Dylan Redwine's father arrested in connection to son's death 22 July 2017

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(Eta: burning sage to cleanse all that awfulness, we lit candles for Dylan, what's the link, can someone please bump, tia?

Dylan's killer is finally behind bars. )

Ding dong the witch is dead!!

Eta: got a big chunk of sage over my device. :candle: trying to cleanse bad thread memories. Thank God for katy, I think we talked every night...Eta in fact I think it was Katy who, i dont know the word, inspired or made we wake up and see this awful reality. As a newbie...I was like no way someone could do that...
Yeah we have seen some psychos here. MR has been just been bumped up there imo.

Im so curious to ask Dr Bonn about a parent who potentially dismembers his own child...obviously WILL NOT Do tomorrow with Elaine in there!!!

If you do get an opportunity to ask Dr. Bonn about MR and his depravities etc please get back on here and let us know. I will not get the opportunity to pick a mind like Dr. Bonn and I will be fascinated to now.

I just love her!
I can't begin to comprehend where that sort of behaviour would come from, it was so uncalled for and horrific considering the trauma that was already being suffered. There must be a severe lack of empathy to do that to anyone.

I have my suspicions....
Indictment in Dylan Redwine's murder case details gruesome evidence found in father's home

"Anthropologists who studied the skull determined the injuries were consistent with blunt force trauma in two locations. The skull also had two small markings consistent with tool marks from a knife, which were performed not long after the boy had died, the indictment shows."

(I can't believe I'm typing this.)

ETA: There's got to be some kind of mistake here...:( I mean he's capable of killing his son obviously, but to dismember him also? That would put him in a different category...? When did he do that? That night? The next day when he "took a nap" while his son was supposedly missing? Or when he went to see his lawyer? Will he use that same lawyer? Gitana, so the lawyer might have known but couldn't say anything due to attorney client priviledge...is it possible for that confession if there is a confession to be used in court or no, protected? I have a million questions. Doesn't sound like they will need that confession anyway, if there is one, due to all the evidence...hard to process all of this even though we pretty much knew all this.

Did he say 99 percent of his son is scattered everywhere?

OMG I felt every pain as you described this, I even felt the waves of nausea.:( :grouphug:
Is this his new mugshot? He looks like a regular heavy drinker.

View attachment 120480

The father of 13-year-old Dylan Redwine, who went missing in 2012, was arrested in Washington state Saturday morning in connection with his son's death as authorities reveal the boy was killed after seeing 'compromising images' of his dad.

Dylan went missing after he was last seen on November 18, 2012. He was on a court-ordered visit with his father, Mark Redwine, in Colorado at the time.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-13-year-old-Dylan-Redwine.html#ixzz4nc7tlBvt

He was on a court-ordered visit with his father, Mark Redwine, in Colorado at the time.

I recall how angry we were with the Judge who ordered this fatal visitation between MR and DR even after Elaine pleaded for him not to be forced to go. Soon after Dylan's murder, the Judge retired with his decision that ended Dylan's life always with him. In my heart, I feel that as soon as the Judge ordered the visit, MR began planning and plotting how he would escape child support payments while at the same time hurt Elaine as much as anyone can be hurt when a mother's child is killed by its shi!!y father.

There was the matter of the child support payment that MR had conveniently written a check for but, had not mailed. Hail, no. He didn't intend to pay Elaine two cents in child support payments.

MR took Dylan to McDs for his final meal on the drive home from the airport. Then, he walked into WalMart on CCTV so we'd know Dylan arrived alive. MR was furious over the court filing he left on the table for DR to read. He blamed DR for this predicament and took the life of his son. Maybe he made sure DR knew why he was being killed.

MR hit his son's head hard with a blunt object twice. I hope it was from behind. Apparently, it happened while Dylan was on the sofa texting his buddies. He wanted to stay overnight with them but Mark said No. He had the premeditation to murder his young son that couldn't be interrupted.

During the tedious search of MRs home, CSI took apart the water connections to the washing machine at the wall, as well, as I recall, as evidence. If they had Mollie, the cadaver dog, hitting on the washing machine, and MRs clothes, and the bed of his truck, case closed!

Additionally, they have blood in several places and a few bones from the mountain terrain, yet they waited until they had the COD from the child's skull. Brilliance and patience on LEs part sealed MRs fate. He can dress however and eat whatever he finds in prison. If ever a death penalty case existed, this one fits the event.
(I'm sorry quick O/T question, have other dad's ever killed in dismembered their own son that you huys seen in a case...just wondering just hoooowwwwww messed up MR really is, I mean it's hard for him to be considered more messed uo than what he already is, but, from a forensic psychology perspective...I was just reading about tool marks while researching profiling on the FBI/BAU's site...)

I love her too. And I hope this brings her closure. And I don't mean that in a sense of her loss, because that isn't going away.

