Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Jury Trial - discussion *GUILTY*

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Just want to thank you YesorNo!...been trying to follow this trial and you make it so much easier!
Graphic Testimony Marks Boston Marathon Bombing Trial So Far

"NPR's Arun Rath speaks with reporter Tovia Smith on the defense strategy so far and what to expect as the trial continues..."

Official: Gun Shows Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Played Greater Role in Bombing and Aftermath

After Bombing, Shooting, and Carjacking, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Didn’t Shoplift

Defense in Marathon Bombing Has Echo of Clarence Darrow

Tsarnaev Brothers Go From Calm To Panicked In 2 Seconds (VIDEO)

Tsarnaev Judge Declines to Dismiss Charges

"In a formal filing in court late Friday, the judge in the trial of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev declined to dismiss charges because of alleged jury pool bias..."
Should Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Testify In Own Defense? Experts Debate Pros And Cons

"..."The prosecution is going to try to demonize him, so the defense has to try to humanize him," said James Acker, death penalty specialist and professor at the State University of New York in Albany. "It would be very hard to do that effectively without putting Tsarnaev on the witness stand."...

Pam Smart, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and Cameras in the Courtroom
Thanks so much YESorNO for posting the tweets!

I've been following a different journalist (only one) that's covering the trial. I always like reading the different tweets from other reporters to see what different pieces of testimony they pick up. I do believe he's guilty.

I can't recall if this link was posted already, but this is the link to the exhibits that are released to the public each day from the court:
9ish minute video released by the court showing Tsarnaev brothers movement around the marathon the day of the bombings.

You can see Dzhokhar drop his shoulder to sit down the backpack when he arrives in front of the Forum restaurant, just behind where the Martin family is standing.

The video stops at the moment of the 2nd blast.

Incredible. I remember seeing parts of this compilation back then and I was amazed that all of this information was put together in less than 6 days!
I hope all the people who have been adamant that these two are innocent have been keeping up with the evidence that has been released.

I can't look at the footage without feeling strong hate. Hate is such an ugly emotion that I am not proud of. But these two are pure evil IMO.
Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 4h 4 hours ago
We were just told by a court official that there will be a delay in the proceedings this morning @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 4h 4 hours ago
We know that the government is expected to focus on the Watertown shootout & manhunt this week @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 4h 4 hours ago
Day 7 of #Tsarnaev trial begins w/ delay of at least 30 mins. Judge's decisions r under seal, but today starts Watertown phase of evidence.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 4h 4 hours ago
Remember: the judge still hasn't ruled publicly whether/if jurors will visit the boat in which #Tsarnaev was found hiding.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 4h 4 hours ago
With that in mind, you can make a reasonable guess as to why court will have a delayed start today. #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 4h 4 hours ago
The judge has still not made a *public* decision on whether the jury will view the boat #Tsarnaev hid inside during the manhunt @NECN

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 4h 4 hours ago
So at this point we don't know what time testimony will begin this morning in the marathon bombings trial @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 4h 4 hours ago
There is Homeland Security near the Black Falcon Pier where a lot of evidence was stored in the #Tsarnaev trial @NECN


Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 4h 4 hours ago
We understand the jury is back from a brief tour of the Watertown boat. Hopefully we will learn more in court this morning @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Court confirming: lawyers, judge and jury went to see the boat in person, as was requested by #Tsarnaev defense team.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Govt prosecutors had wanted the jury to see only the panels on which #Tsarnaev had written his note.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 4h 4 hours ago
The court says "This morning the Court, jury and parties in the Tsarnaev trial viewed the boat at an offsite location." @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
The #Tsarnaev jury spent half an hour viewing the #Watertown boat the Slip Away II @NECN

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
In an unexpected development, the judge secretly picked 2 reporters (one from WBUR and one from AP) to view the boat along with jury.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Three sketch artists also accompanied the surprise boat tour; no video or photography was allowed. #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Dzhokhar #Tsarnaev was there with his attorneys Watkins, Clarke & Bruck, sitting under a white pop up tent @NECN

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
#Tsarnaev watched the jurors as they toured the boat that he hid inside in Watertown, he showed little reaction @NECN

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
This morning's tour was under "high security", incl. MSP and US Marshals and lasted 30 minutes.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
#Tsarnaev himself was present for the tour, along with his lawyers. We are told he sat there "impassively", under a pop-up tent.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Tour began around 8:20am.
Pool reporters have been forbidden from saying where the boat was; only an "undisclosed South Boston location"

