
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I seem to be getting this in pieces this time. I posted my drawing of where she is on my profile page. I got this location 2 days before this came out. Like the other poster, I didn't know who this was until I saw the news. I told my husband about my dream on Sunday morning and he said "call the police", I started laughing, and said and tell them what? I dreamed of a little girl in a canal at a dead end street, with only a partial street name, somewhere in FL? He called me on Tuesday from work to ask me if I saw the news and to check it out, it may be what I dreamed. Since then I have gotten little things, here and there. I still haven't been shown what happened and who did this, only pills, the kitchen, a time now and Haleigh saying she can't believe they didn't figure out the cinder block. I don't know what that means.
I seem to be getting this in pieces this time. I posted my drawing of where she is on my profile page. I got this location 2 days before this came out. Like the other poster, I didn't know who this was until I saw the news. I told my husband about my dream on Sunday morning and he said "call the police", I started laughing, and said and tell them what? I dreamed of a little girl in a canal at a dead end street, with only a partial street name, somewhere in FL? He called me on Tuesday from work to ask me if I saw the news and to check it out, it may be what I dreamed. Since then I have gotten little things, here and there. I still haven't been shown what happened and who did this, only pills, the kitchen, a time now and Haleigh saying she can't believe they didn't figure out the cinder block. I don't know what that means.

I'm still so new to WS that I'm not very good at manuvering through it. I didn't find the picture you drew on your profile page. Can you post the link to the picture you drew? I want to know if it matches in any way to my dream. Thanks!
I'm still so new to WS that I'm not very good at manuvering through it. I didn't find the picture you drew on your profile page. Can you post the link to the picture you drew? I want to know if it matches in any way to my dream. Thanks!

Hi Gotarugrat! Welcome to WS!

Just click on bern's name which is underlined on her post and it will link you directly to her profile page. You view her albums there. Bern is very gifted!
Hi Gotarugrat! Welcome to WS!

Just click on bern's name which is underlined on her post and it will link you directly to her profile page. You view her albums there. Bern is very gifted!

I didn't see any albums. Do we have to be 'friended' first?
I seem to be getting this in pieces this time. I posted my drawing of where she is on my profile page. I got this location 2 days before this came out. Like the other poster, I didn't know who this was until I saw the news. I told my husband about my dream on Sunday morning and he said "call the police", I started laughing, and said and tell them what? I dreamed of a little girl in a canal at a dead end street, with only a partial street name, somewhere in FL? He called me on Tuesday from work to ask me if I saw the news and to check it out, it may be what I dreamed. Since then I have gotten little things, here and there. I still haven't been shown what happened and who did this, only pills, the kitchen, a time now and Haleigh saying she can't believe they didn't figure out the cinder block. I don't know what that means.

I have seen your drawing... and it correlates with my dream..Home/Close/Tree/Rose......and when I read some of the stuff posted I am baffled how we could be on the same wave length.... I have found your street posted in your dream...I have searched your street posted in your dream...I have seen Caylee and Haleigh in my dreams.....I am getting frustrated with Haleigh...because she will not talk...I need to remember she is a child just like Caylee acted....attention span of a gnat....
I don't post here much, but I did have a dream that was very bad, That it took me all morning to decide if I would post it. I thought maybe I should cause all do is think of it, I am not dreamer(my daughter is has very weird dreams)
Last week I dream that I was in the house with Cindy and George and Caylee was there, I don't really remember what was going on the mood was not happy one.
Yesterday afternoon I lay down for a little nap, I dream that Haleigh was in cage and she had a little smile, her hair was cut right below her ears, I was so upset I woke my self up and now I can't get this image out of my head. I don't remember any of the surrounding, just that the cage was in the middle of a floor. it was like a minute dream.
I don't post here much, but I did have a dream that was very bad, That it took me all morning to decide if I would post it. I thought maybe I should cause all do is think of it, I am not dreamer(my daughter is has very weird dreams)
Last week I dream that I was in the house with Cindy and George and Caylee was there, I don't really remember what was going on the mood was not happy one.
Yesterday afternoon I lay down for a little nap, I dream that Haleigh was in cage and she had a little smile, her hair was cut right below her ears, I was so upset I woke my self up and now I can't get this image out of my head. I don't remember any of the surrounding, just that the cage was in the middle of a floor. it was like a minute dream.

tfrohning, I'm glad you shared your dream with us. It is a comfort to know others have such disturbing dreams too. I was meditating on Haleigh one day and sketched a lady, who appeared Asian, with Haleigh and her hair was cut right below her ears and hanging in little ringlets. I truly hope she is alive and being held somewhere but I've just had this horrible feeling that Haleigh is no longer with us in this realm. Makes me want to cry.
I have seen your drawing... and it correlates with my dream..Home/Close/Tree/Rose......and when I read some of the stuff posted I am baffled how we could be on the same wave length.... I have found your street posted in your dream...I have searched your street posted in your dream...I have seen Caylee and Haleigh in my dreams.....I am getting frustrated with Haleigh...because she will not talk...I need to remember she is a child just like Caylee acted....attention span of a gnat....
The trauma associated with having someone place something inside or over their mouths could account for the inability or the unwillingness to try and speak in visions and dreams. It could be due to the trauma experienced and carried over temporarily. (Or it could be their own way to explain what happened to them.) It is possible to be associated with choking or strangulation, too. For instance, if Haleigh did take some meds like Bern feels perhaps she aspirated leaving her unable to scream or speak. :(
I find it interesting but a rumor at this point that Misty's dad is claiming Ron gave him a white pill that put him in a coma for four days. The claim is being investigated. I know I don't get things for nothing, they try to tell you by bringing out a memory in your subconscious in your dreams that will fit with what they are trying to tell you. Many times you are not connecting with the person crossed over; you are connecting to YOUR guides. Your guides can speak for them.
I haven't had a dream about Haleigh for some time now. I dreamed last night that she showed me a dish, like a candy dish and it had pain killers in it. There were actually two dishes one was light green and the tablets were white like Tylenol 3 tablets. In the dream I had the feeling that the search was being impaired because of the "high" associated with the drugs. I can't put that together. Just she indicated that she would be found soon, and the drugs are related to the search or the "high" was related to the search.

