Drew Peterson's Trial *FIFTH WEEK* part one

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Great job to those who kept us updated today! I was away from the computer quite a lot and really appreciated coming back and being able to read.

In Session The witness is shown a copy of her report. “This is my investigative report, documenting my call with Kristin Anderson.” She continues to confirm the names of officers that she spoke with regarding this issue. “You spoke to each one of those individuals, and you couldn’t find anybody who spoke to Ms. Anderson that day?” “Correct.” That ends the direct examination.

n Session Connor begins his cross. The witness agrees that she did her investigation showing three phone calls from Kristin Anderson’s phone to the Illinois State Police. “And nobody could remember a call from five years before?” “Correct.” That’s the end of the cross-examinatoin.

So Kristin has phone bills showing she made three calls to Illinois State Police?

And 5 yrs later nobody remembers the convo, so that means she is a liar?
KaraOko: Prosecution tells the media they are working on their rebuttal now #DrewPeterson Defense thinks they had strong day...

well, yes, compared to yesterday, which was a total failure, the DT had a 'strong' day. But they did not PROVE their defense, imo. They put up two paid experts who had their own opinions, but even then they admitted it was only opinion and it COULD have been a homicide.
So Kristin has phone bills showing she made three calls to Illinois State Police?

And 5 yrs later nobody remembers the convo, so that means she is a liar?

AND she gave the names of those 3 officers. Ahh, but alas, once again, she too is a liar.
KaraOko: Prosecution tells the media they are working on their rebuttal now #DrewPeterson Defense thinks they had strong day...

well, yes, compared to yesterday, which was a total failure, the DT had a 'strong' day. But they did not PROVE their defense, imo. They put up two paid experts who had their own opinions, but even then they admitted it was only opinion and it COULD have been a homicide.

Or, at the very least, there's a chance it happened the way they're saying...and... using the very same descriptive words to say it!!!
I just hate to see the son on the stand...her son, oh my. I know my ex would do something like that and to me it is beyond despicable...but then I guess if it were my dad, I would kick myself forever if I could have said something to help. I am so sure that those kids have been so brainwashed by DP that they are afraid to make one move w/o his approval. I cannot imagine having him for a dad, husband, son, ew ew ew. That is, IF BY CHANCE I had fallen for his crapola.
Thanks for keeping this thread updated - I really appreciate you guys. I know it must take a lot of patience, waiting for stuff to post.
Jackson thought you had company and couldn't post. Sorry. I'll take a break today. :)

Thanks, they only stayed through the lunch break-perfect timing. I won't be able to do it tomorrow and maybe not till later on Thurs. if still having trial. Hopefully you can do it then along with katydid. Makes it easier. :)
I was thinking about this earlier this afternoon. The DT tried to make a big deal out of Pontarelli never seeing abuse or signs of domestic violence yet the DT also made sure they objected and prevented the PT from putting on any testimony about it. I object to how the DT gets to have it both ways.

I too have been giving alot of thought to MP's testimony. Here I go again, but considering she & her husband were once good friends with KS and DP, their children were close, they spent alot of time together, etc. Either she & Kathy weren't as close friends as they've indicated, or, more likely,she is as afraid of DP as anyone. Considering the BULLET he left for her husband, for putting those locks on the door for her, I think that is the most likely reason 'Drew was a nice guy, no, never saw any marks...'! Not to mention his warning to them that any friend of Kathy's is an enemy of mine. I know I keep screaming like a paranoid, conspiracy theorist, but this whole trial is honestly keeping me awake at night!! I felt like crying earlier today when the 1st doctor (can't remember his name!) was testifying! There have been alot of encouraging points made today, (and the COMIC RELIEF! THANK YOU!) that helped me through alot, I just can't help worrying what the jurors are thinking. These witnesses did offer some theory's to consider, & realizing the very limited testimony they've actually been allowed to hear, I just hope & pray through their notes & an EXCELLENT closing by the PROSECUTION, they will be able to see clearly what a despicable, murdering, dangerous monster Drew Peterson is! Thanks for letting me vent, & again a HUGE :yourock::gthanks: to all of you wonderful :websleuther:er's!!!
I think this trial has turned into a joke and I hate to say that I think Drew Peterson will end up getting off because of it. The Jury is trying to steal the show, the prosecution are bumbling idiots and even the judge has been known to make stupid jokes.
I wonder if the next witness will be Tom so that he can be the last witness?

If this is all the defense has, then it's not much. JMO

So defense spent a month trashing the victim, touting Drew's "many" accomplishments, frenetic objections to any bit of disparaging info about Drew from coming out, sometimes at the expense of witness testimony, which was unceremoniously eliminated by DT with Judge's approval, giving media interviews, sidebars, pop-tarting the jury to the point where they all lose their minds and start to dress alike, trying but failing miserably at humor, parading testiphony experts into the courtroom, and now will possibly attempt to put Drew's son who is all of 19 years old, to sit on the stand and tell how he just KNOWS his dad is innocent, after all-he was home that weekend.

Sinking to a whole new low, IMO.

Sad for the justice system that promises to see that Justice is done for victims. :justice::shakehead:

KaraOko: Prosecution tells the media they are working on their rebuttal now #DrewPeterson Defense thinks they had strong day...

well, yes, compared to yesterday, which was a total failure, the DT had a 'strong' day. But they did not PROVE their defense, imo. They put up two paid experts who had their own opinions, but even then they admitted it was only opinion and it COULD have been a homicide.