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
The boat was brought to an undisclosed location in South Boston where jurors looked at the physical evidence, writings @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
First jurors walked around the boat, then they were put on a lift in groups of two with an FBI agent to see inside it @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Boat itself was on a trailer; judge told jurors to take their time, make observations about "physical evidence" incl. writing, bullet holes.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Jurors walked around the boat, then allowed to ride a modified forklift, with an FBI agent, to see boat from above. Jurors went 2 at a time.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Pool reporters say there were at least 110 bullet holes on the #Watertown boat @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
At least 110 bullet holes can be seen on the boat; they were found on starboard and port sides; on the stern as well. #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Pool reporters say the #Tsarnaev boat note also includes a section CARVED into a wooden rail; we haven't seen that.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Carvings read in part: "Stop killing our innocent civilians".
Pool reporters think that carved section may be brought into courtroom.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Pool reporters saw evidence tape with evidence marker numbers up to # 207 @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
There were 2 vertical brown streaks of blood & jurors could faintly see the writing @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Writing was on the starboard side of the boat, as described by pool reporters. #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Jurors brought their notebooks with them and documented what they saw during their 1/2 hour tour, accd to pool.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Pool reporters were told there were also wood slats that had been removed from the boat in which a message had been carved @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
It sounds like the wooden slats will be brought into the courtroom for jurors to see up close @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
That carved part of the note includes the message, "stop killing innocent civilians" @NECN #Tsaranev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Pool reporters say the jurors seemed to be most struck by the sheer number of bullet holes in the boat @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
The writing on the boat was very faded, blood also faded after nearly 2 years in storage @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Pool: #Tsarnaev was not shackled or restrained when he was at this scene; security around him remained tight, they explain.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Floor of boat is "covered with debris".

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
There were also 12-15 trash bags with biohazard tags on them, unclear what's inside @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
#Tsarnaev is in court in a black suit jacket and light brown v-neck shirt, light brown slacks @NECN

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
We are all assembling back in courtroom 9, after the pool report briefing of the boat tour.
Testimony will resume soon.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
#Tsarnaev was allowed to come to the boat viewing this morning, as the jury saw the Slipaway II @NECN

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
#Tsarnaev enters court wearing a new black jacket and a tight olive T-shirt underneath.
Takes usual seat between Conrad & Clarke.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
The jury has been brought into court and testimony is about to begin for the 7th day of the #Tsarnaev trial @NECN
Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
The first government witness of the day is Watertown police officer Joseph Reynolds @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Jury here; Govt. calls Watertown police officer Joseph Reynolds as its 52nd witness.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds reported for work at 11:45pm on 4/18.
Earlier that day, he recalls seeing TV news coverage of marathon bombers' photos.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
#Watertown police chief Ed Deveau is here in court today as his officers testify; he's been here every day of trial so far. #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says as he was getting ready for his overnight shift he saw that MIT Officer Sean Collier had been shot @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says he had also seen that the FBI had released photos of the marathon bombings suspects @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
At work that night, Reynolds hears report of a black SUV that's on the streets, had been carjacked from someone.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
SUV is "pinged" to Dexter Ave in Watertown; Reynolds is only about 100 yards away; he rushed there immediately he says.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says at 12:28am they received a dispatch that there was a carjacking in Cambridge @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says dispatch put out a BOLO (be on the lookout) for the black Mercedes SUV that had been stolen @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds spots the Mercedes SUV; also sees a green Honda Civic right in front of it.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds was on patrol, says he learned the stolen vehicle had pinged to Dexter Ave, he was about 100 yards from Dexter @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds went to the area the car pinged & eventually located the stolen Mercedes @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says he saw a green Honda Civic with the black Mercedes SUV behind it @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds passes the SUV slowly, "we locked eyes with each other" he says of himself and the driver of the SUV.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds did not recognize the driver at the time; it was Tamerlan, he testifies.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says he locked eyes with the driver of the Mercedes, he was driving about 5-10 mph @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says he turned around & started to follow the vehicle, radioed to dispatch that he had located the stolen Mercedes @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds starts to follow SUV, calls dispatch to let them know he's found the carjacked vehicle.
SUV turns onto Laurel St.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says he turned around & started to follow the vehicle, radioed to dispatch that he had located the stolen Mercedes @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says he was told to wait for backup to approach them, he says they sped up & turned onto Laurel St @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: the SUV stopped in the middle of the street, green Honda Civic is driving in front of SUV.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: That's when Tamerlan started shooting at my cruiser, walking towards me. He got out of his car and shot at my cruiser.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says both the Honda & Mercedes stopped. Tamerlan got out of the SUV & began shooting at his cruiser @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds was only 5-10 yards away when Tamerlan allegedly started shooting directly at him @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: I ducked behind my dashboard and put it in reverse, went back about 30 yards.
Called in, "shots fired shots fired"

