Dylan Redwine Case Discussion Thread/Dylan's Remains Found, #2

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Thanks for the link. I also noticed in the text messages that Mark had already been there looking for Dylan at 4:12.

According to MR, he started searching at 2:30.

(Originally Posted by Dee10 in a closed SW thread)
This is the transcript TxJan did of the video (link at bottom)
http://websleuths.com/forums/attachm...5&d=1360114263 This was found on W/S page 4 of media thread

"Melissa Blasius:
When did you know something was wrong?

Mark Redwine:
Well, when I got home and he wasn’t here I didn’t think much of it at the time, because it’s not unlike him to go wandering off. He’ll walk down to the river across the street or you know he might go up into the campground where he can be next to the river up there. I didn’t think a whole lot of it.

And, I had laid down and took a nap, which is something I try to do as much as I can when I’m not working because we always work, you know, 14-hour days. It feels good to be home.

And, it was probably 2:30 by the time I realized that Dylan still is not home and so I’m thinkin’ well, if he ain’t gonna’ return my text messages and I ain’t hearing my phone ringing ‘cos he ain’t calling me, I
need to go find that boy.

So, I stopped by his friend Tristan’s house, down across from the marina up here at the lake, and nobody answered the door. So, I’m thinking, well, I didn’t see his fishing pole, you know, and I thought maybe he had wandered off and went fishing so maybe he was with Tristan at the lake. So, I’m driving by the lake looking for him and Tristan and didn’t see anything…

As I was going down to Bayfield to check with Ryan, who I found at his friend Fernando’s house, and as soon as I went to Fernan…’cos I don’t know where all of them live –- but I knew a couple of ‘em live -- enough to get pointed in the right direction. First place I went, Boom… there’s Ryan and Fernando, and first words out of their mouth, “We haven’t heard from Dylan all day.”
That’s when it hit me that something wasn’t right, and I immediately went to the Marshall’s office in Bayfield."

(And although he went to the Marshall's office, he didn't actually file a missing persons report; Elaine did.)
I would just love to hear this answered.

I don't have an answer, but here's what MR said about his morning's activities in the MB interview (http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8813297&postcount=79):

"Melissa Blasius:
So did you do payroll… a work payroll thing… so you went down to the office and then anything else you did in Durango that morning?

Mark Redwine:
I spoke with my divorce attorney ‘cos we were in the process of filing some papers with the courts …in regards to you know the divorce side of stuff.

Melissa Blasius:
Anything else?

Mark Redwine:
Uh… I made a phone call to a property management company because there was a check that they were trying to get that I had sent to ‘em and I just wanted to make sure but I didn’t stop by there, it was a simple phone call.

Melissa Blasius:
Did you rush back at all, did you think, like, well, that’s weird, I haven’t heard from Dylan…or anything…

Mark Redwine:
Nah, I was gonna’ stop at the store and pick up some stuff. I was trying to get a hold of him to get a better idea what we were going to be trying to do for Thanks knowing that I was in Durango and that I could pick up things if we needed them for Thanksgiving or what we were gonna kinda do, so that’s what was my biggest reason for trying to communicate wit him. You know, he had time to sleep on it for a night, so at this point, you know, maybe he thought about it and can give me some way to figure out where we’re going from here.
You know, when you drive up here, you don’t want to go to Durango again the next day, so you have to think ahead. You know, you gotta’ make sure you pick up everything you need while you’re in town because it’s a long way to go to Durango or Bayfield to get something you overlooked."
For some reason, I thought he and his son were going to search on the east side of Middle Mountain. I have to agree that even if he was hiking, Dylan would never have entered Middle Mountain from the east side of the mountain.

Earlier, I tried to pin down the location from Mark's description. Dylan's remains were found on the western slope of a mountain (which appears to be quite close to MR's house. I believe Bender said in his press release that you can see MR's subdivision from the location). As best I can figure, the location that he called stupid to search is on the eastern side of the same mountain ridge but not the same mountain and not the same side in any event. So, it appears that the exact location MR and Brandon were attempting to search/pamphet wasn't particularly close (and was probably pretty far) from the exact location the remains were found.

That said, if MR were guilty, he might still want to deflect any searching from mountainous areas in the same general direction as the remains. One of the reasons he gave for the place he went with Brandon as being stupid was that there were so few houses there. The same could be said for Middle Mountain Road.
Did I imagine that LE was going out to search some more in the same area where they found him ? For a little bit more evidence?
And did I imagine someone saying right after he was found that there would not be any more searching because that ' was all of Dylan that would ever be found' ? tia
The Irwin home was under LE control as a crime scene and JI/DB did not reside there until well after the search warrant was executed. That didn't happen in this case. Mark never moved out did he?

So they are not identical. Why didn't LE treat Mark's home as a crime scene when it was the last place that Dylan was known to be?

Because on the face of it Mark's home didn't look like a crime scene.
It was posted (or maybe just inferred?) on earlier threads where MR atty office is located. This is not difficult to "sleuth" (records are online). Several of us did this way back.