All medical experts are opinion experts. Even if the ones who testify for the state. They cant state anything as a fact because none of them were there to know positively what happened.

I think the state thinks the defense had a very good day. If not they would not put on a rebuttal case trying to refute what the two expert witnesses testified to today.

Imo, you can always tell what part of the defense case the state is the most worried about by what they try to rebut in their rebuttal.

All medical experts are opinion experts. Even if the ones who testify for the state. They cant state anything as a fact because none of them were there to know positively what happened.

I think the state thinks the defense had a very good day. If not they would not put on a rebuttal case trying to refute what the two expert witnesses testified to today.

Imo, you can always tell what part of the defense case the state is the most worried about by what they try to rebut in their rebuttal.


IMO, they were going to put on a rebuttal case regardless. They knew what these defense witnesses were going to say. With all the evidence they couldn't get in they have no other choice but to use the rebuttal as part of their strategy.
too --even hit my head........never enough to bleed and I have things that could have caused a gash..sharp corners and a window sill, etc......there is NO WAY that I would ever have drowned in a tub of water. Most people start filling the tub, get in and then let it fill up....not wait until you have a full tub and then get in otherwise there would be water all over the floor. If indeed she did drown, it was NOT in the tub.(IMHO) and there is nothing in that tub that would have caused that gash in the back of her head.
I don't see how anyone could think that she possibly gashed her head like that in a fall .......nor do I see how anyone could believe that she drown in a dry tub of water with her head gushing with blood after they picked her up

This demonstration will be another giant blow to the defense (IMO). As I said before, when one goes into a bath tub, you brace yourself with one arm (holding the tile ledge) while using one leg at a time to get in.

In order for one to fall, you would literally need to leap into the tub. Not a chance KS fell unless she indeed did a running leap into it.
I'm really nervous about this also. I just don't think I will be able to stand if if DP walks. It will honestly make me sick.

I cannot imagine how we will all feel during verdict watch.

I'm with you, LaLaw -- this is the time when I start to feel like a little kid at Christmas -- afraid to ask for the red bike (pony, backyard playhouse, BB gun, etc., etc. -- that one thing you want so very badly) because I am so afraid I won't get it. My chest gets tight (nothing medically bad, but I'm sure you & many of us know that feeling), I get a lump in my throat, knots in my stomach, and I-don't-know-what-all, as they say.

Yeah, the "feeling" is starting for me, too. In every trial, I try to anticipate what the jurors are thinking; I try to be logical and unbiased; and I think yes, they have proved their case, the jury has been paying attention -- this is believable, that is not believable, & so on, but I know I have been seeing the case through he-is-guilty-colored glasses.

Oh, DP is the worst of the worst -- so cocksure, that s-e grin, so surly, and probably making plans for a victory party at this very minute. I simply cannot stand it. Grrrrrr. I just can't hardly let myself think positively. And it's starting...
IMO, the washing all the clothes that fatefull night by DP is that everything was bloody.
Head wounds are bloody indeed. I'm sure blood was all over his black clothes also.
Oh if only Stacey would of told the truth, she would be alive and DP in jail.
But as we know she was scred to death of the guy also.
Oh dear Lord please get justice for Kathleen and then Stacey may see justice also.
IMO, they were going to put on a rebuttal case regardless. They knew what these defense witnesses were going to say. With all the evidence they couldn't get in they have no other choice but to use the rebuttal as part of their strategy.

So, showing my ignorance here, does the PT get to call rebuttal witnesses? I was under the impression that they do not, but I have renewed hope if that's the case!! Hope you can respond to this...it just might help me sleep a little better tonight!! O/T, but I read part of Tom Peterson's interview last night, I feel so sorry for that young man. But he did say that if his dad get's to come home when all of this is over, he will have a long talk about the way his father had been conducting himself, & that he need's to be a more present parent. He also said that when his mother died, it was the most awful thing in his life & that he's basically been able to just be numb & put all of his focus into being a high achiever in everything he puts his mind to. Very sad...
I think the jury has common sense and I'm sure most have a tub. Once again, it is not possible for KS to have slipped in a full tub of water. As I said earlier, unless she jumped into the tub, she would not have fallen.

One leg/foot followed by the next while your hand is on the ledge while you get in. Also, wouldn't KS have been facing the faucet if she was going to wash her hair?????????????????????????????????????????

Yep -- either she stepped into a tubful of water and the spigot was turned off where there really couldn't have been that much of a fall with water, water being everywhere on the floor, etc.; or the tub was just beginning to fill up -- much more likely for a true fall -- and who turned off the water and who turned off the lights (as has been said earlier). Nope, you can't have it both ways.

And if she had fallen badly enuff to be unconscious for more than a few seconds, I think her body would have been splayed all over that tub -- legs and arms all over the edge of the tub, probably flat on her back in the bottom of the tub with the water still running. Grrrrrr.
What scares me is that this jury hasn't known what we know.
Has not been showed what we have been showed for the last couple of years.
They don't know what we read on acandyrose website.
Victims many may be linked to DP.
His 4th wife missing.
2 X wives, his upbringing etc.
So many people afraid of him.
His liking VERY young girls............SP at 16.
My husband said FCA would walk, I said no way.......he was right.
Now both of us right now, fear this creep may walk also
unless this jury knows more than we think.
IMOO I feel a jury should know everything, even if it is prejudice to guilt.
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