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Using my driver's side door as cover, I exchanged gunfire with Tamerlan.
"All I could see was muzzle flashes," Reynolds says.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says he was using his driver side door for cover, returned gunfire in Tamerlan's direction @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: "It was non-stop," he says of the shots Tamerlan fired at him.
A sgt. arrives on scene as backup.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says Sgt. MacLellan arrived, let his car roll forward, Reynolds used his car as cover @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds sees his sgt run into a nearby yard.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: I followed sgt to the side yard of a nearby house; very narrow area, he says. Bushes, a small tree, plastic fence.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says he saw Sgt. MacLellan run to a sideyard, he followed, they used a small tree for cover @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: I could see 2 men, muzzle flashes, and a lighter being lit, then what looked like a wick burning.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: "I could see a lighter being lit & what looks like a wick burning, I didn't see who threw it" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says at least 4 pipe bombs were thrown in their direction, 3 of them exploded on Laurel St, gunfire continued @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
The item was thrown towards us and it exploded in the middle of Laurel Street. Both suspects hiding behind black SUV now.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says amid muzzle flashes, he saw a larger type bomb being thrown at them @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: "I said run Sarge, run, run run" grabbed him and ran - as pressure cooker bomb was thrown @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds:"it shook me to my knees my ears were ringing I could hear car alarms going off..I could feel debris landing on me" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Asked how many bullets were fired at him, Reynolds said, "For eight minutes, it felt like hundreds" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: "It was a long gun battle, approximately 8-9 minutes" and the suspects threw several more bombs at us. I think 2 of them exploded.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: "I could see ... a larger-type bomb being thrown at us. It was a cylinder, almost like a big cooking pot, a big pan."

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: "I said, 'run, sarge, run run run!!!"
I didn't know if he'd seen the last bomb.
"It shook me to my knees, my ears were ringing."

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
That big bomb sets of car alarms, neighborhood shakes, there are "little pebbles" of debris raining down on them.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says 2 more officers arrived, a Sgt. went through the yards to come up behind Tamerlan @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Tamerlan had come out from behind cover of the SUV & had gone into a driveway, exchanging fire, Tamerlan charged Reynolds @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
#Tsarnaev seems to be looking at Reynolds once in a while, as he testifies he used every one of his bullets that night.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: 2 more officers arrive on scene, even as suspects keep shooting, about 50 yards away from us.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
One sgt runs thru the private yards to "flank" the suspects, surprising them from the side.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: Tamerlan comes out from behind cover, goes into driveway, starts shooting.
"I got down on 1 knee," trying to shoot him.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: I thought I had a good shot on him and hoped "I could end the threat" he says.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says as Tamerlan ran toward him, Sgt. Pugliese was able to tackle him from behind. @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: "Tamerlan started running towards me."
Reynolds runs, another sgt tackles Tamerlan from behind.
3 of us tried to subdue Tamerlan.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds & the other officers were wrestling with Tamerlan to try to put him in handcuffs @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: "all the sudden I could hear an engine revving, I said get up, get up, he's coming right towards us!" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: Tamerlan was wrestling us, we couldn't get cuffs on him, "he was a big kid"
Then I hear an engine revving up.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: I screamed, get up get up he's coming right towards us!
It is the Mercedes bearing down on the men.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says he fired on the windshield, unsure if he struck Dzhokhar, but SUV kept going @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: I shot at the SUV, think I hit the windshield.
All the cops ran out of the way, one tried to pull Tamerlan out of the road.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says they tried to pull Tamerlan out of the path of the SUV, but "he kept going & ran over his brother" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says the SUV caught Tamerlan in the wheel well and dragged him about 50 yards @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: Tamerlan was run over by the Mercedes, got stuck in rear wheel well.
"He kept going, right over his brother," he says.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Wow. Reynolds and #Tsarnaev just locked eyes for an intense few seconds after Reynolds was asked to ID him in court.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Tamerlan eventually gets "dislodged" from SUV, officers shoot at SUV as it tried to escape, even hitting a Watertown police car.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says the SUV then struck Reynolds' cruiser but was able to get away and drove off @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says even after being run over & dragged by the SUV Tamerlan was fighting them, eventually they cuffed him @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: we cuffed Tamerlan and radioed for an ambulance.
Then I could hear "officer down, officer down!"

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: "at that point I could hear officer down, officer down!" He says he grabbed his medic bag and ran over to him @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says Officer Dic Donohue was bleeding badly in a driveway on Dexter Ave @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: I located officer Dic Donohue in one of the driveways; he was alive, but "there was a lot of blood".

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds grabs his medic bag to help assist Donohue; performed 'rescue breaths' with a device.
He appeared "that he was dying".

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says he was leaning over Donohue doing rescue breaths, "he appeared that he was dying" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says of Donohue "he would just look right through you, you could tell he was dying" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds: Donohue was talking, but stopped.
I kept saying, you're gonna be fine.
"You could tell that he was probably going to die soon."

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds screams frantically for ambulance; officers grab Donohue & carry him into ambulance.
-"How did he appear at that point?"
- "Dead."

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Reynolds says they rushed him to an ambulance, he thought Donohue was dead @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Prosecution is done with Reynolds. Defense attorney Tim Watkins begins cross examination @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Cross examination from Tim Watkins.

- You now know that Officer Donohue didn't die?
- "Thankfully."

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Watkins gets Reynolds to agree that Officer Dic Donohue didn't die. "He survived luckily" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Watkins: "it was Tamerlan with the gun at that point?" Reynolds: "yes." Watkins: "it was Tamerlan who ran toward you?" Yes. @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Watkins: Tamerlan had the gun when he got out of Mercedes and started shooting?
Reynolds: Yes.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
- It was Tamerlan shooting and who ran towards you?
- Yes.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
on re-direct: could either of the brothers been shooting you at some point that night?
- "yes."