ONLY thing I want is justice for DR. I will bow out now of DR thread(s). Peace to all.

ETA: One thing I learned ... never, ever state online that I searched for anyone ... i have to sit on my hands too often and that's a foreign thing to me for this WS member. It's taught me patience and that's a God's gift to me.

See some/most of you later on other threads as we always just try, try, try to help.

BBM - Please don't leave. I do so enjoy reading your posts. Your memory and information has been very helpful.

I do understand the frustration though. :banghead:
Did I imagine that LE was going out to search some more in the same area where they found him ? For a little bit more evidence?
And did I imagine someone saying right after he was found that there would not be any more searching because that ' was all of Dylan that would ever be found' ? tia

I believe that you are right on both counts. I believe Bender said in the press release that (paraphrasing) they were comfortable that they had found all that they could find.

But there was a recent article (post-presser) that mentioned some additional follow-on searching. But it's the same one that (I believe) misreported the items that were found. However, the title of the article is the point that more searching is happening: http://www.9news.com/news/article/343443/339/Investigators-look-for-clues-in-Redwine-case
Did I imagine that LE was going out to search some more in the same area where they found him ? For a little bit more evidence?
And did I imagine someone saying right after he was found that there would not be any more searching because that ' was all of Dylan that would ever be found' ? tia

I don't have the quote but yes, I remember it that way as well. Middle Mtn search was from Saturday to Wednesday. Thursday the news broke and by the following Wednesday, searchers and LE were back on the mountain. I think LE may have said something initially to dissuade people from going up there on their own and then returned once they talked to MR again a few times and lined up more search teams. I wish them well every day. The best chance for progress in this case and justice for Dylan is to find all traces of him that may be on the mountain.
Sorry I mis-used SAR. Of course it is no longer a search and rescue effort.

I was talking about the search the sheriff's department has conducted since the initial recovery on Middle Mountain.

The phrase you might be thinking about is "search and recovery" if you search around for that you might find what you were thinking about.
Somewhat O/T... surely the questions I have about the HRD (timing and sensitivity) come up in several different cases... is there a FAQ somewhere? If not, maybe Tricia could arrange for expert to be a guest on blogTalkRadio, and the answers to questions from everyone on all the cases could be recorded in the transcript and posted somewhere? That seems like a better approach than trying to find out the same facts each time a new case comes along.

And maybe add good info on the evacuation issue (basically, to determine how long a person who dies in a bloodless manner can remain in that place without a high likelihood of that being detected later).
JMO but the only way to predict future ( or current) behavior is using past behavior. If someone has a history of violence then you can bet they are capable of violence. EH had every reason to believe MR was capable of hurting someone. JMO
Just wanted to add that having been a victim of violence for years, I flinch when I am touched physically. Just imagine what goes on in the mind of someone who has been a victim of violence. Its torture. EH has been going through he!! imagining what her baby went through. JMO
JMO but the only way to predict future ( or current) behavior is using past behavior. If someone has a history of violence then you can bet they are capable of violence. EH had every reason to believe MR was capable of hurting someone. JMO

Aint' that the truth. I also remember experiences of this shared by azg (hugs).
I could see that if Dylan had also texted his friend that was expecting him first.

I agree. This is an area in the morning timeline where every theory brings me back to Mark told us that Dylan had a bowl of cereal and turned in Nickelodeon. It always comes back to the lack of communication.

Dylan wakes up sometime after 7:30am when Mark leaves. Dylan was suppose to be at R's at 6:30am. Dylan was even considerate enough the previous night to ask R if his grandma would mind his early arrival. R texts Dylan at 6:46am asking him where he was. I have a hard time believing that Dylan after waking up late, missing his ride, has a bowl of cereal, turns on Nickelodeon but never responds to R's text message. 4 different means of communication were available...cellphone, iPod touch, laptop and a landline. Even if Dylan for some reason did not receive R's text, I tend to believe Dylan would have reached out ASAP to Ryan. Dylan was capable of eating cereal, watching TV and texting all at the same time. In my opinion, this is where the SO abduction or Dylan walking to his friends does not fit in the morning timeline. I cannot make them fit.
I don't understand this post, can you please elaborate, thanks.

Well, another poster said the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, so since MR was assaulted by a family member in the past, one can conclude that he should expect to continue to be assaulted by family or former family members.
Well, you said the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, so since MR was assaulted by a family member in the past, one can conclude that he should expect to continue to be assaulted by family or former family members.

I see...
Or perhaps the repeated behaviors of hiding children away to get even with his ex wife. However iit would seem this time it went way beyond simply hiding a child. MOO
Well, another poster said the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, so since MR was assaulted by a family member in the past, one can conclude that he should expect to continue to be assaulted by family or former family members.

Considering the circumstances that surround that event I'm not sure that we can assume its typical behaviour.

a son trying to protect his mother is honourable IMO
It seems MR has a need to control and dictate every situation. If Dylan was resisting I fear his resistance could have provoked his dad. IMO
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