Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Jury Trial - discussion *GUILTY*

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Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
FBI Special Agent Michael Nealon testifies next.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
The next government witness is FBI Special Agent Michael Nealon. He's on the Evidence Response Team (ERT) @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Nealon works on the ERT, or Evidence Response Team, in the FBI's Pittsburgh office.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Nealon was called to Boston in April, 2013. He was assigned to Watertown boat scene in particular. He was in charge of evidence.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Nealon says he responded to the Franklin Street crime scene in Watertown where the boat was found @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Jury is looking at this photo of the Watertown boat as Nealon describes the carved wooden slats @NECN #Tsarnaev


Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
AUSA Nadine Pelligrini will ask Nealon specifically about the carvings on the wooden rails/slats inside the boat.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Carvings in wood were actually highlighted by the discharge of a fire extinguisher; clear to read, Nealon says.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
AUSA Nadine Pellegrini brings up a large cardboard box labeled "BOSBOMB" & asks Nealon to open it @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Those two slats, about 3-4 feet long, are in the courtroom now, in a large cardboard evidence box.
Nealon opens the box.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
#Tsarnaev watches as Nealon loudly pulls the carved wooden slats from the box @NECN

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Pellegrini helps Nealon hold the wooden slats, they look to be about 4 feet long @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
As Pellegini shows the jurors the slats up close, some stand to see them, others squint, some take notes @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Pelligrini and Nealon hold up the slats - one person on each side.
#Tsarnaev's head is cocked to the side, but he's looking.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
The carving has a couple of arrows carved as well, to direct the reader to follow the message along the slats.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Jurors are studying the slats, which have been walked over to jury box.
They lean forward, nod their heads.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Nealon says the message "stop killing innocent people and we will stop" appears to be carved into the slats. @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Prosecution is done with direct. Defense begins cross examination @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
With slats still laying on the witness stand, Nealon answers questions about his week working the crime scene in Watertown @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Watkins: by the time you got to the boat, lots of other evidence officials had already been there right?
Nealon: yes.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
W: And you collected evidence from other yards and houses in the neighborhood?
N: That is correct.


Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Watkins: you personally took items out of boat?
Nealon: yes.
Watkins: i want to show you some of the exhibits that have been admitted.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
We see defense evidence pics inside the boat, with blood stains throughout.
Nealon says some blood spots had swabs taken for evidence.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Defense shows Nealon photos of blood from inside the boat. Nealon says there were swabs taken of blood on the boat @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Under cross Nealon agrees they found a bullet fragment embedded in the engine block.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Watkins: Did anyone test to see whose blood that was?
Nealon: I don't know.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Watkins: did you find a gun?
W: any ammo?
W: I have nothing further your honor

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Defense is done with Nealon. Slats are removed. Nealon is excused. @NECN #Tsarnaev
Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
The next government witness is FBI Special Agent Jessica Ulmer. @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Ulmer is a former Dallas cop who now works for FBI in N.Y.
She also responded to Watertown boat scene.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Ulmer also responded to the Watertown boat scene, explains how the neighborhood was blocked off and crime scene protected @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 3h 3 hours ago
Ulmer says her team out of NY began processing the scene shortly after they arrived at 9:45pm on April 19, 2013 @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 3h 3 hours ago
Ulmer: We kept a log of every person who came in and out of that crime scene.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Ulmer found blood on a garage door and a car on 2 neighbors' property; there was also broken glass and blood on someone else's back door.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Ulmer: Observed some blood splatter on a parked vehicle at 73 Franklin, saw blood on a garage at 71 Franklin @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Ulmer found blood on a garage door and a car on 2 neighbors' property; there was also broken glass and blood on someone else's back door.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
At that broken glass/bloody door scene, Ulmer found a cell phone and ATM card. #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Ulmer says 2 cellphones and a debit card were found behind the shed at 63 Franklin St. @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Ulmer says as it began to rain, they tried to protect the evidence as quickly as possible as best they could @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Ulmer: It started raining, and so we swabbed some of the blood samples before they got washed away.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
They also photographed the debit card and the 2 cell phones they located.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Ulmer is showing the jury on a photo from 63 Franklin where she found the 2 cellphones & debit card behind a shed @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Jury is now looking at a photo of a badly smashed white iPhone, damaged black IPhone next to it, debit card underneath them @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Black iPhone, White iPhone, & debit card are recovered; jury is about to see pictures of those items; 1st Ulmer shows where they were found.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Ulmer shows jurors the phones on the ground, heavily damaged/smashed; debit card was underneath the phones.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
The Bank of America debit card is a Mastercard with Dun Meng's name and photo on it; also a Red Sox logo on it.


Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
The debit card shows a photo of and name of Dun Meng, the carjacking victim @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Prosecutor Aloke Chakravarty is holding several evidence bags to show to Ulmer @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Evidence bags containing all those items are being shown to Ulmer now; she opens them.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Ulmer shows jurors the shards of glass and paint flakes from the white iPhone, which was more damaged than the black one.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Ulmer is now opening the evidence bag containing the white iPhone. There are pieces being taken out of the bag with it @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Ulmer: the night that I saw them there was a lot of broken glass on the slate & a lot of chips of white paint @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
The jury is now seeing the glass shards & white paint flakes that had come off the iPhone & dents in the phone @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Ulmer says it looks like "some sort of object had been smashed against the phone".

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Ulmer says there appeared to be heavier damage to the white iPhone, dents appeared to show an object had struck it @NECN #Tsarnaev

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Prosecution is done with Ulmer. Tim Watkins begins cross examination for the defense @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Watkins: did you see blood on the grass?
Ulmer: it was dark, so not really. we looked for bullet fragments.
Watkins: nothing further.

Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 2h 2 hours ago
Defense is done with cross. Ulmer is excused. Jury is told they are done for the day @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
That's it for now - judge surprises everyone again by sending jury home for the day unexpectedly.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Judge says he and lawyers have work to do.
Court is in recess until 9am tomorrow.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
The wooden slats from court today. #Tsarnaev



Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
The Ruger alleged to have been used to kill MIT officer Sean Collier. #Tsarnaev


Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Media allowed to photograph some of today's evidence in #Tsarnaev trial.



Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 2h 2 hours ago
Smashed iPhones found near Watertown boat scene. #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong retweeted
Peter Wilson @PetesWire · 3h 3 hours ago
More shots of boat


#IAmAndrewBreitbart ‏@RichardRSmithJr 4h4 hours ago
RT @lilsarg: #Tsarnaev defense attorney asks Silva if he remembers Dzhokhar “posting about Obama being re-elected.”

Hilary Sargent ‏@lilsarg 4h4 hours ago
Silva was interviewed for Dzhokhar #Tsarnaev’s Rolling Stone story, but used the name “Sam.”

The Boston Globe ‏@BostonGlobe 4h4 hours ago
A childhood friend of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev testified that he gave Tsarnaev a 9mm handgun

Hilary Sargent ‏@lilsarg 4h4 hours ago
Flag prosecutors say hung in Dzhokhar #Tsarnaev’s room is known as the “Black Standard.”

Dan Hausle ‏@dhausleon7 2h2 hours ago
Boat slats where Dzhokhar #Tsarnaev carved his "Stop" killing Muslims msg while hiding out in Watertown



susantran ‏@susantran 57s57 seconds ago
Pix of #Dzhokhar #Tsarnaev & Stephen #Silva. Silva testified he loaned Tsarnaev gun. #7News



The Gold Patrol™ ‏@thegoldpatrol 1h1 hour ago
Bloody pencil found in boat after #Dzhokhar #Tsarnaev was arrested


CW56 Boston ‏@CW56 1h1 hour ago
A friend of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev said the suspect borrowed a gun from him before the attack




(This undated forensics photograph provided by the U.S. Attorney's office and presented as evidence during the federal death penalty trial of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on March 17, 2015 in Boston shows the gun that was used to kill MIT police officer Sean Collier in April 2013. CBS NEWS)
Alysha Palumbo @AlyshaNECN · 18h 18 hours ago
This is a summary of the marathon bombing case jurors were asked to read as part of the questionnaire @NECN #Tsarnaev

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 19h 19 hours ago
Court just now released the jury questionnaire from back in January. I thought these were interesting Qs.



Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 19h 19 hours ago
Another page:



Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 5h 5 hours ago
During #Tsarnaev jury selection almost every juror had to spend significant time explaining their answers to Q77.

Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 19h 19 hours ago
Inside #Tsarnaev's bedroom: he slept on bunk beds.



Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ · 5h 5 hours ago
Another evidence photo from inside #Tsarnaev bedroom - his computer.

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