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Cross done. Government simply asks if Reynolds didn't know which brother was shooting the entire time. He agrees & he's done @NECN #Tsarnaev
Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Next government witness is Sgt. John MacLellan, a night patrol supervisor with Watertown police. @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
That's it for Reynolds.

Night Supervisor Sgt. John Maclellan from #Watertown PD is next.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Maclellan: I never had to shoot my weapon in all my years of service before that night.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan says he never had to use his gun before the night of April 18, 2013 @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong retweeted
Peter Wilson @PetesWire · 3h 3 hours ago
Officer Reynolds.


Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan: Streets were quite that night when we got the call for the carjacked Mercedes in Watertown.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan says they had been made aware at roll call that there had been an officer shot in a "robbery" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan tells Officer Reynolds - be careful because we think there's a gun in that SUV. Wait for backup before pulling it over.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan got the same BOLO on the stolen Mercedes SUV, says he was told it pinged to Watertown on Dexter @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan shows jurors on a map the tight residential neighborhood where this shootout took place @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong retweeted
Peter Wilson @PetesWire · 3h 3 hours ago
Sgt. MacLellan


Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan said he heard Reynolds on the radio headed toward Dexter, MacLellan told him there was a gun & wait for backup @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan saw the Mercedes take a left onto Laurel, Reynolds behind it, "I said ok Joe I'm right behind ya, light 'em up" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan says Reynolds didn't have a chance to turn on his lights @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan: I arrived on scene to see someone firing a weapon on Officer Reynolds.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan uses a touchscreen over an aerial map of this Watertown neighborhood to show jurors where everything happened.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan: I saw suspects moving around in front of the Mercedes. Headlights were on, shining on them.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan: I could hear shots being fired, a round went thru my windshield, I got sprayed with glass.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan: When I came around the corner, Reynolds was in reverse, I saw someone beyond him, firing on him @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan says the #Tsarnaev brothers moved around a lot, in front of the car, aside of the Mercedes @NECN

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Government gets MacLellan to agree that the cruiser headlights & Mercedes headlights were shining on the #Tsarnaev brothers @NECN

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan says as Reynolds put the car in reverse he yelled over the radio "shots fired!" MacLellan repeated it 3 times @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
MacClellan: I could hear shots being fired, a round went through my windshield & I was sprayed with glass...not hit though @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan: "I let the vehicle go & I stepped to the side of it for cover & tried to throw some rounds down range" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan says he was firing as the car advanced, was taking on gunfire as well @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan also uses his driver's side door, using it and motor of vehicle as shield; tried to get his rifle but couldn't.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan: I made decision to put my car in drive, cause a diversion, let it roll to by myself some time.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan: Shots were being fired at my the whole time; I was firing back.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan's car comes to rest right across street from where Mercedes was.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan shows jurors where he hid behind a tree & kept firing as his car kept rolling as suspects @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan: "They were throwing explosives, the 1st one landed on the other side of my cruiser, it did explode" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan: I thought they were throwing M-80s at us, because the first explosion "really wasn't that impressive".

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan: I saw 2 suspects; I noticed one was bigger than the other and they had different styles of how they threw the devices.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan demonstrates for jurors, "one was throwing like a baseball & the other one was being thrown like a hook shot" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan now stands in the witness box to show how 1 #Tsarnaev brother threw like a baseball, the other like a "hookshot".

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
He says Tamerlan threw like a baseball, Dzhokhar had the hookshot Sgt. MacLellan explains, taking his seat again.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
One of the bombs did not go off, he says.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan IDs #Tsarnaev in court as the brother who threw two of the three bombs.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan says Dzhokhar was throwing like a hook shot, says he threw the 2nd & 3rd bombs, points him out in court @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan on the larger bomb: "it was incredible, it was horrendous, very loud, a lot of debris, debris rained down" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
When the pressure cooker bomb off, he says it was "horrendous". He had to re-holster his weapon to collect his head, he says; chaos.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan is now reviewing photos taken by neighbors that night; similar to those taht have been seen in our TV coverage.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Jurors are now seeing two figures in the dark, in front of the SUV with its lights on, shining on them @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan & Reynolds both identified the men in front of the SUV as the #Tsarnaev brothers @NECN

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
The jury has seen a number of Google image photos of Laurel St, now looking as a diagram with the Mercedes & police cars @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
That image shows the #Tsarnaev brothers standing on Laurel Street.

im Armstrong retweeted
Peter Wilson @PetesWire · 3h 3 hours ago
Here are a couple from shootout.
Credit: Andrew Kitzenberg


Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
MacLellan is now reviewing Google images of the neighborhood as well as an aerial diagram of the streets, to orient jurors. #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan is showing the jury where the bombs thrown at them landed, very close to the tree they were hiding behind @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan: "To me there were simultaneously flashes coming towards us" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan: "I remember there were two handguns being shot at me; I saw simultaneously two flashes" coming at me.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan admits the second flashes he saw might have been lighters igniting the bombs.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan says he remembers "two hand guns being shot at me" says it could have been a gun & lighter at the same time @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan says 2 bombs thrown at them did not explode, the rest did @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan: "I was standing in the middle of the street, I had an empty weapon at the time" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan: dozens of rounds were fired at me; that night it felt like hundreds.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan's weapon is empty Tamerlan comes towards him.
He thinks T might have bomb strapped to him, when another sgt tackles T.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
They try to handcuff Tamerlan and try to find out if he's got a bomb, then they hear Dzhokhar coming towards them in Mercedes.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan says he didn't see anything in Tamerlan's hands, thought he might have had a bomb strapped on him @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan says he "could hear the grinding of gears, you could hear the vehicle turning around, it was coming towards us" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan: it was a violent hit when the SUV struck Tamerlan, the car was bouncing around, the body was pushed out @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan: He was coming at us, 35-40 MPH. We jumped off Tamerlan, vehicle struck Tamerlan in violent fashion, kept going.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan: it was a violent hit when the SUV struck Tamerlan, the car was bouncing around, the body was pushed out @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan: "There was a lot of commotion, people screaming, car alarms going off, someone said Sarge one of ours is down" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan: Tamerlan's body gets stuck, then the SUV hits a cruiser.
At that point, body becomes dislodged. Benz takes off.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan next hears: "Sarge, one of ours is down! We need help!"

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan says officer Tim Menton was trying to provide pressure to Officer Dic Donohue's wound, was having a hard time @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong retweeted
Carl Stevens @carlwbz · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan: Jahar drove off in the stolen Mercedes after driving over his brother: "He was just gone." #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan gets to Donohue scene; there is blood pouring out of his injury.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Jury now seeing an image showing MacLellan and other officer trying to restrain Tamerlan #Tsarnaev in middle of the street.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
The is no visible reaction from Dzhokhar as the jury is shown a photo & a close up of Tamerlan's blood in the road @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan agrees there was ample room for Dzhokhar to drive by them without striking Tamerlan @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan draws a circle around that spot; it is grainy and hard to see in this photo.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Next pic: Officer Reynolds' SUV, debris in front of it.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Tamerlan's blood on the street in front of Reynold's vehicle in this photo.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Weinreb: could #Tsarnaev have avoided you all in the street just by swerving?
MacLellan: Yes.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan & jury now seeing photos of the 2 devices thrown at him that night, but that did not explode (pipe bombs).

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
The jury is now seeing photos of MacLellan's cruiser where it ended up against some parked cars & trash bin @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan points out the tree he & Reynolds took cover behind - it looks pretty small @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Next photos: the scene, day after. Investigators, tiny yellow evidence markers litter the street.
MacLellan's ruined cruiser.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
His SUV's side window, blown out by one of the explosions; also, the hole in his windshield.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Jury is seeing photos of MacLellan's cruiser with a smashed out window & 2 bullet holes - 1 right to the windshield @NECN #Tsarnaev
Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
As #Tsarnaev sees these photos, his left arm is slung back over his chair, he scratches his hair & then talks to atty Miriam Conrad @NECN

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Officer Dic Donohue is in court this morning to hear this testimony.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan: I couldn't tell which of the #Tsarnaev brothers was firing at what times that night.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan on large bomb: "my eyes were shaking violently in my head, I couldn't see...I was afraid I was going to be killed" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
"My eyes were shaking violently in my head; I couldn't see straight. I was still being shot at," MacLellan describes again pressure cooker.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Prosecution is done with MacLellan, defense attorney Tim Watkins begins cross examination @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Cross examination by defense attorney Tim Watkins now.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Watkins begins by revisiting one of the aerial maps of the scene earlier described by Sgt. MacLellan.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Defense points out on the government diagram the Mercedes is not shown. It was of the aftermath so SUV was gone @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Defense questions MacLellan on the timeline of when he learned officer Donohue was injured @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
MacLellan looks at map where Donohue was, it was on corner of Laurel St. Defense questions if it was further around corner @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Watkins: you heard 'officer down' after the Mercedes was gone from the scene and Tamerlan was on the street?
- I can't be sure.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Watkins introduces photo evidence of the 2 brothers on Laurel Street; MacLellan says he can't tell them apart in picture.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Defense just showed close up shadowy shot of the two brothers in Watertown, MacLellan says he can't tell which one is which @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Defense: did you become aware a BB gun was found at the scene? Govt objects, but judge allows MacLellan says he'd heard that @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Watkins: you knew that a BB gun and a handgun were found at the scene?
- Yes
- And a BB gun doesn't have a muzzle flash?
- Right.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Defense asks if MacLellan is aware there's no muzzle flash with a BB gun. MacLellan says yes. He's done. @NECN #Tsarnaev
Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Next government witness is Watertown Police Sgt. Jeffrey Pugliese. @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese is a Watertown native, 35 years on the force.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese worked 330p-12a the night of 4/18.
He hears on radio that an MIT officer has been shot.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Sgt. Pugliese says at about 10pm on April 18, 2013 he was writing a report when he heard an MIT officer had been shot @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese says he was about to leave work, when Lt. found him & said he'd inadvertently deleted his report, he looked for it @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese says he gave up after 40 mins & went to leave. He heard that the stolen Mercedes had been pinged in Watertown @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese next hears about a carjacking; this is the end of his shift, he's still in uniform.
He hears Reynolds has found the carjacked SUV

