Dreams and Visions

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It sounds like a piece of a dress perhaps? I know that when I was little my mother use to write my name on the tags of my dresses and shirts. Just a thought.

I've got blue, and I've got lace, but there is nothing at all with the two together, and nothing whatsoever made of fabric with her name written or embroidered on it. Maybe if I had a little more background about what significance this is supposed to have, I might think of somewhere else to look, but as it is, I have been into the attic, the trunks, and the storage boxes, and there's just nothing there which fits this description. Also, you KNOW that I never throw anything away!
It sounds like a piece of a dress perhaps? I know that when I was little my mother use to write my name on the tags of my dresses and shirts. Just a thought.
This isn't a very good picture, since it's sealed under glass and I can't get it directly on to the scanner, but it's a Star of Bethlehem quilt square I made from pieces of Anna's dresses. I sent it to my mother one Christmas after 1973, and she returned it to me when she moved to the senior community this year. It is possible that I wrote Anna's name on the back of the quilt square to explain what it was, but I don't want to unseal the picture unless it is important. There's no lace, but maybe the paisley is like lace or something.


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I just went through everything I have stored, including a quilt which I had made for Anna, and there just isn't anything which matches this description. Does it have some special significance?

I'm sure it was a vision that the physic saw. As for having some special significance, I don't have an answer to this question yet. What color is the binder that Anna's grandmother has the typed manuscript in? Is there lace on this binder?
I'm sure it was a vision that the physic saw. As for having some special significance, I don't have an answer to this question yet. What color is the binder that Anna's grandmother has the typed manuscript in? Is there lace on this binder?

Imagine your remembering that binder! I'd almost forgotten it myself, now that the regular book is out. It's possible that there was lace on the binder..but all Mother's pictures are in storage and impossible to get to right now. It would be helpful if the psychic could tell us what significance such a thing might have; then we'd know how much more effort to put into trying to locate it or whatever resembles it. From our point of view, even if such a thing existed, it would not have had any special significance to Anna or to me or the rest of the family. Now, if some unknown person was collecting pictures of Anna and had them in such a binder, then we'd want to know more about that person.
I thought scrapbook when Sherlock mentioned the manuscript.
I don't know if anyone is reading here lately, and I don't know if it even really matters, but I feel that I have to put it out there. I would say about a week or so ago I first learned about Anna and started reading the threads. For some reason when I first started reading I thought "She's in OH, they need to check OH". It was mostly a vision of the letters "OH". I don't claim to be psychic at all and after reading this thread I am now wondering if maybe I saw "OR", for Oregon.
Psychics who help find missing children should never ask for money. Ever. If they do, it's a scam. Otherwise, if someone claims to be psychic and offers to help for no money at all, I think it's a chance worth taking, personally.

I've had clairvoyant dreams before. I think everyone has. It all depends on how you interpret them.
Psychics who help find missing children should never ask for money. Ever. If they do, it's a scam. Otherwise, if someone claims to be psychic and offers to help for no money at all, I think it's a chance worth taking, personally.

I've had clairvoyant dreams before. I think everyone has. It all depends on how you interpret them.

Is there something I should know? I'm not sure what this refers to.
Is there something I should know? I'm not sure what this refers to.

I don't know what it refers to either, but I definately don't want anything.

I've continued my reading about Anna and today when I took a nap with my daughter I had a dream about Anna and a "black" christmas card. This is again probably nothing but once again feeled compelled to put it out there.
I don't know what it refers to either, but I definately don't want anything.

I've continued my reading about Anna and today when I took a nap with my daughter I had a dream about Anna and a "black" christmas card. This is again probably nothing but once again feeled compelled to put it out there.

Do you remember any other details of the dream?
Oh, sorry guys. I was referring back to Stealthy's post about psychics wanting money.

I just meant that I think if a psychic wants money out of you to tell you about Anna, then you shouldn't bother with it. True psychics usually offer their services for free if they know it's for a missing child. That's all I was saying.

I'm sorry if you thought I was referring to you, DewSeeker. I've been fuzzy-headed with sinuses these last few days, so what I think in my head doesn't always come out through my fingers the way I intend. No disrespect intended.
Another thought, not sure where it came from, the "OH" from my first vision may be "ON", which could be Ontario, Canada or Ontario, California.
Annasmom, did you have some sort of train of thought about the "black" Christmas card? If you want you can pm me.
Annasmom, did you have some sort of train of thought about the "black" Christmas card? If you want you can pm me.
DewSeeker, it didn't really suggest anything to me except that maybe your subconscious is sympathetic to the grief of losing a child. Thanks for keeping us in mind.
Oh, Annasmom, you have no idea. I am keeping Anna so close to my heart right now.

I had another vision/ thought about the bus trip you took the summer before Anna was lost. Has everyone who came into contact with her on that trip been looked into?

Thank you so much for reading my posts and responding to me. I really wish I could do more to help. Maybe someday I can.
It is my understanding that "most" people do not believe in "psychics" and I understand that with all the fakes out there.... I do however have a very open mind and think that sometimes things come to us and we don't understand or we just shrug it off to coincidence..... I think we are all somewhat intuitive ... we just don't listen to it....

however... that is my opinion

I see that RV has been brought up here but, I was wondering if anyone had thought of having the Astro's do a chart on Anna and the "key" players in her case.... if Annasmom or Dougie could give me the birth dates for the following...


George W:

I know there is no known birth date for George Brody so that won't work..... but if there are any other "players" you want looked into I would be happy to start a thread in that forum for Anna and see what they say...

Just a thought... no stone unturned ;)
Seahorseladydi: Thank you for keeping this in mind. The astros already have the exact specifics for Anna's birthdate: 4:44 P.M. September 25, 1967 in San Francisco, California. George Waters was born April 14, 1939, in Iloilo, Philippines (his parents were medical missionaries there.) I know the astros are terribly busy and may not respond to this request, but of course you are right that any information at all would be helpful. Maybe George's chart would reveal something about Brody. What is RV?

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