Hate to quote myself, but does anyone know what color dished in that house? These bowls were a Celedon green, a small and round, one had tablets in it, the other was empty but sitting just behind it. They would have been in a cupboard in the dream. So I was wondering if it was a set of dishes in the house? Any one local know them that well?
I find it interesting but a rumor at this point that Misty's dad is claiming Ron gave him a white pill that put him in a coma for four days. The claim is being investigated. I know I don't get things for nothing, they try to tell you by bringing out a memory in your subconscious in your dreams that will fit with what they are trying to tell you. Many times you are not connecting with the person crossed over; you are connecting to YOUR guides. Your guides can speak for them.

I am not sure if it was my GUIDE or Caylee's GUIDE..... but months ago when I had a dream of her...she talked to me and giggled and was happy..then the GUIDE spoke and said forgiveness...I asked was I supposed to forgive KC and I was told loud and clear YES....

Now with Haleigh...I am seeing Caylee and Haleigh...no GUIDES...and they appear happy and playing...but when I ask questions no answers. I take it as I am not suppose to KNOW anything else except what I have been told so far from a GUIDE and it is frustrating to receive bits and pieces of INFO... and to personally search for this precious little girl and still not find her... I do feel she will be found soon and it is supposed to be like your drawing and it will be the men you described.
Hate to quote myself, but does anyone know what color dished in that house? These bowls were a Celedon green, a small and round, one had tablets in it, the other was empty but sitting just behind it. They would have been in a cupboard in the dream. So I was wondering if it was a set of dishes in the house? Any one local know them that well?
I have no idea about the dishes, but what you are describing sounds like an antique or older dish which would fit with Ronald having been a single father and his grandmother, mother, or others giving him things to use such a dishes.

Could Hank and the pills be what you were seeing as possibly a timeline event? Maybe the event means it won't be much longer before Haleigh is found by someone.
I have no idea about the dishes, but what you are describing sounds like an antique or older dish which would fit with Ronald having been a single father and his grandmother, mother, or others giving him things to use such a dishes.

Could Hank and the pills be what you were seeing as possibly a timeline event? Maybe the event means it won't be much longer before Haleigh is found by someone.


I don't know what you mean by Hank and a timeline event. I posted about the dish and tablets, Hmmm 4/8 I think. This story was on JV and I think that was 4/27? Interesting about the grandmother may be the one to give him dishes, these were older. I don't know if the mention of tablets, not pills, in the news was validation of what I am seeing, but if it is, it helps validate other things. :( That's why you get trivia sometimes, to validate other things not confirmed yet. I feel strongly that what happened, started at 9:30 that evening. I feel strongly now (not a vision or dream) about the CPR too.
I had a dream last night but was kind of hesitant to post it probably means nothing but i woke up feeling scared so i thought i would just put it out there. I was at a race track and Ron was there I saw him get into an argument with someone. He then was taking parts of a car engine and hiding them. After that i was with a woman and we were in the back of a van searching through a pile of clothes looking for Haleigh's things we were in such a panic. I was handing her things and she was telling me no that is not hers. Finally she found her outfit it was pink i found her shoes white tennis shoes with possibly sesame street characters with the numbers 123 on the side and that was it.I don't know why i woke up feeling scared but just wanted to share.
For the past 2 nights....I have been dreaming of pink keys or key ring...last night I saw the keys under a vehicle attached to the vehicle..the only way I can describe it is a magnetic hide-a-key. I can not tell if it is a car, truck or van because I am underneath staring up at the PINK KEYRING.

I don't know what you mean by Hank and a timeline event. I posted about the dish and tablets, Hmmm 4/8 I think. This story was on JV and I think that was 4/27? Interesting about the grandmother may be the one to give him dishes, these were older. I don't know if the mention of tablets, not pills, in the news was validation of what I am seeing, but if it is, it helps validate other things. :( That's why you get trivia sometimes, to validate other things not confirmed yet. I feel strongly that what happened, started at 9:30 that evening. I feel strongly now (not a vision or dream) about the CPR too.
Perhaps seeing the pills in the dish (may be a dish at Hank's house) and then Hank comes out later with his "event" is connected in a way of verification that you are on the right path. It goes into the "timeline" of the way things are coming to you. (I don't know that I am explaining it correctly.)
For the past 2 nights....I have been dreaming of pink keys or key ring...last night I saw the keys under a vehicle attached to the vehicle..the only way I can describe it is a magnetic hide-a-key. I can not tell if it is a car, truck or van because I am underneath staring up at the PINK KEYRING.
Interesting. It makes me wonder if you are seeing it from Haleigh's perspective. Any thoughts on that?
Has anyone had any dreams where there are grey landscaping rocks? (like shown below)

I woke myself up from a dream about two weeks ago but the image is stuck in my head. All I know is it was a female child possibly wearing pink - not pants as her legs were bare. She was grabbed up (picked up) from behind and screamed. She and whoever grabbed her were standing on these rocks (commonly put around pools, walking paths, sections of playgrounds etc). After waking myself up I was sure it was Haleigh.
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