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese decided to go to Dexter street scene is his own car, just to be "an extra set of eyes" in case the carjackers ran away.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese says he decided to ride in that direction in his personal car "I figured I'd be an extra set of eyes" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese says he didn't know who the suspects were. When he heard the officers were under fire, he did 70-80mph there @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
He didn't know who suspects were, then the radio goes off - shots are being fired at his fellow officers.

im Armstrong retweeted
Peter Wilson @PetesWire · 2h 2 hours ago
Watertown Sgt. Jeffrey Pugliese
Credit: @EdwardPDeveau


Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese says he parked on Dexter Ave just prior to Laurel. "I opened the sliding door put my (bulletproof) vest back on" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese arrived on scene "I could hear the gunshots & I heard an explosion at this point" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese now showing jurors his path that night, on a touchscreen map of Laurel Street.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese says he met up with the other officers who said "Sarge get down" said they were being fired on @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
"Sarge sarge, get down, they're shooting at us," his men shouted to Pugliese when he arrived.
Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Watertown police were shouting to suspects, "give it up! give it up!"

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese says he saw muzzle flashes coming from both sides of the SUV @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese says behind the second house a man ran, he radioed for help, unsure he was a suspect or resident fleeing @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
That man turned out to be a resident fleeing. Pugliese continued through back yards @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: I could hear gunshots and see what I thought were muzzle flashes coming from both sides of the vehicle.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: I could tell my men were "pinned down" so I wanted to flank the suspects to protect the officers' lives; I cut through backyards.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: "I heard a loud explosion...something actually hit me on my cheek...stuff rained down" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese explaining how he jumped a chain-link fence and ran through yards to closer to where the suspects were standing.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: I see a guy back there and he starts to flee, white guy in white t-shirt; I didn't know if he was a suspect. He runs; I radio in.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: he was a resident of that house, I later learned. I let him run b/c he wasn't a direct threat to the police on scene.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: "I saw the muzzle flashes I could hear Sgt. MacLellan say 'give it up, give it up!'" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese says he took 3-4 good shots at Tamerlan, thought he hit him "but it didn't seem to have any effect" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese says he took a few "skip shots" (ricochet shots) trying to take their ankles out @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: I next see w huge flash, big explosion, "Stuff started raining down on me. Kind of stunned me for a moment."

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
We again see the picture of two men crouching in front of black SUV. Pugliese recalls watching the brothers move around there.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: suspects kept firing, Sgt. MacLellan keeps saying "give it up!"

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: I drew my pistol, took careful aim; trying to hit Tamerlan. Didn't seem to have an effect. I could see them in the headlights.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: I tried to bounce some bullets off the ground and up to the #Tsarnaev brothers; he calls them "skip-shots".

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese knows these ricochet shots since he's also a 30+ year firearms instructor as well.
That shot lets Tamerlan find P's hiding spot.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Tamerlan now charges at Pugliese, firing all the way

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: Tamerlan kept firing at me; I wasn't counting how many shots.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: "that's when suspect 1 noticed where I was, sort of looked at me, he came charging up the street firing at me" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese has identified suspect 1 as Tamerlan #Tsarnaev @NECN

