Ebola outbreak - general thread #3

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Harmony 2

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Oct 12, 2008
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I will start us off by saying that every day that no one in the apartment gets a fever is a GOOD day! Regardless of what you think of Duncan and the gf ,surely the children deserve our prayers and mercy. I do not believe the gf knew he had it prior to him getting to Dallas. I do not believe she would expose the minor children to it, no matter what kind of love she had for the man. We are right in the middle of the incubation period and if they're doing good so far, maybe they will continue to do so. :please:
All I have to say is why have protocols for quarantine and then not abide by them?. Less than 8 days is not 21 days!..and if I was in Texas or if my family got infected due to someones lax and inept ability to follow through with correct protocol you can damn well bet there would be a major lawsuit!
I will start us off by saying that every day that no one in the apartment gets a fever is a GOOD day! Regardless of what you think of Duncan and the gf ,surely the children deserve our prayers and mercy. I do not believe the gf knew he had it prior to him getting to Dallas. I do not believe she would expose the minor children to it, no matter what kind of love she had for the man. We are right in the middle of the incubation period and if they're doing good so far, maybe they will continue to do so. :please:

I think chances that Duncan infected no one are slim to none. In Liberia, at least 9 people so far were infected by Marthalene Williams (woman who infected Duncan). Way more than 2 they are saying average person with Ebola is expected to infect. But even assuming that each person infects two, then in all likelihood Duncan infected someone.
This has been a real wake up call for everyone. IMO I think even the officials got shook up. Somehow we always think we will never be involved with disasters and diseases. I worry being so close to a big city, 2 doctors in my immediate family, a grandson in a huge college and 3 in high school going to activities. Educate as many as we can.
Thanks for the nice clean thread!

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All I have to say is why have protocols for quarantine and then not abide by them?. Less than 8 days is not 21 days!..and if I was in Texas or if my family got infected due to someones lax and inept ability to follow through with correct protocol you can damn well bet there would be a major lawsuit!

Jumping off your post, Would it be that much of a travesty to ALL countries to close borders for 3 weeks to stop the spread globally, come on 3 weeks is nothing. jmo idk
I think chances that Duncan infected no one are slim to none. In Liberia, at least 9 people so far were infected by Marthalene Williams (woman who infected Duncan). Way more than 2 they are saying average person with Ebola is expected to infect. But even assuming that each person infects two, then in all likelihood Duncan infected someone.

I agree with you fully. I will be so surprised if no one else comes down with it. But I expected in the first few days after his hospitalization that we would hear the others were getting sick. So every day we do not hear that I'm hopeful. :)

ETA Just wanted to add that my inner conspiracy theorist is acting up and wonders if the gated community isn't more like the isolation ward in a medical facility and perhaps they are ill. But to not cause a panic, we may be getting a sanitized version of events. **speculative and certainly not true **** But ,,,,, I think some of you know what I'm saying ;)
With all respect...........I guess I'm dense but I don't understand how a lawsuit would help anything. A lawsuit can't stop the spread of Ebola.
CNN still says that Duncan I still fighting for his life. Being unconsciense has it's blessings, praying he is pain free.
CNN just said another man is on his way to NEB. I didn't catch who.
With all respect...........I guess I'm dense but I don't understand how a lawsuit would help anything. A lawsuit can't stop the spread of Ebola.
We have become a suing nation for money. People know big hospitals will pay out.
With all respect...........I guess I'm dense but I don't understand how a lawsuit would help anything. A lawsuit can't stop the spread of Ebola.

It's called being negligent and if someone's negligence killed your loved one a major lawsuit might keep it from happening again to others
Every time a new person gets Ebola, the virus gets another chance to mutate and develop new capabilities. Osterholm calls it "genetic roulette."

Dr. James Le Duc, the director of the Galveston National Laboratory at the University of Texas, said the problem is that no one is keeping track of the mutations happening across West Africa, so no one really knows what the virus has become.

Whilst the maximum incubation period for Ebola is three weeks, closing borders for 3 weeks cannot guarantee that the outbreak is over because the disease will still be spreading within the affected countries.

For that approach to work, the borders would have to be shut until three weeks after the last documented person or people had had contact with Ebola and remained disease free - until we get the outbreak under control, that might as well be forever.

Closing borders without tackling the outbreak on the ground in the three affected countries with a massive response seems very unlikely to work because until we do that, there is nothing to suggest that people will stop getting infected.
We have become a suing nation for money. People know big hospitals will pay out.

I wouldn't do it for money as much as to stop the negligence sometimes you have to hit them where it hurts.. And I'm not even talking about suing the hospital.. There's far bigger fish to fry on this imo
Just want to add I'm not sue happy never sued anyone in my life but if my family got infected due to negligence on whomevers part I would.. They have protocols for a reason.
Dr Freiden and Dr Fauci have been on talk shows all week. Every channel I put on Dr Freiden is on, WTH? GET BACK TO WORK, darn it.

There have been American children dying from the Enterovirus. A child in NJ has died from it and he had pink eye. He died in his sleep.
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