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Thank you Seahorseladydi. Here is the link to a post I made in the Anna Water's#3 thread regarding the charts our Astrologers worked on which includes direct links to the Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS.
In Searching For Anna, I noted that around April 20, 1975, an astologer named Carole Grey did a progressed chart for January 16, 1973, incorporating Anna's chart with those of her parents and stepfather. "She saw no aspect of accident or death anywhere", I wrote, and added "She noted 'extraordinary worship' of Anna by her father. My chart showed unusual susceptibility in the area of home and children." I do not quite know how to reconcile the varying reports I have had, ranging from a divination from the camp of the Dalai Lama which said Anna was alive, to various descriptions by psychics involving kidnapping. I keep thinking of Capra's book The Tao of Physics, where the scientist says that the experiment and the experimenter affect one another. I would appreciate hearing your thoughts about this.
Annasom, do you still have a copy of this chart and if so is it possible for you to post it?
Annasom, do you still have a copy of this chart and if so is it possible for you to post it?
I looked for it the other day and couldn't find it. Actually, I don't think she ever gave me the actual chart. There is a computer-generated astrology reading on page 132 of Searching for Anna. Other astrology references are on pages 74 and 133.
Thank you Seahorseladydi. Here is the link to a post I made in the Anna Water's#3 thread regarding the charts our Astrologers worked on which includes direct links to the Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS.

Thank you! I am very new to this Astro stuff... I find it very interesting...

I keep an open mind with everything..... but I am one of those that do not believe in "coincidence" and believe EVERYTHING happens for a reason either good or bad... (I still believe that after going thru Ethan's accident and death)
I looked for it the other day and couldn't find it. Actually, I don't think she ever gave me the actual chart. There is a computer-generated astrology reading on page 132 of Searching for Anna. Other astrology references are on pages 74 and 133.

Thank you VERY much for posting the direction to go.... (sometimes I feel lost... LOL!)

again.... THANK YOU!
I recently asked a Psychic on the Anthony case to do a read, I won't say her name as she wishes to be private. She does not see death at all for Anna.

Part 1

Her Sun is 7 degrees separating from Uranus
so if the father was a bit unstable or eccentric in
his relationships (something of a playboy type)
than it may be him who had the plan for Anna.

Also, I attribute the 10th to the father (that's how
I was taught) I know sometimes some astrologers
switch around the 4th and 10th as representing
the parents, anyway

Mars is in her tenth (father) trined to Saturn in
the 2nd (the fathers 5th-love affair)...while Jupiter
the ruler of the fathers money is conjunct Venus
the ruler of Anna's mother and home.

Money would certainly be a factor here.

Now one other thing i just saw....Anna's 4th house
Moon is square to the Pluto/Uranus Virgo conjunction
in the 7th....indicating to me a profoundly quick change
of family relationships

Another thing....it has been my experience to see and use
conjunctions in disappearance charts to actually count
those involved.

Mercury/Jupiter would be two...in the 8th, so its about money
Mars/Neptune would be another two...in the 6th, its about mental health

So I would like to guess that 4 people are behind this...what
I don't like about the Mars/Neptune in Sag in the 6th is
that she may have been taken out of the states.

However it is the Saturn on the ascendate at the time of
her disappearance that is saying "planned"

so this was not one of those search and grab kidnappings.

I think I would like to now get a bit more acquainted with
the vibrational frequencies of her name....so allow me some
time and I will get back to you.

Part 2

Thanks for the accurate data. I've printed off the charts
Let me have some time to get warm with the charts. However,

immediately sensing from the charts...no death,
but someone in the family who is obsessed with her to
the point of wanting her as a companion.

Also, and I know this is out there but when I immediately
started producing the charts and printing
I got an image of the Hollywood Sign . . .

later I realized that Anna has the Titanic Sign Signature in her chart (which
are 19 degrees thru 25 degrees of the cardinal signs) with
her natal Mercury at 24 Libra....

in addition, at the time of her
disappearance both Mercury and Jupiter are at the most critical degree of the
Titanic Sign Signature --- Mercury 19 Cap and Jupiter 21 Cap...
as the ruler of the first with Saturn and the Moon very much to close
for comfort...I would suspect someone in her family
is at the root of this and because of the Capricorn influence
this person would someone older.

Now the Titanic Sign Signature is the result of the scrying of
over 1200 birth charts of those aboard the Titanic by Eileen Grimes.
A very fascinating study that should be absorbed by all Astrologers everywhere
just for the mere fact
that it would serve any other Astrologer interested in conducting a
research study on any subject.