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Jurors are seeing photos like this one from the Watertown shootout, as Sgt. Pugliese testifies @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese says he was about 6-8 feet from Tamerlan. Pugliese had to reload, then Tamerlan's gun jammed @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: we were about 6 to 8 feet apart from each other.
P kept shooting at him, Tamerlan at him.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: Tamerlan kept firing, I had to reload. Continued to "exchange fire" until T's pistol jammed.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
P: He looked his gun, looked at me, we looked at each other, and he threw his gun at me, hitting me in the left bicep.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: "I think out of frustration he threw it (the gun) at me, he turned, ran down the sidewalk & out onto the street" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
P: Tamerlan runs, I follow, chase, and tackle. T was wounded at the time, not sure from what.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese says he tackled Tamerlan, two other officers were trying to cuff him, he was fighting back @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: Tamerlan resists, MacLellan and Reynolds try to get him cuffed; no idea where Dzhokhar is at this time.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
P: we got his right hand behind his back; I didn't want him to roll over in case he had something on him.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: "I looked to my right & I could hear an engine racing & I saw headlights" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
P: we next see "the other guy" is coming at us.
Other 2 officers take off; Pulgiese remains. He can hear engine racing, see headlights.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: I grabbed Tamerlan by back of his belt to stop him from getting struck; I got him about a foot but the black SUV was too fast.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese says the other two officers let go of Tamerlan & took cover as the SUV raced toward them @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Again jurors see the blurry photo of Pugliese trying to arrest Tamerlan. Pugliese says the SUV is heading toward them @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese says SUV almost hit him, felt the breeze of vehicle on his face; watches Tamerlan get hit and dragged down the street.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Dzhokhar watches as Pugliese demonstrates in front of defense table how he tried to pull Tamerlan & rolled back from the SUV @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: "I reached down & grabbed Tamerlan by back of the belt to drag him out of the street to prevent him getting struck @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: "(the SUV) was right in front of my face, I looked to the right, I rolled on my back, I could feel the breeze" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
The SUV wheels "were within inches of my feet," Pugliese says.
Tamerlan gets dragged 25-30 feet he says, until SUV hits a Watertown cruiser.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Prosecution wraps up questioning of Pugliese by getting him to agree Dzhokhar could have driven around Tamerlan @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: Tamerlan is still moving around, I put my foot on his back, cuffed him and called for ambulance.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: we put Tamerlan in ambulance, cut his clothes off him to make sure there were no more devices on him, sent him to hospital.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
- Was there anything in the way of the Mercedes?
- No, he could have just as easily gone around us.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Pugliese: Tamerlan was wearing light colored clothing when he advanced to me @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Defense asks if Tamerlan was wearing a dark blue or black jacket, Pugliese says he remembers light clothing @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Watkins: let's look again at the images of 2 men in front of the Mercedes SUV.
Pugliese is asked to ID Tamerlan as the one in dark clothes.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Correction: Dzhokhar was in dark clothing, he says. Tamerlan in lighter clothing.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Defense again shows the photo of two cars with headlights on as Mercedes heads toward Pugliese & Tamerlan @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Looking at photo again, path doesn't look as open as prosecution got 3 officers to testify, only showed 1 car in diagram @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Watkins: You're an excellent marksman?
Pugliese: "I'm a fairly good shot"
W: did you hit Tamleran?
P: I would think so.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
W: you are aware Tamerlan was hit 7 times
P: I learned that later yes
W: Take credit: You're the best shot in the department
P: I don't know

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Watkins: Tamerlan kept fighting when you tackled him?
Pugliese: Yes.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Defense is done. Govt asks Pugliese if he was hit by gunfire. He says no. He's done & we are in lunch break @NECN #Tsarnaev
Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
#Tsarnaev is back in the courtroom as we await the judge & jury for the afternoon session @NECN

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
From earlier: Offixer Reynolds IDs #Tsarnaev in court before the 2 lock eyes. Credit: Jane Rosenberg

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Back from lunch; Gov't calls James Floyd.
In April, 2013, he lived at 56 Laurel Street in Watertown with wife and 3 week old son.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd says he was asleep on the couch with his son downstairs when he heard gunfire in the middle of the night @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Heard gunshots, ran with sleeping newborn to a new room and tried to figure out what was going on late that night.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd describing layout of his house and yard for the jury; he was sleeping on 1st fl. with baby so wife could sleep upstairs that night.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Noises he heard that woke him up: Thought it was fireworks at first, but looked outside and could see guns firing.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd said he scooped his son up, brought him upstairs to the back of the house, put him down & looked outside @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd said he was downstairs b/c he & his wife would switch off feeding their child, trying to get as much sleep as possible @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd: "I could see guns firing...I could see it was pretty serious so I wanted to get my son upstairs" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd sees that, grabs baby and runs to the back of the house; watched things develop w/ his wife from his 2nd floor window.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd watched two men taking cover behind what was clearly a black SUV Mercedes; they kept going back to get more ammo, light a fuse, etc.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd: "I saw guns firing & people screaming" "I saw blue lights" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd: "I could see two cars and I could see two individuals firing back to the west" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd:"They would pop up & out from time to time, they had things with them that they kept going back to the ground to grab" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd says he wasn't sure if they were getting ammunition but did see things being lit, heard explosions @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd watched two men taking cover behind what was clearly a black SUV Mercedes; they kept going back to get more ammo, light a fuse, etc.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd: They threw 4 things, I heard "clink clink clink" then an explosion two times.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd: looked like one of the suspects took something in a bookbag, seemed to light a fuse and throw something that seemed heavy.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd: That thing blew up immediately and was "far and away" bigger than other explosions; it knocked pictures off our wall.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd: "at some point one of them came out from that cover & started moving forward west" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd: "he seemed to get in some sort of close-range gun fight" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd says he saw the other man grab something out of a backpack, it looked heavy & he launched it as far as he could @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd: "it was a blinding light, we ducked down, a couple pictures came off our wall, we looked down, it was very smokey" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd says the man got back in the SUV, did a 3 point turn, "he floored it" his wife screamed as SUV headed toward police @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd says he & his wife heard a thump & knew the Mercedes SUV had hit something, then it took off @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd says he saw one man walking quickly down the street, saw someone come from a yard & tackle him to the ground @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
We distinctly saw the headlights raise up like it had hit something then we heard a thump @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd said he couldn't tell one brother from another during the fire fight @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
I saw a guy get into the Mercedes and just floor it into the crowd of police officers and other guy; we heard a thunk, Floyd says.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd said he *could* see the man who threw the large bomb & drove off "absolutely without question it was the same person" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
"The vehicle somehow made it" out of there, Floyd tells jurors, and kept going.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd: I couldn't tell which of the suspects was firing weapons. I saw one of them walk down street & exchange gunfire with someone else.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd describes his perspective, seeing Tamerlan get tackled by what he can only ID as "a shadow".