I just mean that if MR is convicted, she can go anywhere in the world and not worry about running into him, she will know he can't just show up at her house one day, she won't have to log into Facebook or turn her TV on and see him staging another offensive PR campaign for himself as if he's tracking down the "real killer," etc. She won't have to lay awake at night wracking her brain asking what else she could possibly do to keep the case alive, to find that one person or one piece of evidence that will finally be enough to start the wheels of justice moving. Same goes for Cory.
Wow - I am generally amazed as I had given up hope. It was obvious who was behind it and it must of been so frustrating for the family as time kept passing.
I was one of those people like RANCH who did not think for a long time that Mark murdered Dylan. However, about two years ago, I changed my mind. I even posted it in the Person of Interest thread.

I was wrong for a long time. I admit that. This case was always on my mind so eventually, in the course of reviewing what I knew about the case, all on my own, without having anyone else's opinion being forced down my throat or being attacked or ridiculed, or called names, I came to that conclusion.

Part of me 5 years ago did not want to believe that a parent could do what Mark did to his son. In the past 5 years there have been so many more cases of parents murdering their children, I guess I've wrapped my mind around it as a possibility now.

I did not call Elaine or Betsy any names here. So I don't owe any apologies. I will admit that because both were married and divorced from Mark, that there was no love loss and they might not be completely unbiased in their opinions. I was taking that into consideration.

I didn't give anyone else here a hard time because I was in the minority and usually ganged up on. I just wanted to figure out what happened to Dylan and have him come home, if he could.

I am thrilled there has been an arrest in the case and that Dylan will have justice. It's about time. Poor little thing had his whole life ahead of him and that jerk took it away from him because he hated his ex-wife so much, he would hurt her by killing their son.

Reading the indictment is heartbreaking, what that child suffered. It's sickening. And I truly hope and pray for his family to get the closure they need and to see that justice is done.
I can remember Elaine saying Mark backdated the last child support payment to the day that Dylan vanished/died.

It showed what kind of a person he was despite going on national tv and pretending he was Mr Wonderful.
May his soul rest in peace. While we have an arrest, we don't have a conviction. Not going to celebrate until we do. An arrest in this case is a HUGE step, but it means nothing without that guilty verdict.

Dylan's Mom said in the last interview I watched how Dylan had touched so many people in his 13yrs of life, and continues to touch people even after his death. I never knew Dylan, but I was nodding my head YES, he has touched us all, even though the majority only knew him after death.
Mark sure has aged in 5 yrs. Not sure if it was a combination of things, or a medical reason, or the fear of being arrested at any time, etc... I don't know. I watched most of the interviews tonight, and the lies just flowed so easily for him. Even under pressure at Dr. Phil, and he did look rough when hew as afraid of that lie detector, but he spewed those lies to Dr. Phil and the world so easily.
May his soul rest in peace. While we have an arrest, we don't have a conviction. Not going to celebrate until we do. An arrest in this case is a HUGE step, but it means nothing without that guilty verdict.

Dylan's Mom said in the last interview I watched how Dylan had touched so many people in his 13yrs of life, and continues to touch people even after his death. I never knew Dylan, but I was nodding my head YES, he has touched us all, even though the majority only knew him after death.

So true, but I'm sincerely hoping that the evidence is strong enough for a conviction. I just always wanted the right person to be brought to justice for it.

And I know Dylan touched my life. I lived, ate and breathed this case for years. I was devastated when his remains were found. I cried so hard. I would have rather believed his was squirreled away somewhere living a beautiful life.
Mark sure has aged in 5 yrs. Not sure if it was a combination of things, or a medical reason, or the fear of being arrested at any time, etc... I don't know. I watched most of the interviews tonight, and the lies just flowed so easily for him. Even under pressure at Dr. Phil, and he did look rough when hew as afraid of that lie detector, but he spewed those lies to Dr. Phil and the world so easily.

His behavior on that show was what in part got me to change my mind. Had he taken the test, that would have been one thing, but when he weaseled out of it, that was it for me. He's disgusting.
I would of loved to have been a fly on the wall when he got arrested as he is so arrogant he surely thought he had escaped justice and his evil plan to make Elaine suffer forever had worked.

I know she won't read this but I also want to say how Brave and Admirable Elaine has been though this entire ordeal. She has never given up hope and has fought for Dylan tirelessly and I have nothing but respect for her and her family.
Reading the indictment it seems incredible it took this long.

I wonder, if even given the evidence, the former DA still couldn't believe that Dylan's father had murdered his own son. Mark is a very smooth liar. How many people believed him?
I wonder, if even given the evidence, the former DA still couldn't believe that Dylan's father had murdered his own son. Mark is a very smooth liar. How many people believed him?

He isn't that smooth of a liar I don't think. You could spot his lies a mile off and his hatred of Elaine spoke volumes as it was never about Dylan it was all about her in Marks mind.

Also with blood found in the house did somebody go in and kill Dylan and then frame Mark?

Actually knowing what a vile human being he is that will be his stance on trial you can see it now. Elaine went in murdered Dylan and then planned to frame him and it worked. That's how pathetic he is that I can see it happening.
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