For example, I found in my own study into the charts of missing/
murder children that the 8th thru 14th degree of Scorpio seems to very popular
in abduction/murder cases. My own Venus/Neptune Conjunction occurs
at 10 & 11 degrees of Scorpio, which is why I have been overly obsessed
with understanding more about the abducted child for the last 20 some years.
I do think of myself as an expert in the area of missing children, but even still
at the same time I will never stop learning--each time I work on a case, or even
sit to do a private consult I am in a perputual state of learning.

Anyway, that is the one thing that is shouting out at me here
rightway in the case Anna Waters. I don't get stranger abduction
and I don't get death, at least not at the
time she disappeared. I get that someone wanted her as a campanion and
had their own plans for her.

I am strongly wondering if someone in the family had a connection in some
way to the Titanic --- perhaps not aboard the ship, but a love of it's lore
and/or had a special connection to it in some way perhaps through another
family member or something they did in regards to it.

Lastly, who is a Scorpio? Are there any family suspects? Does anyone's
birthdate fall in the realm of Scorpio, or has an extreme placement of planets

There are too many planets in Anna chart to avail itself to a stranger, most often
in cases of missing children who are taken by strangers there is prodominence
of planets closer to the beginning of the zodiac....indicating to me someone close
to her. However, the two planets I lend to giving a description of the abductor
are the Sun and Mars, for which she has in Libra and Sag --- the signs that depict
people who are not quite family members but related to it.

I beleive from my own research that there lies a predictive stradegy in the Sun
and Mars in cases of the missing. In Anna's case they are both tied to natal
Saturn in the 2nd and the Moon in the 4th. Got to go with someone she
knows being her abductor.

Well, that is it for now. I will take Anna to bed tonight and see if I can come
up with anything else for your interest.

Any thoughts?

I recently asked a Psychic on the Anthony case to do a read, I won't say her name as she wishes to be private. She does not see death at all for Anna.

Part 1

Her Sun is 7 degrees separating from Uranus
so if the father was a bit unstable or eccentric in
his relationships (something of a playboy type)
than it may be him who had the plan for Anna.

Also, I attribute the 10th to the father (that's how
I was taught) I know sometimes some astrologers
switch around the 4th and 10th as representing
the parents, anyway

Mars is in her tenth (father) trined to Saturn in
the 2nd (the fathers 5th-love affair)...while Jupiter
the ruler of the fathers money is conjunct Venus
the ruler of Anna's mother and home.

Money would certainly be a factor here.

Now one other thing i just saw....Anna's 4th house
Moon is square to the Pluto/Uranus Virgo conjunction
in the 7th....indicating to me a profoundly quick change
of family relationships

Another thing....it has been my experience to see and use
conjunctions in disappearance charts to actually count
those involved.

Mercury/Jupiter would be two...in the 8th, so its about money
Mars/Neptune would be another two...in the 6th, its about mental health

So I would like to guess that 4 people are behind this...what
I don't like about the Mars/Neptune in Sag in the 6th is
that she may have been taken out of the states.

However it is the Saturn on the ascendate at the time of
her disappearance that is saying "planned"

so this was not one of those search and grab kidnappings.

I think I would like to now get a bit more acquainted with
the vibrational frequencies of her name....so allow me some
time and I will get back to you.

Part 2

Thanks for the accurate data. I've printed off the charts
Let me have some time to get warm with the charts. However,

immediately sensing from the charts...no death,
but someone in the family who is obsessed with her to
the point of wanting her as a companion.

Also, and I know this is out there but when I immediately
started producing the charts and printing
I got an image of the Hollywood Sign . . .

later I realized that Anna has the Titanic Sign Signature in her chart (which
are 19 degrees thru 25 degrees of the cardinal signs) with
her natal Mercury at 24 Libra....

in addition, at the time of her
disappearance both Mercury and Jupiter are at the most critical degree of the
Titanic Sign Signature --- Mercury 19 Cap and Jupiter 21 Cap...
as the ruler of the first with Saturn and the Moon very much to close
for comfort...I would suspect someone in her family
is at the root of this and because of the Capricorn influence
this person would someone older.

Now the Titanic Sign Signature is the result of the scrying of
over 1200 birth charts of those aboard the Titanic by Eileen Grimes.
A very fascinating study that should be absorbed by all Astrologers everywhere
just for the mere fact
that it would serve any other Astrologer interested in conducting a
research study on any subject.

