimately held in jail for life they could be very vengeful. I don't hide the fact that I think her husband was involved but I think if you read every post I've put up you will see that I have attempted to answer honestly because I want to make sure every stone is turned and every theory is flushed out. I want justice for Teresa and her family. I know that people are not yet convinced that MS was involved and may never be convinced. That will never be the case for me for many reasons. We are only at the start and there is a lot of information that is still to come. When something is an opinion I usually say it is an opinion. If I know something as fact I have tried to indicate that it is a fact. I am not offended by a single post or question. People have their own beliefs. My mission is justice for Teresa and her girls. There is no post or question that would offend me. I might disagree or find something distasteful but I am not offended or hurt. I think this forum is a great thing and it has provided a lot of information and insight for me and for others who were shocked to our core and saddened beyond belief by this crime. As Teresa's ex husband said - at the very least MS brought these people into Teresa's world. I happen to think he is responsible for so much more. Thanks everyone and I truly hope all of you have peace entering this holiday season.
Not sure what the question was, I didn't see it. I originally came to Websleuths to see if there was something, anything about Teresa's murder that had not been published. When I read different things that I knew weren't true or I knew did not give an accurate picture of Teresa I started posting. I never intended to get verified because I think the people involved with Teresa's death are monsters and if they aren't ultimately held in jail for life they could be very vengeful. I don't hide the fact that I think her husband was involved but I think if you read every post I've put up you will see that I have attempted to answer honestly because I want to make sure every stone is turned and every theory is flushed out. I want justice for Teresa and her family. I know that people are not yet convinced that MS was involved and may never be convinced. That will never be the case for me for many reasons. We are only at the start and there is a lot of information that is still to come. When something is an opinion I usually say it is an opinion. If I know something as fact I have tried to indicate that it is a fact. I am not offended by a single post or question. People have their own beliefs. My mission is justice for Teresa and her girls. There is no post or question that would offend me. I might disagree or find something distasteful but I am not offended or hurt. I think this forum is a great thing and it has provided a lot of information and insight for me and for others who were shocked to our core and saddened beyond belief by this crime. As Teresa's ex husband said - at the very least MS brought these people into Teresa's world. I happen to think he is responsible for so much more. Thanks everyone and I truly hope all of you have peace entering this holiday season.

Agree. Amazon Rain. You are one of the best and neutral verified insiders ever. And you are mostly among friends here.

So if anyone is accusing you of anything; I will personally make sure that they understand that a time out may be warranted.

We can't have victims friends being falsely accused for nonsense while they are only here to bond with people who care about Teresa. Jmo.

Happy Thanksgiving to all. Especially Teresa's innocent family members and friends.
. As Teresa's ex husband said - at the very least MS brought these people into Teresa's world. I happen to think he is responsible for so much more. Thanks everyone and I truly hope all of you have peace entering this holiday season.

Thanks AR. That comment from Kenny's interview really struck a note with me also. A lot was said with that comment. Well, I guess this rules out my theory. I thought that perhaps you were TS's ex-husband. He mentioned that they were still good friends and spoke often. But, whoever you are, thank you so much for helping us understand things much better and to get a clearer picture of what a great person Teresa was. I think I speak for everyone in saying that I wish I could have known her. Please stay safe and have a good Thanksgiving.
Amanda blackburn hubby was cleared right away. But mark is still in the envelope.

So don't blame us if he isn't cleared yet. Jmo
Before I divorced my husband, I removed $70,000 from our safe deposit. During the course of the brutal two year divorce proceedings, it was discovered that the X had a separate checking/savings acct without my name on it; in addition, to having another safe deposit box in which I was also unaware.

I never asked my lawyers how they obtained the banking information as I was in a state of mind where I could barely function due to PTSD. My lawyers were some of the best, in the area where I reside, that came with a high price tag. The Xs lawyer was a snake in the grass that used every opportunity to cause me emotional harm such as not showing for a scheduled hearing by claiming something as simple a sinus infection.

My best guess would be that the extra banking accounts were obtained via the Xs social security number. MS could have been hiding cash in a safe deposit box that did not include Theresa's name.

Nov 18, 2015
Life insurance of dead wife funding Frasch's criminal defense
"Dr. Adam Frasch is out of jail — and his legal fees are being paid with the insurance of the wife he's accused of killing."

  • If your loved one’s estate has been probated, you can look at the probate records to see if the life insurance policy came up as an asset.
  • Also check credit card statements for the past several years. Some policy holders will pay premiums with credit.
  • Check any safe deposit boxes.
  • Try to speak with the attorney who drafted your loved one’s will. They may have discussed life insurance during the drafting of the will.

In most states, if the named beneficiary is unable to collect, the benefit passes to the secondary or contingent beneficiary (if one exists). If there is no contingent beneficiary, the proceeds would still be paid to the deceased’s estate, and would be distributed per the deceased’s will, or in the absence of a will, per intestacy succession in probate court.
Webjunkie- Amazon Rain has her own thread which she answers at least 50 questions posed by WS users. When possible she separates fact from fiction and offers her opinions, speculations, etc.
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