drugging and raping JonBenet???

DNA Solves
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Sep 13, 2003
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John Karr admitted he drugged and had sex with JonBenet which is a big fat lie. No evidence of drugs in her system, no penile penetration, just digital which I have heard in several stories comes from the missing paintbrush handle.

This sick puppy should spend alot of time in prison for this false confession.

Boulder DA must have placed Karr in Boulder at the time of the murder, matched the DNA, and learned of certain aspects of the murder only the authorities have. Otherwise he is just another code-six wingnut.
Toltec said:
John Karr admitted he drugged and had sex with JonBenet which is a big fat lie. No evidence of drugs in her system, no penile penetration, just digital which I have heard in several stories comes from the missing paintbrush handle.

This sick puppy should spend alot of time in prison for this false confession.

Boulder DA must have placed Karr in Boulder at the time of the murder, matched the DNA, and learned of certain aspects of the murder only the authorities have. Otherwise he is just another code-six wingnut.
Yes, he sure seems like a sick puppy but he isn't SickPuppy is he...
At this stage it is to early to say. LE must have something to go on. I am starting to worry that this guy may be an attention seeking wacko.Just a nagging feeling.He is definetly sick. Have just heard that he was about to start teaching at the Bankok international school.This is why they arrested him yesterday. Seems to me that he is a sad case, why would you confess to drugging and rapeing a child if this was never done to the victim in the first place? It does not have to be a sexual organ to be rape ,we all know some not all of what was done to JBR. For LE to have there 'man' there must be a lot of things held back from the public. I just do not know.
Sex is not only intercourse, especially for pedophiles. And there are drugs that are difficult to detect or impossible.
Just his blank stare and demeanor are enough to say he has "issues." He appears to exhibit no emotion whatsoever.
Hi Toltec, I heard Dr Baden say yesterday that the paint brush handle he used was broken and left a sliver inside of her that caused a small amount of hemoraging. And like Details intimated, it could be if he thought it and used a brush instead of himself in her, it would be the same to him in his mind. Heck, he could have done it in his pants while he was doing this, for all that matters.

I agree there is something that the DA has that was so substantial a clue he did it they had to run with it and get him off the street where they could put him in the box and rail on him! That's what they're going to do. The three investigators look pretty old, so I hope at least one of them is good at pretending he is a big Rotweiler.

And I can not imagine this DA going to the expense of hand retreiving him from Thailand and risking a total loss of respect after all the bungling that PD did, if they didn't know for sure he was in Boulder on the 26th.

I think for once I'm going to have to trust Wudge that he was there on that night, and hope his source is golden. Somehow I think it is! When I read that I just knew there really was enough to warrant bringing him back to grill and grill some more, night and day till he has nothing left.

scandi said:
Hi Toltec, I heard Dr Baden say yesterday that the paint brush handle he used was broken and left a sliver inside of her that caused a small amount of hemoraging. And like Details intimated, it could be if he thought it and used a brush instead of himself in her, it would be the same to him in his mind. Heck, he could have done it in his pants while he was doing this, for all that matters.

I agree there is something that the DA has that was so substantial a clue he did it they had to run with it and get him off the street where they could put him in the box and rail on him! That's what they're going to do. The three investigators look pretty old, so I hope at least one of them is good at pretending he is a big Rotweiler.

And I can not imagine this DA going to the expense of hand retreiving him from Thailand and risking a total loss of respect after all the bungling that PD did, if they didn't know for sure he was in Boulder on the 26th.

I think for once I'm going to have to trust Wudge that he was there on that night, and hope his source is golden. Somehow I think it is! When I read that I just knew there really was enough to warrant bringing him back to grill and grill some more, night and day till he has nothing left.

But we don't want them to cook up a soup out of a pebble do we...
...just to get their man.
One reports says chloroform was used. Chloroform evaporates quickly and cannot be detected after a certain period.
I don't know what to think at this point but it seems strange to me that, if Karr's intent was to kidnap Jon Benet, that he would take the time to "have sex" with her there in the house rather than later when he had her alone where ever it was that he planned to keep her.
Toltec said:
John Karr admitted he drugged and had sex with JonBenet which is a big fat lie. No evidence of drugs in her system, no penile penetration, just digital which I have heard in several stories comes from the missing paintbrush handle.

This sick puppy should spend alot of time in prison for this false confession.

Boulder DA must have placed Karr in Boulder at the time of the murder, matched the DNA, and learned of certain aspects of the murder only the authorities have. Otherwise he is just another code-six wingnut.
As far as I know, the only reports of drugs and sex come from a Thai immigration official who said he wasn't present at the interrogation. We need to let the dust settle....
Jayelles said:
One reports says chloroform was used. Chloroform evaporates quickly and cannot be detected after a certain period.

Would lab technicians be able to identify traces of chloroform on the duct tape??? If Karr told the authorities he used chloroform...then that may be what LE has held back from the public, hence, the smoking gun.
Of course not Tumble, I didn't really mean brow-beat him. Now he is in confession mode, but when he gets back and has some high profile attorney pro gratis, he might shut up and they won't get any answers. So I hope they have a chance before that lawyer comes knockin' on the jail house door, to have him fill in the gaps they need with the details.

Often that is done with the good cop, bad cop method, playing on each other to get him to talk. Law and Order comes to mind, as it always worked successfully on that show! Baa Haa Haa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D

Toltec said:
Would lab technicians be able to identify traces of chloroform on the duct tape??? If Karr told the authorities he used chloroform...then that may be what LE has held back from the public, hence, the smoking gun.

God, I hope that isn't their "withheld detail." It would be too easier to guess, even accidentally by a nutjob making up a story. It might be a surprising addition to WS posters who have covered the case closely, but I suspect you'd find a good percentage of the population who imagine chloroform is used in EVERY abduction.
Toltec said:
Would lab technicians be able to identify traces of chloroform on the duct tape??? If Karr told the authorities he used chloroform...then that may be what LE has held back from the public, hence, the smoking gun.
No - apparently it evaporates completely.
I wonder if the BPD purposely put it out there that no drugs were found in her system - when in fact there were? It seems like they botched things so bad in the beginning and gave away too much informaiton, that they might have tried to put misinformaiton out on purpose, so they'd have a way to tell the fake confessors from the real thing. Just a thought.
...chloroform on a rag can completely subdue someone, even a small child. It takes much more than this, and there is a fine line at that point between rendering the person unconscious and killing them...So, unless he soaked the blanket in chloroform (I'm being sarcastic), I don't think it was used...
Could it have been Ecstasy? He brings the topic up several times in his Powerwurks postings.

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