Dylan Redwine's father arrested in connection to son's death 22 July 2017

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Well, fight extradition all you want, you are still going to end up in CO, tried for murder and convicted to prison for the rest of your miserable life.
“The skull had two small markings consistent with tool marks from a knife….”

That is so twisted. What does it mean? It sounds like that evil $%#^@ carved something into Dylan’s head. Did he carve his initials into Dylan's skull? Did he carve a cross into his skull?

May God comfort Elaine and her husband, Dylan's brother, and Dylan's friends.

No, it most likely means that he severed the head and this process left marks consistent with such a process of cutting off a head with a knife.
“The skull had two small markings consistent with tool marks from a knife….”

That is so twisted. What does it mean? It sounds like that evil $%#^@ carved something into Dylan’s head. Did he carve his initials into Dylan's skull? Did he carve a cross into his skull?

May God comfort Elaine and her husband, Dylan's brother, and Dylan's friends.

The way I understood it from the affidavit, Mark severed or attempted to sever Dylan's head immediately after his death, dumped his body, and returned later and moved the skull higher up on the mountain because he knew the skull would tell the story. He was counting on the skull not being found.
It's such a shame that Mark cared more about Elaine and ruining her life than love for his son.

I know police believe he didn't plan this but I have always felt it was somehow his plan. Even his truck driver buddie confirmed it was more about "his ex wife" than his son.
He said that Redwine talked about Dylan quite a bit on their latest trip as well.

“Songs we were listening to on the road reminded him of his son,” Ramirez said. “He was talking about looking for his son. You know, they were going to go through a search party for him…next month, for about a week-long search.”
Could he possibly be laying the groundwork for an insanity defense? He's knewn for some time that he is a "person of interest" and might actually be charged in the future...is he trying to act delusional, or as if he has no memory of what went on?

The La Plata County jail and courthouse are very small, I can't imagine how either could accommodate a case that has garnered so much nationwide interest. I think there might be concerns among the police about being able to ensure MR's safety in jail, too - it was not intended as a place for longterm incarceration or high-level security of the kind an inmate like MR would require. And then there's the problem of finding an impartial jury pool. If MR were to be extradited to La Plata County, he would have to be held for weeks-to-months during the pretrial negotiations. The logistics of all of this must be staggering for law enforcement. I think MR's lawyer(s) will probably try to have the case moved to Denver, and it will be a long time before the trial actually begins.
The way I understood it from the affidavit, Mark severed or attempted to sever Dylan's head immediately after his death, dumped his body, and returned later and moved the skull higher up on the mountain because he knew the skull would tell the story. He was counting on the skull not being found.


Thanks for your post... I think. :(

I hope Dylan was dead before the (alleged) cutting began. Wouldn't put it past this demented man to inflict as much pain as possible.

Hope the outcome of the trial will result in MR dying in prison --after miserable existence at the hands of other prisoners !
Can we share the alleged photo mentioned in the indictment?

That is one for the mods to decide. I'd be very careful, it would need to be printed in MSM to provide an acceptable source. It's graphic content might make that a no no.
BBM - Interesting...

July 24, 2017
Dylan Redwine’s mother: ‘It was such a senseless crime’


In an interview Saturday, La Plata County Sheriff Sean Smith said it was a “cumulative” effort that led to Redwine’s arrest, including recent developments, which he declined to expound upon.


I wonder if we will learn today what the recent developments are.
I have some difficulty believing Dylan was murdered over photos that as gross as they are-- wouldn't put MR in prison or anything else ( it's not illegal to have stupid fetishes,as long as no people are being abused, correct?) ?
My .02 at this time is that MR wanted to hurt Dylan's mom in the worst way possible.
I have some difficulty believing Dylan was murdered over photos that as gross as they are-- wouldn't put MR in prison or anything else ( it's not illegal to have stupid fetishes,as long as no people are being abused, correct?) ?
My .02 at this time is that MR wanted to hurt Dylan's mom in the worst way possible.

I agree. While the issue of the photos may have triggered Mark I have no doubt Mark intended to kill Dylan. No more child support issues and hurt Elaine and Cory in the most horrific way possible. IMO
I have some difficulty believing Dylan was murdered over photos that as gross as they are-- wouldn't put MR in prison or anything else ( it's not illegal to have stupid fetishes,as long as no people are being abused, correct?) ?
My .02 at this time is that MR wanted to hurt Dylan's mom in the worst way possible.

