Early Parole and Missed Opportunities-What happened?

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I agree. It's almost pointless to debate this because it could easily go either way, and we won't know for sure until Jaycee confirms it (and that's if she confirms it).
ITA with you..
But seems LE asked PG if JC knew where her family is?
And PG said somewhere in LA but never said if JC knew or not.
That is how this topic came up.
but it really does not matter ...She sure knows now. :)
And if she did know then, she had no way out.
I do not think we need to go in circles on that one....:)
I don't understand why it's so bad if PG was actually accurate in his answer to Santos' question of whether or not JC knew where her family was? It's possible PG just guessed but it's also possible that he, and maybe JC, knew the general area of where her family might be? If it was just a guess, it's a pretty damn good guess, IMO. If it was a guess, I wonder if he pooped his pants when/if he found out that her family actually was somewhere near LA?

Since he had just confessed to kidnapping and raping her, it seems pretty unlikely that he would then turn around and make something like that up. I would say that is a pretty sure bet that he did know generally where her parents were (assuming that Santos is correct in his reported conversation with PG). My guess is that PG was paranoid about his "family" being discovered and that he kept track of whatever the media reported about Jaycee, maybe other things too. As time wore on that likely diminished, leading to him being more open about exposing the girls to the world, but it would explain why he knew the general location of Jaycee's parents. But I wonder if Jaycee knew as well. That is not so clear, but an interesting possibility.
I agree, Natal. I'm leaning more towards the possibility of at least PG knowing JC's family's general location. Too coincidental, IMO, for PG's answer to have been just a guess.

It is an interesting possibility that JC knew, as well. Though it doesn't change the fact that she was unable to "just leave" or to even contact them. I wholeheartedly believe that PG successfully kept her imprisoned with mental shackles.
Well I need to re-read what was said but I seem to recall that PG said Jaycee knew her family was in Los Angeles and not that Jaycee said she knew.
if she knew its also possible he told her just to say something like 'see they've moved on with they're lives' or some of the typical kidnapper/abuser garbage.
I will also reiterate - TO ME, I would consider Riverside to be in the LA area. Apparently, I'm not the only one. A lot of people would probably consider it to be in the LA area. That doesn't mean it is in the LA area, it just appears as though it is. It might have also appeared to be in the LA area to PG or JC. Who knows? I can understand why it wouldn't be considered in the LA area to those that are native to the LA area. Can you understand that those that aren't native might consider Riverside to be in the LA area?
I agree, and I live in California. Despite the fact that Riverside may only be 59 miles from Los Angeles it has never been considered part of the Los Angeles Area. It has always been its own area. You do not need a reference aka LA to talk about Riverside. It is true people use larger cities for outsiders to understand where they are talking about but I have never heard of anyone from Riverside saying "It is outside Los Angles". Santa Barbara is outside Los Angeles and people never say Santa Barbara is an outlying Los Angeles City. And I believe it is closer to LA than Riverside. Heck, even Ventua is closer to LA but no one would think to say it is a LA subard.

Yeppers, I live in California and live close to Santa Barbara (heck I work there). I was born and raised in Califonrnia. Born in Perris (a subard of Riverside) aka March AFB. Sooooo I think I do know just a tad about what I am talking about. I also lived a few years in Sacramento, really close to Antioc. Sacramento onlly 90 minutes outside of San Francisco but NOT considered a part of San Francisco.

PG was just trying to confuse the police. He probably had no clue the mom had returned to Southern California.

Come on people, think. Tracking Jaycees mom and stepdad would be way more work than PG would even think about doing.
I totally agree jazerelle, it's obvious to anyone in the state of California, that Riverside is NOT part of Los Angeles. Jaycee didn't need to grow up in Southern Ca to know this, neither did Garrido. To suggest otherwise is ludicrous!:banghead::banghead::banghead:
if she knew its also possible he told her just to say something like 'see they've moved on with they're lives' or some of the typical kidnapper/abuser garbage.
True...but many possibilities...I wonder how much truth we will ever really get. NOT...

