Dylan Redwine Case Discussion Thread/Dylan's Remains Found

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How does finding all of Dylan mean its a decent burial ?

i would think its more about celebrating his life with his loved ones .

IMO - Dylan is dead and he does not now know what is going on . The same way before we was born we have no idea. Once you are gone you are gone and you don't need to bones to make it a respectful send off.

:cow: :cow:


Many others believe differently. MOO
This isn't directed at anyone in particular, but it's something that keeps popping into my head while reading here. People often say that they believe MR is guilty because they know someone just like him - and then proceed to explain the similarities. I find it ironic that so many men out there (and some women) are "just like him" but have never killed anyone. Wouldn't him being just like your old boss, neighbor, father, uncle, or brother-in-law's ex-wife's cousin's nephew who has never murdered anyone mean he's not as likely to kill someone as a person who is nothing like him but has murdered one or more people? Just a thought from a tired mind...


Absolutely confusion, I get ya. I know what you mean. I did say that MR reminds me of my x, but would I convict him based on that? No. It's just part of my own personal insight and experience. :)
Yes, sorry, meant Marc. :)

Tricia did an interview early on with Marc in this case. For those interested, it is in Tricia's archived shows (link here on WS). One of his main points iirc was that MR would not communicate with Elaine regarding their son being missing, which he thought was very cruel and suspicious behavoir.
I never understood what he was trying to imply. AFAIK, she is the head of the Student Loan Dept. at a prominent University. She was promoted to a better University, thus her move to Monument.

Do you have a link showing that it was a promotion? I thought she was head of Financial Services (I think) at one college and lost that job, so she got one where she is as Assistant Director of Finances or something along those lines. I also thought I had read that it was a slight cut in pay, but I don't remember where I saw it. TIA MOO
He doesn't like the learning aspect of school as he struggles, but he loves his teacher and the assistants. He gets invited to all the kids' parties and goes to them all, and joins in. He has been away with the school and loved it, so I don't think there are any problems there.... apart from him hating the actual work!

I think its because he is the youngest of my children - he's 8 (but comes across as younger) and his brothers range from 12 to 19, so I think he favours adults, as that is what he is used to He sees his 19 and 17 year old brothers, and their friends, as "adults", so I think its normal for him to veer to older people, rather than play with 8 year olds in the playground. At home he is always with his 12 and 14 year old brothers, so I think he might find the games of 8 year olds as being "too young" for him.

Well hope all goes well for you and him.
School years can be so hard!
This isn't directed at anyone in particular, but it's something that keeps popping into my head while reading here. People often say that they believe MR is guilty because they know someone just like him - and then proceed to explain the similarities. I find it ironic that so many men out there (and some women) are "just like him" but have never killed anyone. Wouldn't him being just like your old boss, neighbor, father, uncle, or brother-in-law's ex-wife's cousin's nephew who has never murdered anyone mean he's not as likely to kill someone as a person who is nothing like him but has murdered one or more people? Just a thought from a tired mind...


He reminds me very much of my uncle. They both speak 'word salad' in soothing tones. They both have that glassy eyed, unkempt look. Although my uncle never killed anyone physically, AFAIK, he did kill my soul, as he abused me sexually from age 5 to about 9. But he was a great liar and excuse maker and his threats were so frightening that I never told on him, until I was an adult.
He reminds me very much of my uncle. They both speak 'word salad' in soothing tones. They both have that glassy eyed, unkempt look. Although my uncle never killed anyone physically, AFAIK, he did kill my soul, as he abused me sexually from age 5 to about 9. But he was a great liar and excuse maker and his threats were so frightening that I never told on him, until I was an adult.

Speaking of E and her career...on the DP show, MR made a crack about E's career putting her in contact with...err...unsavory folks.

If it's off limits, ignore and/or cybersmack me, but just what is E's career? Her former career?

Yes I remember that!
I wonder what Unsavory folks he's referring to?
Do you have a link showing that it was a promotion? I thought she was head of Financial Services (I think) at one college and lost that job, so she got one where she is as Assistant Director of Finances or something along those lines. I also thought I had read that it was a slight cut in pay, but I don't remember where I saw it. TIA MOO

It was a 'promotion' because she moved to a better, more prestigious University. And she must not have been 'fired' from her other position or she would not have been quickly hired as Asst. Director of Financial Aid, in the larger university. imo.

People often take a cut in pay to move to a better longterm opportunity. [ I don't even know if she did take a cut, just answering your hypothetical.]
Lets see.

I have 4 versions regarding the polygraph from the NG show that Elaine stated.

4 completely different ones.

I have the various versions of how Dylan came to speak to the judge.

Should I continue?

Can you supply us with ALL four links please? I would like to see them all...........
Do you have a link showing that it was a promotion? I thought she was head of Financial Services (I think) at one college and lost that job, so she got one where she is as Assistant Director of Finances or something along those lines. I also thought I had read that it was a slight cut in pay, but I don't remember where I saw it. TIA MOO

I thought she moved from a smaller college to a larger college, and stayed in the same type of position/department. My impression was that it was a step up with far more opportunities, but afaik there is nothing in MSM about it. :moo::moo::moo:
Going by Mark's own words. He said Dylan was sullen and withdrawn and things were tense from the get go on his last visit.