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Floyd says next, the other guy gets into the Mercedes, pulls a 3-point turn to face the officers, and goes as fast as he could.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Huge hail of gunfire, Floyd describes, after the Mercedes ran over someone.

Nothing more; nothing from defense.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Prosecution is done with Floyd. Defense has no questions. @NECN #Tsarnaev
Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Next government witness is Laurel St resident Andrew Kitzenberg @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Witness Andrew Kitzenberg is next.
He provided @cbsboston with many images from that night.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Kitzenberg took several photos of the Watertown shootout on Laurel St @NECN #Tsarnaev


Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Kitzenberg lived on Laurel Street on the night in question; he was up late working and watching a hockey game.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
He hears gunfire, looks out window, runs up to 3rd floor and starts taking pictures from his bedroom.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Kitzenberg says he saw two men standing by the Mercedes SUV, also saw police SUV that had crashed @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Kitzenberg sees 2 men standing behind a black SUV right in front of his apartment. #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Kitzenberg: "I could see gunfire, I could see them crouching, I could see them going into backpacks on the ground..." @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
It was too dark to take a video, he says, so he takes still photos instead. Jury seeing one such image now; two men crouching in headlights

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Kitzenberg: I could see pair going back and forth to a green car and get things out of it too.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Kitzenberg says he could also see the men going back to a green sedan that had its doors open, grabbing things from it @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Kitzenberg: "I really couldn't make out who was shooting...I could see both of them going into the backpacks, crouching" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Both men, he says, went to the green sedan and take bag out of it, return to SUV, grab objects out of bag.
K. couldn't tell who was shooting

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Kitzenberg: "I could actually feel my room shake with those explosives...the third one was much larger" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Kitzenberg: I could hear and feel the bombs exploding.
I could actually feel my room shake, he tells jurors, from 1st 2.
3rd one was larger.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
K: I could see the 3rd one get lit, so I got down on the floor and I could feel bedroom shake, saw huge cloud of smoke.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
After that, could the SUV have just driven straight down Laurel to get away?
Did it do that?
- No.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Instead, K. says the SUV does a U-turn to face the crowd, the driver floors it and heads towards officers.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Kitzenberg says he saw the Mercedes do a u-turn, accelerate down the street, "it seemed like the vehicle was being floored" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Kitzenberg is describing a photo he took showing the green Honda remaining on the street with backpacks on the ground @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Next photo Kitzenberg shows jurors is from Laurel St. once the Mercedes has driven away.
That's it from govt; nothing from defense.
Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Dr. Heather Studley is now called as the 57th prosecution witness.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Next government witness is Dr. Heather Studley, an ER doctor at South Shore Hospital @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Studley is the doctor who treated Dic Donohue: "when he arrived he was unresponsive, not breathing, he was essentially dead" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
She was working 1am on 4/19. Treated MBTA officer Dic Donohue.
He arrived "essentially dead".
No pulse, no heartbeat.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Studley says he had probably died 10 to 15 minutes earlier; looked corpselike, she says.
Gunshot wound to groin.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Studley says we did see the gunshot wound to the groin, "he had bled out almost his entire blood volume on the street" @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Studley says Donohue had essentially lost 10 pints of blood, heart had stopped beating @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Almost all of Donohue's "entire blood flow" was gone, left on street in Watertown she says. His heart had nothing left to pump.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Studley says Donohue was "essentially dead" for about 40-45 minutes. @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
We were able to bring officer Donohue back to life thanks to continuous CPR, a breathing tube, and large IV full of blood.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Studley describes to the jury how they used epinephrine to get his heat to start beating again, he went into surgery @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Studley says Donohue received 28 pints of blood, received platelets & fresh frozen plasma as well. @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Donohue gets infusion of blood, but then starts immediately starts bleeding again through wound in his groin.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Studley: I believe the bullet is still in Dic's leg. Sometimes leaving it in is smarter.
He received 28 pints of blood that night.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Studley: Donohue was in a medically-induced coma for a while; about a month in intensive care. Then Spaulding for rehab.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Studley says Donohue spent about a month in the ICU before going to Spaulding Rehab @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Prosecution is done with Studley, defense has no questions @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong retweeted
Peter Wilson @PetesWire · 2h 2 hours ago
Dr. Heather Studley
Photo: South Shore Hospital

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