Notice how quite Elizabeth Smart is about her abduction?
Just a feeling ... They will also keep much close to the vest.
But the possibilities are many.

It is good that she is dribbling some bits and pieces out, bottom line is she didn't
want to be there. She wanted freedom.
if she knew its also possible he told her just to say something like 'see they've moved on with they're lives' or some of the typical kidnapper/abuser garbage.
Along the lines of, "they don't care about you, they didn't even wait in the same house for you to move back"
Well I need to re-read what was said but I seem to recall that PG said Jaycee knew her family was in Los Angeles and not that Jaycee said she knew.

I didn't say JC said she knew. I said it is an interesting possibility. Not the same thing.

You are half correct in your recollection that PG said JC knew because he is the one that answered the question and not JC. However, PG wasn't very clear as to whether or not JC knew in his answer to Santos' question:

Santos asked PG, "Does JC know where her family is?"

PG answered, "Somewhere in Los Angeles."
To suggest otherwise is ludicrous!

To continue to carry on about something that is pretty close to irrelevant is even more ludicrous!

Maybe you should let it go now, your head has got to be on :furious:fire:furious:!
if she knew its also possible he told her just to say something like 'see they've moved on with they're lives' or some of the typical kidnapper/abuser garbage.

Along the lines of, "they don't care about you, they didn't even wait in the same house for you to move back"

I think so, too. I think PG told her all kinds of garbage like this. I think it's possible that they did know where her family was and PG used it as a way to keep her "under his thumb".

I'm glad she finally knows the truth; that her family ALWAYS loved her and never stopped thinking about her and looking for her and that they didn't move away to hide from her and that they DO want her! Now she finally knows the truth. And she is mad, I think! GOOD!
Everybody thinks differently and every body has a right to think whatever they want.
AS long as they are on JCs side; and as long as they don't enable any perp with one once of BS.
that is all there is.
Feb 18, 2010 9:12 pm US/Pacific
CDCR: Parole Agent Changes Due To Garrido Case

"Definitely agents can use county information to understand what property lines are again, with modern technology with Google Maps, those are just still images and it's important to look beyond that," explains Hinkle.

In November, the State Inspector General said the Department of Corrections failed Jaycee and her daughters, and they recommended ten changes for the department.

Hinkle says they made all of them, which include making sure sex offender parolees have been correctly assessed for their risks to re-offend, have all sex offender parolees on real-time GPS monitoring program and provide training to parole agents on conducting a parolee home inspection.

More here.

they closed the barn door 19 years after the horse got out.

they closed the barn door 19 years after the horse got out.

HaHa! I know, right?

Well, hopefully, the CDCR did learn a very valuable lesson from their failures in this case in order to prevent it from happening again.
HaHa! I know, right?

Well, hopefully, the CDCR did learn a very valuable lesson from their failures in this case in order to prevent it from happening again.

It is such an odd case that these particular circumstances likely wouldn't happen again, but I expect that there will be other equally odd cases involving circumstances that they didn't expect in the future. In the end it all comes down to human nature and the fact that most people are not very good at their jobs (parole officers are no exception). We only hear about the cases where the PO has erred, not the cases where they catch these sorts of violations, so sooner or later some other strange case like this one is going make the headlines again.
It is such an odd case that these particular circumstances likely wouldn't happen again, but I expect that there will be other equally odd cases involving circumstances that they didn't expect in the future. In the end it all comes down to human nature and the fact that most people are not very good at their jobs (parole officers are no exception). We only hear about the cases where the PO has erred, not the cases where they catch these sorts of violations, so sooner or later some other strange case like this one is going make the headlines again.
BBM: YA and that is what perps bank on. :( :( :(
and study all the loop holes...
Unfortunetly I do believe that not only LE, and attorneys read her....:(
In reading the parole reports, a parole officer on 6/8/99 reported that the parolee "Resides in Antioch. Owns a printing shop." Then the parole office reports on 9/2/99, "phoned the subject at work".

Now, this sounds to me, as if "work" was somewhere else besides home. Anyone else think this? Just trying to establish if there was indeed at one time a "print shop" away from the Antioch residence.

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