And he admitted that he had not spoken with Dylan for months. Dylan was not replying to his texts or calls, apparently. So I call that rocky, imo.

One of the reasons Elaine moved was to get Dylan into a bigger, better school. Dylan appreciated the move according to some of the published articles, stating he got the attention of lots of girls in his new school. And there were a lot more sports opportunities in that larger school as well.

BBM, do you have some kind of link for that. I do not recall that being the reason she moved.
Yes I remember that!
I wonder what Unsavory folks he's referring to?

Seriously! Because the implication lay heavy in the air that she was like...a mob moll or something...someone who put Dylan in contact on a regular basis with people who would want to harm him.

Student loans, eh? Well...as a person who owes about a kabillion dollars* in student loans, I have to say that we student loan recipients are too dang poor...we can't afford "unsavory!"

*I shouldn't say that...if my dad's told me once, he's told me a thousand times not to exaggerate.
This isn't directed at anyone in particular, but it's something that keeps popping into my head while reading here. People often say that they believe MR is guilty because they know someone just like him - and then proceed to explain the similarities. I find it ironic that so many men out there (and some women) are "just like him" but have never killed anyone. Wouldn't him being just like your old boss, neighbor, father, uncle, or brother-in-law's ex-wife's cousin's nephew who has never murdered anyone mean he's not as likely to kill someone as a person who is nothing like him but has murdered one or more people? Just a thought from a tired mind...


Because there are a lot of people like him who HAVE killed someone-and in particular a member of their family. I don't know if every state has a yearly femicide report, but ours does, and it is easy to find online.

I also know a couple of someones just like him who have not killed anyone, but if either were ever accused of murder, I would never be able to say on their behalf that I wouldn't think them capable.

moo and all that.
Seriously! Because the implication lay heavy in the air that she was like...a mob moll or something...someone who put Dylan in contact on a regular basis with people who would want to harm him.

Student loans, eh? Well...as a person who owes about a kabillion dollars* in student loans, I have to say that we student loan recipients are too dang poor...we can't afford "unsavory!"

*I shouldn't say that...if my dad's told me once, he's told me a thousand times not to exaggerate.

LOL I hear you about the student loans!

I cant imagine who he was referring to. I don't think he did either!
It just rolled off his tongue!
And yet the guy gets criticized when he doesn't hand out posters, accused of not searching hard enough or not getting involved enough ...... yet when he wants to find all of his son's body to bury him decently, he's criticized for that? I guess he can't win.

If it was my child's bones out there, I can tell you I would be doing exactly the same. I wouldn't want any bit of him left, I would want him laid to rest respectfully, not left out in the open.

BBM: I would do the same thing. I wouldn't be able to bear the thought of part of my child being out there still. I would want as much of him as possible found and put in one place, not scattered all over a mountainside and always wonder every time I looked at it how much more of my child there was out there. jmo
<slightly o/t, I just want to recommend this thread for anyone who might feel they need a temporary break or moment of levity when the emotions, etc. get too tense here: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=213764"]http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=213764[/ame] / "How did we live without it?"

Here's a sample of a post: (If that doesn't make you smile, I don't know what will!)
I also can identify with this personality type. My 24 yo daughter has been living with a man for 2 years and their daughter recently turned one yo. A few months into the relationship my daughter had "fallen down the stairs" 3 times and "stopped breathing" (I suspect strangling) at least twice. In public this man comes off very well - handsome, intelligent and well spoken. However, whenever my daughter said something he didn't like, if a person was paying attention, you could see the non-verbal correction from him---dagger looks or getting her in a back room for warnings. After which she would go quiet. Which has evolved into her not being allowed to see family or friends at all. I am in constant fear for her life and my granddaughter's.

So like Confusion said, maybe its not fair for us to bring in our personal stories and try to relate personalities to players in this case. I totally get that. But its also how we notice when we see something that seems off kilter, by having experienced something or someone that strikes a ressonant chord. For instance, I saw the "eye daggers" that I experienced (above with my daughter's boyfriend) when Corey and Elaine said something that Mark didn't like on Dr. Phil. I felt that since he was in public, he had to control an outburst that would have happened had they been behind closed doors. Had I not seen something like it in my personal life, I probably would not have noticed.

So I guess what I'm saying is maybe it isn't fair to relate behaviors to our personal lives, but its awfully hard not too.
&#8220;Absent any clues, we owe it to Dylan to consider all possibilities,&#8221; Bender said. &#8220;We will continue to do so.&#8221;

None of Dylan&#8217;s belongings that could carry his scent was available in the first days of the investigation. But the family had articles of the boy&#8217;s clothing delivered on the weekend.

&#8220;We have the clothes,&#8221; Bender said Monday. &#8220;We don&#8217;t need them here (at the reservoir), but can use them later.&#8221;

Elaine Redwine doesn&#8217;t believe her son is a runaway because it wasn&#8217;t his nature and because he was happy at his new school in Colorado Springs where he entered eighth grade this fall.

&#8220;It&#8217;s no comfort that they didn&#8217;t find anything in the water today,&#8221; she said Monday. &#8220;But just looking for your little boy in a lake is horrific.&#8221;


Someone was asking upthread about the lack of scent articles for the dogs. See above^^^^
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