I don't think Dylan was murdered 'because' of the pictures. I do agree that MR wanted to hurt Elaine and was obsessed with his hatred towards her.

But I do believe the pictures were possibly a trigger point for the arguments and anger between Dylan and MR. I think Dylan may have confronted his Dad about the pictures. And voiced his anger/confusion---which may have triggered MR's violence.
I don't think Dylan was murdered 'because' of the pictures. I do agree that MR wanted to hurt Elaine and was obsessed with his hatred towards her.

But I do believe the pictures were possibly a trigger point for the arguments and anger between Dylan and MR. I think Dylan may have confronted his Dad about the pictures. And voiced his anger/confusion---which may have triggered MR's violence.

Yes I think Mark wouldn't let Dylan stay with his friends that night and Dylan probably lashed out being a kid.
Question for Ginata.

In a couple of cases I have followed, I have strongly considered that some folks who *could* testify perhaps went on media, knowing that if they did they would NOT be called by either the prosecution nor the defense. (e.g. one person on the Jodi Arias case that comes to mind) That perhaps they *wanted* to get kicked off by both as to testifying, and that they would become *tainted* witnesses.

Do you think that this happens often without consideration by the parties talking to the media?

How often do you think this happens purposefully to *get out* of testifying in your experience of your cases or others here at WS?
Gee whiz, call me old-fashioned but back in my day, a fetish meant that someone was into S&M or feet or whatever. This unspeakable aberration that MR was allegedly involved with isn't so much a fetish to me as it is a manifestation of extreme, dangerous-level narcissism coupled with hard-wiring for sociopathic or psychopathic tendencies.

Do we know if MR had actual hard-copy pics lying around of his sick hobbies or were the images discovered on an electronic device?
Also, I vote NO THANK YOU on ever seeing the actual images. :puke:
I know I'm in the minority here, but I can believe it wasn't planned ahead of time, at least not totally. Mark seems so narcissistic, I think he may have believed he could charm Dylan into deciding to move back with him. When Dylan not only refused, but said he didn't even want to visit and why, to the type of person Mark appears to be, that could be enough to make him completely lose it and kill him. It's also possible that he had planned to give him the choice and murder him if he said no, but I doubt he'll ever be honest about what his true intentions were. Whether it was premeditated or not, I still think he deserves the maximum sentence they can give him. MOO
Gee whiz, call me old-fashioned but back in my day, a fetish meant that someone was into S&M or feet or whatever. This unspeakable aberration that MR was allegedly involved with isn't so much a fetish to me as it is a manifestation of extreme, dangerous-level narcissism coupled with hard-wiring for sociopathic or psychopathic tendencies.

Do we know if MR had actual hard-copy pics lying around of his sick hobbies or were the images discovered on an electronic device?
Also, I vote NO THANK YOU on ever seeing the actual images. :puke:

The story, as I remember it, was that the boys, [Dylan and his older brother] were looking for vacation pictures that they had taken with their father. They were looking for them on their father's computer, and they were shocked when they saw pictures of him wearing diapers, eating feces, wearing women's clothing, etc.

I cannot even imagine how my son would have felt , seeing something that shocking/perverted of his father. He would have been devastated. :eek:
I know I'm in the minority here, but I can believe it wasn't planned ahead of time, at least not totally. Mark seems so narcissistic, I think he may have believed he could charm Dylan into deciding to move back with him. When Dylan not only refused, but said he didn't even want to visit and why, to the type of person Mark appears to be, that could be enough to make him completely lose it and kill him. It's also possible that he had planned to give him the choice and murder him if he said no, but I doubt he'll ever be honest about what his true intentions were. Whether it was premeditated or not, I still think he deserves the maximum sentence they can give him. MOO

I agree with you. I believe this narcissist had thought about killing Dylan, maybe both boys, many times already. He thought about it when he thought of ways to devastate his ex wife. That seemed like the ultimate revenge. What is worse than that?

And I agree with you that the controlling evil nature of this psychopath would be the type that would plan it out in his head, that IF Dylan agreed to badmouth his mother, profess his undying love and devotion to his father, promise to live with him all summer, maybe support him in court when he files suit against Mom,---maybe THEN, Dylan can stay alive.

I can not even think about what that poor sweet child went through after they left Walmart.
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