For example, I found in my own study into the charts of missing/
murder children that the 8th thru 14th degree of Scorpio seems to very popular
in abduction/murder cases. My own Venus/Neptune Conjunction occurs
at 10 & 11 degrees of Scorpio, which is why I have been overly obsessed
with understanding more about the abducted child for the last 20 some years.
I do think of myself as an expert in the area of missing children, but even still
at the same time I will never stop learning--each time I work on a case, or even
sit to do a private consult I am in a perputual state of learning.

Anyway, that is the one thing that is shouting out at me here
rightway in the case Anna Waters. I don't get stranger abduction
and I don't get death, at least not at the
time she disappeared. I get that someone wanted her as a campanion and
had their own plans for her.

I am strongly wondering if someone in the family had a connection in some
way to the Titanic --- perhaps not aboard the ship, but a love of it's lore
and/or had a special connection to it in some way perhaps through another
family member or something they did in regards to it.

Lastly, who is a Scorpio? Are there any family suspects? Does anyone's
birthdate fall in the realm of Scorpio, or has an extreme placement of planets

There are too many planets in Anna chart to avail itself to a stranger, most often
in cases of missing children who are taken by strangers there is prodominence
of planets closer to the beginning of the zodiac....indicating to me someone close
to her. However, the two planets I lend to giving a description of the abductor
are the Sun and Mars, for which she has in Libra and Sag --- the signs that depict
people who are not quite family members but related to it.

I beleive from my own research that there lies a predictive stradegy in the Sun
and Mars in cases of the missing. In Anna's case they are both tied to natal
Saturn in the 2nd and the Moon in the 4th. Got to go with someone she
knows being her abductor.

Well, that is it for now. I will take Anna to bed tonight and see if I can come
up with anything else for your interest.

Any thoughts?


Interesting.... I would like to know how much this is like the chart that Annasmom said was done years ago.... that person also said she was alive...

Thank you for posting this.....
I keep thinking of Capra's book The Tao of Physics, where the scientist says that the experiment and the experimenter affect one another. I would appreciate hearing your thoughts about this.
In other words, that the reading cannot be separated from the reader. The reader's point of view is reflected in the reading, just as the physicist himself affects the experiment he is conducting. That said, it is difficult for me to know just what to make of all this.
I think a lot of it is just interpretation of how and what someone compiles and reads the info - one person can come up with a totally different reading than another.

I'd rather stick with hard facts myself, but I don't discount someone else's belief in this kind of thing.
i feel the same way i have been to many palm readers mind readers card readers i have gotten alot of things said to me most of it was garbage that was made up one card reader was on the nail though she had told me someone older was kinda controling me a friend possibly. i had an ex friend he thought that he was always right and no one was good for me. all these charts are confusing
i feel the same way i have been to many palm readers mind readers card readers i have gotten alot of things said to me most of it was garbage that was made up one card reader was on the nail though she had told me someone older was kinda controling me a friend possibly. i had an ex friend he thought that he was always right and no one was good for me. all these charts are confusing
Hi, Smile! I haven't seen you here in a while.
Not knowing enough of these readings to intelligently comment, I feel we should go forward and concentrate on hard facts as suggested above. There is still alot of information to achieve, IF at all possible. We've conquered the Box From Hell :furious:.... but there is so many questions unanswered. Seka, Wanek, GB's true identity, the couple in the car, Anna playing in the front yard just before she vanished....? If alive of not, tho in my heart I truly believe she is with us living a great life, she just needs to hear us! I thank all that gave readings, anything to help us find Anna is truly appreciated.

In other words, that the reading cannot be separated from the reader. The reader's point of view is reflected in the reading, just as the physicist himself affects the experiment he is conducting. That said, it is difficult for me to know just what to make of all this.

We are not part of the experiment. The experiment is the reality of that day. We did not control the ingredients nor the interactions of that long ago set of events, nor can we retroactively affect them. We are the Web Sleuth examiners, sitting back in our armchairs and reviewing what happened.

We are not part of the experiment. The experiment is the reality of that day. We did not control the ingredients nor the interactions of that long ago set of events, nor can we retroactively affect them. We are the Web Sleuth examiners, sitting back in our armchairs and reviewing what happened.

FifthEssence, certainly you do not need my reaction to confirm the validity of your findings. I appreciate the time and effort you put into making the charts, and I appreciate your selfless motivation to help. That said, I must say that my own chart for the day in question would probably show my death--as the mother of a child who would be lost to me for so many years. Many people including a representative of the Dalai Lama have looked at the same information and have given widely varying reports. I have observed all this information, but I still cannot close the books on this mystery for obvious reasons. I am told that the stars incline but do not compel. I am told "As above, so below". I am told that sailors sometimes navigate by the planets and thus consider what seems to be retrograde motion of the planets, but that astronomers know that the planets do not reverse their orbits and go backwards. "Retrograde" is a perception, not a physical fact. The physical fact is that not one clue, not a rubber boot, scrap of clothing, nothing, has been found to explain what happened to Anna on Jan. 16, 1973. Until we have some sort of clue ("as above, so below") the mystery continues.
Keep moving forward...the charts were one avenue to pursue, not the only avenue!

Not knowing enough of these readings to intelligently comment, I feel we should go forward and concentrate on hard facts as suggested above. There is still alot of information to achieve, IF at all possible. We've conquered the Box From Hell :furious:.... but there is so many questions unanswered. Seka, Wanek, GB's true identity, the couple in the car, Anna playing in the front yard just before she vanished....? If alive of not, tho in my heart I truly believe she is with us living a great life, she just needs to hear us! I thank all that gave readings, anything to help us find Anna is truly appreciated.

We are not part of the experiment. The experiment is the reality of that day. We did not control the ingredients nor the interactions of that long ago set of events, nor can we retroactively affect them. We are the Web Sleuth examiners, sitting back in our armchairs and reviewing what happened.


I've really tried to ignore this... but it seems I just can't...

Let me see if I have this right... you interpreted the stars and decided that Anna was dead, so therefore, Anna is dead.

No other interpretation should be considered, no other readings that have been done are right, no other avenues of inquiry should be made, no leads should be followed....

Wow... That doesn't mean we can't interpret how we read/perceive the data or that we have to just accept your interpretation of the reading. It doesn't mean other interpretations/reading shouldn't be considered. It doesn't mean we stop looking for what really happened to Anna... even if your interpretation may be correct.

Who's to say what really happened? So many years have gone by, so many leads have been uncovered, so many new avenues of inquiry have opened up with the invention of the internet.

Why should we stop looking? Why should we just say, "Well, someone who read the stars and interpreted Anna's dead, so we'll just stop looking for her and accept that."

I hope and pray that Anna had a chance to grow up, to make friends, to meet the man of her dreams, to have children of her own, to build a life she's proud of. I hope and pray, that even if we never find Anna, wherever she is she's happy and content... even if that's in Heaven.

Let's keep looking folks... let's keep following leads and looking at other possiblities... because NO ONE can say at this point what really happened to Anna. NO ONE but whoever took her... so let's see if we can find that person, if not Anna herself.
Dear MagicRose,

Anna's mom and several members asked us to do a chart on her daughter. As a group, our astrologers worked on her natal and event charts and presented our collective analysis.

We looked at the positions of the planets, the Sun and our Moon focusing on the 'last seen time' frame given on the day Anna went missing and placed them on her natal birth chart creating a bi-wheel in order to understand the interactions, giving us a picture of that day many years ago.

Prior to us doing the charts, Anna's mother said, "Since I myself made the request for a reading, it should be obvious that I want the information, whether or not I will accept it as the final word on the subject." We were made aware of her position, she indicated she was mentally prepared so we respectfully moved forward and satisfied her request.

Nowhere in our writing do we say (and I quote you),
"No other interpretation should be considered, no other readings that have been done are right, no other avenues of inquiry should be made, no leads should be followed."

Like Anna's mother, receive and process the information however you wish.

You asked, we gave. Our work is done.

We offer our sincere sympathy to Anna's mother, family and friends.
Why are we 'debating' readings? Why am I under the impression Anna's mom, or anyone else in this forums choice in how they wish to receive the readings is being refuted?

Debate politics, debate a baseball line up or a pitching rotation. IMO, there is NO reason to go back and forth and refute what anyone here at WS believes without facts- which we have NO solid evidence here other than Anna is missing.

Can't we all respect what others wish to believe without coming back again and again to prove our point?

Let's move on!

jmo respectively.
People here requested a reading.

A reading was done courtesy of the members of that forum.

We can either believe the reading or not.

Thanks to the members here who requested the reading and thanks to the astrologers who performed the reading. My religious beliefs prevent me from seeking or following advice from sources such as this, but I acknowledge the sincere spirit that this information was requested and given.

All of that being said, let's move on. The answer is out there to be found.

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